• Published 27th Apr 2019
  • 15,574 Views, 5,903 Comments

The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

  • ...

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Chapter 11 - Private Matters

Arc and his friends stand there looking over the crowd as the mob of female griffons continue their tirade. Twilight looks to Galena and smiles.

“I... just want you to know that Lord Arc meant what he said earlier.”

Galena appears confused. “Oh?”

Arc nods. “Twilight means that your egg is safe back in Equestria.”

Galena sighs. “Thank you. It’s more than I deserve after what I did.”

Several griffon guards approach their table. They look to Arc nervously

“We are here to take your witness into custody, sir.”

Twilight seethes. “WHAT?!”

“The king has ordered her held until this matter is settled.”

Arc gasps. “But...!”

Galena interrupts him. “Please, sir. Remember, I did confess to helping Lord Goldstone rape quite a few of his victims.”

She gestures with a talon to the throng of angry griffons nearby before continuing.

“Many of them were ravished solely because of me. That makes me an accomplice to this matter.”

Ashe nods soberly. “She’s right. Her fate will be tied to the case.”

Twilight grimaces as she looks to Ashe. “What would the punishment be?”

“Considering the large number of victims involved, she would most likely be publicly executed.”

“So if we win this case, she dies?!”

Ashe sighs. “Most likely, yes.”

Galena resolutely holds out her talons to the guards. “I’m ready to go.”

The guards approach the young griffon and shackle Galena’s talons. Another device is put around her midsection to hold her wings at her sides. As they move to take her away she looks to Arc with a sad look in her eyes.

“Don’t worry about what happens to me! Just... just make sure Goldstone pays for what he did!”

The crowd continues their verbal assault as she is led away. Arc sits back down at the table as the king and queen of Abyssinia approach. Felis is the first to speak.

“Lord Arc... what has happened?”

Fiona frowns. “Did we win or did Goldstone?”

Arc shrugs. “I don’t really get it either. Ashe?”

“He called for the Battle of Truth. It’s where the accused and their council duel their challengers to mortal kombat (see what I did there) to prove their innocence.”

Twilight frowns as she gestures to the group of female griffons nearby. “But he ISN’T innocent! Look at all these victims!”

Ashe frowns. “Nevertheless, the challenge has been issued. Considering all the evidence at this point, along with the sheer number of victims that have come forward to speak to the court regarding the charges, Lord Goldstone probably figured that the king would had no choice but to find him guilty at this point.”

Felix slams a paw down on the table next to him. “So he made the challenge as a final and desperate act by which he might prevail!”

Ashe nods. “Exactly.”

Fiona gasps. “But such a thing shouldn’t still be an option! Right?!”

Ashe shrugs. “I really have no idea. The Battle of Truth is something I briefly learned about during my formative school years. In history class ironically.”

Arc appears hopeful. “So it might just be too old a law to be invoked?”

Twilight groans. “If the Griffon Kingdom works like Equestria does then it doesn’t really matter how old the law is. Just whether or not it’s still on the books.”

Felix sighs. “But where do we go from here?”

Fiona shudders. “Yes, we can’t just let Goldstone get away with this!”

Arc clenches a fist. “Believe me, he won’t.”

Ashe appears confused. “Lord Arc?”

“If it’s a fight Goldstone wants, it’s a fight he’ll get!”

Arc turns to Ashe before continuing.

“Tell me how this challenge works.”

“Well... the accused and their counsellor fight the accuser and their council in the Gladiator’s Arena. If either side was representing themselves, they have the option to pick someone to fight by their side though.”

Twilight grimaces. “So it would be Goldstone and Ghaleon against you and Arc, Ashe?”

“Not necessarily. Any of us could make a substitution as to whom would fight in our stead. Lord Goldstone could choose someone else to fight his battle for him. However, I can’t see him doing that.”

Felix appears confused. “Why not?”

Fiona rolls her eyes. “Is he a warrior too?”

Ashe nods. “Oh yes. It’s well known that Goldstone was quite the martial tactician in his younger years. In fact, he and Arbiter Ghaleon were partners in the military for quite some time. That was before he took his place on the Council of Lords though.”

Twilight frowns. “And Arbiter Ghaleon?”

“Promoted to his place mostly because of Lord Goldstone.”

Arc groans. “So he’s an ace up Goldstone’s sleeve.”

Ashe shakes her head. “Not entirely. After all, one isn’t given the position of Arbiter due to the say so of a single lord. They have to show that they are both powerful and impartial in all things.”

Arc gestures to the now empty defense table next to them. “Impartial?! But he was defending Goldstone just a short time ago!”

Felix grits his teeth. “Right!”

Fiona seethes. “After all that was said and shown here today, there’s no way anyone could still think Goldstone is innocent!”

Ashe sighs. “True. However defending Goldstone to the best of his ability was his job as council for the accused.”

Arc scoffs. “That fool.”

Twilight turns to him, confused. “Arc?”

“Such blind devotion to his old friend. There’s no way he can’t see the truth at this point.”

An official enters the chamber and calls out in a booming voice.


The guards begin clearing the room as Arc shakes his head.

“This is sickening.”

Twilight looks to him. “What is, Arc?”

“That the king won’t just admit that Goldstone is guilty and be done with it!”

Ashe sighs. “The law is the law though.”


Felix interrupts him. “Lord Arc... you must understand that every country has their own laws, rules, regulations, and traditions that must be followed. Even by the rulers.”

Fiona nods. “To attempt to overrule what is clearly stated in the law would go against everything they’re sworn to stand for.”

Ashe groans. “His talons are tied now that the challenge has been issued.”

Twilight sighs. “That I can understand.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “Twilight?”

