• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 4 - Meetings After Meetings

A week passes. Arc and Flash Sentry walk down a corridor of Canterlot Castle early one morning. The stallion turns to him.

“How are things going in New Ponyville, sir?”

“My friends there report that the ponies, griffons, and Abyssinians are getting along very well.”

“That’s surprising.”

“It is?”

“For so many races to live together in peace, I mean.”

“I admit I too was worried about that at first. But the fact that they were welcomed by the king and queen probably helped.”

“To say nothing for being connected with you, sir.”

Arc shrugs. “Whatever makes things easier for them. After all, they went through so much that night. Especially the orphans.”

“Hopefully we can end this matter soon so they can return home safely.”

“Any problems so far?”

“None that I’m aware of, no. Things are going well in regards to Miss Auriel’s project, sir.”

“And fairly quick too.”

Flash Sentry nods. “Two things that aren’t usually combined.”

“Yes. But we can’t afford to waste time.”

Scootaloo runs over to them.

“Big Brother!”

“Scarlet Filly?”

“Princess Twilight wishes to see us in the workshop.”

“We’ll head there now.”

“Good. I’ll head over to Ambassador Brightwing’s office to get Ember.”

Arc nods. “See you there.”

She hurries away as Arc and Flash Sentry change direction. Arriving at the heavily patrolled door the guards on duty salute and part to allow the pair to pass. Entering, they find Twilight looking over a blueprint with Auriel. Flash Sentry salutes Twilight respectfully.

“You wanted to see us, Princess Twilight?”

“Yes. It’s about the Magic Dispersion Unit.”

Arc looks over her shoulder. “Is there a problem?”

Auriel shakes her head. “No. But we should wait for Ember and Ambassador Brightwing to arrive before…”

Ember, Brightwing, and Scootaloo appear before them in a flash of light. Auriel gasps.

“Oh my!”

Brightwing grins toothily. “Friends!”

Ember chuckles. “Sorry about that. I just figured this would be faster.”

Scootaloo shrugs. “It was, yes.”

Flash Sentry sighs. “Now that everypony’s here, we should be able to get started. Miss Auriel?”

Auriel clears her throat before speaking. “I’ve called all of you here to talk about the device. I think I’ve been able to complete the plans for a larger version.”

Ember appears confused. “You think?”

Twilight shrugs. “Nothing is certain until we build it, of course.”

Auriel nods. “Right. Scaling up isn’t as easy as one would believe.”

Arc turns to Twilight. “How big will the unit be?”

“Roughly the size of Princess Celestia’s airship, the Blitztorte.”

Auriel sighs. “And it will weigh well over one ton.”

Brightwing gasps. “WOAH! Scary big!”

Scootaloo sits down on her haunches. “Sounds like it, yes.”

Flash Sentry grimaces. “That’s the smallest and lightest you can make it?”

Auriel motions to the blueprints before them. “Yes. Even then it’s only theoretical whether or not it’ll work.”

Arc sighs. “How about powering it?”

Twilight bows her head. “I estimate that it will take at least two dozen extremely powerful unicorns, trained in Dark Magic mind you, to make this thing ready to fire.”

Ember frowns. “More still to move it into position.”

Scootaloo looks to Twilight. “And building it in place is out of the question I assume?”

“Right. As things stand it would take several days to assemble with heavy equipment.”

Auriel shudders. “Not safe to do on the battlefield.”

Arc smiles. “But I’m guessing you two have come up with something.”

Twilight sighs. “I’ve been too busy these past few days to even come here for a status report.”

Auriel steps forward. “That’s what I was doing for Twilight when you two arrived. But to answer your question Arc, yes I believe I’ve come up with a solution.”

“Good. What is it?”

Auriel pulls out another blueprint and unrolls it over top of the first.

“This is The Equinox. According to my calculations, we could alter the bulkheads to expand Engineering into the Cargo Hold.”

Twilight appears confused. “To carry the device?”

Auriel shakes her head. “No, Twilight. I believe it would be more prudent to implement it directly into the ship’s systems.”

Flash Sentry gasps. “Can the ship take the extra weight?”

“Easily. The loss of speed and agility would be negligible.”

Arc points to the engines on the drawings. “What about power?”

“I’ve already figured out a way to redirect power from the ship’s existing O.R.B. unit to the Magic Dispersion Unit.”

Ember raises an eyebrow. “Is that… safe?”

Twilight looks over the diagrams. “On paper I would say so, yes.”

