• Published 27th Apr 2019
  • 15,574 Views, 5,903 Comments

The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

  • ...

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Chapter 2 - The Tour

Meanwhile... Arc and Ember make their way to the Bridge.

“So why are we really going to the Bridge?”

“To thank the captain. That and I want Twilight to be able to take a nap without us keeping her awake.”

“Really? And Sereb?”

Arc chuckles. “Just a little insurance policy.”

The pair reach the Bridge. Commander Soarin sees them first and announces him.

“Lord Regent on the Bridge!”

Arc nods. “At ease everyone. Commander Soarin, while I do appreciate it, as the Lord Regent I’m not actually a royal... I think.”

Tight Ship walks over to Arc and salutes. “As far as everypony is concerned, I believe you're considered to be the equivalent of one, sir.”

“Not sure if I've actually done anything to make myself worthy of such a station. But I thank everyone just the same for putting such faith in me.”

“Yes sir. Is there anything I can do for you?”

“I just wanted to come by and thank all of you for your hard work getting this mission underway.”

Ember nods! “Yeah! And quickly too!”

Tight Ship smiles. “I have my crew to thank for that, sir. They're the best! Have you been introduced yet?”

“I did meet Commander Soarin here earlier.”

Soarin salutes! “Sir!”

“Well then, let me introduce you to everypony else.”

Tight Ship turns to a pink earth pony with a gray mane and blue eyes. Her cutie mark is a lasso.

“This is my Tactical Officer, Wrangler. It's her job to safeguard the integrity of this vessel as well as operating our offensive and defensive weapons.”

Wrangler salutes Arc, dutifully. “Sir!”

“Good to meet you Wrangler. Is the ship prepared for whatever lies ahead?”

“Yes sir! We're fully armed and armored! Anypony crosses us and I'll blow them to kingdom come!”

Tight Ship nods. “Let's just hope it doesn't come to that.”

Arc nods. “Agreed!”

Tight Ship turns to a unicorn with a pale ivory coat, a red and purple mixed mane and violet eyes. Her cutie mark is a moon and sparkles.

“This is my Science Officer, Moon Dancer. It's her job to advise me on decisions that involve situations outside my expertise.”

Ember looks confused. “Like what?”

Moon Dancer speaks up. “For example, if in our travels we were to come across an unknown creature, it would be my job to quickly analyze the situation and make pertinent recommendations to the captain on whether or not they were a threat to the ship and its crew. The final decision on what to actually do though would be up to him, or course!”

Arc nods to her. “Pleased to meet you Moon Dancer. Not to be rude, but have we met before?”

Moon Dancer shakes her head. “I'm sorry sir, but I don't believe so, no.”

Ember looks the mare over carefully. “Are you sure miss? I feel it too.”

Seeing that this makes Moon Dancer uncomfortable, Arc moves on. “I'm sorry Moon Dancer, but I think I may have been mistaken. Please forgive me.”

“Yes sir.”

They turn to a male pegasus with a dark gray coat and mixed green mane. His cutie mark is a thundercloud.

“This is the Lunar Destiny's Helmsman and my personal apprentice, Thunderlane.”

Thunderlane salutes! “Sir! It's an honor to meet you!”

“Likewise! How are you liking your position?”

“It's an honor to learn from the best pilot in the land! Don't you worry about a thing! I'll see to it we stay in the air and away from hostile fire!”

Arc nods. “Good. Crashing is not something I look forward to.”

Tight Ship gestures to a bright yellow earth pony mare with a mint green mane, light red eyes and a three hearted cutie mark.

“And lastly, we have our Communication's Officer, Lemon Hearts.”

Lemon Hearts salutes Arc happily!

“It's a pleasure sir! Is it true you were able to talk the leader of Yakyakistan out of going to war with us?!”

Arc shrugs. “More or less.”

Ember grins! “Although there was a lot less talking, and a lot more punching!”

“While I'm not completely pleased with the methods I had to employ, I'm glad that we were able to avoid a senseless war with the yaks.”

“Don't feel bad Arc! Prince Rutherford had it coming!”

“Not really. He was manipulated into taking such actions by a traitor! Prince Rutherford is as much a victim of Wind Rider's treachery as... as…”

Ember puts a claw on Arc's shoulder as he puts a hand to his forehead.

