• Published 27th Apr 2019
  • 15,576 Views, 5,903 Comments

The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

  • ...

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Chapter 12 - Revelations

A short time later Arc and Sereb return to Canterlot Castle's Audience Chamber via portal. Kibitz is pacing the floor in front of Ember.

“Ah, there you are sire! My apologies, but I can't seem to find Raven anywhere! Young ponies these days...”

Ember nods. “I'm sure she's fine Kibitz.”

“Right now, Raven is back at Light's Hope. Flash Sentry and my guards are preparing for a mission and I thought they might need... logistical help.”

Kibitz looks nervously to Arc. “Oh dear! Will she be in danger?!”

Arc shakes his head. “No, no! She's not actually going WITH them! Just working on paperwork and answering the phone in the interim.

Kibitz lets out a sigh of relief. “Good! She's my only granddaughter you know! Well, are you ready to start today's audiences sire?”

Arc walks over to his throne and sits down with Ember on one side, Sereb on the other, sighing. “As ready as I'll ever be.”

“Very good sire! Now I must apologize, but I can't seem to find your Royal Scepter anywhere! I was told you left it on your throne yesterday when audiences concluded.”

Arc pats his ring as he nods. “What a darn shame! Well I suppose it can't be helped! Let's get on with it, shall we?”

As Kibitz walks over to the Audience Chamber doors Ember leans over to Arc and whispers to him.

“Where is Raven really?”

“She really is at Light's Hope with Flash Sentry and some guards.”

“Doing what?!”

Arc shakes his head. “I can't really talk about it! It's kinda a sensitive topic! Just... let it go for now, okay?”

Ember crosses her arms over her chest and looks away. “Pfft... fine.”

Kibitz opens the door and allows the first audience of the day to enter. Two mares arguing loudly enter the Audience Chamber together! Arc facepalms.

“I have GOT to get the princesses back here.”

Quite a few terrible audiences later a Royal Guard enters the Audience Chamber quickly! He bows and removes his helmet.

“Sire, please forgive this intrusion!”

Ember mutters to herself. “Forgive? His ‘intrusion’ is an act of mercy right now!”

“Is there trouble?!

“Lead Sage Sunburst is requesting an immediate audience! He says it is of the utmost importance!”

Arc nods. “Very well. Send him in.”

Ember nods. “Good call, Arc!”

Arc turns quietly to Ember. “Finally, a reprieve.”

A few moments later Sunburst enters the Audience Chamber.

“Lord Arc! I believe we have located this Zecora you spoke of! She does indeed live in the Everfree Forest!”

“Great! How exactly do we go about getting to her?”

“Sadly, it seems walking would be the best method of traversing that particular forest.”

Arc frowns. “Don't we have a tank or something with a lot of armor we could send?”

Sunburst looks confused. “A what?!”

Arc rises from his throne. “Never mind. Sunburst, come with me!”

“Very well sire! Uh... where are we going?”

Arc opens a portal. “To Light's Hope!”

Ember frowns. “Hey! I hope you weren't planning on leaving us behind!”

Arc winks at Ember. “Wouldn't dream of leaving my bodyguards behind. Let's go! We'll be back shortly Kibitz!”

Arc and company step through the portal together. A moment later they arrive at Light's Hope. Raven looks up from her desk, surprised!

“Commander?! Is something wrong?”

“I have a mission for Flash Sentry. Where is he?”

Raven points a hoof down the corridor. “At the moment he's in your office.”

“Thanks. Call the Hammers and Twilight. Tell them to come here right away!

She picks up her phone. “Right away!”

Arc and company head for his office. Flash Sentry appears to be going over a map of the Everfree Forest. He looks up as they enter.

“Sir?! Back so soon?!”

“We've got a lead that needs following up on! Raven's in the process of calling the Hammers and Twilight. They’ll be joining you on this little adventure.”

“Very well sir.”

They wait for the others to arrive. It does not take long. In short order Twilight, Steel Hammer and Silver Hammer rush into the office together!

“I came as fast as I could Arc!”

“As did we!”

Steel Hammer looks to Arc. “You've found Zecora?!”

Arc nods. “I think so, yes. Sunburst here says he's located her!”

“Indeed! She's about a half hour walk from here in the Everfree Forest.”

Flash Sentry’s eyes grow wide! “What?! Nopony could survive for long in that particular forest!”

“I too was skeptical of this, lieutenant. However, our sages have indeed located a rather... unique looking pony deep in the Everfree Forest.”

