• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 5 - Siblings

Everyone sits down at the table. Arc ladles the soup into bowls and passes them out.

“So how was your day, Derpy?”

“Just fine! The foals at the orphanage are just the sweetest little things! But it looks like your own day was far more interesting!”

“Yeah dad! Tell us all about it!”

Arc laughs. “Okay. But it’s a long story.”

Derpy smiles at him. “Those are the best kind.”

Arc goes over the events of the day starting with his hectic trip to Griffon’s Gate aboard an airship of unscrupulous sailors, to how he met Ginny and Geoffrey. He ends with taking the group back to Ponyville to get medical help for one of the younglings.

“That’s quite the story you have there, Arc!”

“We’re you scared, dad?!”

Arc shakes his head. “Nah. Those Marauders weren’t too tough for us.”

Derpy nods. “And the little one. Glynda was it? Will she be okay?”

“Doctor Horse says she should be okay with treatment.”

“Is she still at the hospital, dad?”

“Yes. The doctor says she’s very weak right now and will probably sleep for quite some time.”

Gallus nods. “That’s probably for the best.”

Natalya shudders. “She did appear to be in quite a bit of pain.”

Derpy turns to Natalya. “I’m sure Doctor Horse has given her something for that by now.”

Arc nods. “Probably a sedative too.”

Geoffrey looks confused. “What’s a sedative?”

Gallus turns to him. “Something that helps you sleep.”

Ginny shudders! “Does it hurt?”

Natalya turns to her. “No, dear.”

Gigi looks to Natalya. “Are you an orphan too, miss?”

“No. I’m… well… I’m Gallus’ big sister.”

Geoffrey turns to his friend. “Gallus! You never told us you had a sister!”

Ginny smiles up at her. “She’s really nice! Just like you!”

Gigi puts her small talons on her side. “How come we never met you before?”

Natalya sighs. “I’ve… been really busy with my job.”

Geoffrey smiles. “What do you do?!”

“I’m a lieutenant in the military.”

Gigi looks confused. “What were you doing with Lord Arc then?”

“I was assigned to him for now.”

Gallus looks to his sister, suddenly peevish. “Yes! Assigned! Just like a cog in a bloated, overthought, utterly USELESS machine!”

He stands up and storms out of the room leaving via the back door. Derpy’s eyes are wide with surprise!

“Oh my! What was that all about?”

Natalya sighs. “I’m sorry, that was my fault. Gallus was never keen on the idea of me leaving to join the military.”

Geoffrey looks to her. “Why? You think he would be proud that his sister had done so well!”

“It’s not quite that simple. You see, Gallus doesn’t like the Griffon Kingdom’s military, as most of our nation’s money goes to funding it.”

Arc nods understandingly. “Instead of libraries, schools and orphanages?”

“Right. The higher I go, the more it bothers him.”

She sighs.

“I think he would have been happy to hear I was demoted to Footpad.”

Arc sighs. “I understand how he feels.”

Natalya looks up at him. “You do?”

“Yes. My homeland’s own military took my father from me. So I guess you could say I’m not a huge fan of them. The difference between us is I don’t hold that against the rank and file soldiers. They do their best to protect everyone. While they’re not perfect in how they carry out their tasks, I’m sure most of them are doing what they can.”

Natalya stands up. “I should go talk to him.”

“Agreed. But remember to think about this from his point of view as well.”

Derpy smiles and nods. “You can’t force someone to accept the choices you’ve made. All you can do is explain your reasoning and hope for the best.”

Natalya nods and walks over to the back door. Putting a claw on the handle she takes a deep breath and steps out into the chilly night air. Looking around the small yard it doesn’t take long for her to spot Gallus sitting in a corner of the yard. She walks over to him.


He does not look over.

“What? Come to tell me how wrong I am?! How great the military is?! Give me a lecture on how you’re making the world a better place?!”

“No. I… um… actually came out here to… apologize to you.”

“Apologize to ME?! What for? Abandoning us?!”

“I… Gallus…”

She fumbles for the right words.

