• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 15 - Much to Think About

Meanwhile, Luna and Ashe board the chariot together. As Ashe motions to Wrangler to give the order to move out, she looks to the princess.

“Are you all right, Princess Luna?”

“I… ah… yes.”

“Everything go alright with the king?”

“Yes! Fine!”

“But you can’t say, eh?”

Luna shakes her head. “Right. I did give my word.”

“Then I won’t push the matter any further. But… um… on a bit of a side note… is everything alright regarding the, ah… original reason for our visit?”

Luna sighs. “It’s… up in the air right now.”

“Well, I have faith that you and the others will be able to solve this problem.”

Luna looks away as she mutters under her breath. “Yes… yes, I’m sure we will.”

“Please let me know if I can be of assistance though.”

“While I don’t this that’s really an option right now, I will… remember that, ambassador.”

Arriving back at the ship, they disembark the chariot together. Luna turns to Ashe and sighs.

“Ambassador, would you please call for Celestia, Twilight, and Arc to… um… somewhere private.”

“How about Lord Arc’s office?”

Luna shakes her head. “The close confines of such a place would be a bit… awkward for me at the moment.”

Ashe appears confused. “Awkward, Princess Luna?”

“I’m not actually fond of such places. Offices, I mean. They bring up some rather unpleasant memories for me.”

“Then how about Lord Arc’s personal quarters? It’s very homely and large.”

“That will do, yes.”

“Very well, Princess Luna. And when should they meet you there?”

Luna turns and walks toward the stairs. “As soon as possible.”

A short time later Arc and company enter his quarters. Luna is sitting at the table patiently as Celestia and Twilight walk over to her. Celestia is the first to speak.

“We came as fast as we could, sister! What is amiss?!”

Twilight grimaces. “Did your meeting with the king not go well?”

Luna sighs and shakes her head. “It went… alright. Just… not in the way I thought it would.”

Arc turns to them from his self-appointed task of dutifully locking the door. “Then how can we help?”

Luna gestures to the table with a wave of her hoof. “Sit down and I shall tell you of the king’s… offer.”

They all do so as Luna takes a few moments to collect her thoughts. Eventually, she gets down to business and looks at each of them as she speaks.

“Now then, what is spoken here today must not leave this room. Is that clear?”

Twilight nods soberly. “Yes, Luna. After all, this whole matter is top secret.”

Arc smiles at her. “Your secret is safe with me.”

Celestia looks around. “Agreed. But I can do one better, sister.”

Her horn aglow, Celestia casts a spell. Turning to Luna, she continues.

“There we are. That should keep things secure.”

Twilight raises an eyebrow. “A dampening spell, Princess Celestia?”

Celestia nods. “Yes, Twilight. After all, one cannot be too careful when it comes to matters of national security.”

Arc turns to Luna. “Then I suppose we should get started.”

“When Ambassador Ashe and I arrived at the Aviary, we were immediately escorted to the Audience Chamber to speak to King Guto regarding the matter at hoof. As one would have expected, he was very upset about what I thought was the theft of his property. However, that quickly changed.”

Twilight appears confused. “I would have assumed as much too.”

Celestia frowns. “Was that not the case, Luna?”

“Yes and no, sister. You see… apparently the item that was stolen was some kind of new weapon prototype.”

Arc groans. “That explains a lot.”

Twilight turns to Arc. “It does?”

Arc nods. “Yup. Some new government toy which causes death and destruction goes missing and a member of a foreign military is caught deep within the facility it is housed.”

Celestia facehoofs. “And as such it appears to them that we are guilty of espionage.”

Luna sighs. “It made more sense when he told me of the nature item, yes. However, his reasoning for creating it really has me nervous.”

Arc folds his arms over his chest. “Let me guess. Defense?”

Luna appears surprised. “More or less, but yes. “

Twilight gasps. “How did you know that, Arc?”

Arc frowns as he looks out the window at the city before them. “Because it’s how the human leaders back on Earth think. Weapons are designed for ‘defense’ of the nation in an effort to protect them from other countries.”

Celestia taps the table with her hoof. “The Griffon Kingdom having yet another tool in their already impressive arsenal isn’t exactly something new or worrisome though. After all, they’re constantly coming up with new military ideas and applications.”

Luna shakes her head. “I don’t believe the device was meant to be just more of the same, sister. This was supposed to be something special. From the way he described it, I got the feeling that the king viewed it as a weapon far above anything that the Griffon Kingdom currently has.”

Twilight nods soberly. “And with its disappearance his land is, at least in his mind, theoretically that much less secure.”

Celestia groans. “And we are, again at least in his mind, now one step ahead of him in this proverbial arms race.”

Arc turns to Luna. “Did he offer any kind of idea as to what we could do to alleviate his fears though?”

“Um… yes… yes, he did.”

Twilight plants her front hooves on the table firmly. “Whatever amount he requests shall be remitted to the king at once!”

Celestia nods. “Or does he want some other tangible good?”

Luna looks away. “Kinda…”

Arc appears confused. “Luna? Are you alright?”

Luna bows her head. “No.”

Celestia turns to Luna warily. “Sister. What… what did the king want?”

“To… to be given something that will take its place in his original plan.”

Arc frowns. “And what would that be?”

Luna puts a hoof to her chest. “Me.”

Twilight gasps. “YOU?!”

Celestia’s eyes grow wide. “Is he completely mad?!”

Luna nods. “He may very well be, sister. The offer was from King Guto was that he wishes for me to… to join him permanently at the Aviary and make my new home the Griffon Kingdom.”

Arc clenches a fist. “He wants you to… is the king suggesting what I think he is?!”

Luna bows her head. “Yes, Arc. I am to marry him to make this right.”

There is a stunned silence as Luna’s words hang in the air. Eventually Celestia speaks.

“Luna… how could he…? WHY?!”

Luna sighs. “As I said before, my presence at his side will be to replace that which was stolen. Guto claims that he had wanted to use the weapon’s existence to bring about international peace.”

Arc folds his arms over his chest. “Which we pretty much already have, I must point out.”

Twilight nods fervently. “Yes, there haven’t been any major skirmishes since the changeling’s attack recently.”

Celestia grits her teeth. “Not to mention their own aggression against our country when they attempted to help Decimus while I was… out of sorts!”

Luna looks to Arc. “And what they did to Abyssinia for years in regards to their food problems.”

Arc sneers as he points a finger toward the window. “It would seem to me that the Griffon Kingdom itself is the only major troublemaker on the international stage at this point. Not Equestria, not Abyssinia, nor any of the other nations of this world.”

Luna turns to Twilight. “Then perhaps it is time that we address this issue once and for all.”

“What would you propose we do, Luna?”

Luna sighs. “That I join Guto here as his queen.”

Celestia gasps. “Sister! You cannot be serious about this!”

“It would solve this current problem though. As well as the rest of them.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “Rest of them?”

Luna nods. “It’s a well-known, but as of yet largely unspoken fact that the Griffon Kingdom is nothing more than an out of control authoritarian state. Arc has done wonders to bring about change with his own actions here in the past. However, there are some things that not he, nor anypony else I can think of, could hope to accomplish as a diplomat.”

Twilight frowns. “You’re speaking of enacting change from within, aren’t you Luna?”