Auriel motions with a claw to a nearby schematic. “Right. The O.R.B. system is already designed to deal with large amounts of magical energy as designed.”

Flash Sentry grins. “It sounds like you’ve solved the major problems then.”

Auriel sighs. “Not exactly.”

Ember groans. “There’s more?”

Arc puts a hand on Auriel’s shoulder. “Do tell.”

Auriel flips back to the device’s blueprint and points a claw at what appears to be a storage device. “These can only be filled with energy at a certain rate. Any faster would cause them and the ship to explode.”

Scootaloo grimaces. “Let’s try to avoid that, shall we.”

Brightwing gasps. “Friends in danger!”

Auriel continues. “To use the device will require the O.R.B. power cells to be at one-hundred percent maximum charge. I’ll leave the decision of the subjects to donate the Dark Magic energy to you and Twilight.”

Twilight nods. “I’ll figure out the ponypower. What’s next?”

“The transfer of power from the O.R.B to the Magic Dispersion Unit. As I said earlier, it will be a slow process to charge it.”

Flash Sentry chuckles. “Then once the device is fully powered up we begin our barrage?”

“Yes and no.”

Twilight frowns. “Explain.”

Auriel runs her claw along a series of converging lines to a point. “It won’t be a barrage. Instead the altered energy will be fed to a single larger cannon that will be somehow fitted to the ship. I’m still working on the part.”

Ember rubs her claws together. “How many shots will we get?”


Flash Sentry frowns. “Just one?”

Twilight taps the table with a hoof. “If Auriel’s math is right, that should be enough to allow a strike force time to permeate the barrier and… deal with the base’s occupants.”

Arc clenches a fist. “I’ll lead that charge when the time comes.”

Auriel appears hopeful. “Might I join you, Arc?”

“Sadly, no. Only myself and Equestria’s military force can do this without causing an international incident.”

Twilight nods soberly. “He’s right. The Great Demon Kingdom is already on tenuous ground from the events of the past.”

Ember pats the demon’s shoulder. “Don’t worry, Auriel. I’ll watch his back.”

Scootaloo raises an eyebrow. “Um… you’re not a pony though.”


“Big Brother just said…”

Ember points a claw. “But Sereb’s going!”

Arc groans. “Ember, this isn’t really…”

Ember continues. “And Princess Celestia knows me from way back! I might be able to help you convince her to listen to reason!”

“Brightwing help too!”

Auriel nods. “That’s actually sound thinking on Ember’s part.”

Arc sighs. “Fine. But I still want to keep this party small.”

Ember smiles slyly. “I prefer the term… intimate.”

Brightwing makes a strange happy sound as Scootaloo turns to Flash Sentry.

“We should probably get back on topic here.”

“But the lineup will be critical to the mission.”

Auriel smiles nervously. “Does that mean I can come too then?”

Ember nods fervently. “Sure!”

Flash Sentry groans as he turns to Arc. “Sir, as you highest ranking officer I must recommend against this course of action. There’s no reason to give Princess Celestia any more reason to go after somepony else.”

Scootaloo facehoofs. “I agree. As Princess Twilight said earlier, the Demon Kingdom isn’t exactly in her good graces.”

Auriel sighs. “Very well. I’ll help aboard The Equinox during the mission then.”

Arc nods. “Thanks. I’m sure she’ll need your help to set this up too.”

Auriel turns to Twilight. “Then I have your permission to go ahead with my design?”

“You do. However I have to point out that The Equinox is Arc’s vessel. So it’s kinda up to him.”

Arc smiles at her. “Yes, Auriel. I trust your expertise in this.”

Auriel appears relieved. “We’ll do our best.”

Twilight smiles at her. “Bring Hard Hat up to speed with what structural changes you’ll need made to accommodate the device as well.”

“I’ll take care of it.”

Flash Sentry clears his throat loudly. “Any idea how long it will take to make the modifications to the ship?”

Auriel shakes her head. “I’ll need to consult with Hard Hat, Stellar Flare, and Sunburst first. Then we can come up with some kind of timetable.”

Arc nods. Very good. While this is certainly important I don’t want you rushing things.”

“I won’t, Arc. After all, this will be for nothing if we all blow up.”

Ember gasps. “Wait, you meant that LITERALLY?!”

Brightwing Blinks behind Scootaloo. “Woah! Scary!”

Auriel sighs. “The energy transfer must be perfect for that reason. But rest assured that I’ll have it figured out before the assault, Twilight.”