“Can I sit down?”

Gallus rolls his eyes. “Nothing I can do to stop you.”

Natalya sits down next to her brother and joins him in staring up at the moon. Neither speaks for a long time.

Gallus frowns. “Look! If you’re going to say something, do it! That way we can get this fight over with!”


Gallus looks over at her angrily! “Right! You can tell me I’m just a youngling myself. How I need to get back home where it’s warm and safe in addition to lecturing me on YOUR life’s career choices!”

“I guess I could. But you see, that’s not what I came out here to say.”

Gallus looks genuinely surprised. “You didn’t?! Good! Maybe I can finally hear something new for a change!”

“It’s been a while since we talked. Why don’t we just do that?”

Gallus looks back at the moon. “You want to know what I’ve been up to, huh? Did father put you up to this?!”

Natalya shakes her head. “I do. In all honesty, I had no idea you weren’t at home. And I get the feeling neither did he.”

“You going to snitch on me?”

“I probably should. But I don’t think so.”

“What’s your angle?”

“You and I haven’t exactly been on the best terms since… since mother left. But I want you to know that I do care about you. Even if I haven’t been the best at showing you that in the past. If I were to tell father what you’ve been doing, it wouldn’t be because I wanted to get you in trouble. But because I just want you to be safe.”

Gallus points a claw over his shoulder at the house. “Safe?! You worried my friends in there are going to cook me up or something?!”

“No. They seem like good younglings. But please think about this from my point of view.”

“Which is…?”

Natalya sighs. “Only a few short hours ago I found out my little brother was living in a garbage dump and caring for several younglings.”

“Someone has to! It’s not like the king or Council of Lords or… anyone I guess, is going to do it! I had the means and the bits to help, so I did!”

“Your allowance?”


She nods. “So what have you been spending it on?”

“Food mostly. As you saw we save quite a bit living rent-free just outside the dump.”

“You can’t afford enough food for all of you on your allowance.

Gallus shrugs. “We scrounged to make up for it. You would do the same if you got hungry enough!”

“I… probably would. Especially if you and Gabrielle were hungry.”

She looks over at Gallus.

“Is she still at home?”

“As far as I know. She’s probably still coming up with pipe-dreams on a daily basis.”

Natalya sighs. “You two never did see eye to eye.”

Gallus rolls his eyes. “She always has her head in the clouds. I prefer to stay grounded in reality.”

Natalya smiles. “I’ve always been a little jealous of her.”

“You have?! How?!”

“She’s so happy go lucky all the time.”

Gallus scoffs. “More like oblivious.”

“Gabrielle’s not ignorant of what’s going on around her. While she may appear to be turning a blind eye, I think she’s just doing her best to keep moving forward.”

“Or back!”

Natalya sighs.

“You and I don’t get along. She and you are distant at best. Why? What happened to us? We used to be so close!”

Gallus sighs. “We grew up. At least you and I did!”

“Yes. I… I have to agree with you on that.”

“That’s a first. You don’t usually admit you’re wrong. Not easily anyways.”

Natalya looks over to him. “Look Gallus, there’s something I need to tell you.”


“I… I’m sorry.”

“What for?”

“For leaving you and Gabrielle for the military. Not writing and calling more. For… for treating you like a kid. You’re not.”

Gallus raises an eyebrow. “That’s… rather surprising. What brought about this revelation?”

“Just doing some thinking, I guess. Mostly those younglings.”

“What about them?”

Natalya turns to Gallus and smiles. “They look up to you, and you provide for them. Kinda like a certain big sister used to. Sorry for giving you such a hard time earlier today. Those younglings… I think they look at you like… like a father figure almost.”

“I had to do what I did. No one else would!”

Natalya puts a claw on his shoulder. “And I’m proud of you for that. I’m glad some of what I taught you came in handy.”

“What you taught me?”

“You know… honesty, loyalty, generosity, kindness… that sort of thing. And one day when they grow up, I think they’ll pass on what they’ve learned to their younglings.”

“You really think so?”

