• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 3 - School Meetings

The next day Arc, Ember, and Sereb walk down the path from Light’s Hope to the Little Hooves Orphanage. Ember turns to Arc.

“So how are things looking?”

“Hard Hat says he should have everything back to normal at Light’s Hope later this afternoon.”

Sereb nods. “The crews had quite the job there.”

Ember grimaces. “That they did. Truth be told, I’d rather be fighting Tempest than pulling cleanup duty.”

Arc chuckles. “You do that. I’ll take a broom.”

Sereb looks over to Arc. “You don’t much like fighting, do you?”


Ember raises an eyebrow. “Why not?! After all, you’re pretty good at it!”

“Because I… I just don’t like hurting others.”

“What about Decimus?”

Arc shakes his head. “I took no pleasure in ending his life back at Canterlot Castle.”

Ember appears confused. “Then why did you…?”

“Because he needed to die. At that time the princesses’ lives and the future of Equestria depended on it.”

They arrive at their destination and enter the Main Hall just as the lunch bell rings. Innumerable fillies, colts, and younglings run out of both classrooms and toward the cafeteria. Dinky and Miss Cheerilee walk out last. The filly immediately spots her father and runs over to him.


She jumps into his outstretched arms and the pair embrace.

“I missed you!”

“So did I, Dinky.”

Cheerilee walks over to him.

“Hello sir.”

“Good afternoon, Cheerilee.”

Arc looks around as he sets Dinky down.

“Where is Peachbottom?”

Dinky points a hoof at the other classroom. “She’s probably still in there.”

Ember shrugs. “Give her a minute, Arc.”

Sereb nods. “She’ll be around.”

A minute later a very flustered Peachbottom hurries out the door with a couple younglings. She runs toward Arc and company panting.

“S-sorry I’m late! A couple students were still working on their assignments.”

Arc smiles at her. “No need to apologize. You’re just doing your job, after all.”

He gestures to the stairs.

“But now that we’re all here, let’s get underway.”

Ember calls out after them. “Sereb and I will help out in the Cafeteria.”


Dinky looks to Ember. “Tell my mom I’ll be there when I can.”

Ember nods. Arc and company walk up the steps and toward Coco Pommel’s office. Dinky runs ahead and knocks.

“Come in.”

She pushes the door open and walks inside as Arc and the others catch up. Coco Pommel stands up from her desk and walks over to them.

“Please follow me, everypony.”

Leading them to her private quarters, she gestures to the couches.

“Please be seated.”

They do so as Arc steps to the front of the room.

“First of all, I’d like to thank everyone for agreeing to this meeting. It certainly can’t be easy to rearrange your schedule, Peachbottom.”

“Oh, it’s no trouble, sir. My students will just get a bit more recess than they’re used to.”

Cheerilee nods. “And my class goes to lunch at this time every day.”

“But why dad?”

Coco Pommel looks confused. “Yes, Arc. Is there something wrong?”

“I was kinda hoping the four of you could tell me.”

Cheerilee tilts her head to one side. “Sir?”

“You see, the last time I was here, the school was having a bit of trouble finding help.”

Coco Pommel sighs. “That’s true.”

Peachbottom nods sadly. “Ever since the younglings from the Griffon Kingdom arrived, nopony wants to work here.”

Dinky frowns. “But if they would just get to know the younglings I’m sure they’d see they’re just like the other foals here!”

Cheerilee turns to her. “I agree with you, Dinky. But nopony wants to be the first.”

Coco Pommel looks to Arc. “Your daughter is right. I’ve tried to hire a half dozen individuals so far. But as soon as they see the griffon younglings, they’re out the door.”


Peachbottom looks away nervously. “Because griffons are seen as… um… how do I say this…?”

Cheerilee lowers her head. “Brash and untrustworthy opportunists.”

Coco Pommel raises an eyebrow. “They are?”

Peachbottom nods. “Sadly, yes. I thought the same until I took this job.”

Arc looks to her. “I’m curious. What made you stay, Peachbottom?”

