• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 2 - Numerous Enigmas

Arc walks down his basement stairs. His squad stands as he enters the room. Max approaches him.

“How is he, sir?”

“Not the greatest. In a coma at the moment.”

Ember frowns. “How?! From the fire?!”

Arc shakes his head. “No. The doctor can’t really explain why though.”

Xenos frowns. “How did Shelly and Lily take it?”

“Okay, I suppose. I mean, we didn’t really like what he was doing and all. But Frank was… is our friend.”

Viktor approaches Arc with a sealed scroll. “This came through the portal from Equestria while you were out, sir.”

Arc nods and accepts it. “Okay. Anything else? Like a radio transmission?”

Hugh shakes his head. “Nothing, sir.”

Ember shrugs. “It’s all so mysterious. Why Sunburst didn’t just call you on your earring is anyone’s guess.”

“Yeah. I hope nothing’s wrong.”

Arc unrolls the parchment and begins to read.

“Hmmm… this is promising.”

Ember appears hopeful. “Good news?”

“It says here he’s made some discoveries and that I should come see him about it at once.”

Max looks nervous. “What about Shelly and Lily?”

“I already took them home. After all, there’s nothing we can do for Frank at the moment. But I really don’t want to leave right now.”

Viktor steps forward. “We could check up on them, sir.”

Xenos nods. “Yeah. It’s no trouble.”

“That would actually be of great help you guys. Thanks.”

Ember smiles. “So when do we go?”

Arc looks at the scroll again. “It says here that the next window should be… about now. And there’s another one in two days that we can use to get back.”

Hugh salutes. “We’ll take care of things until then, sir.”

Sereb walks over to the Portable Recall Unit and returns to his true form. “If Sunburst believed this important enough to warrant our immediate attention we should not tarry.”

Arc nods. “Agreed. Let’s go.”

Ember presses the button. The unit begins to hum as a portal forms. Arc turns to the wolf.

“You coming, Sereb?”


Arc turns to his squad. “Call me if something… ANYTHING comes up! The Shards are still a threat.”

“Yes sir.”

“I’ll be back in a couple days. If…”

Ember grabs Arc’s arm. “Come on! They’ll be fine!”

“Wait! But…!”

Sereb bumps Arc through the portal along with Ember before turning back to the squad.

“We’ll be back.”

He jumps through as Max steps forward to shut the device off. Xenos turns to the others.

“What do you guys think was so important?”

Hugh shrugs. “No idea. But it must be big if the Lead Sage doesn’t want to risk anyone hearing it over the radio.”

Viktor shudders. “Think it’s that bad?”

Max puts the device back in its place. “Well, it can’t have been good. That much is certain.”

Meanwhile, Arc, Ember and Sereb appear back in Princess Celestia’s room. Ember looks around.

“No one to meet us?”

Arc looks at the machine. “I guess Sunburst was able to automate this thing.”

Sereb frowns. “That makes me uneasy.”

Ember nods. “Me too.”

Arc steps off the platform. “In any case, let’s go see him and find out what’s up.”

They leave the room. One of the guards outside approaches Arc and salutes.

“Sir! Lead Sage Sunburst wanted me to inform you that he will see you in his office immediately upon your arrival.”

“Good. We’ll head there now. Have the princesses meet us there.”

“Yes sir. That was the Lead Sage’s intent.”

Ember taps her foot impatiently. “Let’s go already!”

“Alright. Thank you.”

He turns away from the guard and follows the pair down the corridor. Sereb turns to Ember.

“You seem very anxious about this news.”

“I don’t like being kept out of the loop on secrets.”

Arc chuckles. “Is that a dragon greed thing?”


They head for Sunburst’s office together. As they approach the doors several Royal Guards block their path. Arc addresses the one in charge.

“What’s going on?”

“Sir! Lead Sage Sunburst has restricted access to this part of the castle to all but authorized personnel.”

“Um, he sent a message asking me to come.”