“I know so! You’re shaping the future of the Griffin Kingdom by passing on morals to the next generation. Kinda like what I was hoping to do.”


Natalya sighs. “I know you don’t like the military, or what it stands for. Please know that I understand and respect your point of view on that matter.”

“Then why did you join up?”

“To try and bring about change.”


Natalya nods. “I don’t like the direction our nation is going. The military and the upper crust ruling over everyone without so much as a thought on how they feel. My reasoning for doing what I did was… I could either stand around complaining about how thing were going, or do something about it! As you know, I chose the latter.”

“I… Natalya… can I tell you something?”


Gallus sighs. “For the longest time, I assumed you joined the military to… get away from it all.”

“What?! Why would I want to do that?!”

“I thought you wanted to be free of your responsibilities to Gabrielle and I. To get out on your own and be your own griffon. But it looks like I couldn’t have been more wrong.”

Natalya nods. “In reality, I wanted you and her to be able to grow up in a world that was better and safer. I’ve seen so much in the time since I left. Back then, I thought I had seen it all. Knew what to do. How to do it. I too was wrong.”


“Lord Arc showed me there’s so much more out there for me to learn. For me to accomplish! The life lessons he’s taught me have propelled me further than I ever thought possible. But somehow I know he’s going to show me so much more.”

Gallus nods. “You really like him, don’t you?”

“I respect him greatly, yes. In the short time since we met he’s been nothing but Kind and accepting of me. Even though I originally was suspicious of him.”

“Suspicious of what?”

“Of having ulterior motives. When you’ve been in the military as long as I have, you soon come to the realization that everyone who’s nice is doing so because they want something from you.

Gallus frowns. “Don’t I know it!”

“No. At least not in his case. I… I believe he’s genuinely interested in helping others.”

“That’s what his reputation would suggest anyways. I mean, if it were anyone else, I’d be skeptical! He’s really been around!”

“It’s not everyday news about an individual from another land reaches us in the Griffon Kingdom, eh Gallus?”

Gallus looks at her. Suddenly suspicious. “Natalya. What are you up to?”

“Up to?”

“You’ve been acting really weird ever since we got here. I mean, normally you’d be giving me a hard time about… SOMETHING by now.”

Natalya sighs. “Well… while you were bathing the younglings, Lord Arc and I had a little talk.”

“What about?”


Gallus looks surprised. “Me? The Hero of Light was interested in talking about ME?!”

Natalya nods. “He wanted to talk about our relationship.”

“Or lack of.”

“He does give very good advice. In fact, it was his idea for us to clean up the younglings together.”


She shrugs. “I’m not fully sure. But it felt good to spend time with you again.”

“It has been quite some time. I… I do like spending time with you, Natalya. When you’re not giving me a hard time, that is.”

“I’ll try to work on that.”

Gallus nods. “I’d appreciate it. Neither of us are younglings anymore.”

“True. Now why don’t we go inside now? We seem to be talking in circles and the night air is really starting to get to me.”

Gallus stands up. “Fine with me.”

The pair walk back toward the house. As Natalya puts her claw on the handle Gallus stops.


She turns around. “Yes?”

“Oh, nothing.”

They step inside to see Arc and Derpy doing the dishes. The younglings are stretched out in front of the fireplace with Dinky drawing pictures together. Gallus stops to watch.

“The Hero of Light is… doing the dishes?”

Natalya walks over to him. “Lord Arc, can we help?”

He tosses her a dish towel. “Sure. You can dry and I’ll put away.”

Gallus joins his sister. “And me?”

Derpy turns from the sink. “Can you please wipe down the table?”

“S-sure, Lady Derpy!”

He takes the rag from her and quickly gets to work. The dishes are soon done and the kitchen straightened up. Derpy looks to Arc as she hangs up the dish towel.

“Thank you for making supper, Arc. That was very thoughtful of you.”

He looks over at the younglings. “Considering the extra guests I thought it was the least I could do. Well, I should probably get everyone over to Light’s Hope for the night.”

Dinky looks sad. “Awww! But we were having fun, dad! Can’t they stay?!”

