• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 4 - Doing Their Best (Part 2)

Arc and Ember walk back to the Jeep sometime later. Getting in, Arc starts the vehicle and gets the heat going.

“That was tasty!”

Ember grins. “Yes, it was! Thanks for taking me!”

Arc smiles at her. “Thanks for coming up with this date idea.”

“I’ve been dreaming of this for a long time, Arc.”

“The date or the meal?”

“Both, actually. Um... but what should we do now?”

“I’m not sure. Do you have anything you’d like to do or see?”

Ember sighs. “Not... really, no.”

“This is harder than I thought.”

“I do have one request though.”

“What is it?”

“Regardless of where we go next, please let it be somewhere warm.”

Arc chuckles as he shifts the vehicle into ‘drive’. “You got it.”

An hour later they arrive at a truly massive building. Ember turns to Arc as they park.

“Um... where are we?”

Arc chuckles as he turns off the motor. “I could tell you. But it’s probably easier for you to just see it for yourself.”

Opening their doors, the pair walk toward the building. Approaching the counter Arc purchases two tickets. Leading Ember through a door she gasps as an amazing sight meets her eyes.

“What... the...?”

Arc smiles as he gestures with a wave of his hand. “I give you... an indoor forest.”

“But... but HOW?!”

“It’s just a really, REALLY big greenhouse.”

Ember grins as they start walking. “Kinda reminds me of a tamer version of the Dragon Lands.”

“I thought it would.”

“Awesome idea!”

Arc smiles as he offers Ember his arm cordially. “Glad you like it.”

Walking down the concrete path they marvel at the sights all around them. Ember lays her head on his shoulder as she talks.

“Nice place to make eggs.”

Arc shakes his head. “You really do have a one track mind, don’t you?”

“With you, yes.”

“I’m sure Auriel will do her best. But let’s not get our hopes up.”

“Just being optimistic. After all, I’d just LOVE making you a father, Arc!”

“Question about that. What would our offspring be known as?”

Ember raises an eyebrow, confused. “Off... what-now?”

“Sorry. I wasn’t sure what our children would be called.”

She puts a hand to her chin thoughtfully. “Whelplings, I guess. But... they wouldn’t be full blooded dragons, so... there’s that.”

“Would that be a problem?”

“Kinda, yeah. You see, the Dragon Lord needs to bring forth the next generation. While in the past they’ve always been a male, it means that I need to actually carry the eggs and produce an heir myself versus impregnating someone else.”

“It sounds kinda... cold when you say it like that.”

Ember shrugs. “I guess that’s true. But I’m just being honest about this.”

“So... our kids would be ineligible?”

“Yes. Not being dragons is part of it. But since they couldn’t impregnate, or be impregnated, by another dragon it would effectively end the leadership bloodlines.”

“What could be done about that?”

“Well... the only thing I could do would be to... um...”

She looks down at her hands before continuing.

“...have eggs at some point with a dragon.”

Arc frowns. “But you don’t want to do that, right?”

“Not in the least! I mean... I do want YOU inside of me! But the idea of another dragon impregnating me is just plain gross!”

“While I’m glad you feel that way, it still doesn’t solve the problem.”

“I spoke to Auriel and Twilight about this already. They came up with a pretty good idea.”


“While I don’t want to lift my tail to someone other than you, technically I have to in order to do my duty to the Dragon Lands. Auriel recommended artificial insemination.”

“That might just work. Um... but whom would you get the sperm from?”

“Another dragon, obviously.”

“I meant specifically.”

Ember grins. “Yeah, I know. Twilight had an idea for that one.”

“She’s usually pretty good for that.”

“It’s so simple, yet I never even considered it.”

“Do tell.”

“Okay. So her idea was to have me gather a male dragon and have their, uh... sample taken by the castle medical staff.”

“But I thought it would be quite some time before your body was ready for...”

Ember interrupts him. “It will be another couple hundred years, yes. So this won’t be happening anytime soon. However, Twilight told me that when the time was right that she’d order the proper individuals to help me with this.”