“Yes sir, he made us aware of this. However your companions should wait outside.”

Ember glares at him. “What?! WHY?!”

“I’m not sure, ma’am. But he seemed VERY worried about something.”

A familiar voice rings out behind them.

“That won’t be necessary, commander.”

The guards straighten up as Luna and Cadance approach.

“If the Hero of Light has brought companions, he certainly has a good reason.”

Cadance nods. “Please step aside.”

“Yes, your highnesses.”

The guards part as the group enters the office. Sunburst looks around nervously as Rose and Spike attempt to calm him down.

“You need to get a grip, Sunburst! The princesses and Arc will figure this out!”

Rose nods. “Right. You should have more faith in them.”

“But this is…!”

Arc and company approach the desk.

“I got your message, Sunburst.”

Ember frowns. “Cryptic as it was.”

Luna notes Sunburst’s haggard appearance. “Can we assume what you found was troubling?”

Sunburst nods and walks over to her slowly. “Yes, your highness. My research has been most fruitful. Sadly.”

Cadance appears confused. “How can success be a bad thing?”

Serb sighs. “The truth is not always a pleasant thing to know, Princess Cadance.”

Spike looks to Rose. “I don’t get it.”

“Nor do I.”

Luna clears her throat. “I believe Arc was saying that blissful ignorance is sometimes preferred over a frightening truth.”

“Right. But let’s hear it anyways, Sunburst.”

“Very well.”

He nervously walks over to a large safe. Looking all around before putting in the combination Sunburst opens the door and pulls out a large box. Setting it on the desk he shakily reaches into his cloak for a key. Ember raises an eyebrow.

“I’ve heard of security, but this is ridiculous.”

Sereb nods. “What is in there must be most dangerous.”

Slowly Sunburst opens the lid and pulls out a vial of liquid before turning to face Arc.

“This is the substance you sent me originally, sir.”

Rose nods. “From the gas station.”

Cadance looks to Arc confused. “Gas… what?”

“It’s where humans refuel their vehicles.”

Luna raises an eyebrow. “Like airships?”

“Not quite. Sorry, but it’s kinda hard to explain.”

Sunburst sets the vial in a holder. “In any case, I’ve found that this substance is very similar to a very potent health drink.”

Spike frowns. “It’s what now?”

Ember scoffs at this. “Do you mean to tell me the Shards are making beverages now?!”

Arc put a hand to his chin. “There has to be more to it than that.”

“There must be, sir. But I should probably show you what else I found.”

Sunburst reaches into the box and pulls out a series of vials. Rose turns to Arc as Sunburst sets them out.

“These are the substances taken from the Shards.”

Spike opens a nearby drawer and pulls out some papers. He hurries back to the desk and gives them to Sunburst.

“Here’s the instructions that Rose brought as well.”

“Thank you, Spike.”

Sunburst shakily turns to the others.

“I mixed up a small batch of the chemical as per these instructions.”

Cadance looks nervous. “Was the resulting substance volatile?”

Rose shakes her head. “Quite the opposite, your highness. It’s quite inert.”

“That is a relief.”

Sereb nods. “Agreed.”

Arc sighs. “So we have a health drink and an inert substance. That doesn’t make any sense.”

“I thought so too. That’s when Rose suggested mixing the two.”

Ember furrows her brow. “Wasn’t that dangerous?!”

“Mother designed me to resist chemical damage from both acidic, caustic, and magical sources.”

Arc sighs. “I wish you wouldn’t take such risks, Rose.”

Sunburst nods. “As do I. But what’s done is done. It’s what she found that was truly terrifying!”

Rose frowns. “When the substances were combined, the liquid began to glow and bubble violently. It’s appearance at the time suggested it might explode. However as quickly as the reaction started, it stopped.”

Cadance looks at the vials. “And the end result?”

Sunburst pulls another vial out of the box and holds it up.


Swirling inside the glass vial are a slew of multi-colored liquids moving seemingly at random. Ember frowns.

