• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 14 - Inspections

A short time later Arc, Ashe, and Dinky walks down the path together. Ashe groans.

“My talons! They’ll never be the same again!”

Arc rolls his eyes. “It was just a few dishes.”

“Yeah. My mom and I do this three times a day.”

Ashe turns to Arc and frowns. “You force your own daughter do these things?!”

“Not really.”

Dinky nods. “Yeah! I like to help out!”

“Well, I certainly hope you aren’t making the younglings do such hard labor!”

Arc shrugs. “I’m not actually sure what they do over there. Guess we’ll find out.”

Arriving at the facility, Arc gestures to the building as he looks to Ashe.

“Welcome to the Little Hooves Orphanage.”

Ashe gasps. “This… this is where they LIVE?!”

Dinky nods. “Yeah! Something wrong with it?”

“No, nothing! I’m just very… surprised, that’s all!”

“You were expecting something smaller?”

“And less kept up. After all, orphans aren’t exactly what I’d call profitable.”

Dinky appears confused. “What do you mean?”

“Well, in the Griffon Kingdom we only spend money on things that give a return. Like the Aviary, medical facilities, Griffon’s Gate…”

Arc clears his throat loudly. “We see it more as an investment for the future.”

“I don’t quite follow your logic, sir.”

“You’ll see.”

Opening one of the large double doors Arc allows the pair to pass by him before following. Ashe looks around, clearly impressed.

“As nice as the outside looks, I was half expecting the inside to be nothing more than a shell.”

“Let’s report to the Matron. She’ll want to know we’re here.”

Ashe turns to him. “I don’t understand. You’re the Lord Regent, sir. Why would you have to tell ANYONE where you’re going?!”

Dinky sighs. “Common courtesy.”

“What’s that?”

Arc rolls his eyes. “Saw that one coming.”

They head upstairs as Dinky knocks on the door. Coco Pommel’s voice rings out.

“Come in.”

Arc and company enter the office. Coco Pommel smiles and walks over to them.

“Hello everypony! Congratulations on your position, Arc.”

“Thanks. Sorry for dropping in on you like this, but our purpose for being here was rather… last minute.”

He gestures to the griffon next to him.

“This is Lady Ashe. She’s the daughter of a noble from the Griffon Kingdom, and has been sent here to inspect the orphanage.”

“I see. What can I do to help?”

“I’d like to see your facility from top to bottom.”

“Can I come too, dad?”

“I think you’d better. The younglings and fillies will be more at ease if you do.”

They head downstairs with Ashe and Coco Pommel in the lead.

“This is the Main Hall. It’s used primarily for a play area during inclement weather and school assemblies.”

Ashe turns to the matron. “School?”

Arc nods. “I forgot to mention it. This building is also the town’s school.”

“So everyone comes here?”

Coco Pommel smiles. “Yes. It’s required by law for all foals and wards of the state to be given a primary education.”

She gestures to one of the classrooms.

“This is where the younglings are receiving their lessons.”

Arc looks to Coco Pommel. “I thought it was summer vacation.”

“Oh, it is. But they need more instruction than their foal counterparts.”

Ashe looks toward the door. “What are they learning right now?”

“Reading at the moment.”

Dinky nods. “They’re getting a lot better at it too.”

“I’d like to see that for myself.”


They enter the room. Peachbottom and Cheerilee are busy helping various small groups. They look up and quickly walk over to address Coco Pommel. However, upon Arc entering the room they quickly bow. The younglings, unsure of what to do, follow their teachers’ lead and also bow. Peachbottom is the first to speak.

“Sire, to what do we owe this honor?”

“We’re here on a bit of a tour.”

“My dad and Miss Pommel are showing around a griffon representative. Um… everypony can stand up now.”

The younglings do so. They look Arc over, confused. Ginny points a talon at Arc’s raiments.

“What’s going on, sir?”

Geoffrey looks confused. “You’re dressed really fancy today.

Gigi giggles. “Yeah! Like a noble!”

Glynda gasps happily. “Did you get promoted, or something?”

Coco Pommel smiles at the younglings before her. “The Hero of Light is currently acting as our nation’s Lord Regent.”

Ginny looks confused. “What’s that?”

Dinky turns to her. “He’s kinda like the temporary king.”

Geoffrey looks to Cheerilee. “Is that why we had to bow?”