“When I was giving audiences back in Canterlot, I would occasionally be interrupted by Kibitz or Raven regarding the letter of the law. Sometimes I hated the fact that I couldn’t just rule as I personally saw fit. However, even a princess is bound by certain things.”

Ashe gestures to the now vacant throne. “And it is worth pointing out that King Guto has issued an order to try and find a ruling that such a thing isn’t allowed.”

Felix appears hopeful. “So you think that he doesn’t want it to happen either?”

Fiona grimaces. “This whole matter certainly does make him look bad.”

Ashe nods. “Probably. After all, considering the extreme amount of evidence against Lord Goldstone that’s cropped up it would be in the king’s best interests to find him guilty, remove him from the Council of Lords, strip him of his status, and turn him over to the local authorities in order to stand trial for his individual crimes.”

Arc sighs. “Well, we should probably get some rest now and plan our next move.”

Felix appears hopeful. “Is there anything my queen and I could do to help, Lord Arc?”

“Yes, anything at all?”

Arc shakes his head. “I don’t think so, no. However I do want to thank both of you for coming to lend your support to our case.”

Twilight bows respectfully. “Thank you on behalf of me as well. Things really turned around after your testimony, Queen Fiona.”

Ashe smiles warmly. “King Guto couldn’t ignore his own Council of Lords, an Equestrian princess, AND a queen’s personal accusations. Your testimony was indeed the tipping point in this case, your highness.”

Arc nods as he addresses the monarchs. “Agreed. Thank you for coming.”

Fiona nods. “Considering out past, it was the least we could do.”

Felix smiles. “Agreed. However we only ask that you see this matter through to its conclusion.”

Fiona grits her teeth. “And make Goldstone pay for his past misdeeds!”

“That I will.”

Twilight stomps a hoof. “We all will.”

Ashe looks to the throngs of griffons leaving the room. “If he’s allowed to get away with this, it will just show our citizens that there is no justice for the lower rungs of society. That’s not something I’m willing to let happen.”

Arc motions to the radio operator nearby. “Hopefully the king will have the rest of this matter broadcasted as well.”

Felix nods. “If he does, my queen and I shall most certainly tune in.”

“Along with the rest of our nation I might add.”

“But for now we should be getting back.”

Arc smiles as he opens a portal for them. “Understood. We’ll let you know what the king decides tomorrow.”

They nod and step through. As they pair vanish from sight Twilight looks to Ashe.

“Is there anything... and I mean ANYTHING at all we could do now?”

Ashe shakes her head. “Just wait for the king to rule on the matter sadly.”

Arc lowers his voice. “Let’s talk about that... privately.”

Raising his gauntlet, Arc opens another portal. They step through and appear back in his quarters aboard The Equinox. Closing the portal, he motions to the table where Flash Sentry and Raven are sitting. Walking over they sit down as well. Arc turns to the mare and stallion before speaking.

“Can I assume you two heard what happened?”

Raven nods soberly. “Yes sir.”

Flash Sentry sighs. “Every word.”

Twilight looks to Ashe. “What are the possible outcomes here?”

“If the scribes and archivists do find proof that the Battle of Truth was indeed outlawed at some point in the past, then the king will be forced to make a ruling on the matter himself.”

Raven appears hopeful. “What do you think he’d do?”

“Given what happened, I can’t see him letting Lord Goldstone go with just making monetary reparations.”

Arc nods. “I’m guessing the public would riot.”

“Most likely, yes. And the rebels would use the matter to rally many of them to their cause. That’s probably the whole reason King Guto wanted this trial broadcasted in the first place. To show that he was willing to hear our case with what appeared to be an open mind.”

Flash Sentry taps the table with a hoof. “The king must’ve just assumed that our testimony would consist entirely of hearsay and circumstantial evidence.”

Raven looks away nervously. “It... kinda did though.”

Twilight frowns. “And he figured it would be an easy matter to dismiss the case and continue with business as usual.”

Ashe sighs. “The additional witnesses were a lucky break, yes. However, as it stands there is still a chance that they will find nothing that removed the Battle of Truth from the law.”

Arc grimaces. “Let’s say that was the case. Could the king do that now?”

“He could, yes. I’m guessing he probably will.”

Flash Sentry appears hopeful. “Which would lead us back to him making a ruling, right?”

Ashe shakes her head. “Not exactly. Under griffon statues, the current case would have to be held to the original letter of the law, as at the time Lord Goldstone’s challenge was invoked the law was still in place.”

Twilight puts a hoof to her chin thoughtfully. “So his claim would be ‘grandfathered in’ so to speak.”

“Exactly. The laws surrounding such legal matters are interpreted in such a way so as to prevent retroactively charging citizens with so-called crimes they committed in the past.”

Raven nods. “Equestria has similar legal statues.”

Flash Sentry frowns. “So if the law is still on the books then the king has to allow for this Battle of Truth to take place?”

Ashe sighs. “Yes. That is, unless there is some other law he can quote to overrule the request.”

Arc puts a hand to his chin thoughtfully. “Who’s to say that it wasn’t his idea though?”

Twilight raises an eyebrow. “Arc?”

“Think about it. The king obviously let Goldstone into the Throne Room to talk with him privately before admitting anyone else. This could have been planned in advance to be his final chance to save Goldstone from a ‘guilty’ verdict.”

Flash Sentry’s eyes grow wide. “So the king may be siding with him over the victims?!”

Raven’s hooves fly to her muzzle. “That would be monstrous though!”

Ashe sighs. “It’s worth pointing out that it would be better for King Guto’s reputation to be able to acquit Lord Goldstone though. After all, if he’s found guilty it won’t be long until someone points out that the king is the one whom appointed him to such a lofty position in the first place.”