“We'll get him Arc. You can count on it.”

Arc smiles. “Thank you, Ember. I can always count on you, my friend.”

Tight Ship nods. “We also have a Chief Engineer down in the Engine Room and a Medical Officer in the Infirmary. My apologies for not having proper medical staff on hoof last time sir! It will not happen again!”

“It's not your fault Tight Ship.”

Ember frowns. “Another traitor in our ranks did so.”

Arc sighs. “Indeed. Yet another trusted servant of Equestria betrays us.”

“Do you believe there are others, sir?”

Arc shrugs. “There's no way to know for sure. I trust those who have not given me reason to do otherwise.”

Ember narrows her eyes. “Maybe not the best mindset right now, Arc.”

“I'll keep that in mind.”

Tight Ship gestures to the other side of the bridge. “In any case sir, would you like a tour of the ship? We have plenty of time before we reach Ponyville.”

Arc nods! “Yes, I would. Thank you.”

He turns to Soarin. “Commander, you have the Bridge.”

“Aye sir!”

Tight Ship leads the pair to the back of the Bridge and steps onto a strange looking pad. Ember eyes is suspiciously.

“What is this thing?”

“It's a Teleporter Pad. Princess Celestia commissioned these devices to quickly get around the ship. It's rumored that she herself came up with the design for them!”

Ember looks to Arc. “That's kinda like your Sigil Magic, Arc!”

“I suppose. Tell me Tight Ship. Why aren't these pads more widely used? They would negate the need for trains and other means of transport.”

“This technology is still in its infancy stage. They're also VERY expensive to produce and take a tremendous amount of power to function!”

Arc frowns! “What if the ship lost power? Wouldn't it trap everyone where they were?”

Tight Ship shakes his head. “We still have plenty of stairs to travel between levels. Also, each teleporter also has its own rechargeable backup power source.”

Ember looks at the device skeptically. “It sounds like the princess thought of everything!”

“That's certainly reassuring. Shall we give them a try?”

Ember sighs. “Well… okay.”

Arc, Ember and Tight Ship step onto the Teleporter Pad. Tight Ship clears his throat.

“Cargo Hold.”

In a flash the group is teleported to the ship's Cargo Hold.

Ember looks around! “Woah! That was a rush!”

“Not quite what I'm used to in any case, Ember.”

Tight Ship steps off the teleporter pad and walks thorough the belly of the ship. “This ship is composed of three levels. The Lower Level of the Lunar Destiny contains the expansive Cargo Hold as well as Engineering.”

Arc points a finger at a ship moored nearby. “Isn't that the Blitztorte?”

Tight Ship nods. “It is. Our Chief Engineer was able to repair the damage.”

Ember frowns. “What happened to the pilot?”

“Apparently, he told Canterlot that he had enough of flying and was taking the train back.”

Arc looks confused. “Why's that?”

Tight Ship shrugs. “He didn't say. I didn't want to leave such a grand ship behind, so I ordered it docked in the Lunar Destiny.”

Ember looks around the partially filled Cargo Hold. “Doesn't this make the ship vulnerable to attacks from below? I mean, the destruction of Engineering would cripple the ship!”

Tight Ship gestures to the decking under their feet. “The underbelly of the ship is magically reinforced adamantium. According to the sages in Canterlot, nothing in Equestria is strong enough to pierce it! Our earlier tests show that should the engines fail, the ship should be able to withstand an impact with the ground and slide on its belly!”

Arc nods! “Impressive! Can we see the Engineering section as well?”

“Right this way, sir!”

Tight Ship leads the pair to the aft section of the Lower Level. They enter a large noisy room filled with machinery chugging away. Many engineers carry out their tasks diligently. He leads Arc and Ember toward a mare with a dark orange coat, brownish-red mane and a sun for a cutie mark.

“Lord Arc, I'd like you to meet Chief Engineer Stellar Flare.”

“A pleasure miss.”

Stellar Flare salutes him happily! “Thank you for coming sire! Please pardon our dust, as Engineering isn't the cleanest place on the ship!”

Arc nods. “That's understandable. So how are things down here?”