“That’s good.”

“In any case, her plan was to have a bit of the sample placed into an applicator of sorts. A doctor would then insert it into my backside and fertilize me. With any luck, one shot would be enough to do the deed.”

“Are you okay with that though?”

Ember raises an eyebrow. “Okay with what?”

“Being impregnated like that.”

“Not sure what else I can do.”

She smiles wickedly before continuing.

“Unless you want to take a shot at it.”

“Wouldn’t work though.”

“Never know unless we try though, right?”

“I suppose not. But Auriel is certain that as it stands I can’t get you pregnant.”

“While I do believe her, I do still have my... preferences.”

“This method of an applicator over actual, um... intimacy.”

Ember makes a face. “Definitely!”

Arc sighs. “I do wish you’d reconsider.”

“There’s nothing to...!”

“Please understand that I just want you to be happy, Ember.”

Ember groans. “And I will be. When this mess is over and the Dragon Lands have their next generation. But can we please talk about something else?”

“Sure. After all, we’re not getting anywhere with this conversation.”

They walk on in silence for a time. Eventually Arc breaks it.

“Can I ask you something?”


“Are you really okay with the whole herd idea?”

Ember raises an eyebrow. “Yeah. Why wouldn’t I be?”

“Well... dragons are usually very possessive. Or so I’ve read.”

“That’s true, yes. However I see it a bit differently than another female dragon might.”

“Can you elaborate?”

Ember nods. “Sure. Anyone else would see the other wives as competition and try to eliminate them in an effort to gain the full affection of the male.”

“But not you, right?”

“Nah. I don’t see it as there being more love for me from you. But me being surrounded by others whom I care for and whom care for me.”

“That’s... an interesting way of looking at it. We’ll have our own little lifelong focus group, or something.”

Ember raises an eyebrow. “You’re just now thinking of that?”

Arc sighs. “Sorry. Haven’t really had time to consider the nuances of this whole thing.”

“Well, you probably should before proceeding.”

“I know you’re right. We really need to get everyone together and start talking some of these things out.”

“Come to a meeting once in a while and that’ll happen.”


“We have them several times a week, after all.”

Arc groans. “Right. Hammer told me about that.”

“So get back into it then!”

“Not sure I was ever in it.”

“Never too late to start.”

“Agreed. But I’ve just been so busy with...”

Ember interrupts him. “We get that, Arc. Which is why none of us ever forced the issue on you before.”

“Thank you, Ember. But I need to be a better person if I’m going to be a part of the herd.”

“I don’t see how. After all, you’re perfect from where I stand.”

“Trust me, I’m not. Remember just how long it took us to have this date.”

Ember takes his arm and grins. “Yeah. And I’m having the time of my life here, Arc.”

Arc looks around. “Probably because it’s warm here.”

“Thanks for that.”

“It amazing. This place is within driving distance of my house and I’ve never been here before.”

“Is that a bad thing?”

“Kinda. Now I wish I’d taken Shelly and Lily here. They both really like nature, but don’t have much time off.”

“It could be an afternoon trip.”

Arc sighs. “Too late for that now though.”

“What if Shelly had another good day?”

“It’d have to be one heck of an improvement to give her the strength to get out of bed again.”

“I hope she does.”

“So do I.”

“Hey, Arc?”

“Yes, Ember?”

“I’m curious. How do you feel about... um...”

She takes a deep breath before continuing.

“...me being... a human?”

“In what way?”

“I mean, do you like me in this form?”

“Yes, I do.”

“If you want I can stay like this.”

Arc shrugs. “If that’s really what you want, that’s up to you.”


“Sure. Just remember that such a thing would have drawbacks.”

Ember grin mischievously. “Like better sex?”

Arc rolls his eyes. “I was referring more to a shorter lifespan, being one of only a small handful of humans in Equestria, and being unable to bear the next Dragon Lord.”


“Are you sure that’s something you can do?”