Twilight chimes in. “And let this matter go on for so long without addressing it.”

Arc nods. “He may even be accused of being in on it.”

Flash Sentry gestures out the window toward the castle in the distance. “So it appears that his own skin might be on the line here.”

Raven frowns. “Isn’t that a good thing though? I mean, it could help him convict Lord Goldstone.”

Ashe shakes her head. “Most likely it will just push him to try and acquit him.”

Arc folds his arms over his chest. “So what are our options here, Ashe?”

“All we can do would be to wait and see what happens. Then we can react to it.”

Twilight grits her teeth angrily. “There has to be something more we can do though!”

“Sadly, there really isn’t. I recommend we rest for the remainder of the day and do our best to be ready for tomorrow.”

Arc groans. “Fine.”

Turning to Flash Sentry and Raven, he continues.

“Why don’t you two go back to your room now? Stay by each other’s side and order something to eat from the Kitchen.”

Flash Sentry nods. “Yes sir.”

He stands and holds out a hoof to Raven. Taking it, Flash Sentry leads her toward the door. However as they near it she stops and looks back at Arc.


“Yes, Raven?”

“I just wanted to say that no matter what is decided tomorrow... thank you for all you’ve done for me.”

Arc nods and Flash Sentry leads her out the door. As it closes behind them he turns to Twilight and Ashe.

“We should probably get back to our rooms in the Aviary too.”

Twilight scoffs. “Why?!”

Ashe sighs. “In case something comes up, I suppose.”

“Ashe is right, Twilight. Let’s go.”

Standing, Arc opens a portal for them. Venturing through, they reappear in their room within Aviary. Ashe turns to head for the door.

“I’ll let you two know if I hear anything. Be sure to get a good night’s sleep tonight though.”

Arc nods. “We will.”

As Ashe leaves, Arc turns back to Twilight. Spotting her heading for a window, he silently follows her. Looking outside, she stares at the falling snow. They stand there silently for a time before Twilight speaks..

“What’s it all for, Arc?”


“I’m asking what everything is for.”

“Regarding this trial?”

“Everything, really.”

“I don’t quite get your meaning, Twilight.”

“Our reason for existing is to rule over our respective subordinates. Me as a princess and you as the Hero of Light.”

“Someone has to do it, Twilight.”

“That I understand, yes. However, why do we need to exist?”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “As you just said... to rule.”

“Yes. But the law already dictates how we are supposed to do that. There are innumerable laws and regulations on the books back home in Equestria.”

“Same as here I would imagine.”

“Right. So why does this land need a king and Equestria need princesses?”

Arc puts a hand on her shoulder. “Twilight, a leader does a lot more than just rule over their citizens. We’re here to be their representatives.”

“That could be done by anypony though.”

“True in most contexts. However you embody all of them. Earth Pony, Unicorn, and Pegasus.”

“But anypony could be made into an alicorn.”

“Maybe. However it’s more than just your body, Twilight.”

Kneeling down before her, Arc puts a finger to her forehead and chest before continuing.

“It’s what’s in here and here that makes you a good leader.”

“Same as you though.”

“And that’s why I keep going. Because it takes a special kind of person to get up every day and do what we do.”

Twilight sighs. “Really?”

“Yeah! Look, who else but us would leave our country to come here and represent an individual on the international stage?”

“But it’s still unlikely that we’ll succeed.”

“Right. However we’ll still give it our best shot.”

Meanwhile, Ashe enters her room next to Arc and Twilight’s. Closing the door behind her, she turns and walks over to the bed. Flopping down, she puts a talon over her face and sighs as she mutters to herself.

“What’s going to happen next?”

A voice rings out nearby.

“Do you really want to know, Ashe?”

Bolting upright, she rolls off the bed to take up a defensive position. Looking around, she spies the rebel commander nearby in the shadows. Stepping forward, he looks her dead in the eyes and speaks.

“Lord Goldstone will get his Battle of Truth. He and Arbiter Ghaleon will defeat Lord Arc and whomever you choose to fight in your stead.”

Ashe frowns. “In my stead?!”

“You know that pair can’t be defeated. At least not by you and Lord Arc, at least.”

Ashe scoffs as she turns away. “Never know until we try.”

“They have DECADES of experience in tactics and practical knowledge! That and those two have probably sparred more hours together than anyone else you know! And when they team up it’ll be a wall of blades and death coming for you, Ashe!”

“Don’t underestimate me OR Lord Arc! We always have a card to play!”

The commander folds his talons over his chest. “Do you now?”


“And what would that be?”

Ashe smiles wickedly. “The rebels.”

“What would you have us do?”

“Put sleeping pills in our opponent’s meals. Drug their water. Heck, just kill them outright if you want! I DON’T CARE!”

The robed griffon puts a talon to his chin. “That would certainly show the powers that be here in Griffonstone that the rebellion is still very much alive and well. But I thought you wanted us to lay low with Princess Twilight here.”

“I did, yes. However, the situation has changed.”

“Has it now.”

“You and I both know that the king will never convict Goldstone outright, nor will he allow for a fair fight if it comes to him actually hosting the Battle of Truth. They’ll do whatever it takes to win and clear his name.”

“So you want us to help you cheat then?”

“Only to make things fair! They’ll be playing dirty, so we have to as well! Think you can handle that?”

“Certainly. Pulling the wool over their eyes will be a cakewalk.”

“Good. I’ll leave the details to you then. Now then, can I assume you used this room’s secret passage to get in here?”

Commander nods. “Of course. But I assume that’s why you asked for it.”

Ashe nods soberly. “One must always have options. However before you go I do have one question.”


“Did or any of our agents have anything to do with the recent attempt on Princess Twilight’s life?”