Celestia seethes. “But how can he in clear conscience ask such a thing of you, Luna! After all, you barely even know King Guto!”

Twilight nods matter-of-factly. “That and it’s not as if you have actual feelings for him, right?”

Luna looks away and blushes slightly. “Actually… yes.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “For the ruler of the Griffon Kingdom, Luna?”

“Yes, Arc. As I’m sure you heard, he and I spoke at great lengths when I attended the Aviary Extravaganza the other night.”

Celestia furrows her brow. “That must have been a very deep conversation then.”

Luna sighs. “I know it might sound a bit odd, but… I honestly do like Guto as an individual. More as an intellectual friend than anything truly romantic though.”

Twilight frowns. “That may be true, Luna! But going from friends to literally making a marriage proposal is quite a leap!”

Arc puts a hand on Twilight’s hoof. “As you yourself would know, Twilight.”

Luna turns to Arc. “So you disagree with my desire to befriend the king then?”

“Quite the opposite actually. I was merely trying to point out that Twilight is indeed experienced in making such a large change.”

Celestia looks to her former student. “And I’m sure it wasn’t something she came to decide on in the heat of the moment.”

Twilight shakes her head. “No at all Princess Celestia. In truth, it was something I thought about long and hard before finally speaking up and confessing my feelings. And even longer before I felt the desire to marry Arc.”

Celestia returns her gaze to Luna. “Do you believe that you have feelings for King Guto, Luna? Other than friendship, I mean.”

Luna sighs. “I… don’t really know. But…”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “But what, Luna?”

“It’s just… I… I think… I think that… given some time and a lot of talking… I could grow to… care for Guto. As more than a friend, yes.”

Celestia groans. “First Cadance, now you Luna.”

Arc looks to Celestia. “But is this really such a bad thing? What’s so wrong with a princess trying to find love?”

Twilight nods. “Right. I mean… if Luna really does care for somepony, now or in the future, then shouldn’t she be allowed to do what she wants and pursue whatever personal path she deems best?”

Celestia sighs. “You misunderstand, Twilight. I’m not trying to stand between Luna and Guto in this matter. But I am worried about my sister’s future.”

Arc folds his arms over his chest. “Something she really shouldn’t have to justify to you or anyone else for that matter.”

Twilight smiles as she turns to Luna. “We all do care about you though, Luna. And want you to find happiness too, of course. So… whatever you choose to do, please know that I for one will stand behind you one hundred percent.”

“This matter is one that I will have to give some thought to. As I told Guto when he… proposed the idea.”

Arc nods soberly. “Agreed. But just be sure to think things through as to what’s truly the best course of action.

“You have my word that I shall do the right thing for Equestria.”

Twilight shakes her head. “Arc meant to do the right thing by yourself. Not the nation.”

Celestia sighs. “I do understand how you feel in this, Luna.”

Turning to face Twilight and Arc, she continues.

“As one whom has led Equestria for an extended period of time, I can attest to the habit of putting the country ahead of one’s own best interests. In time I’ve even found myself to be emotionally linked to our country inasmuch as when things are well and good within the land then I too am happy. However, the opposite is also true as well.”

“I can understand that, sister. And I honestly do want what is best for Equestria too. But… there is a distinct possibility that I may be able to change much for the citizens of the Griffon Kingdom in doing this.”

Twilight puts a hoof on Luna’s fetlock. “Very true. But at the same time you also shouldn’t feel forced to comply with such demands that involve your personal future.”

Arc smiles at her. “Just be sure to only do what you feel is best, Luna.”

“I will, yes. And there is one more matter that I need to mention to you, Arc.”


Luna smiles warmly. “Guto wanted me to pass on a message that your marriage to Natalya tomorrow will be completely unaffected by this matter.”

“That’s good, I guess.”

Twilight raises an eyebrow. “You really are okay with this whole thing though, right Arc?”

“Of course. Why wouldn’t I be?”

Celestia chimes in. “What Twilight means is that you yourself are currently preparing to do something very similar to what King Guto proposed to my sister.”

“But ours is just a marriage of convenience. I mean… Natalya and I aren’t planning to change anything about our lives after returning to Equestria. She’ll keep working at the Little Hooves Orphanage and living her life as she sees fit. And I’ll go back to my own duties, domestic and abroad.”

Twilight nods soberly. “That may be true. However, just like Luna, you’re willing to put your own future on the line to help the country.”

Luna puts a hoof to her chin thoughtfully. “Yes, it’s a very similar situation when you start to think about it.”

Twilight turns to Arc. “Right. What if, at some point, you begin to have feelings for Natalya?”

“Then I’d report such a thing to the rest of the herd.”

“And allow her to join as a real wife by marrying you back home too?”

“If we all agreed, then yes.”

Luna raises an eyebrow. “And… you’d be okay with that, Twilight?”

Twilight nods. “I would, yes. That is, if I and the others all agreed, that is.”

Arc puts a hand to his chin thoughtfully. “It does sound kinda bad when you put it like that though. Like I’m preparing her for a real marriage. I mean, you ARE right to bring this up, of course.”

Celestia moves to stand up. “Then it would appear that everypony involved has much to think about.”

Twilight sighs as she too rises. “That we do.”

Luna sighs and bows her head. “I… um… should probably remain here in the Griffon Kingdom though. In case Guto wants to see me again regarding this matter, I mean.”

Twilight nods and smiles. “Then I’ll head back to Canterlot and keep the country running smoothly while you take my place here, Luna.”

Lunt looks to her friend. “Are you sure you’re okay with that though, Twilight?”

Celestia puts a hoof on Twilight’s shoulder. “Yes, we all know that you’d rather be here.”

Twilight giggles. “I would, yes. But it’s like you and Luna said earlier. After ruling for a time, it’s not out of the ordinary to think about the country over your own well-being.

Luna sighs. “Indeed.”

Arc stands and gestures to the door. “Then we should probably adjourn for now to think and do what we can.”

Turning to Twilight, he continues.

“Can I offer you a portal back to Canterlot Castle?”

Twilight nods. “Yes, please.”

Kneeling down, Arc gives Twilight a hug which she reciprocates. Kissing him lightly on the cheek, she whispers in his ear.

“Take care.”

Smiling at her, Arc opens a portal. Twilight heads through as he turns to Luna.

“Thank you for doing this.”

Luna appears confused. “Doing what?”

“Dealing with this matter.”

Celestia nods. “Yes, Luna. After all, it really isn’t something you should have to do.”

Arc bows his head. “Right. As Lieutenant Hammer’s current superior officer I really should have been the one to take the blame for what happened.”

Luna smiles wistfully. “I am happy to be of service.”

Celestia puts a hoof around her sister’s shoulders. “In any case, why don’t you come back to my suite, sister? We can talk this matter over and try to come up with other solutions.”

“I’d like that, sister.”

Celestia heads for the door. “Right this way, Luna.”

They leave the room together as Arc walks over to the window and looks out. Sighing, he muses to himself.

“Luna. You shouldn’t have had to come here and deal with this.”

Putting a hand to his face, he continues.

“Much less be proposed to in such a manner.”

A short time later there is a knock at the door. Turning from the window, Arc calls out.


The door opens and Ashe walks inside with her satchel on her hip. Closing the door behind her, Arc notices that she deftly locks it with a quick motion of her tail as he turns. Looking to Arc soberly, Ashe speaks.