“Yes, Geoffrey. We have to show the proper respect for our leaders.”

Arc chuckles. “Well, um…”

Ashe clears her throat loudly and looks at Glynda. “I’m told all of you are learning to read.”

“Yes ma’am.”

Gigi nods. “It’s really hard too.”

Dinky points a hoof at the books in their talons. “Why don’t you show us what you’ve learned? What’s everypony reading right now?”

Geoffrey looks at the cover. “‘The Brave Little Pony’.”

Ginny grins. “It was written by someone named… um…”

He looks at his book cover carefully.

“…A.K. Yearling.”

Ashe nods. “What’s it about?”

Gigi shrugs. “We just started a few minutes ago, so I’m not sure yet.”

Arc turns to Gigi. “Why don’t you read a bit for us?

“Yes sir.”

Peachbottom corrects her. “Gigi, that’s ‘yes sire’.”

“Yes sire.”

They sit down in a circle to read. Geoffrey starts them off.

“The brave little pony got up one day.”

Gigi smiles. “She went over the hills, and far away.”

Glynda traces the words with a talon. “Little baubles and trinkets gave her little sway.”

Ginny finishes the verse. “As she yearned for a time when she could save the day.”

Cheerilee smiles and nods. “Very good! You’ve all learned how to properly sound out the words very well!”

Peachbottom clops her hooves together. “Yes. I think we’re right on track.”

Ashe looks to Peachbottom. “What’s your goal for them?”

“To teach them enough reading skills that they can begin learning other subjects more in depth.”

Cheerilee nods. “Right. Nopony can learn if they can’t read the textbooks.”

Arc puts a hand on Ashe’ shoulder. “Makes sense. In any case, did you want to ask anything else?”

“No. I think I’ve seen all there is to see here.”

She turns to leave. Glynda runs up to her.


Ashe turns back. “Yes?”

“You… aren’t going to make us go back to the Griffon Kingdom, are you?”

Geoffrey gasps. “Please don’t! We love it here!”

Ashe looks to them. “What do you like about living here?”

Gigi giggles. “Three yummy meals a day!”

Ginny smiles as she looks around. “And all our friends are with us!”

Glynda claps her talons together. “That and we like playing with the foals here!”

Geoffrey nods. “And when we’re sick there’s always a doctor and medicine to be had!”

Ashe clears her throat. “Well, not to worry. There’s no plans to take you away from all this.”

Dinky nods. “Yeah. This is just a visit to make sure our country is doing what it agreed to.”

Peachbottom looks to Arc. “Is there anything more we should be doing, sire?”

Arc shakes his head. “Not at this time. Just keep up the good work.”

Turning, Arc and company leave the room. Coco Pommel points to the other classroom.

“This is the classroom for the foals. They’re not in session at the moment though.”

Ashe raises an eyebrow. “Why segregate them?”

Dinky sighs. “Because the younglings need a special teacher that can help them learn the basics.”

Arc nods. “Right. Cheerilee’s class already has several years of schooling behind them. The younglings are starting completely from scratch.”

Ashe frowns. “Yes, I’m aware that they have no real schooling. However did their parents teach them nothing?!”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “What parents? They’re orphans, remember?”

“What about the one’s whom weren’t from birth?”

Coco Pommel shakes her head. “They know about as much. I can only surmise that their parents weren’t much better off.”

Dinky sighs. “You can’t teach what you don’t know.”

Coco Pommel leads them into the cafeteria as she continues the tour.

“These are our dining facilities.”

“Very… adequate.”

Dinky shrugs. “I know it’s not much to look at. But many of the younglings were starving when they arrived.”

Ashe appears confused. “How so? The food in the Griffon Kingdom may not be very tasty for the lower class citizens, but it should be plentiful.”

Arc frowns. “I can attest to their lack of nutrition over there. When I was visiting Griffon’s Gate I saw quite a few very emaciated younglings. They were living in a garbage dump at the time and hiding from beasts known as marauders.”

Ashe raises an eyebrow. “This is new information to me.”

Dinky narrows her eyes. “What did you think happened to them?”

Ashe shrugs. “I just always assumed that SOMEONE would take them in.”

Arc shakes his head. “Not always, no. They wound up in Griffon’s Gate and banded together to form communities.”

He gestures back to the classroom.