“No, Ashe. That must’ve been a ploy by someone else to turn public opinion against our rebellion. Fortunately for all of us Lord Arc was able to protect her from harm.”

Ashe breathes a sigh of relief. “I didn’t think so, but had to ask.”

“If there’s nothing else, I’ll get to work formulating and implementing a plan then.”

“Good. I’ll leave this to you. However for the sake of our own safety and security do not report back or send any communications regarding this matter until everything is over and done with.”


Ashe steps forward to embrace the commander whom returns the gesture. She smiles and lays her head against his chest.

“I’m looking forward to us one day being able to come together publicly.”

“As am I, Ashe. However, there is much work left to be done.”

Ashe sighs. “Yes, I know. But perhaps other arrangements could be made.”

“What did you have in mind?”

“You relocating to Equestria.”


Ashe nods. “I make enough as ambassador to be able to support both of us. That and I’m currently looking at a modest starter home in Canterlot.”

The commander shakes his head. “Ashe, I can’t.”

“Why not?! We could finally be together!”

“You know why. I’ve sworn to see change brought to the Griffon Kingdom. Just as you have I might add.”

“And we will make changes! Slowly, and from Equestria!”

“Fine. Let’s meet in the middle then.”

Ashe appears confused. “In the middle?”

“You do what you can on your end and I’ll do my part here in Griffonstone.”

“But what about OUR future?!”

“It will have to wait until our nation is as free as you are in Equestria.”

Ashe nods sadly. “Very well.”

He turns to a secret door in the wall. “Keep up the fight, my dear, and one day we’ll be together.”

Pressing a hidden switch, he opens a passageway and hurries forward. Walking through the darkened corridor he grins wickedly.

“Believe me, Ashe, I do have quite the plan. However it requires a certain degree of... sacrifice to make work.”

Meanwhile, Ashe lays down on her bed and stares up at the ceiling as she muses to herself.

“Lord Arc said he was actually Gaston. But... that can’t be true. It just CAN’T!”

Sighing, she looks out the window at the city before continuing.

“We’ve done so much together. Made so many plans. Made so much headway. Why... why would he keep such a thing from me?”

She taps a talon to her chin and frowns.

“No... no, Lord Arc must be mistaken. He HAS to be! After all, the two of them look NOTHING alike!”

Sitting up, she hops off the bed and begins pacing back and forth.

“But Lord Arc is a very intelligent individual. He would surely know the difference between Gaston and my second-in-command. For him to make such a mistake would be unthinkable!”

Frowning, she stops and turns to look out the balcony window.

“And... he and I are going to be wed one day. Our feeling for one another are just so... so strong. There’s no way he and I could have gotten this far together without being honest with one another! I’ve kept nothing from him! Not even my own identity! Surely that should be enough for him to reciprocate! Isn’t it?”

Ashe stares out the window as a light snow begins to fall outside. As she does so however, in another part of the castle, King Guto enters his private chambers. Sitting down at his desk, he leans back in his posh chair and groans. Picking up a nearby decanter and a glass, the king pours himself a drink. Tipping back the contents in one gulp he sets the glass down and looks out a window as he sneers.

“Goldstone, you fool! We both knew something like this would happen eventually! You were bound to stick it in someone whom would make noise and cause trouble for all of us!”

Grunting, he continues.

“And the worst part of it is that we honestly do need you around! Were it anyone else, I could simply dispose of and replace them with another. But you... oh, you...”

With a pained smiles the king looks over the papers on his desk.

“...you’ve found innumerable ways to worm your way into the fabric of our society. So deeply that your presence cannot be...”

Throwing the glass aside he cries out angrily at his situation. Standing, the king storms over to the balcony and looks out at the falling snow. Shaking his head, he stands there for a time unmoving. Eventually he speaks again.

“With any luck the scribes and archivists with find that the Battle of Truth was outlawed years ago. However, I know you wouldn’t have called for such a thing had you not already verified it to be a viable option. Albeit one of last resort.”

Returning to his desk, the king sits back down and picks up a fresh glass. Filling it from the decanter, he holds it silently as he thinks.

“It would appear that I will have no choice but to allow your battle to commence, Goldstone. But I also need to make sure that you come out on top. For both our sakes as well as that of the nation as a whole.”

Raising his glass to eye level, the king smirks as he looks through it at a large painting hanging before him over his fireplace. It depicts an artist’s rendition of Luna lying on a couch and dressed in a simple yet elegant dress. The figure smiles out at him happily as he returns the gaze. Smiling at the mare looking out at him, he calls out to her.

“Ah, Princess Luna. Such a lovely creature. The epitome of beauty and grace. Were I not so preoccupied with my work, I would fly across the ocean to see you in all of your splendor.”

Turning to look out the window at the city below, he sighs.

“This nation must find its footing, and soon! After all, I cannot tell you what is in my heart until the Griffon Kingdom is comparable to Equestria! Or at the very least, not a cesspool of maggots and filth!”

Opening a drawer, he sets down his drink and pulls out a hand mirror. After looking into it for a few moments, he frowns.

“And it can’t take much longer. I’m not getting any younger over here.”

He returns his gaze to the painting again.

“Yet you stay as lovely as ever. Like a grove covered in the dew of the evening, lit by moonlight and stars.”

Sighing, he picks up his glass again.

“I must impress you with a country you can be proud of, princess. “

Smiling lovingly at the picture, he raises his glass in a one-sided toast of sorts.

“You will be mine one day, Luna. This I solemnly swear.”

Putting the glass to his beak, he stops before taking a drink and sighs.

“But that might take forever. This land... our economy is moving at a snail’s pace.”

Setting the glass down again, he groans as he looks over the papers regarding the earlier trial.