“Sir, I… um…”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “What is it, Ashe?”

Ashe puts a talon to her forehead and groans. “I… need to speak to you about something very, VERY important.”

Arc sighs as he motions for her to sit down at the table. “Of course you do. Please don’t tell me that this day is going to get worse.”

Ashe grimaces as she sits down across from Arc. “To tell you the truth, I’m not really sure what to make of this. It’s quite… the shock though.”

“Then please just lay it on me and get it over with.”

“Very well.”

Taking a deep breath, Ashe reaches into her satchel. Pulling out a strange looking cylinder, she sets it on the table between them. Looking at it for a few moments, Arc eventually raises his gaze to look Ashe in the eye.

“Um… what is this?”

“In truth, I have no idea. But it was just delivered here by special courier.”

“Any paperwork with it?”

Ashe shakes her head. “No, nothing.”

She grimaces before continuing.

“But I may have a theory on that.”

Arc sighs. “Wait. Don’t tell me.”

Pointing at the device, Arc frowns as he speaks.

“It’s the device that was stolen from that warehouse.”

Ashe shrugs. “No idea. But it does match the description that Lieutenant Hammer gave in her official statement.”

Arc groans as he covers his face with his hands. “Of course it is.”

“I received word via official channels that the king is having the entire country turned upside down to try and find it.”

“The most highly sought after item in the land sitting right in front of us.”

“Most likely, yes. However, we should probably call for the lieutenant to verify if it is indeed the device she saw taken from the warehouse before jumping to any conclusions.”

Arc nods as he picks up the phone. “Agreed. But I’m sure of one thing. That thing is nothing but trouble.”

A few minutes later there is a knock. Walking over to the door, Ashe unlocks it and opens it a crack before calling out.


Hammer stands on the other side and appears confused. “Uh… I’m here to see Arc.”

“Are you alone?”

“Yeah. Why?”

“Look around. Is there anyone near you?”

Turning both right and left to survey her surroundings before answering.

“There’s no one around, no.”

Ashe quickly opens the door. “Come inside!”

Hammer walks through as Ashe slams and relocks the door behind her. Arc motions to a chair next to him as he speaks.

“Have a seat, Hammer.”

Doing so, the young woman sees something sitting in the center of the table covered by a towel. Ashe turns to her as she too sits down.

“Now then, lieutenant. I need you to look under that towel and tell me what you see.”

Shrugging, she does as Ashe says. Looking at the device, she turns to Arc.

“This is the thingamabob that was taken from the warehouse!”

Arc looks to her soberly. “Are you absolutely sure, Hammer?”

Ashe nods. “Pick it up and look it over if need be.”

Hammer lifts the device and turns it in her hands before looking to Ashe and speaking.

“I’m sure, yeah.”

Arc looks to Hammer soberly. “One hundred percent?”


Ashe leans back in her chair and groans. “Terrific.”

Arc shrugs. “Well, try to look the bright side, Ashe. At least the rebels don’t have it.”

Ashe looks out the window. “That courier was probably linked to them though.”

Hammer raises an eyebrow. “But why give this to us? I mean… it’s supposed to be some kinda weapon, right?”

Arc turns to Ashe. “Maybe they just wanted to keep it away from the ruling party here?”

Ashe shakes her head. “That seems rather unlikely. In doing so, they would be giving up quite a large bargaining chip. And hiding something of this size out in some remote location would have been relatively easy.

Hammer frowns. “You think they’re trying to make a frame up?”

Arc taps it with a finger. “Could be. Think about it. They have this thing delivered to The Equinox by someone posing as a courier. The guards show up and demand to search the ship. They find it sitting here in my quarters and Equestria gets the blame.

Ashe shakes her head. “I honestly don’t think that was their goal, no. After all, the rebels are fully aware that the treaty between our two nations benefits our nation’s commoners the most.”

Arc nods. “Your explanation does make sense, Ashe. The rebels don’t really seem to see us as a real enemy to their cause. More like a neutral third party that just happens to help those they want to help.”

He takes the item from Hammer before continuing.

“That leaves us with just one possible explanation.”

Ashe raises an eyebrow. “Oh?”

“The rebels may be hoping that we take this item, study it, and figure out how it ticks. Then, in the event that tensions rise between our two nations, we’d use this technology to overthrow their government and replace it with one of our own.”

Ashe nods soberly. “While they wouldn’t be truly free, I must point out that an Equestrian puppet government would still be far more amenable to the general public. In theory, of course.”

Hammer grins. “We’d bring rights to the citizens and peace to the land.”

Arc smirks. “Making the rebel’s dream more or less come true.”

Ashe takes the device from Arc and looks it over. “Or perhaps there was a more… personal reason for the rebels doing this.”


“They may have sought to help us deepen ties with the Griffon Kingdom.”

Hammer raises an eyebrow. “How do you figure that?”

“Think about it. Lord Arc could take this device and present it to the king as a show of goodwill toward the Griffon Kingdom. Such a sign of trust would probably cement the relationship between the two nations for generations to come.”

Arc continues where Ashe left off. “Allowing for more progress to come to the citizens as a whole.”

Hammer shakes her head as she takes the device from Ashe. “That one has quite a bit of risk to it though. Arc giving this thing back to the king could just cement in his mind the idea that we stole it outright in the first place.”

Ashe sighs. “True. But if we keep it there’s always a chance that word could get back to the king anyways.”

Arc frowns. “And we also can’t destroy it safely without studying it first.”

Hammer groans. “Then what are we going to do with this thing?”

Arc holds out a hand to Hammer. “The only thing we can do at this point.”

Hammer raises an eyebrow as she hands over the device. “And what’s that, Arc?”

Putting the device in his ring, Arc looks to Ashe soberly.

“I keep it in here for safekeeping and we don’t tell anyone about this.”


“For now, yes.”

Hammer frowns. “Not even the princesses?”

Arc puts a hand to his chin thoughtfully. “Well… at the very least I guess we should tell Twilight. After all, she could probably figure out how this thing works.”

Ashe looks to Arc’s ring. “And make sure that we can safely store it.”

Hammer nods. “Or dismantle it.”

Arc stands and pats his magic ring. “I’ll leave that matter to her.”

Calling forth his gauntlet, Arc powers up his crystals and opens a portal. Turning back to Hammer and Ashe, he nods.

“Meeting adjourned.”

Stepping through, Arc appears back in his quarters in Canterlot Castle. Looking over at the now empty bed he sighs and walks over to it. Sitting down, Arc puts a hand on the pillow and looks out the window to the north as he speaks.

“Galena. By now you’ve probably arrived in the Crystal Empire. Even as I speak you’re certainly recovering and preparing to start your new life. I hope that this time things go better for you.”

Patting the pillow, Arc picks up the phone and waits. A few moments later a voice speaks.


“I need to speak to Princess Twilight in her quarters immediately regarding a matter of national security.”

“Yes sir, I’ll have a messenger take a note to her in the Audience Chambers. Will there be anything else?”

Arc shakes his head. “No, that will do it. Thank you.”

