• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 8 - Nightly Conversations

Arc lays on his bed for a time after disconnecting with Rainbow Dash. Sighing, he eventually sits up and heads back downstairs. Derpy, Dinky, and Scootaloo meet him at the foot of the stairs. Derpy is the first to speak.

“I’m putting the girls to bed for the night.”

“Oh? But it’s a bit early, don’t you think?”

Dinky yawns. “Yeah, well… I’m kinda tired.”

Scootaloo shrugs. “Me too.”

“Alright. Why don’t you two brush your teeth and head to your rooms? “

“Will you and mom still put me to bed?”

Derpy smiles at her. “Of course, dear. Now run along.”

Scootaloo appears confused. “Put to… bed?”

Arc nods. “Take you to your room and make sure you’re comfortable before turning out the lights.”

“I still don’t get that.”

Derpy puts a hand on the girl’s shoulder. “You will in time, dear.”

The pair nod and heads upstairs as Arc and Derpy do so as well. Derpy smiles at Arc.

“Dinky’s taking all of this so well.”

“I was a bit worried that this transition would be hard for her. But she’s taken to Earth like a real girl. Scootaloo’s having a bit more trouble than I thought she would.”

Derpy giggles. “For all intents and purposes they both are though.”

“Agreed. But…”

“Arc? Is something wrong?”

“Kinda. But let’s talk about it downstairs.”

A few minutes later Dinky walks into her bedroom wearing a t-shirt and shorts. Rubbing her eyes she lies down on the bed. Derpy pulls back the covers for her.

“Comfy, sweetie?”

She nods sleepily as Arc pulls the covers up to her chin.

“You stay warm tonight. It’s supposed to get awfully chilly.”

“I will, dad.”

Dinky turns to her mother.

“Are you coming to bed soon too, mom?”

Derpy nods. “I will, yes. But first I want to have a talk with your father.”

Dinky giggles sleepily. “Don’t stay up too late you two.”

Arc grins as her kisses the top of her head. “Okay, sweetheart.”

Derpy smiles as she does the same. “We’ll try to keep it short.”

Turning, they leave the room. Closing the door behind them Arc leads Scootaloo to his old room and over to the bed as Derpy watches from the doorway.

“Thanks, Big Brother.”

“What for?”

“For sticking with me, and not leaving me back in Equestria when you left.”

“We’re a family, and family sticks together.”

“This is all so new to me. “

“Do you like it?”

“I’m… not really sure at this point.”

“Let me ask you this then. Do you like hugs?”

“From who?”


Scootaloo thinks for a moment. “Well… I like getting them from you.”

“What does it feel like?”

“Security. Like armor plating that won’t let anything through.”

“That’s what family feels like. At least to me.”

Derpy nods as she calls out from the doorway. “We’ll stick with you, Scootaloo. You’ll always have a home with Dinky and I if Arc has to go on a mission.”

Scootaloo appears confused. “But I thought I was emancipated.”

Arc smiles. “You are. But that doesn’t mean you can’t stay with those whom care about you.”

“Okay, Big Brother.”

She holds out her arms as Arc leans down to share an embrace. Eventually Arc kisses her forehead gently before pulling the covers up to her chin.

“Get some sleep. We’ll have more fun tomorrow.”

Scootaloo smiles. “Are we going back to that diner for breakfast again?”

“Yeah. You like eating there?”

Scootaloo nods. “I do. Um… but can I try your meal next time?”

Arc chuckles. “Sure. If you think you’re ready, that is.”

Nodding, Scootaloo closes her eyes. Arc heads for the door and turns off the lights. Sereb nods to them as he lies on the floor between the two bedrooms as if keeping watch. Derpy follows him downstairs to the living room. Sitting down on the couch he looks to her, smiles, and sighs contentedly.

“I just never get tired of doing that.”

“Putting Dinky to bed?”

Arc nods. “Yeah. She’s just so adorable.”

“That she is. Now then, what is it you wanted to talk to me about?”

“I, uh… wanted to hear your thoughts on something Rarity and her friends talked to me about a while ago.”

“About forming a herd?”


Derpy smiles shyly. “To tell you the truth, Twilight was actually the one whom approached me about it.”

“She did?”