“That’s up to your mother. It is her house after all.”

Derpy nods. “Sure! They can stay the night!”

The younglings and Dinky cheer. Natalya looks to Derpy.

“Thank you ma’am.”

“It’s no problem.”

Gigi smiles as she turns to Geoffrey. “What should we do?”

“Anything! It’s not every day we’re warm at night!”

Ginny puts her talons closer to the fire. “This does feel good!”

Dinky looks to her father. “How about you tell us a story, dad?!”

Arc walks over to the couch and sits down. “Oh? What about?”

“How about the time you saved the orphans from Matron Tempest?! That one’s my favorite!”

Arc laughs. “Really?! You’ve heard it so many times!”

Derpy giggles! “That and you were there sweetie.”

Dinky points a hoof at the younglings and smile. “Well they haven’t!”

Arc laughs. “I suppose you’re right. Okay, gather round and listen up.”

He retells the story in great detail as the others sit and listen.

Natalya looks to him amazed. “That’s quite the story, sir!”

Gallus looks to Arc nervously. “She, uh… isn’t still around, is she?”

Arc nods. “She’s still alive, yes.”

Dinky grits her teeth. “My dad could take her!”

Derpy nods “He already has several times now.”

Ginny looks surprised! “What?! How?!”

“By outsmarting her mostly. Although a little luck never hurt. But I couldn’t have survived that encounter without my brave daughter stepping in.”

Geoffrey looks at her. “How did it feel, Dinky?!”

Gigi nods. “Were you scared?!”

Ginny shudders. “I would have been!”

Dinky shakes her head. “Back then I was more angry than anything! But I knew I could do something about it! That I HAD to do something!”

Gallus smiles at her. “You’re very brave, Dinky!”

Natalya looks at Arc. “Not surprising considering whose daughter you are, Lady Dinky.”

Ginny yaws. Arc stands up.

“I think it’s bedtime for fillies and younglings.”

Derpy stands up. “Agreed,. Everypony’s had a rather long day.”

“Can they sleep in the room, dad?”

“Of course. Lead the way.”

Arc stands up along with the younglings. They follow her to Arc’s room as Dinky opens the door and steps inside.

“Everypony can sleep here.”

Ginny looks around. “Thank you!”

Geoffrey grins! “At least there’s a roof over our heads!”

Gigi laughs! “And we don’t have to worry about Marauders either!”

The trio walks over to the corner of the room and curls up together on the floor. Arc looks at them curiously.

“Um… what are you three doing?”

Ginny looks to Arc. “Getting comfortable.”

Gigi nods. “We’re pretty good at it!”

Geoffrey yawns. “Good night everyone!”

Arc points a finger. “You three can sleep in the beds with Dinky.”

Derpy walks over and nods. “That is if you don’t mind doubling up.”

Ginny jumps up, excitedly. “Really?!”

Geoffrey grins. “We’ve never slept in a real bed before!”

Gigi looks to Arc. “Are you sure it’s all right, sir?!”


Arc pulls back the covers as Dinky jumps into his bed and lies down.

“Come on up, Gigi!”

Gigi looks up at Arc. “Are you sure it’s okay?”

“I’m sure. Go ahead.”

Gigi jumps into the bed and lies down. Arc covers the pair up.

“It feels nice!”

Ginny and Geoffrey hop into Ember’s bed and lie down. Derpy tucks them in.

“This… this is like sleeping on clouds!”

“I’ll say! It’s warm too!”

Arc turns to leave the room. “We’ll be out here if you need us.”

“Good night dad!”

Arc and Derpy leave the bedroom and close the door behind them. Gallus looks to Arc.

“Thank you for taking such good care of my friends, sir. They’ve never actually slept inside before.”

“It’s no problem.”

“Thank you as well, Lady Derpy. Your kindness and hospitality are most appreciated.”

She giggles. “You’re welcome, Gallus! But, I’m just Derpy.”

Natalya looks confused. “You are?”

Gallus frowns. “I don’t understand. Aren’t you two married?”