“What the…?”

Luna turns to the Lead Sage. “Sunburst, what are we looking at?”

Arc nods. “I mean, that’s really pretty and all. But I’m guessing the Shards are after something a bit more than aesthetics.”

Sunburst sighs. “Rose and I have run numerous tests on this unknown substance, and may have figured out its purpose.”

Cadance smiles. “Good. What is it?”

“Preliminary tests show it to be a very powerful ability enhancer.”

Ember looks at the vial again. “Um… what?”

Arc frowns. “Like steroids?”

“I’m not sure what ‘steroids’ are, sir. But this substance should, at least in theory, increase the abilities of whatever imbibes it.”

Rose nods. “A magic user would get a massive boost to their power.”

Spike shudders. “And an Earth Pony would become significantly stronger!”

Luna turns to Sunburst. “Would a pegasus be able to fly especially fast?”

“Yes. Again, in theory. The only problem is, at least from our preliminary tests, it would appear that none of these three species would survive their newfound abilities.”

Spike counts on his claws as he talks. “The unicorn’s horn would most likely explode from casting the first supercharged spell. A pegasi’s wings would burst into flames after a few seconds of supersonic flying. And an Earth Pony would probably shatter every bone in their body the first time they went to hit something.”

Cadance gasps. “So it would kill anypony using it?!”

Sunburst nods. “Most likely. However I shudder to think what somepony with murderous intentions might do with this substance.”

Luna narrows her eyes. “What do you mean?”

“The only use for this substance as it sits would be force feeding it to a victim to cause damage.”

Spike’s eyes grow wide. “Wait! You mean somepony might give this to an innocent bystander?!”

Rose thinks for a moment. “Maybe. Knock out a unicorn, give them this, and the first spell they cast… boom!”

Arc nods thoughtfully. “That may be. But this was created on Earth. No earth ponies, pegasi, or unicorns there.”

Sereb growls. “Perhaps they wanted to do the same to other humans then?”

Luna contemplates this. “That makes a bit more sense. Sunburst, would the effects be the same if applied to a human?”

Sunburst nods. “Yes. If dispersed into the water supply it would be chaos!”

Cadance gasps. “Earth may be in very real danger then!”

Arc looks away. “Yes. However, I don’t think that’s what Frank was planning on doing with it.”

Spike frowns. “How can you be so sure?”

“I’ve known him since we were kids. He doesn’t want to hurt innocents.”

Arc turns back to Rose.

“If this substance was watered down, could the effect be controlled?”

“I suppose so.”

Ember turns to Arc. “Maybe he wanted super strong members. Like steel-bending strong.”

Spike nods. “Makes sense. You could do a lot of harm that way though.”

Sunburst does some quick calculations.

“That would make the effects of this potion temporary at best. That is if it worked at all.”

Luna frowns. “How long?”

“A few minutes at best. To bring this down to safe levels might also negate the benefits completely.”

Ember sighs. “Leave it as-is and kill the subject. Water it down and it’s worthless. So we should be worried about this stuff why now?”

Arc frowns. “In the off chance the Shards, or anyone really, figures out how to make it viable. Many innocents could be hurt. Or worse!”

Cadance takes a step back. “Now I see why you’re so upset by this, Sunburst.”

“Yes, your highness. If this fell into the wrong hooves it could spell the end of Equestria! Or Earth for that matter!”

Arc nods with determination. “I won’t let that happen!”

Ember puts a hand on Arc’s shoulder. “Neither will I!”

Sereb turns to Arc. “What can we do to stop it?”

“For starters, make sure the Shards don’t have any more of this stuff lying around. Then we find out where it came from.”

Rose looks up. “I read quite a few things on that place you call the Internet, Arc. This substance is comprised of a number of chemicals that are readily available.”

Sunburst sighs. “Yes. All except for one.”

Ember grins. “Just one? Now we’re getting somewhere!”