Hanging up the receiver, Arc stands and heads for the door. Making his way down the corridor to Twilight’s room, he motions for the guards to move. They do so and allow Arc to enter the suite. Using a Telekinesis Spell to turn on her bedside lamp, Arc walks over to the numerous windows and closes the curtains before sitting down at a small table in the center of the room. A short time later Twilight enters the room quickly. Looking around for a few moments she spies Arc and hurries over to him.

“I came as soon as I could, Arc! What’s the situation?!”

Arc sighs. “Have a seat and I’ll tell you.”

Twilight sits down across from Arc and wrings her hooves as he begins.

“First off, this matter really needs to stay between us.”

“And the other princesses, right?”

Arc shakes his head. “For now, no. Just you, me, Ashe, and Hammer know about it. I’m trying to keep this circle small. Really small.”

Twilight sighs. “Very well. I’ll keep it to myself for the moment.”

“Thank you. Now then… here goes nothing.”

Taking a deep breath, Arc reaches for his ring and pulls out the cylindrical device. Setting it in the center of the table between them, he continues.

“This was just delivered via special courier to Ashe at The Equinox.”

Twilight picks it up with her magic and looks it over. “It looks very well made, whatever it is.”

“Hammer says that it’s the device that was stolen from the king’s warehouse.”

Gasping, Twilight loses he concentration and drops the device. Reaching out quickly Arc catches it in the palm of his hand before it hits the wood table. Setting it down gently, he waits a few moments for Twilight to find her voice again.

“How?! Why…?!”

Arc shrugs. “All we can figure is that the rebels sent it to us for reasons unknown.”

Twilight jumps up and runs toward the telephone next to her bed. “We need to report this to the proper authorities right away!”

“Which I believe is you at this point in time, Twilight.”

“I meant in the Griffon Kingdom!”

Arc shakes his head as she picks up the receiver. “Not a good idea, Twilight.”

Twilight puts down the phone and turns to him. “Why not?!”

“Because if we do so then they’ll ask how we got it.”

“Then we’ll just say that it was sent to us for some reason!”

“That doesn’t sound good for us. “

Arc picks up the device as he continues.

“I mean… for what possible reason would the rebels go through all the trouble of stealing this thing just to turn it over to us?”

Twilight gasps. “You’re right, Arc! They’ll think Hammer really was in on the burglary!”


Sighing, Twilight walks back over to the table and sits down again. Taking the device from Arc, she again looks it over.

“So what do you think we should do with this thing?”

“My vote is for you to look this device over in order to make sure it’s safe to keep around here. Then study it in an effort to figure out how it works before hiding it away in the vault for safekeeping or dismantling it.”

Twilight groans. “Normally I’d love to do such a thing. However, you have to understand that I have royal duties to attend to now, Arc.”

“Like audiences, you mean?”

“Among other things, yes.”

“You could suspend those duties if you wanted to though. After all, you’re the highest authority in the country at the moment.”

“Which makes me extremely busy. That and it would look bad for me to cancel audiences. There are a lot of ponies whom need my guidance on any number of matters on a daily basis.”

“Then how about Auriel?”

“She moves between her duties in the Crystal and spending time with her parents in the Great Demon Kingdom these days. Between working on trying to reassemble the Crystal Heart and helping King Malevolence lead their country, she’s really busy all the time.”

Twilight taps her chin with a hoof for a few moments before continuing.

“Then again, she was just telling me the other day on the radio that she’s getting burnt out working on the heart.”

“Sounds like she needs a new project to me.”

“Agreed. And at the very least I would like her here to help me come up with a preliminary analysis of this device.”

Arc stands and heads for the telephone. “Want me to call her, or do you want to do it?”

“You can call Auriel. After all, I’m sure she’ll want to hear from you.”

Arc nods as he picks up the receiver. “Yes, it has been quite some time since her and I spoke.”

A short time later Arc opens a portal. Auriel steps through and smiles at both him and Twilight before running forward and giving Arc a hug.

“It’s been a long time!”

Arc smiles as he holds her close. “That it has.”

Auriel lightly nibbles on his ear as she whispers. “Sorry for not calling.”

Arc chuckles. “It’s okay. Truth be told, I feel like a bit of a heel for not calling you sooner.”

Twilight walks over to them. “Same here. We really need to talk more.”

Auriel lets go of Arc and gives Twilight a hug as well. “That we do.”

As the young demon lets go of Twilight she spies the device sitting on the table. Looking back to Twilight, she speaks.

“Is this something you came up with?”

Twilight shakes her head. “No. Arc… found it.”

Auriel appears confused. “Found?”

Arc nods. “This thing is top secret right now, Auriel. It’s a weapon of some kind that came into my possession very recently.”

Auriel looks to Arc and frowns. “Please don’t tell me that you want this thing reproduced.”

Arc shakes his head. “Quite the opposite actually. At the moment I’m more interested in knowing that it’s safe here in Canterlot.”

Twilight looks around. “I can’t imagine it could do much damage to the castle though, what with these thick walls and anti-magic shielding.”

Auriel picks the device up again and looks it over for a few moments before turning to Twilight and speaking.

“It looks very well made from the outside. But I’ll need a few tools to open this up.”

“Anything we need to get for you?”

Auriel shakes her head. “No, I have what I need in my room down the way.”

Arc pats his ring. “I can take us there via portal.”

Auriel smiles widely. “Good idea, Arc! I had completely forgotten about the sigil you hid under my rug!”

Twilight giggles. “Nice idea. Well, both of them.”

Arc chuckles. “Good times.”

Calling forth his gauntlet, Arc opens a portal. Stepping through, the trio finds themselves in Auriel’s room. She walks over to a workbench and pushes aside a partially assembled device of some kind to make room. Picking up a tool from a rack next to her, Auriel gets to work. Calling out to Arc and Twilight she sighs.

“Sorry about the mess.”

Twilight giggles. “It’s fine, Auriel. After all, my room doesn’t look much better at the moment.”

Arc chuckles. “Cut from the same cloth.”

Auriel opens an access panel in the device. “There we go. Now then, let’s see what we have here.”

She begins tinkering with the device’s innards for a few moments before grimacing.

“Uh oh.”

Twilight raises an eyebrow. “What is it?”

Turning, Auriel begins shoving parts and tools off of her workbench haphazardly. Her gaze looks from left to right erratically.

“Where is it?! Where is it?!”

Arc frowns. “Where’s what?”

“My wire cutters!”

Twilight looks around and points with a hoof. “They were on the shelf over there last time I was here.”

Running over to the a fore mentioned shelf, Auriel grabs the wire cutters and runs back to the device. Reaching inside, she makes a quick snipping motion before dropping the tool and sitting down heavily in her chair.

“Okay… we’re safe!”

Twilight raises an eyebrow. “Safe?”

Arc looks to the device. “Uh… was that thing about to blow up”?

Auriel nods soberly. “Yes.”

Twilight gasps. “WHAT?!”

“Don’t worry. With the detonator disconnected it’s completely inert now.”

Arc eyes the device suspiciously. “Some kind of failsafe to prevent someone from opening this thing up and looking at the innards?”

Auriel shakes her head. “Not exactly. After all, nothing happened when I opened the access panel.”

Twilight looks inside the device. “Probably some kind of proximity fuse then. But that just adds to the questions we already have.”

Auriel frowns. “How so, Twilight?”

“Arc didn’t exactly acquire this device… legally.”

“Then how…?”

Arc sighs. “It was delivered by questionable sources to my ship back in the Griffon Kingdom.”