Derpy blushes slightly as she shakes her head. “No. Arc rents a room from me and adopted me and my daughter, so to speak.”

“That’s right. Truth be told I haven’t been called ‘Lord Arc’ around here since I was Equestria’s temporary ruler.”

Natalya looks confused. “Then why didn’t you correct me when I called you that, sir?”

“Sorry. That book you gave me said respect was everything in your culture. While I’m not actually a Lord, I do have much more power and authority than one.”


Arc nods. “Yes, Gallus. In addition to going anywhere and doing anything I see fit, I’m the only one in all of Equestria that cannot be commanded by the princesses.”

Natalya’s eyes grow wide. “Not at all?”

“No. I pretty much act independently in pursuance of my duty to keep the peace.”

“Similar to Arbiter Ghaleon?”

“From what you’ve told me, yes.”

Gallus looks confused. “So, what exactly is it you do then?”

“It’s complicated. One of the things I do is to investigate matters that would be difficult or impossible for others. For example… one of the first things I did as the Hero of Light was to look into the affairs of Captain Decimus. At the time he was the Captain of the Royal Guard in Canterlot Castle.”

Derpy suddenly looks angry. “That stallion! I can’t believe he did all those terrible things!”

Natalya looks to Arc. “Was he a traitor?”

“Yes. I found irrefutable proof that not only was he conspiring with our enemies, but that he personally poisoned our land’s princesses.”

Gallus’ eyes grow wide. “What?! How?”

“With an herbal concoction that put them into a deep sleep. The captain thought he was next in the Order of Succession. Little did he know that I was actually a citizen of Equestria by royal decree, and therefore eligible to take the throne before him.”

Natalya nods. “So Equestria came close to a full blow coup?!”

Derpy nods. “Very! Thankfully Arc was able to expose him and save the princesses before they were lost forever!”

“I did what I could. Luckily it was enough.”

Gallus nods. “What happened to the captain?!”

“He came back to the castle to administer the final dose of the poison. Had he been successful the princesses would have slept forever. My troops and the Royal Guards held him and his forces off until I could get there and fight him myself. He suffered the same fate as all traitors.”

Arc closes his eyes and shakes his head.

“To think this all started when I faced him on Canterlot Castle’s drawbridge. He tried to take Ember even though she was in my custody.”

Derpy looks surprised! “Wait! He attacked you?!”

Arc nods. “Yes. He was angry not only because I didn’t listen to him as he’s accustomed to, but also due to the fact his own soldiers refused to attack me after he ordered them to.”

Natalya looks confused. “He ordered his troops to attack the Hero of Light?!”

“Pretty much. Captain Decimus grabbed one of his subordinate’s spears and charged right at me. I grabbed the spear and threw him into the moat. His lieutenant apologized and we made our way back to the Train Station.”

Arc appears to be lost in thought for a few moments.

“Arc? Is everything okay?”

“I… I’m not sure Derpy. Back then I didn’t really think much of it, but Captain Decimus went down pretty easily.”

Natalya nods. “Maybe his emotions got in the way.”

“It’s possible. However, when I fought him again outside Princess Luna’s room he was MUCH stronger! The captain really made me work for that victory! It was like he was a completely different pony!”

“Maybe Tempest knows something about him we don’t.”

Arc sighs. “She probably does. But somehow I doubt she would tell me.”

Derpy looks at him nervously. “Do… do you suppose he made a pact with The Dark One in exchange for power?”

“That’s the most likely explanation for his extreme increase in strength.”

Natalya shudders. “The Dark One?! Sounds ominous!”

“He’s not the kind of creature you want to be indebted to. I don’t suppose he’s made his presence known in the Griffon Kingdom.”

Natalya shakes her head. “Not to my knowledge, no. Then again, I’m only a lieutenant. We aren’t exactly kept in the loop on everything”

Gallus looks to his sister. “What about Arbiter Ghaleon? He’s crazy powerful!”

“I doubt it. He’s always had our nation’s best interest in mind. Doing what was best for everyone.”