Sereb nods. “What is this secret ingredient.”

Rose shakes her head. “That is unknown. It’s chemical composition is unlike anything I found in the Internet datafiles.”

Sunburst nods soberly. “It does not appear to exist here in Equestria either.”

Cadance sighs. “So that lead goes nowhere then?”

Luna frowns. “So it would seem. Sunburst, can you give Arc something to go on here?”

“The Shards are the key. Someone over there knows something about this.”

Ember nods. “Sure. Like what though?”

Arc picks up the vial and looks at its rainbow colors again. “Like where that secret ingredient comes from.”

Sereb growls. “And what they intend to do with it.”


Arc gives the vial to Spike to put away before turning back to Sunburst.

“What about those other items I sent to you?”

Sunburst opens his safe again. “I have them right here.”

He puts the lockbox away before removing a tray from another shelf. Placing it on his desk Sunburst picks up the knife from Lord Gestal.

“This weapon is indeed solid guardanium! It would cost a fortune in the Griffon Kingdom! Here, it’s value would be astronomical due to the scarcity of such things!”

Arc nods as he takes the dagger. “What can you tell me about the metal?”

“It’s nearly indestructible!”

Luna raises an eyebrow. “Nearly?”

Rose nods. “We only believe that, as nothing is truly impervious to damage, your highness.”

Cadance looks the weapon over. “Is it magical, Sunburst?”


Sereb frowns. “Could it have been part of the crafting process?”

Rose shakes her head. “No. It appears to be innate to the metal itself.”

Sunburst holds out a hoof. “Sir, may I?”

Arc hands him the knife. Sunburst takes it as Spike holds up a piece of paper. Putting the knife to the paper he deftly and cleanly slices it down the middle. Luna nods approvingly.

“Razor sharp.”

“Indeed. Now watch this.”

Sunburst walks over to a heavy steel table in the corner. He drags the blade across it a few times leaving light scratches in the table’s surface. Cadance sighs.

“Well, I suppose it can’t cut everything.”

“Let’s try again.”

Sunburst channels his magic through the blade. Dragging it across the table it leaves heavy marks in the surface. He intensifies the magic stream and takes a final swing. The table is effortlessly cut in half as Ember jumps back.


Sereb gasps. “That table… it didn’t stand a chance.”

Luna turns to Sunburst as he walks back to the others. “Sunburst, how?!”

“My magic, when properly channeled through the blade’s edge, was focused and amplified.”

Arc takes the knife and looks it over. “Not a scratch on it either.”

Rose nods. “If you test it, the blade is still razor sharp as well.”

Luna thinks for a moment. “The cutting power appears nearly as powerful as our military’s Magic Blade technology.”

“Yes, your highness. However it does not require an external power source, as such magic blades do. Just a unicorn to provide the magic.”

Arc sighs. “Lady Ashe told me this metal is very expensive and difficult to work with. It’s probably not any cheaper to forge this knife versus building a Magic Blade.”

Cadance turns to Luna. “Do you suppose the griffons know about the magical properties?”

“I would say no. They don’t possess any magical ability of their own, so this is not a discovery they would be likely to make.”

Arc puts the knife in his magic ring. “This might come in handy someday. Thanks for figuring this out, Sunburst.”

“You are welcome. Now then, we still have this bolt you sent me, sir.”

Cadance shudders. “That cursed thing should be destroyed!”

Luna shakes her head. “No, Cadance. I get the feeling it’s far too valuable a clue to discard.”

“You would be correct, your highness. This bolt is indeed composed of the same metal as that dagger.”

Ember frowns. “What does that prove?”

Sereb growls. “That our opponents are not mere malcontents.”

Arc nods. “Right. This proves definitively that they have VERY powerful, wealthy, and influential friends backing them.”

Luna sighs. “Indeed.”

Sereb looks confused. “But we already knew that.”