Sereb nods. “She must be quite the skilled warrior.”

“Sunburst. How exactly will they find her? You said you located her, but...”

Sunburst produces a scroll from his cloak as he looks over to them. We've plotted a route that should take your group straight to the hut! My apologies, but we don't exactly have the greatest maps of that region.”

Ember nods. “That's understandable. I mean, who in their right mind would willingly go into that place?!”

Arc laughs! “You and I did not that long ago!”

“Yes, and that was crazy!”

Twilight nods soberly. “Crazy or not, we have to do this! It's for the princesses!”

“Lieutenant. Do you need anything else for this mission? Reinforcements? Better equipment? Pastries?”

Flash Sentry shakes his head. “Thank you sir. But I think a smaller group would attract less attention from the ‘residents’ of the forest.”

Twilight nods her head in agreement. “Yes. That and we should be able to move faster as well.”

Silver Hammer turns to her husband. “I worry that a larger group would only serve to frighten Zecora!”

Steel Hammer looks to his wife. “Agreed. She probably hasn't had company in quite some time! Our group will already be quite large!”

“Want me to go with you guys?”

Flash Sentry shakes his head. “I appreciate the thought Ember, but if the size of our group doesn't scare Zecora, a dragon certainly will!”

Arc looks to the lieutenant. “I'll leave command of this mission to you Flash Sentry. Should you be attacked by any of the denizens of the forest, I am authorizing the use of lethal force. Bring everyone back safely, okay?”

“Yes sir!”

Arc looks around the room. “Now before you all leave, there is one other development I would like to share.”

Ember looks confused. “Development?”

“Last night I was able to make contact with the princesses.”

Twilight’s eyes grow wide! “WHAT?!”

Sunburst turn to Arc, amazed! “HOW?!”

Ember smiles and folds her arms over her chest. “I knew he could do it!”

Sereb nods. “Somehow, I am not surprised.”

“I was sleeping in Princess Celestia's bed next door to the princesses. Apparently, the bed was enchanted by Princess Luna to allow her sister to enter her realm. The two of them are currently trapped there!”

Silver Hammer looks to him, amazed! “Wait! You actually SAW the Lunar Realm?!”

“Yes. It was a bit... unsettling.”

“What was it like?!”

“Dark and foreboding. And quiet, very quiet.”

Sunburst nods as he thinks for a moment. “I would like to talk with you later about this phenomenon Lord Arc! For somepony other than an alicorn to see the effects of Realm Magic is unprecedented!”

“Maybe another time Sunburst when things are less hectic.”

“Yes sire! I understand!”

Twilight trots slowly in place! “Are the two of them okay?!”

Arc nods. “Yes. Kinda...”

Ember raises an eyebrow. “Kinda?”

“Both of them are physically sound. Somehow only their consciousnesses have been sent to the Lunar Realm. The bad part is they can't seem to leave! The best way I can think of to describe it is to say they're trapped in Princess Luna's mind!”

Twilight nods, clearly worried about Princess Cadance! “After we get back from Zecora's house I'll take the Blitztorte to Canterlot. I'd really like to speak to Cadance myself. Is... is that okay Arc?”

“I was hoping you would say that actually. The princesses could use the moral support of a friend right now.”

Silver Hammer looks over to Arc nervously. “Um... Arc? We hate to impose, but could we possibly... you know...”

“Yes indeed. Please accompany Twilight on the Blitztorte! You can stay as long as you'd like!”

Steel Hammer nods! “Thank you Arc!”

“Now I need to be getting back to Canterlot. All of you may take whatever equipment you need from the armory to keep yourselves safe! Please proceed there now so this mission can get underway. Godspeed.”

Flash Sentry, Twilight, and the Hammers proceed to leave the office together.


“Yes Arc?”

Arc walks over to the purple mare and kneels down to give her a hug. “Be careful out there, okay?”

Twilight returns the hug. “Thank you. I will!”

She leaves the office and hurries after the others. Arc turns to Ember.

“Can you go to the armory with Sereb and see to it Twilight is properly outfitted? I think we can both agree that she doesn't have much experience with this sort of thing.”

Ember nods. “Sure. Be back in a few minutes.”

She leaves the room along with Sereb as Arc turns to Sunburst.

“Sunburst... I need you to do something for me. There will be no reasons given or questions on this matter answered.”