“Thank you, Auriel. “

Scootaloo sighs. “Now I’M worried.”

Arc steps forward. “In any case, might I speak to you privately when you have a moment?

Auriel appears surprised. “Yes, of course.”

She turns to Twilight before continuing.

“Did you have any questions about the design?”

Twilight shakes her head. “No, I think you answered them all.”

Auriel turns back to Flash Sentry. “And you, sir?”

“Just one. Would you be averse to more guards in and around the ship as the work is being done?”

Ember frowns. “What are you talking about?! Lock this place down if you have to!”

Scootaloo motions to the dragon next to her. “I’m with Ember on this one.”

“None at all, assuming that they don’t get in the way.”

Flash Sentry nods. “I’ll pass that on to the guards.”

He salutes and walks away as Twilight turns to Auriel.

“In any case, why don’t you take a bit of a break and have your talk with Arc now?”

“Thank you, I think I will.”

Twilight smiles as she turns to Arc. “Don’t keep her too long.”

Arc chuckles. “I won’t.”

“When you get some time, I’d like a few moments to speak with you as well, Arc.”

“Okay. I’ll catch up with you later.”

Twilight turns and looks back over her shoulder. “I’ll be in the Audience Chamber.”

“How about we do lunch then?”

“Sounds good.”

Arc turns back to Auriel and gestures to the office.

“Shall we?”

Auriel appears suddenly nervous. “Um… can we talk somewhere a bit more… private?”

“Sure. “

Ember grins seductively. “Saucy!”

Scootaloo shakes her head. “Oh boy…”

Arc ignores them. “How about my room here in the castle?”

Auriel nods. “That would be nice, yes.”

Arc calls forth his gauntlet and opens a portal as Ember calls out to him.

“Have fun you two.”

Arc chuckles. “Thanks… I think.”

The pair step through into his room as the portal closes behind them. Looking to the sigil on the floor Arc chuckles.

“Glad I put this back.”

“Yes, it is very convenient.”

Arc gestures to a couch. “How about we sit down?”

Auriel takes his hand and walks over to the couch with him. They sit next to each other as Auriel smiles.

“Now then, what did you want to say to me, Arc?”

“First of all, I want to apologize for taking so long to have this conversation with you, Auriel.”

“No need for that. After all, we’ve both been pretty busy lately, Arc. Feel free to say whatever it is you want to.”


Taking a deep breath, Arc continues.

“Are you… um… okay with this?”

Auriel appears confused. “I don’t really understand the question.”

“I just wanted to ask how you feel about the current… project you’re on.”

“Um… it’s a lot of work, of course. But nothing I can’t handle.”

“That’s not really what I meant.”

“Then what…?”

“I asked you to work on a weapon.”

Both are silent for a time. Eventually Auriel smiles and takes his hand.

“No, it’s not.”

Arc raises an eyebrow, confused. “How…?”

“This device is non-lethal, Arc. All it does is weaken a spot in a magic barrier.”

“I suppose so. But I’ve been rather concerned that you might have reservations about this.”

Auriel shakes her head. “None whatsoever. This device won’t take lives, after all. If anything it will safeguard them by helping you capture Princess Celestia.”

He breathes a sigh of relief. “That’s a load off my mind.”


“I was afraid you were only doing this because I asked you to.”

“There is that, yes.”

“But what if…?”

Auriel puts a finger to his lips. “Please, Arc. Believe me when I say that I’m perfectly fine designing this for you. And I’d also like to say that I’m very happy that you’re so concerned with my feelings too.”

Leaning forward, Auriel gives his cheek a small kiss before looking him in the eye and continuing.

“But believe me when I say that I’d definitely let you know if you asked me to do something I didn’t like or want to do.”

“I hope you would.”

Nodding, Auriel stands and extends a claw. Helping Arc up she pulls him into an embrace and presses her body into hers. Smiling up at him, she giggles.

“Now then… while I certainly have work to do, I wouldn’t mind extending my break to spend some quality time with you.”

Arc sighs. “While that does sound nice, I have other things to do too.”

Auriel shrugs. “I figured. Can’t blame me for hoping though.”

She and Arc head for the door. Stepping out into the corridor she turns to him and smiles.

“Arc, are you free tonight?”

“Depends what time you’re thinking of.”

“Whatever time you go to bed.”

Arc chuckles. “I think you might be spending too much time with Ember.”

Auriel giggles. “Maybe. But I do like her forward attitude.”

“Me too.”

“Thanks for the talk.”