“I was appointed to my position by Princess Luna herself. At that point I had already enthusiastically accepted. It would’ve been extremely rude of me to not take the job offered by royalty.”

Dinky gasps. “Really, Miss Peachbottom?”

“Yes, Dinky. But thanks to you and the other foals I came to realize there’s more to griffons then what we’ve been led to believe.”

Coco Pommel looks hopeful. “Are you planning to stay, Miss Peachbottom?”

“Oh yes! These younglings are simply a joy to teach! I’ve never in all my years seen such eager students!”

Arc smiles. “That’s good to hear. I was kinda worried they’d be too much for you to handle.”

Coco Pommel nods. “I’ve sat in on several of Miss Peachbottom’s classes. The younglings are certainly well below where our foals are expected to be academically at their age.”

Cheerilee sighs. “That they are.”

She turns to Arc.

“I tutor some of them after class.”

Dinky grins. “Me too. More so now that mom has some help in the kitchen.”

Coco Pommel smiles. “Yes, Arc. Thank you for sending us some of your guards. Having them here is absolutely wonderful.”

Arc chuckles. “You seeing some familiar faces?”

“That I am. You see, before you saved us from Matron Tempest, when a foal aged out of the Orphanage that was always the last I’d ever see of them. Some nights I would lay in my bed wondering where they were, or what they were doing.”

She closes her eyes and puts a hoof to her heart as she smiles.

“And thanks to you I now know where many of them ended up.”

“My lieutenant says when he posted the sign-up sheet in the barracks the soldiers were literally crawling over one another to sign up.”

Peachbottom looks confused. “Oh? Why’s that?”

“Flash Sentry said that most of them wanted to see Coco Pommel again. And the others whom hadn’t grown up under her watch still had a desire to meet the mare whom they had heard so much about.”

Cheerilee looks to Arc. “Miss Derpy certainly needed the help. But is it really okay to do this, sir?”

“Do what?”

Coco Pommel looks nervous. “Have your soldiers helping out every day. While we really do need the help, I don’t want you getting in trouble with Canterlot.”

Arc shrugs. “No one’s said anything to me yet. And I don’t imagine anyone trying to do so either.”

“What about the princesses, dad?”

“They always listen to what I have to say with an open mind. But if they put their foot down on this issue, I’ll simply tell them the honest truth.”

Peachbottom shrinks back. “What’s that, sir?”

“That I’ll recall my troops when THEY can staff this place themselves.”

Coco Pommel stands up. “Please, Arc! I don’t want you getting in trouble over this!”

“Don’t worry. I checked the orders Flash Sentry brought me when he was stationed here. The soldiers under my command are instructed to do whatever I deem necessary in the pursuance of my task.”

Dinky looks confused. “What does that mean, dad?”

“I’m not fully sure. Admittedly it is kinda vague. But I interpret it to mean that they’re my personal standing forces. In addition to my squad, that is. I can send them out to do whatever needs to be done. And I see properly staffing the Orphanage Cafeteria as a very high priority right now.”

Coco Pommel smiles. “Again I thank you, Arc.”

Arc puts a hand to his chin. “What about tutors? Do you need help with that too?”

Peachbottom smiles nervously. “Admittedly, we do. Miss Cheerilee, Mister Gallus, and Miss Natalya are doing our best. However most of the younglings still need a lot of one-on-one attention.”

Cheerilee nods. “We hate to ask for more help. Especially after everything you’ve already given us, sir.”

“What do they need help with the most?”

Coco Pommel sighs. “Truthfully… reading.”

Dinky nods soberly. “Yeah dad. None of them knows how to.”

“Makes sense. I’ll have Flash Sentry put up another posting in my name for reading tutors after school.”

Peachbottom appears nervous. “Thank you, sir. But might I make a request?”

“Go ahead.”

“Be sure they know they’re signing up to help younglings, not foals.”

Cheerilee nods. “Yes sir. It would crush the little ones if they saw their tutors walking out on them.”

Coco Pommel puts a hoof to her chin. “Yes. But it probably won’t be much of an issue. After all, they serve younglings in the Cafeteria every day. I haven’t seen any problems.”