“Oh yes. Her and the others agreed that it wouldn’t be fair to make any sort of plans involving you without talking it over with us first.”


“Dinky and I.”

“And how does she feel about it?”

“Our daughter is okay with whatever we come up with. She only had one thing to say.”

“What was that?”

“That no matter what happened, she didn’t want to have to refer to anyone other than me and you as ‘mom’ and ‘dad’. Rarity and her friends would be your wives too, yes. However she didn’t feel comfortable referring to them as ‘mom’.”

“Fair enough. But what about you, Derpy? “

“What about me?”

“Twilight told me awhile back that you were interested in joining the herd.”

“Very much so!”

“Can I ask why?”

Derpy looks suddenly worried. “You don’t want me as part of this?”

“No, no. It’s just… you’ve never made any indication that you were… interested in me.”

“I suppose not.”

“As it stands, I’d like to know why you’d like to join the potential herd.”

“Well, you’ve always cared for me and Dinky. Even when you were busy, you tried your best to make time for us. You were the one whom always believed in me. Even when I didn’t do so myself.”

She takes Arc’s hand.

“I agree that you and I need to become better acquainted, of course. We mustn’t rush into things like this, after all.”

“That’s for the best, yes. But there’s something else.”


“How long have you felt this way?”

Derpy sighs happily. “I suppose it started when you were in Tartarus. Every time I looked into my filly’s eyes I thought of you. The one whom had brought her into this world and safeguarded me during the delivery. Had you not been there I don’t think either of us would have survived.”

“Probably not.”

“Arc. Do you remember what you did when you returned to Ponyville from Tartarus?”

“Um… went back to your house?”

Derpy nods. “Yes. But your first thought was to hold little Dinky. As I watched you pick her up… it was then that I knew I wanted us to become more than just friends. The only problem was that I was too worried to speak up.”

“All this time you were afraid?”

“Not exactly. You soon made new friends and formed new relationships. I saw how Ember and Cherry Jubilee looked at you. Rarity as well, to a degree.”

“And you were…?”

Derpy sighs. “Willing to let my feelings take a back seat to your happiness.”

Arc gasps. “Wait! So you were okay with me marrying someone else?!”

Derpy nods. “I knew you would always be there for Dinky and I. It didn’t matter to me if you and I were in a relationship. Just that you and our daughter were happy.”

“Derpy, I… don’t really know what to say.”

“Well… how about you tell me how you feel?”

“About you?”


“Well… I do believe that you’re really nice. Pretty too. And your heart really is in the right place seemingly all the time. But I have to admit that I learned something new about you recently.”

“You did?”

Arc nods. “When Scootaloo and I told you about your father’s death and how you could have taken control of his business.”

“I don’t understand.”

“You could have liquidated it. Ordered everything sold and the money sent to you.”

Derpy appears confused. “But why would I have done a thing like that?”

“For revenge.”


“Against those in that town whom hurt you. With a single word you could have destroyed their economy and livelihood. But you didn’t. Why?”

Derpy closes her eyes and smiles as she speaks.. “They were very cruel to me at times, yes. However, I don’t want to get even or hurt them in any way. That includes the years of torment my father inflicted on me. There’s too much darkness in Equestria as it is without me adding to it. Orphans… ponies hurting others… the monarchy’s actions… and more that I don’t even know about, I’m sure. If anything, I want to help make others feel better, not worse.”

Arc smiles at her. “You’re a very special young mare, Derpy.”

Derpy grins and wags her finger at Arc. “Ah, ah! Young woman, Arc.”

“You got me there.”

Derpy looks up a him hopefully. “So… am I acceptable to you?”

“As a member of the herd?”


“I really like you too, Derpy. You were one of the first friends I made in Equestria. Not to mention the one whom I spent my first adventure with.”

“The dream world?”

“Yeah. You didn’t deserve that. And I think you’re really special for another reason.”


“Even though you were treated so badly growing up, you still decided not to let it hold you back. Since coming to Ponyville you’ve bought a house, safely delivered your filly, decided to raise her in a loving home, learned to read, and found a stable job.”

“You missed one.”

“Did I?”

Derpy tilts her head to one side and smiles. “I also found friendship with others for the first time. And even… love.”