“Gallus, the adult male griffon in there, was the leader of one such group of younglings. He was also instrumental in helping my forces bring the orphans to the Lunar Destiny for transport back to Equestria.”

Coco Pommel nods. “Yes. That and his sister Natalya have been a constant help to me in tailoring the dietary, educational, and emotional needs of the younglings.”

Hearing voices, Derpy walks out of the kitchen. Dinky runs over to her.

“Hi mom!”

“Hello sweetie. What are you doing back so soon?”

Arc waves. “That was my fault, Derpy.”

He gestures to Ashe.

“This is Lady Ashe. She’s touring the facility at the behest of the Griffon Kingdom.”

Ashe steps toward Derpy. “Hello. What is your role here?”

“I cook the orphan’s meals. Breakfast, lunch, and supper.”

“And how are the younglings doing eating pony food?”

“Very well, actually. With proper guidance, I’ve been able to tailor a diet for them that offers a wide range of vitamins and minerals.”

“I see. So none of them are sick or weak from the food here?”

Derpy shakes her head. “Not at all. They’re so energetic after a meal.”

Coco Pommel gestures with a hoof. “If you’d like to stay for lunch you can observe the orphans playing from my patio overlooking the playground.”

“Yeah! Then you can see just how happy everypony living here is!”

Ashe nods. “Yes, I think I will.”

Two hour later they head toward the Main Hall. Ashe turns to Coco Pommel.

“This facility is very impressive, Matron.”

“Thank you, Lady Ashe.”

“I will be sure to present the Council of Lords with an absolutely glowing report on the work being done here.”

Arc motions to the main entrance. “Yes, well… we should let Coco Pommel get back to work.”

“Indeed. It was very nice to meet you, matron.”

Coco Pommel escorts Arc and his group to the door. She waves after them as they walk toward the path. Dinky looks to her father.

“Where to now, dad?”

“I was thinking Lady Ashe would like some time to rest after her busy morning.”

Ashe shakes her head. “Oh, no. I want to see more of Equestria.”

“Maybe we could take her to Canterlot, dad.”

Ashe grins. “Yes, that would be lovely!”

Arc sighs. “I suppose so. That and I should probably check on Shining Armor and Sunburst.”

Ashe frowns. “What about the princesses?”


“Could I see Princess Celestia?! I know she’s supposed to be resting, but I wouldn’t take much of her time!”

Arc shakes his head. “Sadly, no.”

“What about one of the other princesses then?”

“They’re busy tending to Princess Celestia.”

Ashe frowns. “Are they now?”

Dinky nods. “That’s why my dad’s in charge.”

“Yes, that much I do understand. Very convenient, Lord Arc.”

Arc narrows his eyes. “What are you getting at, Ashe?”

“I believe that you haven’t been completely honest with me or your subjects about the real reason you now sit on the throne.”

Dinky gasps. “But they can’t take care of Princess Celestia AND rule the nation!”

“Right. What other reason would I have to…?”

“To take control. You had the most to gain from the princesses retreating from the public eye.”

“Are you suggesting that I’ve done something to them?”

“Why else would you not allow others to see them?”

Dinky frowns. “But I’m sure they’re fine!”

“Then let me see them!”


Ashe glares at him. “I could make things a bit less friendly between our nations if I chose to, you know. All I’m asking for is a quick meeting to see for myself that the princesses are still alright.”

Arc chuckles. “Very neat and tidy for you, eh?”


“You were visiting Yakyakistan on a diplomatic mission of some kind and decided to pay us a visit using the cover story that the rebels waylaid your ship. I show up, help you out, and take you into my care. Meanwhile, you contact your father under the guise of being rescued to play the victim yet again.”

Ashe smiles. “Why, Lord Arc, I have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about.”

Dinky frowns. “Are you SPYING on Equestria?!”

“Well… yes and no. Yes, I do want to learn your nation’s methods for keeping the peasantry happy. No, inasmuch as I have a genuine interest to affirm my own suspicions regarding your rise to power, Lord Arc.”

“You honestly think I have the princesses locked up somewhere, don’t you?”

Ashe shrugs. “Or dead in some far away corner of the land.”

“My dad would NEVER…!”

“Calm down, Dinky.”

He turns his attention back to Ashe.