“All the more reason to keep Goldstone around. After all, if anyone can do this, he can!”

Reaching for his glass again, Guto stops. Looking at it for a few moments he slaps it away with a talon and grabs the decanter. Holding it up to the painting, he smiles warmly again.

“To your health, Princess Luna. And to our long and happy life together... one day.”

Upending the decanter, he drinks deeply before violently tossing it aside and leering silently at the picture before him. Meanwhile, Arc and Twilight continue to look out the window at the falling snow together. Eventually, Arc gestures to the couch with a wave of his hand.

“Why don’t we sit down now, Twilight? I think we’ve both had a busy day.”

Twilight nods sadly. “Very well.”

Turning, they both walk toward the couch. Sitting down next to one another, Arc smiles at her.


Twilight shakes her head. “Not really, no. The events of this afternoon took away my appetite.

“Are you as worried as I am?”

“Maybe more.”

“I know what you mean. Raven’s always been a good worker while under my command. She’s a very shy mare whom didn’t deserve what happened to her in the least. So I can’t imagine what would happen if the king were to take Goldstone’s side over hers.”

“To say nothing for the other victims that came forward later.”

Arc sighs. “Especially Galena.”

“I feel especially bad for her.”

“Part of me doesn’t.”


Arc clenches a fist. “She admitted to setting up others to share her fate.”

“But she did come clean about it at the trial.”

“Very true. However that doesn’t really help the other victims.”

Twilight bows her head. “I suppose not.”

She turns to Arc nervously.

“Um... you don’t really think they’ll execute her for this... do you?”

Arc shrugs. “Maybe.”

“But that seems a bit harsh!”

“Tell that to the other victims, Twilight. Like I said, she’s responsible for what happened to some of them.”

Twilight looks down at her hooves sadly. “As am I.”


“Think about it, Arc. If I hadn’t come here with you to bring the charges forward she wouldn’t have had to confess.”

“I suppose not. However, that would have left Goldstone free to continue raping innocent griffons.”

“True. However...”

Arc interrupts her. “And it would have led to Galena leading more of them to a similar fate, Twilight. You see, there is no part of this that you should feel sorry about stopping. Nothing you should blame yourself for. And nothing that you should regret.”

Twilight nods and sighs as Arc speaks. After considering his words, she finds her voice.

“I know there’s logic in your words, Arc. I know that those whom are guilty of a crime should be held accountable for it. And I... I know that terrible things happened to a lot of griffons due to Goldstone’s actions. But I remember something Rarity once told me after she confessed to all of us that she was really Sweetie Belle’s mother. We were all horrified at what had been done to the most generous mare imaginable. However, one thing she told us really stood out in my mind.”

She pauses and turns to look him in the eye before continuing.

“Rarity said that the years following her rape were extremely hard for her. Not just because of what had happened to her, of course. But because she was all alone in her pain. Her parents did their best to care for her and saw to it she went to therapy to help her get through the worst of it. However... she told us that one thing would have made all of that so much easier for her.”

“What would that have been?”


Arc appears confused. “Me?”

Twilight nods. “Yes, you.”

“I would have thought something like that would have been counter-productive. Did she elaborate?”

“She did actually. Rarity told us that many times back then she just felt so lost. Like the world had disappeared beneath her hooves and that she was falling endlessly. And what would have helped her was the tender touch of somepony whom loved her despite all that happened. Somepony to hold her close when she was hurting and pet her mane. Somepony to embrace her and say nothing while she cried into their chest at the top of her lungs.”

Arc sighs. “I do wish I could have been there for her back then. Maybe things would have worked out better for her.”

“It’s like you told me earlier, Arc. You can’t blame yourself for the actions of others.”

“That’s true, of course. Still, I can’t help but think that I could have done something to help...”

Twilight sighs as she interrupts him. “And now you know how I feel.”

There is a tense silence for a long moment as Arc considers this. Eventually he nods and speaks.

“Sorry for being insensitive, Twilight. None of this is easy on either of us.”

“I know that you were just trying to assure me that I did the right thing, Arc. But that isn’t what I need right now.”

“What can I do?”

“Hold me, Arc. Hold me to your chest, stroke my mane, and just be here for me.”

Smiling, Arc puts his arms around Twilight and pulls her into his lap. Holding her to his chest he begins stroking her mane gently and lightly kissing the top of her head. Twilight closes her eyes and lets out a contented sigh as she slowly nods off. The lion’s share of the day passes slowly as Arc and Twilight doze fitfully on the couch for several hours. Eventually he pats Twilight’s cheek lightly and speaks.

“Hey. You awake?”

Twilight opens her eyes and looks up at him groggily. “Arc? Is something up?”


“What is it?”

Arc smiles sheepishly. “I’m... kinda hungry.”

Twilight appears confused. “You are?”


“But we’ve only been sitting here for...”

She looks out the window before turning back to Arc and continuing.

“How long have we been sitting here?”

“About three hours.”

Twilight’s eyes grow wide as she quickly sits up. “What?! But why didn’t you wake me?!”

Arc shrugs. “I figured we needed the extra rest.”

“That may be! However you shouldn’t have to suffer with an empty stomach on my account!”

“Well... to be completely Honest with you, there was another reason.”

Twilight raises an eyebrow. “Oh?”

Arc grins. “You did look really cute sleeping in my arms. “

Twilight turns away as she smiles and blushes slightly. Arc picks her up and sets her down next to him before standing.

“Now then, should I order room service from the Aviary or my ship?”

“If it’s all the same to you, I’d rather eat food from Equestria right now.”

Arc chuckles. “Worried about poison?”

“Not really. It’s just... I don’t really feel comfortable eating food from this place.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “Why’s that?”