Ember shrugs. “I could find someone else to lead instead. Like my dad did with The Gauntlet.”

“Can you do that?”

“Probably. After all, he did.”

“I suppose that’s true.”

“You just say the word and I’m done with the whole Dragon Lord thing.”

Arc sighs. “But what about your dad?”

“I’ll help find someone. It’s not like I’m going to leave him high and dry.”

“Well, you do what you want to in that regard.”

Ember stops walking as she gasps.

“I got it!”

Arc turns to her. “Got what?”

“The solution to the heir problem!”

“I thought you had kinda already settled on artificial insemination.”

“Could still go that route.”

“Then what’s different about this new idea?”

“I’ll get back to you on that. Still need to think through a few things.”

“Fine. But let me know when you come up with something.”

Ember grins. “That I will!”

“Now it’s my turn to ask you something.”

“Go for it.”

“How do you feel about settling down in Equestria?”

“You mean living there?”


Ember rolls her eyes. “Like I’ve been doing since we met?”

“I mean for the long term. Years... decades even.”

“Remember, Arc... time is different for a dragon. With so much of it ahead of me, even decades are pretty short.”

“So that means...?”

“I’m fine living in Equestria, yes. Heck, even if I stay there with you and the others for the rest of your lives, well... it’d still just be like an extended stay for me. My dad would still be around to teach me how to be a good Dragon Lord for centuries.”

“Sounds like that part of this matter is taken care of then.”

“Yup. It’s just the egg situation that has me upset.”

“Considering just how far in the future that will be we’re probably wasting our time talking about it at such length.”

Ember puts a hand on his chest as she steps in front of him. “But it’s really bothering me!”

Arc smiles as he puts his hands on her shoulders. “Which is why we’re talking about it so much today.”

“I just wish I could keep things just like this.”

Arc chuckles as he wraps his arms around her. “Warm and safe?”

“You and me together. No greater responsibilities, no fancy title for me, and no one trying to get me to make eggs.”

Arc sighs happily. “The carefree time of our youth.”


“Kids always want to grow up so they can do whatever they want. But then they figure out that adults have so many more responsibilities. “

He puts a finger under her chin and raises her head to look him in the eye before continuing.

“You’ll have a much longer one, what with being a dragon.”

“But it’ll still come to the same thing eventually. Adulthood... responsibilities... and eggs.”

“So we should enjoy the time we have then.”

“How though?”

Arc takes Ember’s hand and starts walking. “Come on. I have an idea.”

Leading Ember down the path, Arc looks around to make sure they’re alone before speaking again.

“Tell me something, Ember. When you were little did you want to find someone special to make eggs with?”

Ember raises an eyebrow. “Um... yes. It’s just natural though.”

“Did you have any other dreams?”


“Tell me about them.”

“Well... there was this one dream I always had. It was about my future mate.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “How is this any different from our earlier conversation?”

“Because this isn’t about eggs. It’s regarding our... relationship.”


“How he treated me mostly.”

“Go on.”

“I wanted someone who was strong, of course. But at the same time... sensitive. They would be conscious of my emotional needs and still be able to keep things together. And... they would be rough when they ravished me while still being concerned for both my safety and pleasure.”

Arc blushes slightly. “So... you want someone like...?”

Ember nods. “Yes. You, Arc.”

“Not sure I can be all that though.”

“You already are though.”

Arc sighs. “I just... don’t really know how I should feel about that.”

“Meant every word, Arc.”

“While I’m sure you did, I still don’t understand how I can live up to the standards you and the others hold me in.”

Ember smiles as she puts a hand on his cheek. “Just be yourself. Do that and everything will fall into place.”

“But I need to be...!”

Ember cuts him off. “More?”


“No, Arc. No, you don’t”


“You keep trying to hold yourself to an unattainable standard. To push yourself to be more than you are.”

“For all of you.”

Ember shakes her head. “We don’t want you to be perfect, Arc.”

“Then what...?”

She smiles widely as she speaks. “All we want is for you to be yourself.”

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