“Moving like a well-oiled machine, sir! The Lunar Destiny is the latest and greatest ship in the Royal Fleet! Nothing in Equestria even comes close!”

Ember looks around. “These are a lot of machines just to keep us in the air!”

Stellar Flare nods! “To tell you the truth, only some of them are actually needed to fly the ship. Everything from propulsion to weapon systems to electrical lights to navigation comes through here! If we had to, we could operate the ship from engineering!

Tight Ship nods! “And she keeps it all running so smoothly!”

Stellar Flare gestures with a hoof to all the others around her. “I have a lot of help! This is certainly not a one pony job!”

Arc nods. “Thank you for allowing us to see Engineering. We won't take up any more of your time Stellar Flare.”

She waves as the group leaves. “Come back anytime sire!”

The group steps onto the Teleporter Pad.

“Living Quarters!”

The group is immediately teleported to a long corridor with many doors on either side. Tight Ship steps forward and walks down the corridor with Arc and Ember.

“This is the Mid Level of the Lunar Destiny. Living Quarters for all her crew and then some! We have all the comforts of home right here!”

Ember nods. “So how many crew members can be housed here at a given time?”

“Several hundred. Although if we needed to that number could easily be doubled!”

They pass a Rec Room and a small Library. Ember chuckles.

“Twilight would love this flying Library!”

Arc nods. “Indeed! Maybe next time she'll have the energy to peruse these books.”

At the end of the corridor is a large room with many tables and chair bolted to the deck.

“This is our Cafeteria. It was intentionally over-sized to accommodate large numbers should the need for ponytarian aid arise.”

Ember frowns. “Like an invasion?”

“Precisely! The Lunar Destiny could be deployed with soldiers and supplies aboard. We could provide aerial support while our troops move in, repel the invaders and render aid to the citizens.”

Arc looks around. “So it's like a flying fortress?”

“Yes. Princess Celestia designed it to serve a number of purposes.”

Ember points down a hallway. “What's down there?”

“The Cafeteria is the center of the Mid-Level. That hallway leads to more Living Quarters. It's a mirror image of the area we just came from. Very simple and impossible to get lost in. Every hallway leads here!”

Tight Ship leads the pair to the Kitchen. As they enter, Ember elbows Arc!

“I see we've come to your favorite part of the ship, Arc.”

“Very funny, Ember.”

“As you can see, we're fully ready to meet the culinary needs of the entire ship here. Just like the Living Quarters, we can add more staff to greatly increase productivity.”

Arc nods. “How long do you think the ship could operate without going back to resupply?”

“Indefinitely. There is a special Teleporter Pad that is going to be installed in the Cargo Hold that can send us supplies.”

Ember frowns. “It isn't there yet?”

Tight Ship shakes his head. “The sages are still working on it. Hopefully they will have something for us soon. Although I don't even want to venture a guess on how much it's costing us to build!”

He leads Arc and Ember past a well-equipped Gym and a large Meeting Room.

“Is it just me, or is this floor a bit larger than the Lower Level?”

"Yes sire, it is. The design was meant to have spacious living accommodations for potential long-term deployments. Princess Celestia didn't want our forces, or refugees, to feel hemmed in."

Ember nods. “A smart idea! It would certainly be a comfort for me to stay on this ship if my hometown was attacked!”

Tight Ship leads the way to another Teleporter Pad.

“Observation Deck!”

In the blink of an eye the group finds themselves in a large room with floor to ceiling windows on three of the four walls, a large number of tables and chairs are scattered throughout the room as soft soothing music plays.

“This is the Observation Deck on the ship’s Upper Level. It's a great place to relax and take in the scenery. Also good for those whom have claustrophobia.”

Arc looks out the window. “We're so high!”

Ember laughs! “Scared of heights, Arc?”

“Nah! Just amazed at pony ingenuity! I mean, we have things like this on Earth! But to build something like this with hooves must be quite the undertaking!”

Ember looks at her claws. “Huh. Before I came to this land, I would have thought something like this to be impossible!”

Tight Ship nods. “The heavy lifting is often done by Earth Ponies, while the detail-oriented tasks are left to the unicorns. Sometimes they have to work together though to accomplish tasks that neither could do alone.”