“Because everything here just feels... wrong.”

“Can you elaborate?”

“When we rode in the carriage along the streets, I was able to see what kind of homes the common citizens lived in. They were small, close together, and looked very, VERY run-down.”

“There’s also the other side of that coin. I’ve seen some larger apartment buildings in my own travels here. And while I didn’t venture inside, I can only image that the inside probably matches the outside.”

Twilight sighs. “And once we entered the gated community things went from squalor to extreme luxury pretty much instantly.”

She gestures to the fine accommodations surrounding them before continuing.

“To say nothing for the Aviary itself, of course. I just feel that literally nothing is done for the commoners while everything is put into making the ruling class comfortable.”

“It does feel as though all of this is built on ill-gotten gains.”

Twilight nods soberly. “Canterlot Castle, while equally impressive, was built with materials fairly purchased by ponies fairly paid whom were fairly housed while construction commenced. Nopony back home is forced to work where they don’t want to and everypony I’ve ever encountered appears relatively happy with their work.

“I’ll order something from Saffron then.”

Touching his earring, Arc gives his instructions to Lemon Hearts whom relays them to the ship’s kitchen. A short time later he opens a portal and pushes a dinner cart through. Wheeling it over to the table he and Twilight set out their dishes before sitting down to eat. Arc picks up a sandwich and looks to his dinner date as she takes a sip of water.

“I hope you don’t mind something simple like this, Twilight.”

“It’s fine. After all, I feel kinda bad asking Saffron to make us something special. Especially outside of normal meal times.”

Arc looks at the late afternoon sun as he smirks. “It’s not really that far from suppertime though.”

“I... suppose not.”

“Something else is bothering you though, isn’t it?”

Twilight nods her head sadly. “Yes, it is.”

Arc puts down his sandwich and looks her in the eye. “Want to talk about it?”

“It’s Galena. Now I know we already talked about her at length earlier. But I can’t get a couple things out of my mind.”

“Like what?”

“Well... where she is for starters.”

“Considering the restraints I would assume she was taken to the dungeon.”

Twilight appears hopeful. “Do you suppose you could find out?”

“I suppose so. But why?”

“That’s the other thing. I wanted to make sure that she’s alright.”

“If you really want to know then I’ll call for Ashe.”

Standing, Arc walks over to the telephone next to the bed. Picking up the receiver he waits patiently to be connected. A few moments later an operator’s voice rings out.

“How may I direct your call?”

“Princess Twilight wishes to see Ambassador Ashe at once. Please have her escorted to the princesses’ room immediately.”

“Yes sir, right away. Will there be anything else?”

“No, that will do it. Thank you.”

Hanging up the receiver, Arc turns and walks back to Twilight.

“This shouldn’t take long.”

Twilight groans. “We should have been able to just go see her. Her room is literally right next to this one, after all.”

Arc shrugs as he sits down. “Security, and all. Especially since there’s already been an attempt on your life.”

A few minutes later there is a knock at the door. Opening it, Arc spots Ashe standing there surrounded by a multitude of guards. Stepping aside, he allows her to enter. Closing the door behind her, Arc begins to speak.

“Thank you for coming, Ashe.”

“It’s my pleasure. Was there something I could do for you or Twilight?”

Twilight walks over. “Hopefully. I was wondering if you could tell us what happened to Galena.”

“She was most likely taken to the dungeon to be held while this matter is settled.”

Arc nods. “We figured that’s what happened to her, yes. Twilight just wanted to be sure.”

Twilight grimaces. “I was worried that she would be harmed.”

Ashe sighs. “Well, the guards in the dungeon certainly aren’t the nicest in the Aviary. Or the most caring.”

Arc frowns. “They wouldn’t kill her though, right?”

“Not a chance. Remember, this case has the king’s personal attention. At the very least they’ll probably ignore her out of fear of drawing attention to themselves.”

Twilight smiles nervously. “Could we... go see for ourselves?”

Ashe raises an eyebrow. “You... want to go to the dungeon, Twilight?”

“Yes. I want to see how the Griffon Kingdom treats its prisoners for myself.”

Arc groans. “Not the best admittedly. But would they actually let us see her? I mean... the trial is all but over at this point.”

“Under normal circumstances we could have petitioned to interview her under the guise of wanting to see if she would be able to help our case. However, as Lord Arc already pointed out, that part of the trial is over and done with. Really all that’s left are the closing arguments in which we will have a last ditch attempt to convince the king of our case’s merit.”

Twilight’s ears droop. “So no more witnesses?”

Ashe shakes her head. “No, Twilight. It’s just a short speech during which I’ll sum up the major points of our case into around two minutes.”

Arc folds his arms over his chest. “And that’s assuming that he doesn’t go for the whole Battle of Truth thing, right?”


“What if we gave some other reason for wanting to see Galena? Unrelated to the trial entirely. Like some kind of excuse.”

Twilight appears hopeful. “Any ideas there, Ashe?”

Ashe puts a talon to her chin thoughtfully. “Well... I could say that the Princess of Friendship needed more information regarding the egg Galena turned over to Lord Arc for Equestria’s records.”

Arc shrugs. “It wouldn’t hurt to try.”

Twilight grins. “As it stands, we’ve nothing left to lose.”

Ashe walks over to the phone. “I’ll call the dungeon and see if they go for it.”

Arc quickly calls out. “What do you think they’ll do?”

“Probably call for the officer in charge. Then they’ll probably call their superior for permission whom will call for their...”

Twilight cuts her off. “So you think that they’ll just keep passing the request along until it gets to the Council of Lords?”

Ashe shakes her head. “No, it won’t go THAT high. Eventually an officer will want us to put something in writing though.”