“I want you to send a therapist to Light's Hope as soon as possible. Someone with experience helping those who have undergone extreme mental or physical trauma. When they arrive, I want them to contact me personally for further instructions. Do you understand?”

Sunburst nods cautiously. “I'll see to it as soon as I get back to my office. Who is...?”

Arc interrupts him. “That's a question.”

“My apologies sire.”

A few minutes later Ember re-enters the office with Sereb.

“Well, they're on their way.”

Arc nods, sadly. “I... wish I could go with them...”

Ember nods, understanding. “Flash Sentry is with them! They'll be fine!”

“Yeah, you're probably right Ember. Well, let's get back to Canterlot.”

Arc opens a portal to the Canterlot Castle Audience Chamber. The group steps through to find Kibitz is pacing the floor again!

“Sorry that took so long Kibitz!”

“Glad to see you back sire! The citizens were growing restless!"

Arc walks back to his throne and sits down, sighing. “Next audience Kibitz.”

Meanwhile on the outskirts of Ponyville, Flash Sentry, Twilight, and the Hammers cautiously make their way to what is, hopefully, Zecora's hut. Flash Sentry is on point hovering a foot or so off the ground with his blades drawn!

Twilight looks around. “This forest gives me the creeps!”

Steel Hammer nods. Keeping a hoof on his blade. “Stay sharp! Pretty much everything in here is dangerous!”

“Really? It doesn't look that dangerous to me.”

Silver Hammer looks around cautiously, keeping a hoof on her spear. She turns to Twilight.

"Looks can be deceiving."

She throws her spear at a nearby vine that had been slowly moving toward Twilight, pinning it to the ground! Steel Hammer draws his blade and cleanly slices the vine! It retreats back into the foliage as Steel Hammer and Silver Hammer quickly move to stand back to back as they survey their surroundings!

Twilight trips over her own hooves as she staggers backwards to land on her flank! “WOAH! That was close!”

Flash Sentry turns around. “Everypony okay back there?!”

Silver Hammer nods. “We're fine.”

Twilight stands up. “Let's press on.”

About a half hour later the group arrives at the spot on the map. They find a small and rather run-down house made out of a hollowed-out tree. Flash Sentry cautiously walks toward the hut.

“Everypony stay behind me. I'll knock.”

Steel Hammer looks over. “Maybe we should do that lieutenant. Zecora might recognize us.”

“Thanks for the offer, but as the mission leader it's my job to take this risk myself.”

Flash Sentry approaches the hut's front door and knocks. There is no reply.

“Um... Miss Zecora? Can I talk to you please?”

The silence from within the hut is deafening.

Twilight looks around. “Maybe she's not home?”

Flash Sentry nods. “Either that or she's hiding from us.”

Steel Hammer draws his blade and looks behind them. “Or something else...”

The group turns around to see several large Cragadiles lumbering toward them! Flash Sentry rushes forward!

“I got this!”

He slashes with all his might at the first beast in his path! However, his blades bounce harmlessly off their rock-like scales! He flies back to the group.

“Well, that could have gone better.”

Twilight steps forward. “Let me have a try!”

She aims her horn at the pack! Silver Hammer looks over and cries out!

“No, wait!”

A blast of magical energy blazes forth! As it hits the Cragadile, the magic is reflected back at Twilight!


Steel Hammer jumps in front of Twilight and knocks the magic blast harmlessly away from her before turning around.

“Their scales have opposing magical properties! Any spell you cast in their direction will behave that way!”

Twilight looks frightened! “So what do we do?!”

Silver Hammer points her spear in the opposite direction. “Best course of action... RUN!”

“Agreed! Everypony follow...”

Flash Sentry suddenly looks woozy. A few moments later the rest of the party feels the same! They collapse to the ground together.

A short time later Twilight opens her eyes slowly. “Ugh... my head. What happened?!”

She tries to stand, but quickly finds she is unable to move! Her eyes dart around the room quickly! She is in a small dwelling with many strange looking implements, potions and masks on the walls!

“Hello? Is... is anypony there?”

The sound of clopping hooves can be heard approaching Twilight. In a moment a strange hooded creature with glowing yellow eyes stands over her.

“Um... hi?”

“Who are you that you have come to this place?! Why can I not be left alone... be given some space?!”

“I... I'm sorry to bother you like this! We were looking for somepony named Zecora. Please tell me! Where are my friends?! Are they okay?!”

The figure looks away from Twilight for a moment. “They are fine! Safe from the beast! However, your answers now will decide if they will feast!”

Twilight gulps.