“I’ll see to it they know. Now then…”

Arc turns to Dinky

“How are the foals taking this?”

“You mean sharing the building with griffons, dad?”

Arc nods. “Yes.”

“A lot of them didn’t know what to think the first time you brough Mister Gallus’ friends to our class.”

Cheerilee nods. “Yes. They had trouble focusing on their lessons that day.”

“I’m sorry, Cheerilee. It wasn’t my intention to disrupt your classroom.”

“Oh, it’s quite alright, sir! I actually turned it into a lesson the next day on other cultures. Most of the foals just assumed the whole world was nothing but Equestria.”

Dinky grins. “Yeah! It started a whole world culture lesson!”

Peachbottom looks to him sheepishly. “Which I myself had to learn prior to starting my own class.”

Coco Pommel sighs. “As did I.”

Arc chuckles. “Me too.”

“You dad? When?”

“The day I arrived in the Griffon Kingdom. Let’s just say I may have slightly offended Lieutenant Natalya with my greeting.”

Peachbottom raises an eyebrow. “Sir?”

“I didn’t respond in the way a leader is supposed to.”

Cheerilee looks to him genuinely interested. “How is that done, sir?”

“Loudly and with a lot of showy demands.”

Coco Pommel frowns. “That doesn’t sound like you though, Arc.”

“It wasn’t. So I just did my best to earn their respect another way.”

Cheerilee gasps. “Through combat?”

“Partially, yes. But mostly I did it by being respectful of their culture as best I could, and not overstepping my bounds.”

Peachbottom looks to Arc. “Should I be teaching them more about their griffon heritage?”

“Not right now. Stick with the basics like reading, math, and Equestria’s history. When they’ve mastered that, I would recommend ordering some textbooks on the subject though. However, you’re the teachers here. You should decide the curriculum.”

Coco Pommel nods. “It may be wise to leave those subject alone until both griffons and foals are equally competent.”

Cheerilee smiles. “Agreed. Miss Peachbottom?”

Arc sighs. “Yes. They have enough on their plates without trying to learn about the country that abandoned them.”

Coco Pommel looks to her two teachers. “I’ll leave the curriculum up to you and Miss Cheerilee. Just let me know what kind of textbooks you need and I’ll do my best to get them for you.”

The teachers nod. Arc looks to Dinky.

“As long as I’m here, how are the foals and griffons getting along?”

“My friends and I started talking to them at recess on the first day of school.”

Cheerilee sighs. “Nopony really wanted to approach them at first.”

Dinky nods. “Right. But after Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle made friends with them too, Pipsqueak and Aquamarine joined us. Before long everyone was asking questions about where they came from, what they ate, how old they were, and… everything!”

Coco Pommel giggles. “I watched that from my patio. Dinky was pivotal to the youngling’s acceptance by the rest of the student body.”

Cheerilee smiles at the filly. “Yes. I too worried they wouldn’t get along, sir. But your daughter was able to bridge the gap between the two species.”

Peachbottom looks to Dinky. “If I may… how did you do that?”

“My dad taught me not to judge others at first glance. That and I learned all about humans from him. How they’re different, but also how we’re the same.”

“It looks like you did a good job, sweetheart. I’m proud of you.”

“Thanks dad!”

Arc turns to Coco Pommel. “Well, I won’t take up any more of everyone’s time. I know you’re all very busy these days.”

She smiles at him as they all stand up. “Thank you for coming, Arc. I’m sorry we don’t have better news to impart.”

Peachbottom nods fervently. “Yes, sir. We’ll try to do better next time.”

Arc shakes his head. “No, no! This wasn’t an official inspection or anything. I was just worried about how things were going over here.”

Cheerilee sighs. “I can’t help but feel like we could be doing more.”

Dinky pats her teacher’s fetlock. “We all do, Miss Cheerilee.”

Arc nods. “Don’t start doubting yourselves now. It’ll just make the task that much more difficult.”

Coco Pommel nods sadly. “My heart knows that. But my head is a little slow to accept it.”