“Catch you later.”

They go their separate ways. Heading down the corridor Arc spots a familiar mare carrying a stack of papers.

“Hey there, Raven.”

“Good morning, sir. Was there something I could do for you?”

“Not really. I just wanted to see how you’re holding up these days.”

“It’s been quite busy around here since Princess Twilight took the throne. But that’s a good thing I believe.”


“Working helps me… stay focused.”

“That’s good. But what about a certain stallion?”

Raven giggles as she trots in place. “It’s wonderful being able to work together every day. I’ve been assigned to Flash Sentry as his personal aide.”

Arc nods. “I thought it would.”

“Did you have something to do with that, sir?”

“I just casually mentioned that you two had worked together back at Light’s Hope. While I’m not sure she really understood what that meant, I am glad Twilight took the hint.”

“Well I thank you just the same, sir. And don’t worry about us neglecting our duties. Flash Sentry and I save that for the evening.”


“He has private quarters here that are spacious enough for the two of us.”

“So you’ve moved in with him then?”

Raven nods. “Yes sir. But I assure you that we’re not engaging in anything… inappropriate. After all, I’m not exactly… ready for something like that just yet.”

Arc smiles at her. “Well, you’re both capable of making your own choices in life.”

“We just don’t want to do anything that might bring shame to your command though.”

“Is there a rule against such things?”

“No sir.”

“As long as there’s consent I don’t have any problem with you two doing whatever you want after office hours.”

“Thank you sir. Um… might I confide in you though?”

“Of course.”

“I’m very happy with Flash Sentry. When we lie in bed together he holds me close to his chest. Every night I fall asleep to the rhythmic sound of his heartbeat and wake up to it in the morning.”

“Sounds like you’re happy.”

“I am, yes.”

“Then what’s the problem?”

“Is that… normal?”

“Which part?”

Raven looks around nervously. “All of it. When I say things like that out loud I just feel so… creepy. Like I’m obsessing over him, or something.”

“I don’t think it sounds creepy at all.”


Arc nods. “Yeah. I… kinda like something similar.”

“Well, I don’t wish to pry, sir. Unless you feel comfortable talking about it, that is.”

“Oh yes. To me the feeling of warmth I get lying next to someone I love, it’s just… so amazing! After a short time they just seem to melt into me. If I wake up in the night I’ve sometimes felt as if we were one.”

“I’ve felt that way too, sir. Emerald Dream said it was normal, but until I talked to you I didn’t really know anypony whom had the same experience.”

“This isn’t something most would discuss so openly either.”

“That’s true. But I just feel so… calm talking to you, sir. Forgive me if that’s overstepping.”

“Not at all. I know what you meant.”

Raven appears suddenly nervous. “Flash Sentry told me that he mentioned his desire to leave the military and get married to you. Is that… okay?”

Arc nods. “Oh yes. I’m planning to do the same when this is all over as well.”

“He said that too. Don’t worry, as I didn’t tell anypony else.”

“It’s no secret to my family and friends. But what brought that up?”

“We were talking about our future wedding a few nights ago. If it wouldn’t be too much trouble do you think you could officiate for us?”

“I’d be honored! If that’s allowed, that is.”

Raven giggles. “While its never been done before I’m sure the Hero of Light could at least perform the ceremony.”

“But I might not be the Hero of Light that much longer.”

“I’m sure Princess Twilight would empower you for a day, sir.”

Arc nods. “We’ll find a way to make it work.”

“Thank you, sir. But I’ve taken too much of your time already.”

“No trouble. Come see me if you need anything though.”

“I will. Take care, sir.”

They pair part ways. Arc continues down the corridor toward his destination. Arriving at the large door he knocks lightly before entering.


Looking up from her desk, she stands and walks over.

“Please come in.”

Arc nods and does so, closing the door behind him. Ashe motions to the balcony.

“Let’s sit outside. It’s a nice day.”


They walk out onto the balcony and sit down on a stone bench together. Ashe sighs and looks away.

“I suppose you know why I called you here.”

“Actually I don’t.”

Ashe narrows her eyes. As she turns back to him. “You can’t be serious.”

“I am.”

“Some time ago I killed Hero of Light Decimus.”

Arc chuckles. “And?”

“And no one has come to arrest me!”

“Is that a problem?”

“Yes it’s a problem!”

Arc shrugs. “Well what do you want me to do about it?!”

“I don’t know! Take me to the dungeon?!”

“If that’s what you want I can do that.”