“Zecora wishes to be left in peace! But these days it seems the trouble in the forest does not cease! For you see, it was you four who brought the cragadiles to my door!”

“I've heard that the beasts here have become somewhat more aggressive lately.”

“You have no idea what misfortune they have brought! Tell me though what it is you have sought!”

"We came here looking for help with a plant problem. The princesses have fallen ill from a strange plant-based toxin and we can't wake them up! Please! I only want to help them!

The figure considers this for a moment. “A plant poison you say? So that is why you have braved the forest’s fray! A solution I may yet have to your plea. However, I would like you to do something for me.”


The figure putts a vial to Twilight's lips. “Drink the contents of this tincture down. Although I'm quite sure the taste of it will make you frown!”

Twilight partakes of the strange liquid. She grimaces at the taste but manages to drink it.

“You should soon find that the feeling has returned to your limbs! Maybe then we can speak of the trouble that brims!”

Twilight rises unsteadily. “Th-thank you. Please tell me... where are my friends?”

The figure points a hoof to the far corner of the room to what appear to be a few patient beds. She gives Twilight three vials of the strange bitter liquid.

“Administer this to your friends, but tarry not! For you see, that is the last of the medicine from my pot.”

Twilight does as she is told and walks over to the paralyzed ponies. After administering the potion, they begin to move again. Flash Sentry puts a hoof to his head.

“What... the... heck?”

Steel Hammer sits up slowly. “Well... that just happened...”

Silver Hammer looks around the room. “It hasn't changed much.”

She turns her head to look at the hooded figure.

“Hello again Zecora. It's been quite a long time.”

Twilight turns to face their hostess. “Zecora?!”

She removes her hood to reveal a zebra's coat and a distrustful look coated in confusion.

“I'm sorry, have we met?! If we have it's been quite some time I'll bet!”

Steel Hammer nods. “You saved us from the Everfree Forest many years ago, Zecora. My wife and I were covered in a rather strange flower's pollen.”

“You found us in a mud puddle, remember?”

Zecora looks at them angrily! “I do indeed remember you plight! However, it appears you could not keep your promise to me, try as you might!”

Steel Hammer bows his head. “Forgive us Zecora, but our need was great!”

“We needed the help of others to reach your hut! As you can see, we're not as young and vibrant as we used to be.”

Zecora turns huffily away from the group. “Speak quickly I say! I haven't all day! The purple one spoke of a need most dire. Indeed, it must be for the princesses to put their faith in mercenaries for hire!”

Flash Sentry steps forward. “Miss Zecora, forgive me but I'm Lieutenant Flash Sentry, personal aide-de-camp of Hero of Light Arc. He is the one who sent us to find you!”

“The Hero of Light you say?! Why did he not come here himself today?!”

“Because with the princesses ill he's quite busy running the country!”

Twilight nods! “Please help us Zecora! Princess Cadance took care of me when I was a foal! I have to save her!”

Zecora sighs. “Very well you four. Fear not, for I will aide you in this chore. Tell me of this plant, all that you know. I will do what I can to stop this green foe!”

Twilight pulls a blood sample out of her saddlebag and gives it to Zecora.

“Here's a sample of the princesses’ blood. If you take a look at it, I'm sure you'll see traces of this plant.”

Zecora looks at the vial, clearly confused! “I'm not quite sure what you expect me to do. Tell me, do you hope for some kind of clue?”

Steel Hammer looks at Twilight. “I don't think Zecora has a microscope anywhere around here Twilight.”

“We smelled the same scent of the flowers that caused us such trouble all those years ago on the princesses’ skin and breath.”

Zecora’s eyes grow wide! “Are you certain of this? Could you not be mistaken?! Perhaps there is another reason the princesses cannot awaken!”

Steel Hammer nods. “We're certain. I'm sure neither of us will ever forget that cursed smell!”

The zebra walks over to a shelf and pulls down a tome. “That is... not good to say the least. For it seems that particular plant’s time in Equestria has ceased.”

Flash Sentry looks confused. “I'm sorry, what?”

Zecora opens the tome to a particular page. “The flower in question is referred to as Sanguine Azolla. Now I don't want to cause you to lose hope! However, after your report to the royals, they ordered it to be set up in smoke!”

Twilight frowns. “I don't get it.”

Steel Hammer sighs. “She means Princess Celestia feared the plant could be used against Equestria, so she sent others to burn that grove.”