“I’m sure if all of you keep doing your best, the younglings will sense it and be inspired by your examples.”

“Are you sure about that, dad?”

“Yes, Dinky. Children can sense when something is wrong, after all. If you doubt yourself, they’ll start to doubt themselves.”

Coco Pommel nods. “Your father is right. I’ve seen first-hoof how a situation can be made better, or worse, just by a leader’s attitude.”

Peachbottom looks confused. “Miss Pommel?”

“The orphans would always look to me when Matron Tempest was in one of her moods. I always did my best to be brave for them.”

Cheerilee looks to her. “Did it help?”

Coco Pommel nods as they return to the corridor. “It was all I could do.”

Arc and company walk downstairs together. Dinky turns to her father as she pricks up her ears.

“It sounds like everypony is heading outside for recess.”

Arc chuckles. “You’d better hurry and get something to eat before your mother tosses it.”

Peachbottom turns to Arc. “Don’t worry about that, sir. My class should just be getting ready to come inside for lunch now.”

Coco Pommel nods. “It was the simplest way we could think of to have meetings.”

Dinky looks confused. “Why not after school, Miss Pommel?”

“Because all of us are very busy at that time.”

Cheerilee nods. “Yes. We tutor the younglings then.”

Peachbottom smiles. “That’s right.”

Coco Pommel looks to Dinky. “You’re usually helping Miss Derpy in the kitchen at that time.”

Dinky puts a hoof to her chin. “I guess you’re right.”

Arc smiles at her. “I’m glad your mother can count on you for help, sweetheart. But don’t neglect your studies.”

“I won’t, dad.”

Dinky trots into the Cafeteria as Cheerilee turns to Arc.

“You should be very proud of your daughter, sir. She’s really been instrumental in bridging the gap between my students and the younglings.”

Peachbottom nods. “Yes. The students in my class really seem to gravitate toward her.”

Coco Pommel smiles. “I noticed that too. From both foals and younglings. She really does have your charisma, Arc.”

“Thank you. I’m very proud of her. But how does she do it?”

“By just being a kind-hearted, understanding, empathetic young filly in class and out.”

Peachbottom nods. “She has a bright future ahead of her, sir.”

Coco Pommel looks to Arc happily. “Yes. We’ll do our best to help her become all she can be.”

“That sounds good. But I’ve kept you all far too long.”

Coco Pommel gestures to the Cafeteria. “It’s no trouble. Why don’t you have something to eat while you’re here though? Today is Pizza Day.”

Arc grins. “Dinky’s favorite.”

“I’m sure she’d love to have you share a meal with her.”

Arc nods. “I think I will. Keep up the good work you three.”

He turns and heads for the Cafeteria. Peachbottom breathes a sigh of relief.

“I’m certainly glad that’s over.”

Cheerilee looks to her, confused. “Miss Peachbottom?”

“Please don’t tell him, but the Hero of Light still makes me a bit nervous.”

Coco Pommel raises an eyebrow. “It is his appearance?”

“That and the size difference.”

Cheerilee sighs. “I too was frightened upon meeting him.”

Peachbottom appears surprised. “Really? I thought it was just me.”

Coco Pommel giggles. “I remember that day, Miss Cheerilee.”

“Oh? What happened?”

Cheerilee blushes nervously. “I… might have fainted at the sight of the Lord Regent.”

Peachbottom smiles nervously. “Truth be told, I felt like running away when he entered my classroom for the first time. I probably would have, had he not been standing between me and the door.”

Cheerilee giggles. “You don’t have to worry. He’s very… likeable when you get past his outward appearance.”

Coco Pommel nods. “That he is. Well, I have papers to go over in my office. See you two at supper.”

She turns back toward the stairs as Cheerilee and Peachbottom return to their classrooms. Later that evening Arc, Ember, and Sereb walk down the path towards Light’s Hope. Arc is the first to speak.

“Well, lunch was pretty tasty.”

Ember burps. “Agreed.”

Sereb chuckles. “As was supper.”