“Tell you what. We’ll return to the castle so I can check on things there. I’ll speak the Princess Luna about greeting you personally. However, it’ll be her choice whether or not she sees you. That’s the best I’m willing to do, Ashe.”

“Very well.”

Arc raises a hand and opens a portal. Stepping through the trio arrives back in Canterlot. Arc gestures for them to follow him.

“Where are we going, dad?”

“Princess Celestia’s room.”

Ashe smiles. “Good!”

“The two of you will wait outside though.”

Ashe puffs out her chest. “Don’t worry, Lord Arc. You can count on me to watch your daughter.”

Dinky eyes Ashe suspiciously. “I’ll keep an eye on her, dad.”

“Thank you, Dinky.”

Ashe frowns at the filly as they continue on their way. As they round a corner Ashe spots the corridor lined with innumerable Royal Guards. She pauses momentarily and looks to Arc.

“I, uh… think I’ll wait over here with your daughter.”

“Suit yourself.”

Arc heads down the corridor toward the familiar bedroom. The guards stand aside as he passes. Entering, he spots Twilight lying in her usual place next to Celestia. Luna and Cadance are sitting next to a Victrola which is playing classical music quietly. They stand as Arc approaches.

“Good afternoon, Arc.”

“How were audiences today?”

“I left them to Shining Armor and Sunburst.”

Luna raises an eyebrow. “Oh? Did something happen?”

“Kinda, yeah. You see…”

Arc explains the events of that morning regarding the griffon ship’s peril, Ashe’s inspection of the orphanage, and her desire for an audience. Cadance sighs.

“I suppose we could spare her a few minutes.”

Luna nods. “Yes. If only to assure our allies that Cadance and I are alive and well.”

“Not sure why anypony would think otherwise though.”

Arc puts a hand to his chin thoughtfully. “Well… now that I think about it, things were kinda suspicious back then.”

Luna raises an eyebrow. “What do you mean?”

“Think about it. A massive wormhole opened just outside Canterlot through which everyone saw my airship return. I’m guessing the whole city heard the resulting crash.”

Cadance shudders. “It shook the entire city from what I heard from Sunburst.”

Luna nods. “And the castle.”

Twilight grimaces. “We all fell over.”

Celestia raises her head and looks down at the mare lying next to her. “Twilight?”

Twilight pats her friend’s head. “I’m still here, Princess Celestia.”

“Did anyone else release a statement of what happened?”

Luna shakes her head. “Nothing official, no.”

Cadance thinks for a moment. “Other than yours that is, Arc.”

Twilight appears confused. “What would that prove though?”

“My ship goes down mysteriously and I suddenly declare I’m in charge with no warning from either princess. That and no one has seen either of you since that night.”

Cadance shakes her head. “I can just imagine the nobles gossiping that we’d been overthrown.”

Luna bows her head. “Or dead.”

Arc frowns. “Huh?”

“They do that occasionally if a royal is out of sight for too long.”

Twilight clears her throat. “In any case, Arc did bring up a very real problem. Maybe you two should go out for a public appearance, or something.”

“That isn’t a bad idea. Luna?”

“Indeed. But one of us should stay here with Celestia.”

Cadance steps forward. “I can do that if you’d like a change of scenery.

Luna shakes her head. “No, Cadance. My place is by my sister’s side right now. Would you assure Lady Ashe of our safety and well-being please?”

“Of course, Luna.”

She turns to leave the room. Arc calls after her with a pained look on his face.

“Um… Cadance?”


“You might want to… uh… freshen up first.”

“I don’t…”

Twilight sighs. “He’s right, Cadance. Your mane and tail are probably just as messy as my own.”

Arc nods soberly. “I hate to ask this, but when was the last time any of you showered?”

Cadance looks away nervously as does Luna. For a time no one speaks. Finally Twilight breaks the silence.

“I think a quick shower and brushing is in order.”

Cadance trots in place nervously. “But Lady Ashe is waiting!”

Arc scoffs. “Let her wait. She’s in no position to force our hand.”

Luna nods. “Indeed. But Cadance will need the help of her Hoof Maidens to prepare.”

“But we can’t let them in here right now!”

Twilight looks over. “I can help her…”

Celestia holds the mare close. “Twilight!”

“Or… not.”

Arc chuckles. “Don’t worry, Twilight. I have a plan.”

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