“So… we aren’t actually supposed to have this then?”

Twilight shakes her head. “Right. In truth, it’s really supposed to be some secret Griffon Kingdom weapon, or something.”

Auriel groans as she tosses aside the wire cutters. “Terrific. You two know how I feel about working on weapons.”

Arc puts his hands on her shoulders. “Yes we do, Auriel. However, please understand that I’m not asking you to reverse engineer this thing so that we can make more. Just figure out a general idea of how dangerous it is and how we can safely store it somewhere.”

Twilight shrugs. “I’d be happy with it left in pieces myself.”

“Guess there’s no reason to reassemble it after you take it apart then.

Twilight bows her head. “You know I’d do it myself, Auriel. But I’m kinda busy with my duties at the moment.”

Arc nods. “And we need someone that can be trusted to do the job quietly and to keep what they find a secret from others.”

“Fine. But I’m going to need some help with this thing.”

“Did you have someone in mind?”

“If it’s alright, I’d like to bring my mother in on this project.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “Doctor Knowles?”

Auriel nods. “Yes.”

Twilight appears confused. “I wasn’t aware that she had a background in such things.”

“Not as deep as my own, granted. But she does have experience with the inner workings of larger machines.”

Auriel bows her head before continuing.

“That and… it’s just… her and I have been looking for a way to spend more time together lately. But so far nothing has come of it.”

Arc smiles at her. “And this could give you a chance to spend quality mother/daughter time together.”


Twilight smiles nervously. “Um… this certainly isn’t meant to be disparaging to your mother as a person, Auriel, but… you have to understand this from my point of view as an Equestria princess.”

“What are you saying, Twilight?”

“Your mother… she’s the queen of a foreign nation that Equestria isn’t exactly on the best terms with at the moment due to our shared histories.”

Arc shrugs. “While that is certainly true, I believe that we can trust her.”

“I understand that she really came through for you in helping save Shelly’s life, Arc. But allowing her to study this device could be a danger to Equestria.”

Auriel sighs. “You’re right, Twilight. But I trust her not to do something against the land which took me in when I had nowhere to go. Her and my father, I mean.”

“Twilight does raise a valid point, of course. However, I don’t think she’s thought it all the way through.”

Twilight appears confused. “I haven’t?”

Arc shakes his head. “No, Twilight.”


“First off, due to our much more recent past, the Great Demon Kingdom is currently our ally. King Malevolence and Auriel’s mother are leading the effort to change the mindset of their population to be more understanding of Equestrians and their positions on matters.”

Twilight puts a hoof to her chin thoughtfully. “That’s certainly a good start, yes. But you have to remember that there were centuries of animosity between demons and ponies. It’s not something we can just write off as being over just yet.”

Arc continues. “Second… it would be a sign of trust to bring her in on this.”

Auriel nods. “That would show my father that Equestria has nothing to hide.”

“And third… while your fears of bringing the queen in on this matter are certainly valid, I must also point out that you saw nothing wrong with allowing Auriel herself to work on this device. Remember, she’s a princess of the Great Demon Kingdom and second in line to the throne after her mother.”

“But I know and trust Auriel!”

“Right. So trust her when she says that it would be beneficial to have her mother’s help in this matter and that we can trust her.”

Twilight considers this for a moment before nodding.

“Very well. You make a good case, Arc.”

She turns to Auriel before continuing.

“You may bring your mother here to help you work on this device, yes.”

“Thank you, Twilight.”

“And… I’m sorry.”

Auriel appears confused. “For what?”

“Not having faith in my friend. If you believe that your mother can be trusted then I should too.”

Auriel shakes her head. “No, Twilight. You were right in what you said a minute ago about our two nation’s shared history. And I do understand that you, as a princess, have a duty to Equestria over your own feelings.”

Twilight bows her head. “It sounds bad when you say it like that though.”

Auriel puts a hand on Twilight’s shoulder and smiles. “I’m just saying that I don’t hold your opinions or duties to Equestria against you.”

Arc clears his throat loudly. “Sorry to break this up, but I really need to be getting back to The Equinox before someone figures out that I’m gone.”

Auriel looks to a strange looking device nearby. “Then how about I call my mother and ask her to teleport over?”

Twilight nods. “Yes, Auriel. Go ahead.”

Walking over to the device, Auriel presses a few buttons and waits. A few moments later a holographic visage of her mother comes up. Smiling at her daughter, she speaks.

“Hello, my dear. To what do I owe this unexpected call?”

Auriel gestures to her workbench nearby. “I have an unidentified device that is a bit beyond my skill level. However, it still needs to be studied, mother.”

“How can I help?”

“I was hoping that we could do it together here in my room in Canterlot Castle.”

Maria puts a finger to her chin thoughtfully. “Well… I suppose I could step away from my duties here for a time.”

“That and you could always teleport back if something came up.”

“Yes, I suppose that’s true. Very well, Auriel. Give me about ten minutes to gather a few things and let your father know that I’m stepping out for a bit.”

Auriel grins widely. “See you soon, mother!”

Maria nods and smiles silently as the hologram fades away. Auriel squeals happily as she turns back to Arc and Twilight.

“She’s coming!”

Arc chuckles. “Yes, we were right here when you called her.”

Auriel appears suddenly embarrassed. “Oh… right. Silly me.”

Twilight smiles. “Will there be anything special you two require?”

Auriel shakes her head. “No, we should have everything needed right here.”

“Alright. Just be sure to let me know if you need anything more to do this.”

“I will.”

Twilight turns toward the door. “Now then, I need to get back to audiences. We really do have a full docket today.”

“Then I won’t keep you any longer.”

Arc nods. “And I need to get moving too.”

Auriel appears suddenly nervous. “Um… could you stay for a few minutes, Arc? I need to talk to you about something.”


Twilight turns and heads for the door. “Then I’ll leave so you two can talk privately.”

As the door closes behind Twilight, Auriel turns to Arc and smiles as he speaks.

“Now then, what is it that you wanted to talk to me about?”

“For starters…”

Grabbing him, Auriel pulls Arc down to her level and plants a passionate kiss on his lips. Arc wraps his arms around her and leans in to reciprocate. Pulling back a short time later, he grins at her.

“What was that for?”

Auriel giggles. “For standing up for me in front of Twilight.”

“You’re not mad at her, are you?”

Auriel shakes her head. “No, no. I really do understand and respect her position. However, you’re the only one whom has ever vouched for my character when it really mattered. Like when the princesses didn’t want me to stay here in Equestria originally.”

Arc shrugs. “Just said what I felt. Nothing special about that.”

“Say what you will, but I find that particular aspect of you highly attractive.”

Arc pats her cheek. “And I find your understanding nature to be very cute as well.”


Arc nods. “Twilight explained her position and you saw the logic in her words. You didn’t try to contend the validity of her argument with emotional responses, but with logic and reason.”

“But Twilight was right.”

“And so were you. I merely pointed out the facts as I saw them.”

“Then how about I tell you my honest thoughts on something else?”

“What’s that?”

Auriel licks her lips seductively. “I’m honestly looking forward to being roughly taken and impregnated by a human whom is able to see beyond my physical inadequacies and care about me for whom I am.”

“One day, Auriel.”