Arc nods. “Teamwork! It gets the job done!”

“Indeed sir! If you would follow me though we can continue our tour.”

“Lead the way!”

Tight Ship leads the pair out of the room and down another hallway. Ember points to a large ornate door.

“Hey Arc! There's your room!”

“I hope Twilight is doing as I told her and taking a nap.”

Ember smiles. “Who knows! Maybe she escaped!”

Arc opens the door slowly. “We'll see.”

Looking into his room, Arc spots Twilight asleep on the bed. Sereb is lying on the floor. He raises his head as he hears the door open! Arc gives him a thumbs up. Sereb nods in acknowledgment as Arc closes the door.

“Sleeping like a baby.”

“Good. She needed it.”

They continue down the corridor a short distance. Tight Ship opens a large double door to a rather spacious office.

“This is your office sir. The room next door has a Communications Up-link for private conversations.”

“Communications with Canterlot?”

“Anywhere really. As you can see, should the need ever arise you could rule Equestria or command a battle from here!”

They leave the room as Tight Ship's face grows serious.

“The next room is one you two know well.”

Confused, Arc and Ember follow him. Ember frowns as they walk over to a large open doorway.

“Oh... this room again.”

Tight Ship leads the way into the Infirmary.

“This is the Infirmary. Although I'm sure you already knew that sir.”


Ember sighs. “Is there actually a medic here this time?!”

Tight Ship nods. “Yes. Although right now the only one on staff is the Chief Medical Officer.”

Hearing voices a white coated Earth Pony mare with a pink mane and blue eyes steps out of a small adjoining office.

“Here she is. This is Chief Medical Officer Redheart.”

Arc smiles at her. “Hello Nurse Redheart. It's been awhile.”

“Yes sire! Glad to see you again... without holes in you this time.”

Tight Ship looks confused. “You two know each other?”

Arc nods. “She's patched me up a time or two. So what brings you here?”

“I was originally part of the military years ago. The move to Ponyville was supposed to be a temporary assignment. However, I enjoyed it there so much that I decided to settle down.”

Ember nods. “What made you change your mind?”

“Princess Celestia asked me to take this post when the ship was ready. I'm not sure why, but she was convinced that my skills would be needed here.”

Arc smiles at her. “Well I certainly could have used you last time I was aboard.”

“My apologies, sir. It won't happen again.”

“I'm not blaming you for that. You were simply given some time off and you took it. I would have done the same.”

Nurse Redheart looks relieved. “Thank you sire.”

Ember turns to Arc. “Maybe she could take a look at Twilight, Arc. You know, just a check-up!”

Arc shrugs. “I'm certain all she needs is a good night's sleep... or two.”

“What seems to be the problem?”

Ember frowns. “When we found Arc's friend, she was acting bizarre! I mean really out there!”

Arc nods. “Nurse Redheart can you tell us the symptoms of extreme sleep deprivation please?”

“Certainly. Mood changes, physical impairment, general memory and thinking impairment, disorientation, hallucinations and paranoia.”

He turns back to Ember. “Sound familiar?”

“Touché Arc.”

“I can certainly examine your friend if you would like, sire. But if she displayed these symptoms then sleep is probably the best medicine for her. I’ll do my best not to wake her. It would only take a short time.”

Arc nods. “Very well then. Ember will go with you. My other bodyguard is currently keeping an eye on her. I doubt he would do anything impetuous, but let's err on the side of caution.”

Nurse Redheart picks up a medical satchel. “Yes sir. I'll head over there now.”

Redheart and Ember leave the Infirmary together.

“There's only one last stop on our tour sir.”

“Lead the way.”

A short walk down the corridor leads the pair to a series of larger accommodations.

“These are the Bridge Officer's Quarters. They need to be near the Bridge in case of an emergency.”

Arc nods. “Makes sense. But I see there are several more quarters than there are Bridge Officers.”

“The spare rooms are for future officer expansion as well as doubling for VIP quarters. You may have to entertain foreign dignitaries here!”

“You mean like foreign emergency aid?”

Precisely, sire!”

The two walk to the end of the corridor and step back onto the Bridge.

“Well that's about all there is to see, sir. I hope the ship is to your liking!”