Arc nods. “True. But before now, their friends might have just been plants in the military. This metal proves they’re either VERY good at larceny or have master craftsmen on their side.”

Cadance frowns. “But where would they have gotten ahold of such a valuable metal?”

Rose sighs. “That is unknown, Princess Cadance. However, this bolt is special in its own right.”

Arc looks over. “Does this mean you were successful in analyzing the substance on it?”

Sunburst nods. “Yes sir. It is indeed Sanguine Azolla.”

Ember slams her fist down on the table. “I knew it!”

Sereb chuckles. “Did you?”


Spike gasps. “So they wanted to put Princess Luna into another coma?!”

Sereb growls. “That would certain have put a stop to the treaty.”

Ember grins. “Well, they failed.”

Cadance sighs. “Yes. And I’m certain they’re none too thrilled about that.”

Rose looks to Arc. “That is most likely correct. But this bolt has also been heavily enchanted.”


Sunburst nods. “The Sanguine Azolla on the tip of this bolt has been altered slightly. Most likely to work with the enchantment.”

Luna frowns. “Are you saying the rebels had intended to do more than put me to sleep?!”

“Possibly, your highness. Both bolts sent to me are identical in this regard.”

Sereb narrows his eyes. “What kind of ward was placed on it?”

“The enchantment is a very powerful amplifier of latent magical properties.”

Ember rolls her eyes. “So…”

“It made the Sanguine Azolla take effect nearly immediately.”

Arc’s eyes grow wide at this. “So Princess Luna would have gone insane?!”

“Unlikely. She probably would have slept until the antidote was administered. The rebels probably hoped this would give them time to plant the seeds of dissent in the populace. Perhaps even the Council of Lords themselves.”

Cadance gasps. “A frightening thought!”

Sereb smiles. “Yet again they failed.”

Ember shrugs. “I’m not sure if we’re just lucky or divinely protected from some of these things.”

Arc nods as Spike heads for the safe. “I’ll take either at this point. Anything else you three have figured out?”

“Just one. This weird rock.”

Ember looks confused. “Rock?”

Spike walks the rock over to Arc. He holds it out to Ember.

“Remember this?”

Ember nods as she takes the stone. “Now I do.”

Cadance looks confused. “What is that?”

“A sample of the stone the southern temple was constructed from.”

Luna steps back. “That anti-magic rock?”

“Yes, Princess Luna.”

Sunburst begins pacing. “Upon physical examination this appears to be little more than an ancient building material. However when I looked at a bit of the dust under a microscope I could clearly see it was treated with some kind of substance.”

Ember frowns. “Any idea what it could have been?”

Rose shakes her head. “I have examined all the books in the Royal Library. None make mention of this substance or the process by which these rocks were treated.”

Arc turns to Rose. “Hold on! You read EVERY book?!”

“Well, that’s not completely true.”

Spike nods. “Yeah. Some of them she already knew from Twilight’s library.”

Sereb sighs. “That is a bit… off-putting.”

Sunburst shrugs. “In any case, her knowledge of our library has greatly sped along my research.”

Luna looks warily at the rock. “But that doesn’t change the fact this knowledge has been lost to the sands of time.”

Ember puts the rock on the desk and takes a step back. “Um… are we in any danger of this stone sealing our magic again?”

Sunburst shakes his head. “No, Ember.”

Arc thinks for a moment. “Sunburst, does the effect of these rocks compound with size?”


Sereb nods. “I believe Arc means if the rock was much larger, could it seal our magic?”

“Yes. But it would have to be MUCH larger!”

Ember rolls her eyes. “Like, say… ancient temple size?”

Rose nods. “Yes. As we found during our journey, that effect is quite real.”

Arc takes the rock from the desk and looks it over. “This is very interesting.”

Cadance looks over. “Part of the puzzle, Arc?”

“Kinda. Or more accurately, part of a different puzzle altogether.”

Luna frowns. “Which one would that be?”

Arc looks soberly at the rock in his hand as he sighs.


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