Auriel nods happily. “Yes. When the time is right I will be ready for you, Arc.”

“But I should leave and let you get ready for your mother’s visit.”

“Get ready?”

Arc chuckles. Yes, ‘calming down’ would have probably been a better choice of words, I suppose.”

Auriel blushes as she looks Arc in the eye. “What can I say? The heart wants what it wants. But I do understand your position too.”

“Thanks. Um… just please be careful with this thing.”


“The device, I mean.”

Auriel smiles nervously as she walks Arc to the door. “Oh! Right! We will!”

Arc turns and smiles at her as he speaks. “Good.”

Leaning down, Arc gently kisses Auriel’s cheek before turning and leaving the room. Auriel slumps to her knees as the door closes behind him. Giggling, she looks at the door and whispers to herself.

“And I’ll make it an absolutely magical night for you when it’s time, Arc.”

Meanwhile, Arc steps down the corridor and looks out a window at the city below them. Sighing, he puts a hand on the glass as he speaks.

“This has to be done to protect everyone. In both countries, that is.”

Surveying the city for a few moments, Arc eventually turns away and calls forth his gauntlet. Opening a portal back to The Equinox, he steps through and returns to his quarters aboard ship. As it closes behind him however Arc hears a light knock. Walking towards it, he opens the door to see Luna standing before him nervously. Stepping aside, he motions for her to enter. Closing the door behind her, Arc smiles and speaks.

“How are things going, Luna?”

Luna bows her head. “Not very well actually. My sister and I have been trying to come with a solution to this problem.”

“So… how did things go in that regard?”

“Nothing we can think of to give in trade will even come close to replacing the king’s desire to marry me.”

“And I’m assuming that you don’t really want to do that.”

Luna bows her head. “Part of me actually does.”


“After getting to know him much better, that is. After all, Guto really is a very kind individual at heart. At least that’s what I saw from him during the Aviary Extravaganza.”

“But you don’t like how things are moving so fast.”

Luna nods. “Yes. Marriage is a very big step. And not something that should be entered into casually.”

Arc puts a hand to his chin. “Agreed. However, maybe he hasn’t thought of that himself.”

“What do you mean?”

“Think about it this way, Luna. King Guto really wants you to marry him so as to prevent any future attacks from Equestria.”

“How can you be so sure of that, Arc?”

“Because that’s what was done back on Earth centuries ago. A smaller nation would send a princess to more powerful nations in order to wed the king. This ensured that their peace treaties would be followed, as it would be seen as dishonorable to attack your extended family in the other country.”

Luna sighs. “So I have the chance to bring permanent peace to both our nations. Lucky me.”

Arc puts a hand on her shoulder. “It’s still your choice to make though, Luna. No one can say that you have to do this.”

“But as a princess I need to be willing to…”

Arc interrupts her. “Even that doesn’t matter. Whom you marry should be up to you, and you alone. To say that you have to marry someone should always be going one step too far.”

“I… did have an idea on the way over here. Can I run it by you?”


“As you said, a couple should get married for love. Not for other reasons be they good or not. Perhaps I could convince King Guto to merely take me on as an advisor to him. Make it a kind of probationary period for both of us.”

“Such an idea would certainly give you two more time with which to get to know each other, yes. After which you might find out that you don’t really see him as husband material, or you for him.”

“And if we do like one another than we can take things slow and have a bona-fide engagement period.”

“That and it will give you time to learn their ways. Customs and laws, I mean.”

“It sounded good in my head.”

Arc sighs. “Agreed. But that also comes at a price.”

Luna nods soberly. “Leaving Equestria and moving permanently to the Griffon Kingdom.”

“Is that something you can see yourself doing?”

“Actually, yes.”


Luna smiles sheepishly. “You have to remember that as an Alicorn I’ll live forever. However, Guto’s life is most definitely finite.”

“And when he dies?”

“I would be the sole ruler of the Griffon Kingdom and free to enact any political reform that I desire.”

“Including transitioning their government into something resembling Equestria’s way of doing things.”

Luna nods. “Yes. While it is likely that Guto will live on for at least a few more decades, such a span of time would be but the blink of an eye for me.”

“The Griffon Kingdom would be to the mainland as the Crystal Empire is to Equestria.”

“And I in a similar role to Cadance. Ruling over a foreign country.”

“It sounds very nice and neat.”

“Then that’s what I’ll propose to be done.”

“If that’s what you want, then go for it, Luna.”

“But it would be for the betterment of…!”

Arc interrupts her. “Again Luna, you need to think of your feelings in this matter as well. Nothing that’s been stated here to date is what absolutely NEEDS to be done.”

“But I could help so many!”

“And that would be wonderful, yes. However, at the end of the day, you still need to consider your own feelings. You own happiness.”

Luna sighs and nods. “I… suppose I have a lot to think about then.”

Arc nods. “That you do. Now then, please understand that I’m not saying you shouldn’t go through with the whole marriage or advisor idea. Far from it truth be told. But only if that’s what YOU want.”

“Celestia said roughly the same thing to me earlier.”

“It is sound advice, after all.”

“In truth, I was hoping you would have something else to add to it though.”

Arc shakes his head as he walks Luna to the door. “Sadly, no. Other than to just think of yourself before coming to a decision, that is.”

Luna puts a hoof to her chin thoughtfully. “Yes, I shall have to think on this matter some more in my shared room with Celestia. Perhaps we can brainstorm a new idea or two.”

“I’m sorry that I couldn’t give you anything else to consider in this matter, Luna. But if you and your sister do come up with something please feel free to come back if you feel the need to talk about it with someone else. Or anything else for that matter.”

As he opens the door for Luna, they see Ashe raising her talon as she was apparently preparing to knock. She looks apologetically to Luna as she speaks.

“I’m very sorry, your highness. You see…”

Luna holds up a hoof for silence and smiles. “It’s quite alright, ambassador. In truth, I was just leaving.”

Ashe steps aside and allows Luna to pass her before entering the room herself. Arc closes the door behind her and instinctively locks it before turning to the young griffon and speaking.

“Something I can do for you, Ashe?”

Ashe appears nervous. “I, uh… just wanted to talk to you about something privately.”

Arc motions to the chair Luna vacated a few moments prior. “Sure. Have a seat.”

Sitting down across from one another, Arc waits as Ashe composes her thoughts and speaks.

“In truth, I just wanted to… apologize.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “What for?”

“A few things actually. First off though, I was recently thinking about what I did to you in this very room not that long ago.”

Arc frowns. “You mean when you apparently tried to assassinate me?”

Ashe nods. “Right. There really was no excuse for such a thing. Especially after all you had done for everyone by bringing about the treaty idea to our nation’s leadership. I was just thinking that I couldn’t remember if I had apologized for it in the past, or not. Therefore I would like to take this opportunity to say that I am extremely sorry for my role in that event in addition to what happened to your hand leading up to that.”

Arc instinctively rubs his palm where the poisoned crossbow bolt pierced him. “It’s… in the past, Ashe. And in the truth, I actually don’t remember if you ever apologized either. But at the same time I would like to say that I also don’t hold that event against you. At least at this point in time, as you’ve learned how to be a better individual.”

“I figured as much. But at the same time also really wanted to get it out in the open and officially apologize.”

“Apology accepted ambassador.”