“I'm very impressed by what I see Tight Ship. Seeing the ship in its entirety makes me feel more confident going forward! Now if you will excuse me, I need to check in on my friend.”

Tight Ship nods. “We should be landing at your base in Ponyville shortly sir.”

“Very good! Please have Lemon Hearts notify my base of our arrival. I don't want them to be surprised.”

“Yes sir.”

Tight Ship nods at Lemon Hearts as Arc leaves the Bridge. He heads back to his cabin to find Sereb waiting in the corridor looking out one of the many windows that line the hallway.

“Sereb? What are you doing out here?”

“Ember took over watching Twilight. It felt a bit... inappropriate for me to watch a pony mare being examined.”

He stands next to Sereb to look out the window as well.

“How do you like the view?”

“It is a bit disconcerting to be so high. This does not seem natural to me.”

The pair are silent for a time.

“Did Twilight give you any trouble?”

“She attempted to leave at one point.”


“I did not allow it.”


A few minutes later Ember and Redheart emerge from Arc's cabin.

“How is she?”

Nurse Redheart closes her bag as Ember quietly closes the door behind them. “She'll be fine with proper rest. While she didn't wake up during the examination, which is good, it also meant I couldn't ask her any questions.”

Ember joins them. “What should we do?”

“Just see to it she rests today and gets to bed early tonight. By tomorrow she should be fine!”

Arc nods. “Thank you Nurse Redheart. Whoops! Sorry. Old habit!”

Nurse Redheart smiles. “It's alright sire. Call me whatever you wish! In any case, I should be getting back. Call me if you need an examination yourself. I heard what happened.”

Arc nods. “Thank you, but I'm fine.”

“Very well. Please try to stay that way.”

“No promises.”

Nurse Redheart shakes her head as she walks back to the Infirmary. A short time later the ship lands behind Light's Hope.

Sereb looks out the window at the base. “It appears we have arrived.”

Ember sighs. “It feels like forever since we lived at Light's Hope, Arc.”

Arc nods and walks over to the bed. “It does. Hopefully we will again soon.”

Arc slowly moves to pick up Twilight. She stirs groggily.

“What? Where...”

“It's okay Twilight. I've got you.”

“Are… are we back in Ponyville?’

Arc nods as he picks her up. “Yes. We just landed at Light's Hope. I'll be taking you home now on Sereb. You can go back to sleep if you want to.”

Twilight nods, still rather out of it. “Th-thank you.”

Arc gives Twilight to Ember. He mounts Sereb and turns back to Ember as she hands him the sleepy mare. Are wraps an arm around Twilight’s midsection.

“Don't worry Twilight. I got ya!”

Twilight nods weakly and leans her head back against Arc's chest. She whispers to herself.

“This feels wonderful...”

“Did you say something Twilight?”

He looks down to his friend but Twilight has dozed off.

“Oh well. Let's go you two.”

Sereb nods. “To the Golden Oaks Library?”

“You know it.”

Sereb quickly runs to the Golden Oaks Library with Ember flying a short distance behind them. In no time at all they arrive at their destination. Arc carefully dismounts before picking up Twilight and carrying her to the door.

“Don't worry Twilight. You'll be in bed shortly.”

Ember steps forward quickly and knocks on the library door. A few moments later Spike answers.

“Hi Arc! Sweet Celestia! Twilight!”

Spike calls out over his shoulder for help!

“Auriel! Come quick!”

Auriel runs up the basement steps!

“Oh dear! What happened?!”

Arc steps inside the library. “Twilight just worked herself too hard. She'll be okay after a good nap and long night's rest.”

Spike looks up from Twilight with evident concern in his voice. “Are you sure?! Maybe we should take her to the hospital!”

Ember looks to Spike. “Arc had the medical officer aboard the Lunar Destiny take a look at her already. She prescribed plenty of rest!”

“Right! Let's get her to bed now.”

Spike hurries on ahead to Twilight's bed. He pulls back the covers as Arc lies the sleeping purple mare down and covers her with a blanket.

“Rest well Twilight. You've certainly earned it.”

Arc and Spike leave the room and head downstairs to allow Twilight to rest. Auriel, Ember and Sereb stand in the entryway.

“How did she get like this?!”