Arc puts his arm around her. “Yes, you did.”

“Do you think my father would be proud of what I’ve accomplished?”

“Judging by how much he wanted his letter to reach you, I’m sure he would be.”

Derpy sighs. “I never really knew him. And now that he’s gone, I never will.”

“Sorry we couldn’t have gotten the message here sooner, Derpy.”

“You would have if you could, Arc. But I thank you for bringing it to me just the same.”

She thinks for a moment.

“Although… I should probably reward you and Scootaloo for your efforts.”

Arc smiles at her. “That’s okay. We’re just glad to be of help.”

Derpy sighs contentedly as she lays her head on Arc’s shoulder. “If my father’s business is anywhere near as big as I remember it being, I should be quite wealthy with my share.”

“What are you going to do with it?”

“Leave it in the bank mostly.”

“You’re not going to buy anything special?”

“I suppose I should. Let me think…”

She continues leaning against Arc silently for a time.

“How about a cake?”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “A… cake?”

Derpy nods. “Yes. We don’t have those very often at home. I’d love to share one with you and Dinky. Could we?”

“If that would make you happy. We could stop by the store tomorrow morning, and…”

Derpy shakes her head. “No, Arc. I want to buy one when we get back home to Equestria.”


“We can celebrate our new future there.”

“It might be a while though.”

“That’s fine. I’m sure Twilight will be able to convince Princess Celestia sooner or later that you’re not like the humans whom kidnapped her.”

“If you’d like to wait, sure.”

Meanwhile, Dinky hears a small knock on her door. Sitting up, she walks over and opens it to find Scootaloo standing there with Sereb.

“We are sorry to bother you, Dinky.”

Scootaloo frowns. “I wanted to talk.”

“Come in.”

Stepping aside, Dinky allows the pair to enter the room. She motions for them to sit down on the bed before closing it and joining them.

“What’s up?”

“Scootaloo had some questions about family that I cannot answer.”


Scootaloo nods. “What’s the point of a family?”

“I… Sereb, help me out here.”

“I am unable to, as my own is rather… dysfunctional.”

Scootaloo looks to the little girl. “You and your mom get along well, right Dinky?”

“Of course.”

“And Big Brother is your dad.”

Dinky appears confused. “What are you getting at?”

“My mom and dad didn’t really see eye to eye on a lot of things. He just saw her as a way to make foals.”

“That’s where they come from.”

“Yeah, I know that. But… your mom and Big Brother really seem to care for one another. I wanted to ask you something about their relationship.”


“Are they going to make a foal together?”

“I… don’t think so, no. Why do you ask?”

Scootaloo sighs. “Because that’s all my dad did with my mom. I thought she really wanted that too, but… it was all he cared about.”

Sereb nods. “That innate desire to reproduce. To take one’s place in the circle of life.”

“If Big Brother gets your mom pregnant, he’ll take care of her and the foal too, right?”

Dinky nods fervently. “I know he would! After all, he loves me and my mom.”

Scootaloo groans. “Sometimes when I could hear my parents mating downstairs, I would wonder what exactly would happen if they did have another foal.”

Sereb frowns. “To what end?”

“Would things be different?”

Dinky appears confused. “Different how?”

“Would it finally make my dad happy for once?”

Sereb shrugs. “A difficult question.”

“I’m not really sure. After all, I never met your parents. Tell me, did they care about one another at all?”

Scootaloo looks away. “I… don’t know. But I have trouble believing that they did.”

Dinky looks to the girl before her soberly. “Then let me ask you this. Can you teach me how to fly?”

Scootaloo turns to Dinky, clearly confused. “Um… no.”

“Why not?”

“Because my little wings don’t work, for starters! Well, when I had them, that is. And you were a unicorn. Not a pegasus.”

“How about if I was a pegasus myself?”

Scootaloo shakes her head. “No, I can’t fly.”

“So there’s no way you could teach another pegasus to fly?”


“Because you can’t teach what you don’t know.”

“What are you getting at?”

“You asked if your parents having another foal would change things. If it would make them love each other, you, and the new foal.”

Sereb nods. “If they could not or would not care for one another before, another foal would not have changed that dynamic.”

Dinky sighs. “Right. They couldn’t show love to one another before, as they didn’t know how.”