Ashe groans. “This isn’t going as well as I had hoped.”

“You’re the one not making any sense, Ashe.”

“Okay, look. Decimus was killed by me, right?”


“And I’m told he can come back to life.”


“I’ve also heard that he’s already come back.”

“Yes, I faced him in Manehattan some time ago.”

“So why hasn’t either you or him come after me yet?!”

“We all saw that you acted in the best interests of Equestria back then. As to why he doesn’t come get you himself, well… I’d imagine you’re not high enough up his list of individuals to kill.”

“You say that so casually.”

“This is coming from the one at the very top, you know.”

“Yes, well… should I be worried?”

“Not really.”


They are silent for a time as the sound of birdsong fills the air. Eventually Arc breaks it as he turns to Ashe.

“Why are you so scared?”

“I’m not scared!”


Ashe sighs. “Okay, I am kinda worried.”

“I don’t understand how. After all you’ve done quite a few dangerous things as the rebel leader.”

“True. But that was always under a mask and cloak. I knew that if things got bad I could always run away, hide, drop the disguise, and use my position in society to walk right past anyone looking for me.”

“However this time your face was seen as you did the deed.”

Ashe sighs. “Right. There wasn’t time to put on my cloak back then. As soon as I heard the sound of marching hoofsteps I knew what was coming.”

“Why were you still here anyways? We found the castle empty when we arrived.”

“I was told to evacuate, of course. However no one ever came to check to make sure that I had actually done so.”

“Then why stay?”

“Because the hostile overthrowing of a government isn’t something you get to see every day.”

Arc frowns. “You wanted to see how it was done?”

“Kinda, yes. But at the same time I didn’t want it to go the wrong way.”

“Which way was that?”

“At the time I wasn’t too sure.”

“You were still on Celestia’s side?”

Ashe sighs. “Remember, she was the one whom appointed me to my position as ambassador. And I’d heard so many good things about her that I couldn’t imagine her being in the wrong.”

“No one is infallible.”

“What about you?”

Arc shrugs. “Who knows? Maybe one day I’ll be a threat to the land.”

“You say that so casually.”

“But it’s true.”

“Are you okay with that?”

“I’m content knowing that I’d be stopped by my friends.”

Ashe shakes her head. “I just don’t understand you. Every time I think I’m making progress figuring you out you do or say something that makes me start all over again.”

“If what I’m told is true, Celestia believed the same.”

“What are you saying?”

“Part of me wants to think she’s being manipulated into doing what Decimus wants. That’s why she made Twilight a princess. To be a final stopgap to keep him from the throne.”

“Then why make him the Hero of Light?”

Arc sighs. “I have no idea. But she brought together the Element Bearers and others for a reason.”

“To do what? Kill her?”

“To keep the land safe.”

Ashe smiles sadly. “I wish our king had something like that thought out.”

“Nothing we can do about that now.”

“If anything he probably has the opposite figured.”

“Killing anyone in power whom threatens his position?”

“Something like that.”

“I wouldn’t know. But if he did, I do hope he uses it on Admiral Gaston.”

Ashe seethes. “I’ve already reported his treachery to the Griffon Kingdom. If he shows up there he’ll be treated as a bona-fide traitor.”

“Then he’ll fight extra hard not to be taken into custody.”

“Most likely. But you won’t have to face him alone.”

“Yeah, I’ll have a team there with me to…”

Ashe interrupts him. “I was referring to me.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “You?”

“Gaston is most likely in your base with Decimus and Princess Celestia. You’ll need all the help you can get to take them on.”

“While I appreciate the offer, this is an Equestrian matter. We can’t be bringing the Griffon Kingdom in on something that amounts to little more than a civil war.”

“Very true. However since a griffon is involved, he has the right to be taken into custody by our nation. As per the treaty, the ambassador has jurisdiction over him in this matter.”

Arc sighs. “Great.”

“I won’t try to force you to take me. After all, I really can’t. But at the same time I’d like the opportunity to prove that I’m not just a spoiled little youngling anymore.”

“Fine. You can come on the condition that you follow my orders to the letter and without arguing.”

“Very well. I accept.”


“One more question.”

“Yes, Ashe?”

“Are you planning to take Celestia alive or dead?”

“I want her alive so we can hopefully learn what exactly happened to get us to this point.”

“And if she won’t be taken?”

Arc pats his ring and frowns. “Then I go to ‘Plan B’.”

Ashe raises an eyebrow. “Which is…?”

“My duty.”

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