Silver Hammer looks to Zecora. “Don't they grow anywhere else? Perhaps deeper in the forest?!”

Zecora shakes her head. “I'm afraid they do not, as that grove was the last spot. Now I've told you all I know of this plant. I've left out no fact to savor! Now then, purple unicorn, for my earlier mentioned favor.”

“What is it?”

Zecora gives Twilight the book. “Take this book and use it to learn! I ask only this of you... that none of you return!”

Flash Sentry nods. “Very well Miss Zecora. I will pass on your wish to Lord Arc. Thank you for your help.”

Silver Hammer nods to their host. “Thank you for all you did for us those many years ago.”

“Indeed. We would have been lost without you.”

Twilight accepts the book. “I'll do my best! Thank you! If you ever need anything at all you can usually find me at the Golden Oaks Library in Ponyville.”

Without a word, Zecora turns her back and busies herself at the table. Flash Sentry motions for the group to follow him outside the hut. Upon leaving they spot the Cragadiles from earlier lying on the ground, apparently paralyzed.

“So THAT'S what happened! Zecora wasn't trying to kidnap us. She was trying to SAVE us!”

"How do you figure that, Twilight?”

Steel Hammer points a hoof at their opponents. “Whatever method she used to immobilize the cragadiles must have carried over to us!”

Silver Hammer sighs. “I have to disagree dear. It looks more like she was trying to save herself. We just happened to be here at the time.”

Flash Sentry turns to walk back toward town. “Perhaps the truth lies somewhere in the middle. But we should get back to Ponyville. Who knows when something else will try to eat us!”

The group begins their trek back to town. Twilight looks over her shoulder as yet another beast roars in the distance!

“I'll be glad to leave this place behind me!”

Flash Sentry nods! “Agreed. If those sounds are any indication, this place is a veritable time bomb!”

Silver Hammer sighs as she looks to her husband. “It wasn't anything like this when we were here last dear!”

“Not to say it was strictly safe or anything then either! But at least back then I didn't have this feeling of extreme tension hovering over this whole area!”

Twilight looks to the pair. “Can you two tell us more about your earlier visit to the forest? I mean, what were the two of you doing out here in the first place?!”

Silver Hammer shakes her head. “I'm sorry Twilight, but we all have things in our past that we would like to keep there!”

“It's not that we don't trust you Twilight. But believe me when I say it's best for everypony if we don't talk about this.”

“Ugh... fine...”

Twilight walks a bit slower in order to bring up the rear.

“They’re hiding something, and I'm going to figure out what it is!”

The group returns to Ponyville. Flash Sentry turns to them as they exit the forest.

“I'll head back to Light's Hope and report to Lord Arc. Can you bring that book to Canterlot, Miss Twilight?”

“Yes. I'll see to it Arc gets it!”

“Thank you. And good work out there today you three!”

Flash Sentry leaves the group as the Hammers look to Twilight.

“We'll see you back at your Library in a bit Twilight.”

“We just need to get a few things and let Platinum Valve know to watch the store.”

Twilight waves after the couple. “Okay. See you in a bit!”

She turns to walk back toward town.

“...right after I have a quick talk with Pinkie Pie.”

Twilight makes her way to Sugar Cube Corner. Pinkie is behind the counter.

“Hi Twilight! How's your research going?!”

“Okay. We've made some progress, but there's still a long way to go! I actually came here to talk to you about something else though.”

The pink mare bounces up and down! “Oh?! Is it a SECRET?!”

“It kinda is. Look, can we talk somewhere private?”

“Sure! I need to frost some cupcakes! We can talk in the kitchen!”


Pinkie and Twilight walk to the kitchen together. Pinkie picks up a bag of frosting and gets to work.

“So what did you want to know Twilight?!”

“What can you tell me about the Hammer family?”

Pinkie shrugs. “Not much! They pretty much keep to themselves!”

“Come on Pinkie! You've got to know SOMETHING about them! You're Pinkie Pie!”

“I know they came here a number of years ago! Silver Hammer was pregnant at the time! They bought their little shop and got right to work!”

“Where did they live before coming here?”


Twilight looks surprised! “Really?! They don't seem the type.”

“Trust me! They were there!”

“Did they have a shop there as well?”

“I don't think so. They did... odd jobs there! Mostly for the princesses!”

Twilight nods, wide-eyed! “For the princesses?! How do you know this?!”

Pinkie shrugs. “Eh, mostly by putting together bits and pieces of their conversations over the years! You know Twilight, you can learn a lot about a pony just by listening!”