Arc frowns. “An official request?”

“Right. Then they’ll have us submit it through proper channels to the proper offices.”

Twilight groans. “Which will take time.”

Arc nods. “And lots of it.”

Ashe smirks. “Right. So if you want to do this, Twilight, we’re going to have to do things a bit... differently.”

“What did you have in mind?”

Sometime later, the sounds of footfalls echo through the stone corridors of the Aviary dungeon. The guards on duty look over to the stairs as Arc, Twilight, and Ashe descend. The trio walk over to a small desk to stand before the officer in charge. He nervously stands and salutes while trying to bow properly.

“P-Princess Twilight! It is an honor to have you here!”

He looks toward the stairs before continuing.

“Um... but might I ask where your guards are, your highness?”

Twilight motions with a hoof toward the stairs. “Guarding the only way in or out of here.”

Ashe steps forward. “Princess Twilight is touring the Aviary to learn more about our land’s culture. She wishes to see how we treat our prisoners.”

The officer grimaces. “She... she does?”

Arc folds his arms over his chest. “Is there a problem?”

“Oh, no! None at all, sir! It’s just... this isn’t exactly a secure area! At least past this point, I mean.”

Twilight turns up her nose at this. “I’m sure Lord Arc and Lady Ashe are perfectly capable of protecting me from inmates locked in cells.”

Ashe looks to the steel door behind the desk. “We also need some information from one of your... guests here.”


Arc nods. “A female griffon named ‘Galena’.”

The griffon raises an eyebrow. Lord Goldstone’s former secretary?

Twilight rolls her eyes. “Yes, I believe that’s what Lord Arc just told you.”

Ashe clears her throat before speaking. “As you no doubt heard during the broadcast of the trial, she told the entire country of her allegedly laying Lord Goldstone’s egg. While it is true that she turned it over to Lord Arc’s custody immediately after laying, the encounter was so quick that there was no time to fill out the proper forms.”

Arc removes a folder from his ring. “My clerical staff has seen fit to fill them out so that we may bring this matter to a close.”

The officer appears confused. “What do you need from her then, sir?”

Ashe cuts in. “Her signature terminating all parental rights and authorization for the egg to be kept in Equestria.”

Twilight nods. “As per our treaty, I might add.”

Picking up his phone the griffon speaks.

“Understood, your highness. I just need to run it by...”

Ashe interrupts him. “...your superior officer, I assume?”

“Yes, ma’am. It’s required before allowing unauthorized individuals into the...”

Twilight glares at him. “What did you just call me?!”

“B-b-believe me when I say that I meant no disrespect to you or your...!

Arc glares at him. “You’re concerned that her royal majesty has something other than legitimate business here?!”

Ashe frowns. “How DARE you accuse her of such things!”

“But, I...!”

Twilight stomps her hoof angrily. “This is CLEARLY a violation of the treaty between our nations the your KING signed with his own talon!”

Arc speaks in a soothing tone. “Now, now, your highness. I’m sure that this soldier didn’t mean any offense by his comment. Might you allow me to attempt and reason with him?”

Twilight waves a hoof dismissively. “Do what you will, Lord Arc.”

“Thank you, princess.”

He turns back to the visibly shaken officer before continuing.

“Tell me, is it possible that the griffon in question is dangerous?”

“N-no, sir. She’s quite docile.”

“Is she... a flight risk?”

“There’s no way for her to escape. Her talons are kept bound at all times and her wings have been broken to prevent flight.”

Ashe frowns. “Broken?!”

“Yes, Lady Ashe. It’s standard procedure for someone whom has committed such a heinous crime. By the king’s order, there can be absolutely no chance of escape.”

Arc continues. “So you’re telling me that she can’t run away, fly, and has her talons bound?”

“Yes sir.”

“Then there’s no danger to the princess if she wants to see her to take care of the egg’s affairs.”

“I... suppose not. However, there’s still the matter of procedure before someone can officially...”

Ashe quickly cuts in. “You know as well as I do that a crime such as hers may warrant execution.”

“Yes, ambassador.”

Arc gestures to the papers. “Which would render her unable to sign these documents.”

“Not to worry, sir. As she’s currently a ward of the state, I have full legal authority to see to any and all legal matters and sign on her behalf.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “Any and ALL legal matters?”

“That is correct, sir. If you’d like, I can take care of your paperwork here and now.”

“Does your authority extend to foreign matters?”

“I... believe so, yes.”

Twilight scoffs. “Not as far as Equestria is concerned.”

“Your highness?”

Twilight taps the folder in Arc’s hand with a hoof. “According to Equestrian law, these papers MUST be signed by the parent of the egg!”

“But I have full authority...”

Ashe interrupts him. “...which is not recognized by Equestria!”

She gestures with a talon at the folder before continuing.

“Equestrian law is very clear on this matter. And as such, only a parent can sign away their rights!”

Arc nods. “We’re simply seeking to gain proper authorization for her egg to be legally kept in the orphanage in our country.”

Ashe gestures to Twilight. “As well as allowing the princess to speak to the prisoner regarding other... associated matters.

The officer’s talon again moves toward his desk phone. “But...!”

Arc cracks his knuckles. “Now.”

The officer sighs and nods as he grabs his keys.

“Very well, sir. However, for the safety of the princess, I must ask that this matter be taken care of in an interview room.”

Twilight nods. “That is acceptable, yes.”

“I’ll see to it that the prisoner is made... presentable as quickly as possible.”

Arc frowns. “Presentable?”

“For a meeting with royalty, of course.”

Ashe waves a talon dismissively. “That will not be necessary.”


“To gain the proper perspective, the princess must see the prisoner in her natural state.”