Arc sighs. “We found her in my room at Canterlot Castle raving and talking wildly. She hadn't eaten, slept or bathed since I left!”

Ember shakes her head. “Arc was able to get her to eat something, but rest was out of the question!”

Sereb nods to them. “I was able to put her to sleep with my magic.”

Auriel frowns. “That seems a bit... underhanded.”

Arc shrugs. “I told him to do it. Believe me, it was necessary!”

He turns back to Spike.

“She needs to rest today. That means no researching, studying, taking notes or even getting out of bed needlessly! She should be okay by tomorrow morning.”

Spike nods! “Don't worry Arc! We'll take good care of her!”

“I'll help too!”

Arc nods. “I know I can count on you two. As long as I'm here, how is the research going on a cure?”

“Very well! I've been able to mix up several prototype antidotes from talking to Twilight on the phone. I'm in the process of testing them for efficacy, and more importantly, safety!”

Spike nods! “Yeah! I think we may actually be in the home stretch on that one!”

Arc looks relieved! “Glad to hear it! I'm looking forward to them taking over again! This job sucks!”

Spike looks confused. “Really?! I thought it would be fun to be in charge! Giving orders! Everypony bowing and scraping at your feet! Stuff like that!”

“Not really Spike. Everyone comes to you with their problems, you have to deal with international issues, every mistake you make has terrible consequences, I hardly get to see my family and friends, and the stress is murder!”

“Okay, maybe it isn't the best job in Equestria, but it must have SOME kind of perks!”

Arc thinks for a moment. “The only thing I like about it is being able to make a difference!”

Ember rolls her eyes. “But you were doing that as the Hero of Light, Arc!”

“Yes, but now I have to deal with the surrounding nations! If I mess this up, we go to war!”

“Wow! Sounds rough! I wish I could help.”

Arc nods. “Maybe someday, Spike.”

Auriel turn to the kitchen. “In any case, I'll make Twilight something to eat.”

“Good idea Auriel. She only ate a single plate of food when I found her. While that's a start, she DEFINITELY needs to catch up in the eating department! Well, I'll leave Twilight in your care. I know you'll take good care of her. Just... don't let her do anything but rest today, okay? Tell Twilight I'll have some Royal Guards bring the books and notes from the castle over tomorrow morning. Now I need to get back to my airship so we can continue our journey.”

Spike nods! “Sure! We can do that! Be careful out there!”

“We will do our best.”

Arc turns to leave. “Thanks. I'm counting on you two. Twilight's really lucky to have friends like you.”

Auriel smiles. “Thank you for bringing her home safely.”

Ember waves. “Take care Spike!”

“You too, Ember! Come visit next time you're in town! I'd love to hear more about your adventures with Arc!”

Ember nods as her and Arc leave the library! “Sure! It's a date!”

Spike closes the door behind her. Auriel looks to him, quizzically.

“Spike, I am curious. How long has Ember been attracted to you?”


“She and you are going on a date, are you not?”

Spike waves his claws in front of him, dismissively! “No, no! It's just an expression! It just means we're going to hang out!”

“Are you sure? When I was on vacation with Arc, I was given many papers with phone numbers on them. Arc told me they wanted to date me. How is that different from what you and Ember will be doing?”

“Because we're just friends!”

“Are you going to get to know her better?”

Spike thinks for a moment. “I suppose so.”

Auriel smiles at him! “Arc told me that is what a date is.”

“Huh! I'll have to ask Twilight about this later.”

“Why her?”

“You're right. I'll ask Arc the next time he's in town. Hopefully soon!”

The sound of hoofsteps coming down the stairs ends the conversation. Twilight sleepily walks toward the pair!

“How long was I out? Where's Arc?!”

Spike points to the front door. “He left a little while ago.”

“Darn! I wanted to thank him for bringing me home!”

Auriel nods! “I thanked him for you.”

Twilight blushes slightly. “Yes, well... there were a couple things I wanted to tell him myself.”

Spike looks to her, confused. “Really? Like what?”

“It... it's not important, Spike!”

“Well, I'd really like to know if that's okay. Truthfully, I have a few things to ask him myself!”

Twilight quickly turns her head to face Spike! She snaps at him!


Spike steps back, wide-eyed! “Woah!”