“What kind of jobs did they do?”

“I really couldn't say! They never talked about it!”

Twilight lowers her voice. “Do you think they did anything... bad?”

“Nah! They don't seem the type to be bad ponies! But I wouldn't mind hearing some of their past stories first-hoof!”

Twilight trots toward the door. “Thanks for the info Pinkie! I'll have to ask the princesses if they know more!”

She leaves the kitchen as Pinkie continues her work.

“Silly Twilight! Neither of the princess are going to tell you the details of the former Heroes of Light's missions!”

Twilight quickly makes her way home. Spike and Auriel are in the lab.

“I'm back!”

Spike rushes over to his friend! “Twilight! Are you okay?!”

“Never better Spike! How are things going here?”

Auriel looks up excitedly! “We've been studying the various plant samples along with this strange fruit! Do you remember what I said the other day about it potentially having magical properties?”

Twilight nods. “Yes. What about it?”

“Well, I've confirmed that it is magical in nature!”

“That's quite the revelation!”

Spike nods! “Wait Twilight! There's more!”

“I've also discovered that almost all of the fruits Spike brought me also have magical properties of their own! Albeit weak and latent mind you!”

Auriel picks up a blueberry.

“For example, this strange and tasty berry here contains magic very similar to telekinesis!”

Twilight looks to the demon, wide-eyed! “Are you saying we could potentially extract Telekinesis Magic from blueberries?!”

Auriel nods! “Theoretically, yes! However, it would take several hundred pounds of them to lift anything heavier than a pebble! That's also assuming we knew of a way to harness that essence! A unicorn already has a horn to focus their magic. If another creature were to absorb such magical essences the results would be unpredictable!”

Spike thinks for a moment. “Like, an Earth Pony for example?”


Twilight frowns. “We couldn't just put the magic essence in a potion for them to drink?”

Auriel shakes her head. “That would be one big potion bottle!”

“How big are we talking here?”

Spike narrows his eyes. “Think extra-large cider keg big.”

“Oh... well I guess that's not happening.”

Auriel goes over her notes. “It might be possible to compress and strengthen the magical essence into a more... practical form. Then one might be able to imbibe such a potion. More research on this is needed, of course!”

Spike nods! “I think you're on the right track though Auriel! You're amazing!”

“Thank you Spike. I can't tell you two how good it feels to work on something other than weapons for a change!”

“Hopefully you never have to again! But right now I'm dying to know what magical properties this strange fruit has!”

“Well, I know this is going to sound a bit strange but... the magic contained in the fruit is like nothing I have ever seen or read about before! I can't really think of any other way to label it other than...”

Auriel thinks for a moment.

“Love Magic!”

Spike’s eyes grow wide! “This discovery could very well make us re-examine everything we know about modern magic!”

“It all makes sense now!”

“What does Twilight?”

Twilight laughs! “For the Princess of Love to come into possession of such a find!”

Spike muses on this for a while. “Maybe she was hoping to use this to bring love into other ponies’ lives?!”

Twilight shrugs. “There's no way of knowing without asking her directly! For all we know, she was hoping to use this as a way to stop conflicts from getting out of hoof!”

Auriel appears nervous. "I don't know about that, Twilight. Now this is all just theory at the moment, but my early research shows that this essence, if compressed, could theoretically make two ponies fall in love.”

Spike smiles. “In love?! Like, forever?!”

Twilight shakes her head. “Okay, but how many of these fruits would be needed for such a magical feat? An entire grove?!”

Auriel picks up a clipboard. “I've already done the math. This fruit's essence is already quite powerful. It wouldn't take much for the effects to be felt! In fact, a single piece of fruit might just be enough!”

Spike nods thoughtfully! “Maybe that's why Princess Cadance told you to keep this a secret Twilight! If word of this got out, ponies from all over Equestria would be banging down our door!”

“The thing that bothers me about your discovery Auriel is why hasn't anypony else ever found this?! I mean, there's been countless studies done on fruit!”

Spike shrugs. “Maybe because they weren't looking for magic?”

Auriel nods. “I think Spike is right. I certainly wouldn't have thought to look for magic in an inanimate object!”

Twilight puts a hoof to her chin. “I guess that makes sense. Keep at it Auriel! And good work! With this we can spread love around the world!”

Auriel turns back to her workbench as Twilight heads to her section of the lab. “I'm not sure this is such a good idea. Arc... what would you do?!”

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