“That too. Thanks for helping out, you two.”

Ember grins. “It was actually pretty fun.”

Sereb nods. “Indeed. The younglings are certainly… enthusiastic about their studies.”

Arc sighs. “You would be too if you were receiving an education for the first time like they are.”

Ember frowns. “Yeah. I bet none of them ever thought they’d get to even see a classroom. Much less sit in one.”

Sereb turns to Arc. “Yes, they are quite fortunate in that regard. I am still wondering how the students are not overweight from such exceptional dining though.”

Arc shrugs. “Well, they look to stay pretty active.”

Ember puts a claw to her chin. “That and they’re growing foals and younglings, after all.”

“That too.”

Sereb sighs. “I suppose that is true.”

Ember raises an eyebrow. “Something wrong, Sereb?”

“Seeing all the young ponies reminds me of my brother and I as pups.”

Arc nods soberly. “And you miss him?”

“Indeed. Although I do not know why. After all, he and I have not been close since we were very young.”

Ember shrugs. “Kinda like me and Smolder. Well, other than the close part.”

“While I have seen little of him since joining you on your journeys, it was something of a comfort knowing he was at the village safeguarding it.”

Ember appears confused. “I don’t see anyone invading the Dragon Lands anytime soon, Sereb.”

“Yes, I understand that. But…”

Arc nods understandingly. “But you could have gone home to see him anytime then.”

“Not anymore.”

Ember brandishes her claws. “Good riddance! I mean, come on! He betrayed us!”

Arc nods skeptically. “Sort of, I suppose. But isn’t he just following your village’s traditions?”

“Yes. Although there was not a battle between he and the one whom calls herself Sunset Shimmer.”

Ember frowns. “Yeah! How come?!”

“I can only assume he could sense her immense power and simply felt there was no need.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “Then why did you and I have to fight?”

“Probably because a Life Pact had not been forged in so many years. It was certainly quite the exhibition for the rest of the tribe.”

Ember chuckles. “You were entertainment, Arc.”

“Well, at least no one got hurt.”

Sereb growls. “That will not be the case when Kane and I next meet!”

Arc puts a hand on Sereb’s back. “Easy there, big guy.”

“Come on, Arc! His brother turned on us!”

“That doesn’t mean he should let it eat him up inside.”

Ember rolls her eyes. “Of course not! But he certainly wants revenge!”

Sereb growls. “That I do! His actions imperiled your peace summit!”

Arc sighs. “While I do appreciate you wanting to defend the integrity of that event, I also don’t want my friend to be consumed by thoughts of revenge.”

Ember growls. “What’s wrong with being passionate?!”

“Look at it this way, Ember. What if Smolder had done the same? Would you want to kill her too?”

“I… um…”

She is silent for a time, thinking.

“Well… I suppose as the future Dragon Lord it would be my duty to… right that wrong any way I could.”

“I see. So you would kill her?”

Ember turns away. “Mercifully, yes.”

Sereb sighs. “That is… disconcerting. Now that I see it from another angle.”

Arc jumps up into the saddle. “I just don’t want you to make a decision rashly that will haunt you forever. Love or hate him, Kane’s still part of your family.”

“Yes. However… he and I will still have to settle this.”

Ember grins. “You mean ‘we’, right?”

“We shall see.”

Ember raises an eyebrow. “What’s that supposed to mean?!”

“Some things one must take care of oneself. I’m certain if young Smolder was your target you would insist on doing the deed yourself.”

“I suppose that’s true, but…”

Arc’s earring chirps.

“Arc here.”

Max sounds frantic. “S-sir! This is Max! I…! You see…!”

“Woah, woah! Calm down, Max! What’s wrong?!”

“It’s just… ah…! I’m really sorry, but Lily just called! There’s… um… kinda a situation at Shelly’s Kitchen!”

Ember frowns. “Can you be more specific?”

“I honestly can’t! Lily sounded really upset on the phone just now! The most I could get out of her was that you’re needed right away!”

Arc nods soberly. “Alright. I’ll be there as soon as I can. Arc out.”

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