“And, I know I said this some time ago, but I also wanted to apologize for offering my talon to you in matrimony.”

Arc nods soberly. “To be fair, that one really did come out of far left field.”

Ashe raises an eyebrow. “Come again?”

“Sorry. It’s an old Earth expression that means that something was a complete and total surprise.”

“Yes, I… what I said back then was totally out of line and uncalled for. That and all the things I did and said to you when I was first aboard your ship as well.”

Arc chuckles. “I believe the phrase ‘spoiled brat’ would have been an appropriate term to use for that particular version of you.”

Ashe bows her head. “The former version of myself would probably have insulted you for saying that about me.”

“Can’t argue with that. So what changed?”

“I think it was the pancakes.”

Arc appears confused. “Pancakes?”

“Maybe I’m wrong, but I think that’s what we were eating at the time. If memory severs correctly I believe that I was being… difficult with your android Rose and threw my food or whatnot on the floor.”

Arc puts a hand to his chin thoughtfully. “Didn’t I dump something on your head for that?”

Ashe nods. “I believe it was the syrup.”

Arc chuckles. “Strange that I can’t remember something like that clearly.”

“Neither can I. But I also can’t deny that you were right to do it. After all, I completely deserved it for my behavior at the time.”

“It feels like a lifetime ago though.”

“Kinda was, as I feel as if I’m a totally different griffon now. But to answer your earlier question, I believe that the conversation I had with Rose back then as she was helping me get cleaned up started a kind of mental change in me.”

“How so?”

“I just… didn’t understand how to interact with others at the time. Up until that point in time everyone that I interacted with was a servant to me. Or at the very least, beneath me in the status quo.”

“Being the father of lord can do that, I suppose.”

Ashe groans. “I suppose such a thing insulated me from the real world though. Naturally, everyone would always bow and scrape when addressing my father. And by proxy, would treat me with the utmost care and respect so as not to gain his ire.”

She looks down and sighs before continuing.

“Even though I hadn’t actually done anything to actually earn their respect. I was just riding along on my father’s coattails.”

Arc nods. “I do remember you constantly saying ‘my father’ whenever you were angry.”

“Yes… that is true.”

“But, just to be fair, I can’t remember that last time you used that line.”

“Now I have to make a conscious effort not to.”

“And you’ve been doing a good job of that. However, there is another side to that argument.”

Ashe appears confused. “There is?”

Arc nods. “Yes. Now you actually do have your own words and deeds to fall back on.”

“The only reason I got the job of ambassador is because of whom my father is though.”

“Maybe. But I can’t exactly imagine Princess Celestia going for something like that. After all, Lord Gestal’s influence has no effect on her due to her own position.”

Ashe puts a talon to her beak thoughtfully. “I… suppose that makes sense, yes. Then why do you suppose she approved of me?”

Arc shrugs. “While I can’t say for sure, it might have been her own intuition. Her insight from a long life of ruling, I mean.”


“Princess Celestia may have seen something in you that she liked.”

“Maybe. Any other ideas?”

Arc sighs. “Not to put you down, but it’s also worth noting that she was under the influence of limited mind control at the time.”

Ashe puts her face in her talons. “So it’s possible that she may have just been ordered by her handlers to approve me for some reason.”

Arc shrugs. “You’d have to talk to her about this directly if you want a concrete answer though.”

“I think I just might do that after this, yes. Um… but you see…”

Ashe shifts in the chair nervously before continuing.

“…there was another reason I came here.”

Arc folds his hands as he rests them on the table. “Do tell.”

“It’s about… my former affiliation.”

“What about it?”

“The rebels, they… they really just want a fair shot at life. To be able to have the bare necessities available to them at prices they all can afford. To have the right to speak out against that which they don’t agree with. And to be able to make decisions on the path that the nation takes. Is that really so much to ask for?”

Arc smiles at her. “Believe me, Ashe. You’re preaching to the choir here.”

Ashe raises an eyebrow. “Um… what?”

“Human euphemism. It means that you’re trying to convince someone whom already agrees with you.”

“Oh… right.”

“Listen, Ashe… the rebels aren’t wrong for wanting to stand up to the griffon government. But they often times go too far.”

Ashe sighs. “The bomb in the carriage.”

Arc nods as he frowns. “And the assassination attempt on Luna. And the kidnapping of the nobles. And the fear tactics. And the attack on my life.”

Ashe frowns. “Hey! That last one was just me!”

“It doesn’t really help your case, Ashe.”

“I guess not. But I don’t really want them blamed for things that I alone did.”

“Fair enough.”

“But I do believe that you’ve made your point about us going a bit too far sometimes.”

Arc sighs. “I understand the fact that it’s in pursuance of them trying to gain at least some semblance of personal freedoms, Ashe. However, even such a noble goal doesn’t give them the right to hurt or otherwise tread on others to achieve those goals.”

“And I agree with you. However, the fact of the matter is that there really isn’t much of an alternative for them. Which is why I went along with them as long as I did.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “Went along with? Weren’t you the leader?”

“I was, yes.”

“So everything had to go through you then, correct?”

“Right. Well, I didn’t approve every little thing they did. After all, the rebels really are just a collection of individuals united under a more or less common goal”

“But ultimately everything they did was on you?”

Ashe sighs. “I suppose it was.”

“Every time they terrorized the land or hurt someone.”

“What are you getting at, Lord Arc?”

Arc stands and looks out the window. “That city.”


Arc nods. “It’s not somewhere I’d like to live.”

“But the citizens there pretty much have to.”

“Yes, I understand that. Which leaves them with no other alternative other than to try and make the best of their situation.”

“Which is why many of them joined the rebels in the first place. Their thought process being that such is their only real chance at something better.”

“Even though it’s so dangerous?”

Ashe sighs as she stands and looks out the window with Arc. “When you have nothing at all to lose, danger tends to lose its power over you.”

“I suppose that’s probably true. They were either going to make things better for everyone or die trying.”

“The alternative was death by degrees. Work hard for a few coins in order to be able to buy rotten food and maybe keep warm. Eventually when you can’t work anymore you move in with your adult younglings whom support you as best they are able.”

“And if they are without younglings?”

Ashe sighs. “Freezing to death in a gutter at best.”

“What about at worst?”


Arc groans as he looks out the window. A few moments later Ashe continues.

“I admit that neither sounds pleasant. But it’s been this way in the Griffon Kingdom since... well… centuries, I suppose.”

Arc nods soberly. “There’s something I need to tell you, Ashe.”

“What is it?”

“Some time ago, when I was discussing your nation’s situation with someone, it was brought up that perhaps Equestria should ally with the rebels. Covertly, of course.”

Ashe appears surprised. “It was? By whom?”

“That’s not important right now, Ashe.”

“Then what came of the conversation?”

“I… considered both sides of the issue, of course. But ultimately decided against aiding you and your organization.”

Ashe frowns. “But you’ve seen the squalor that they live in! How could you stand by and do nothing?!”

“Oh, believe me, I did do something.”

“And what might that be?!”

“The treaty.”

There is a long silence before Arc again speaks.

“My idea was to bring about change by promoting free trade between our nations and allowing for factories here to be opened under Equestrian standards. And from what I’ve heard, it is working.”

Ashe nods. “Yes, it is. Slowly but surely.”