Arc mutters to himself. “Like Tempest…”

Gallus frowns. “Well I for one worry about someone having THAT much power, strength and authority.”

Natalya stands up. “He needs to be there in case a general or Lord goes rogue!”

“Yeah? Well what about HIM?! What if HE turns against the kingdom?!”

Natalya thinks for a moment. “That’s a frightening thought. It would probably take our greatest warrior’s combined strength to stop him!”

“And even that might not be enough. Too much power in one pair of talons is dangerous.”


He looks over to Arc apologetically.

“No disrespect intended to you, sir.”

“None taken. In fact, I agree with you.”

“You do?”

Arc nods. “Yes. There’s an old saying back home on Earth that says ‘Power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely’!”

Derpy looks confused. “What does that mean?”

“It means those with power tend to use that power. And not always in the best interest of others. Now I admit I don’t know Arbiter Ghaleon, and I certainly don’t want to speak ill of him without having all the facts. But having someone of authority in place, just in case… it kinda scares me.”

Derpy frowns. “What about you? The Griffon Kingdom’s Arbiter seems almost identical to Equestria’s Hero of Light.”

“Equestria is ruled over by alicorns. Should one of them go astray… well, someone has to be able to stop them. Whether or not the Griffon Kingdom needs something similar is up to them, I suppose. Tell me Natalya. Who do you think is stronger? Me or Arbiter Ghaleon?”

“That’s difficult to say, sir. While I have seen you fight, I don’t believe I’ve seen your full power yet.”


Natalya thinks for a moment. “But then again, I don’t think anyone has seen Arbiter Ghaleon go all out yet either.”

Gallus nods. “I’ve studied what is publicly known about him and his fighting prowess. He’s quite the force to be reckoned with! Forgive me, sir, but I don’t believe you would stand a chance against him.”

Arc shrugs. “Let’s just hope we never have to find out definitively.”

He pulls out his pocket watch and checks the time before standing up.

“We should probably get some rest now. Busy day tomorrow.”

Derpy points to her mat on the floor in front of the fireplace. “Natalya? You and Gallus can share the couch if you’d like.”

Gallus looks nervous. “What about you, ma’am?”

“I usually sleep in front of the fireplace on my mat. It may sound strange to you, but I’m most comfortable there.”

Natalya looks over to Arc. He nods.

“Thank you. We accept.”

“It’s a lot better than what the younglings and I are used to, that’s for sure.”

Derpy quickly fetches blankets for Gallus and Natalya. The pair stretch out on the couch and get comfortable. In a few moments they are asleep Derpy looks to Arc.

“They must have been very tired.”

Arc nods as he fetches the last spare blanket. “I’ll say.”

He walks over to Derpy as she lies down on her mat and covers her with the blanket.

“Sleep well, Derpy.”

“What about you?”

Arc crouches down as he puts another log on the fire. “I’ll be okay.”

Derpy holds the blanket up to Arc. “You should take this. I’m used to sleeping without it.”

Arc walks over to the couch and sits down on the floor in front of it as he does his best to make himself comfortable.

“You stay warm, Derpy. I’ll be just fine over here.”

She looks to him sheepishly. “Um, Arc? I’d be willing to share my mat with you. Then we can both stay warm.”

“Isn’t that the mat your mother started before you were born? I… I shouldn’t. It’s too personal for you.”

Derpy smiles at him. “I’m sure if she was alive today, she would approve of you, Arc. You’ve shared so much with me since we met. Please let me share this with you.”

Arc nods. “Alright. Thank you, Derpy.”

He lies down on the floor next to Derpy. She covers both of them with the blanket before snuggling up to him.


“Yes. Good night, Derpy.”

“Good night, Arc.”

In a short time Arc’s breathing becomes slower and he falls asleep. Derpy looks over at Arc and smiles.

“I wish I could have known you, mother. We were separated far, FAR too soon. But… if you were anything like I imagine you being, you would have loved my friend Arc. He makes me so very happy.”

Derpy drifts off to sleep with the rest of the household.

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