“But how do you know they didn’t know how?”

“Because they would have displayed it at some point. Did they?”

Scootaloo shakes her head. “No, never. I mean, my mom was always nice to me, and all. But she was also pretty busy with work down at our shop. While she took care of me of course, I really didn’t know what it was like to have someone really take the time to talk to and care for me until I met Big Brother.”

Sereb sighs. “As was the story of my own upbringing. My mother is the matriarch of our tribe, after all, which didn’t leave much time for the raising of cubs. Like you, I too was taken aback by Arc’s concern for my well-being.”

“My dad wants you to be part of our family, Scootaloo. But he wouldn’t make you.”

“I’d like to know more.”

“About what?”

“Everything regarding family. It just… just seems too good to be true.”

“Stick with my mom and dad. You’ll see.”

“Alright. And I hope that if they do have a foal together they’ll be raised better than I was.”

Sereb grins. “I am certain that would be the goal, yes.”

Meanwhile, Arc stands up from the couch with Derpy.

“Well, we should probably get to bed now.”

“Yes. I’m a bit tired.”

Heading upstairs, Arc enters the bathroom and jumps in the shower. Sighing, he puts a hand to his forehead as Cherry calls out to him.


“How didn’t I see that?”

“See how Derpy looked at you?”


“If you recall, I did mention her affection some time ago.”

Arc nods. “And I just told you I viewed her as a friend.”


“But now… things are different.”

“Are you interested in her?”

“Yes. She’s just so… strong.”

“Few take as much abuse as she did.”

“Yeah. My childhood at the orphanage was harder than some. But Derpy’s life must’ve been absolute hell.”

“Worst of all, she didn’t have anypony to turn to for help or advice.”

“Right. I have no idea how she isn’t jaded.”

Cherry giggles. “It’s not in her nature.”

“Fortunately for Dinky.”


Arc grimaces. “Some of the kids I met growing up told stories about how their parents were abused in the past and then did the same to them.”

“What?! How?!”

“I don’t know. But it’s pretty common here for those who’ve been abused to grow up to become abusers themselves.”

“How could they?! I mean, they knew what it was like!”

“I can’t answer that, Cherry. But they weren’t taken from loving homes, that’s for sure.”

“Were you worried Derpy would have done the same to Dinky?”

Arc sighs. “Part of me was, yes. But I figured out some time ago that she’s not like that.”

Getting out of the shower and toweling off, Arc puts on a t-shirt and shorts before heading to his parent’s room. Entering, he finds Derpy sitting on the end of the bed waiting for him.

“Something wrong?”

Derpy shakes her head. “Not at all. In fact, everything is just perfect.”

Looking up at him as he approaches, Derpy blushes slightly.

“I was just wondering if I could sleep with you tonight.”

“Oh, um… I suppose so.”


Turning off the light’s with a flick of his wrist, Arc lays down next to Derpy. She pulls the covers over them and snuggles up to him. Pressing her body against his, Arc puts his arm around her.


Derpy nods. “More so than you know.”



“Do you think Hammer was abused as a child?”

“What brought that up?”

“Something Cherry and I were discussing in the shower. I remembered a few things from my childhood about abused children. Some of them became heavily introverted. But others would latch onto anyone who would listen to them.”

“I don’t understand.”

Arc sighs. “Hammer was desperate for love. She just wanted someone to be there for her. That’s why she warmed up to me so quickly.”

“She was pretty clingy from what I could tell. Kinda like me when I got to know you. I wanted to be with you as much as possible. While that wasn’t always an option, it made for a nice surprise when you came home to Dinky and I.”

“So what do you think?”

“That she’s lonely and hungry for someone to love.”

Arc sighs. “Anyone. Even someone like me?”

“You did what you had to, Arc.”

“I manipulated her!”

“Our entire nation thanks you for that.”

“Well, I don’t.”


“Wiseman was right. I should’ve found another way.”

“Had there been another, I’m sure you would have taken it.”

“I should’ve tried harder to find one. Then maybe she wouldn’t be so messed up right now.”

“Maybe. But you’ll find a way to make it right. I just know it.”

Arc drapes an arm over his face and groans. “While I’ll certainly try, it’s a mistake I should never have made in the first place.”

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