“Such things will allow the citizens to be able to raise themselves up from poverty and earn a living wage.”

“Admittedly, that’s approximately what I told my former commander not so long ago. That thanks to the treaty with Equestria things are improving for the commoners here in the Griffon Kingdom.”

“So if you approve of my tactics then why were you upset?”

Ashe bows her head. “Because at the time I thought that such was the most that the Equestrian powers that be were willing to do. Help our nation economically. I wasn’t aware that there had been a dialogue that involved you or the princesses actually backing the rebels.”

“Believe me, for a time I honestly did consider it.”

“Then I have to ask why you chose not to help us.”

Arc turns to her. “Do you really have to ask?”

Ashe nods soberly. “Yes. I need to hear the words straight from you.”

“Very well.”

He takes a deep breath before continuing.

“If Equestria were to help the rebels overthrow the king and Council of Lords, whom would have been there to take their places?”

“As the leader of the rebels, I would have assumed the role of the nation’s leader.”

“And what of the Council of Lords?”

“My father would have been kept on to help restructure the country along with my commander as a newly appointed lord.”

“Just the two of them on the council? What about Lord Adalbert and Lord Weller?”

“Those two would have probably conspired against me and the new regime. They would have most likely been banished. But I would have appointed replacements for them as others proved themselves worthy of such positions.”

“Not sure that the public would have gone for that.”

Ashe raises an eyebrow. “The other two lords being banished?”

“More regarding your father being allowed to keep his position on the council.”

Ashe frowns. “What’s wrong with that?!”

“He would have been a reminder to everyone of the old system. It’s likely that the public would have viewed him not being banished along with his compatriots as the new government just being more of the same.”

“I couldn’t do that to my father though!”

“Well, the citizens would probably demand it.”

Ashe clenches a fist. “Too bad! I would have needed his help to rule the nation!”

“So you wouldn’t be open to removing him under any circumstances?”

“ No!”

Arc puts a hand to his chin thoughtfully. “That way of thinking sounds very familiar. Kinda like the current administration’s take on pretty much everything that doesn’t benefit them personally.”

Ashe sighs. “I know, I know. But that’s one thing that I would have been firm on. After all, he has years of experience governing and knows the ins and out of pretty much every aspect of leading.”

“My original point stands though. Even though your father has always been fair with me, the citizens would still view him as part of the original problem.”

“Yes, well… that’s one thing I’ve learned since meeting you, Lord Arc.”


“That leading is much harder than I originally thought.”

Arc chuckles. “You figured that ruling was just sitting on a throne and barking orders, didn’t you?”

“Admittedly, yes. But since that time I’ve come to the realization that it’s so much more than that. If anything, the princesses of Equestria do more listening than talking.”

“That they do. And as someone whom would have authority as the nation’s new ruler, you too would have to be willing to listen rather than dictate. So if the citizens wanted your father to not be a part of the new government that you would bring about, then you would have done well to listen to them.”

Ashe sighs. “Over my own feelings.”

Arc nods. “As a good leader would, yes.”

“I… don’t think I’m ready for such a thing.”

“At least now that you’ve left the rebels, there’s no path that would lead to you conquering the Griffon Kingdom.”

“That’s probably for the best admittedly. All the responsibility that comes with the job sounds just plain unbearable.”

“It is. Believe me.”

Ashe sighs. “All I wanted to do was bring equality to the commoners though. To give them a chance at a better life.”

“And you thought the best way to do that was to overthrow the current regime?”

“What else could be done? I mean… at the time my options were limited.”

“Yes, I understand that, Ashe. Which is partially why I’m not coming down on you harder right now.”

“Then tell me something. What would you have done differently?”


“If you were in my place, how would you have handled the situation?”

Arc puts a hand to his chin thoughtfully. “Well… I think I would have tried to isolate the individual problems so as to face them one at a time.”

“How so?”

“In my mind, the biggest need would be food. Healthy, ripe, untainted food, that is.”

“And how would you have gone about solving that problem?”

“Assuming I had your family’s resources, that is?”

Ashe nods. “Correct.”

“Then I believe that I would have asked your father to help me open up food banks.”

“Food… banks?”

“Places the poor can go to get basic groceries at no cost to them. We have them back on Earth.”

“An interesting idea. Now then, let’s assume that we were able to solve the food problem. What would be the next step?”

“Housing, I suppose.”

“And how would we solve that problem?”

“You told me before that the elderly have to live with their adult younglings. And that if they didn’t have any that they would be homeless. I’d start with them first by opening assisted living homes for them.”

“What would that entail?”

“More or less single room apartments that have nursing staff on hand and common areas which include a dining room to provide basic nourishment.”

“That would help, yes. But there are others whom don’t have a roof over their head either.”

“Then I’d look into opening homeless shelters for those whom have nowhere else to go.”

“Some kinda of group living arrangement?”

Arc nods. “A large room with a lot of bunk beds, yes. It wouldn’t be much to look at admittedly. But they’d be safe, warm, and dry at night.”

“But they couldn’t stay there forever.”

“The next step would be some kind of low income housing. Like the previously mentioned shelters, it wouldn’t be much to look at as far as style goes. But as I said before, it would be safe, warm, and dry.”

“That’s… actually pretty well thought out. The whole thing, I mean.”

Arc shrugs. “Just a little something I came up with on the fly.”

“Interesting. I wonder why I didn’t think of any of that.”

“Most likely because you were so convinced that to change things for the better required the nation as a whole to be more or less reset.”

“That would work though.”

“Potentially, yes. And, just to be fair, admittedly there are times when a country’s administration is beyond repair. But you also have to understand that the so-called ‘nuclear option’ should always be a last resort, not a first impulse.”

Ashe nods soberly. “It would appear that I have a lot to think about.”

“That you do.”

Ashe looks to the door. “I believe that I’ll head back to my room and ponder what we talked about.”

Arc smiles at her as he turns. “Yes, you do that.”

Ashe stops as they near the door. “Um… might I ask you one last thing, Lord Arc?”

“What is it?”

“Do you think, I mean in your professional opinion… that perhaps I’ll get to the point of being worthy of leading my country one day?”

“That is entirely up to you, Ashe. If you’re willing to learn, listen, and lead then yes.”

“I’ll do my best to become that which the Griffon Kingdom can be proud of then.”

Arc opens the door for her. “Very good. I’m glad we had this talk.”

“As am I, Lord Arc. And I do hope you have a nice time tomorrow.”

Arc raisese an eyebrow. “Tomorrow?”

“Remember, it’s traditional for a couple to spend the day of their wedding doing what makes them both happy.”

“Ah! Yes, I do remember you saying that a day or so ago.”

“Then I’ll leave you to plan the day’s activities.”

Closing the door behind her, Arc turns and walks back over to the window. Sighing, he mutters to himself.

“Tomorrow really is the big day then. While I know it’s just a fake wedding and that Natalya and I won’t be acting as a real couple would, still… still it feels a bit… unnerving. A bit… wrong.”

Putting his hand to his chin, Arc continues.

“That and it still feels as though I’m… cheating on my other fiancées. But… what else could I have done? The alternatives are all… quite dark.”

Sighing, he bows his head.

“As I told Ashe, a leader must be willing to do what is best for the nation as a whole. To listen to those around them and act accordingly. But… also be willing to… sacrifice as is required.”

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