Auriel looks to her, confused. “Twilight, is something wrong?”

Twilight puts a hoof to her head. “I'm sorry Spike. I guess I haven't been myself lately.”

Auriel turns to walk toward the kitchen. “Let me make you two something to eat. You must be hungry Twilight.”

Twilight nods. “Thank you Auriel. I am actually!”

Spike turns to follow Auriel to the kitchen. “I can do that for you Twilight!”

Twilight turns to him, irate! “No Spike. Just let Auriel handle it!”

“Um... okay. Listen Twilight, I need to talk to you about something. It's about...”

Twilight trots off toward the basement lab door, interrupting Spike. “We can talk about it later Spike! Right now I want to check on a few things!”

“But Twilight, you should be resting!”

“I wanted to see the results of Auriel's experiments! She's incredible, isn't she!”

“Uh... yeah. She is and all, but...”

Twilight trots down the stairs. “Auriel's very intelligent considering where she grew up, wouldn't you agree Spike?”

He quickly follows Twilight down the stairs. “I guess, but...”

Twilight reaches the bottom and heads over to a lab table. She picks up a clipboard and goes over the data on it.

“These experiment results are very well documented! She's something all right! I couldn't ask for a better assistant right now!”

Spike looks to her sadly! “What?! But... but I thought I was your assistant!”

Twilight nods, not looking up from the clipboard. “You are! But right now I need somepony I can bounce ideas off of!”

“I can do that! I've been doing it for years!”

She turns the page on the clipboard, not looking up. “Yes, but I need somepony who can actually understand what I'm saying! I appreciate all you've done over the years Spike, but right now...”

Spike interrupts her. “Shouldn't you be resting?”

“I'll rest when the princesses are cured!”

“What about... Arc?”

“What about him?”

Spike looks around sadly. “He... he was really worried about you when he brought you home. Auriel and I were asked to make sure you rested today.”

Twilight nods absentmindedly. “That's really sweet of him and all, but I don't have time to rest!”


“Don't worry Spike! If Arc wants me to rest, I'll do it! Just... just not right this second!”


“In a little while. Now I'm very busy right now. Why don't you go play?”

Spike dejectedly turns to walk up the stairs.



“Am I... am I just another experiment to you? Something for you to study, catalog, and report on?”

Twilight takes some notes. “Uh-huh.”

Spike turns away on the verge of tears. “So... I'm not really your friend? You're only keeping me around because you were told to?!”

She compares her notes to Auriel's data. “Uh-huh.”

He begins to softly cry! “But Twilight! I've always seen you as... I don't know... a motherly figure! Was that all just a lie?!”

Twilight does not look up from her work, angrily! “Yes, yes Spike! Whatever you say! Can you please run along now and let me concentrate on this?!”

Spike says something under his breath.

Twilight continues writing. “What was that Spike? I didn't quite hear you?”

Spike whirls back around, tear streaming down his face! “I SAID ‘YOU'RE NOT MY MOM’!”

Twilight looks up, confused at his outburst!

“What?! Spike! What's gotten into...”

Spike storms up the stair! “Whatever, Twilight! I'll see you around! Don't worry! I'm sure Auriel will make a MUCH better assistant than I am!

He reaches the top of the stairs and slams the door behind him! A moment later Twilight hears the front door open and slam as well! She looks up the stairs, confused.

“What was that all about?!”

Twilight shakes her head and goes back to her work. A short time later Auriel comes downstairs with a tray of food.

“Twilight, you should be resting! What are you doing?!”

“I know. But I wouldn't be able to sleep without knowing how these experiments were coming along!”

Auriel sets the tray down on the lab table next to Twilight. “What happened to Spike? I thought he was with you?”

Twilight starts to eat as she continues going over the data. “I don't know! We were talking and all of a sudden he stormed out!”

“Shouldn't we go after him?!”

Twilight shakes her head. “Spike is a growing dragon. I think he must be coming up to his rebellious stage. I've read that all dragons go through it.”

Auriel appears unconvinced. “Are you sure?”

“Yes. Spike and I have disagreed in the past. He'll head over to Sugar Cube Corner, have a milkshake or two and come home. Happens every time!”

“I hope so.”

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