The officer groans as he steps toward the door. “Yes, ma’am.”

Walking toward the large steel door he unlocks it and leads the group inside along with several guards. They proceed to an interview room and sit down. The officer looks to Twilight as he speaks.

“I will personally escort the prisoner here, your highness.”

Twilight nods. “Good.”

He leaves and closes the door behind him. Twilight grins as she looks to Ashe.

“That went well!”

Ashe breathes a sigh of relief. “I was afraid he’d hold out forever!”

Arc smirks as he clenches a fist. “That guy just needed some... persuading.”

Twilight giggles. “He sure looked nervous when you did that thing with your hands, Arc.”

Ashe nods approvingly. “Yes, indeed.”

Arc shrugs. “All’s well that ends well.”

A short time later the door opens and the officer steps inside followed by two guards whom are dragging Galena behind them in shackles. She is blindfolded and more or less unresponsive to what is going on around her. The guards set her in a chair across the table (that is bolted to the floor) and attach her chains to rings in the floor as the officer turns to Twilight.

“Here is the prisoner you requested, your highness.”

Twilight nods. “Very good. Now then, I would like to... examine this prisoner in more depth.”

“You are free to do with her as you see fit, princess. I only ask that you not do anything that would imperil her life, as her fate has not yet been decided by a court of law.”

“Understandable. Now then, leave us.”

“Princess Twilight?”

Arc looks to the officer. “The princess wishes to conduct her... examination without the prying eyes of guards watching.”

“But, sir...! I... I cannot...!”

Twilight frowns. “You are disallowing it?!”

“Regulations state that all interviews that are conducted by non-military personnel need to have at least one officer present at all times, your highness.”

Twilight grits her teeth angrily. “This is an international matter, peasant!”

Ashe quickly steps in. “What the princess means is that the scope of the examination will be such that it requires... special consideration.”

“But the trial is all but over at this point, ambassador!”

Arc folds his hands in front of his face menacingly. “True. However the matter has yet to be ruled on.”

Ashe nods. “Meaning it is still an ongoing matter.”

The officer sighs and nods as he speaks.

“Very well. You may do what you wish with the prisoner in the confines of this room. However please understand that the king will personally hear of it should any... permanent harm come to her during this time.”

Arc sighs. “That is understood. You have my word that she will be returned to your custody safely when we are finished.”

Producing a clipboard, the officer looks to Ashe.

“I simply require you to sign for her.”

Ashe raises an eyebrow. “Sign?”

“That you will be responsible for her... physical state during the interrogation.”

“Very well.”

Taking the clipboard, Ashe hastily signs her name and gives it back. The officer looks it over momentarily before nodding and looking to Twilight.

“She’s all yours, Princess Twilight.”

Nodding, she holds out a hoof to the officer before speaking.

“The keys.”

“Your majesty?”

Arc gestures to the ring of keys in the officer’s belt. “The princess is asking for the keys to the prisoner’s shackles.”

“But that would be against...!”

Ashe looks to him angrily. “I’ve already signed for her! Give the princess what she wants, imbecile!”

Shrugging, the officer pulls the keys from his belt and hands them to Ashe. She nods and motions with a talon.

“You may go.”

Bowing slightly, the officer turns and leaves the room. Arc stands and walks around the table to the prisoner’s side. Pulling off the blindfold, he steps back as Galena blinks several times to acclimate her eyes to the sudden increase in light. She looks at Twilight and Ashe quizzically before turning to Arc and speaking.

“I... um...”

“We just want to talk to you.”

Twilight nods. “Yes. However first we need to do something.”

She looks to Arc. Reaching for his ring he pulls out a small device which he places in the center of the table before them. Pressing a button it comes to life with a small flash. Turning a dial on the side, Arc causes a barrier to spring forth which grows as he manipulates it. After properly covering the whole room he presses a button and looks to Twilight.

“Did I do that right?”

“Yes. We’re now fully covered in a soundproof opaque barrier. This will allow us to talk freely without the guards outside being able to hear us. But before we get started there’s one thing I’d like to do.”

Galena looks around nervously. “Wha-what would that be, Lady Twilight?”

“I think we need to get you out of that chair.”

Extending a hoof, Twilight takes the keys from Ashe. Walking over to Galena she removes the shackles. Giving the keys to Arc, he carefully unlocks the band around her wings. She cries out as he does so. Stepping back, Arc looks them over before turning to Twilight.

“It’s like that guy said. Broken wings.”

Ashe sighs. “He wasn’t lying. That really is standard practice in a case like this.”

Twilight looks to Galena. “Can we get them set for you?”

Galena grimaces as she shifts slightly. “They’ll... never let me leave the dungeon, your highness.”

Arc smirks. “No need for that.”


“If you can’t go to the hospital, then the hospital will come to you.”

Calling forth his gauntlet, Arc opens a portal. A few moments later Redheart steps through pushing a cart. After being appraised of the situation she looks over Galena’s wings. Sighing, Redheart turns to Twilight.

“Both wings are broken, your highness. However, it appears that they’re clean breaks.”

“Can you set them, Redheart?”

Redheart nods. “Yes, Princess Twilight. It won’t take long.”

Getting to work, Redheart pulls a syringe from a drawer on the cart and injects the contents into both wings. Galena sighs in relief as the painkillers quickly take over. Redheart makes quick work with splints before stepping back to look over her work.

“That should do it.”

Galena smiles nervously as she does her best to look at her back. “Thank you. It does feel better, yes.”

“Only because the painkillers haven’t worn off yet.”

Redheart looks to Ashe before continuing.

“If you’d call for the one in charge of prisoner well-being I can give them additional directions on how to care for the patient.”

Ashe sighs. “They... don’t have that here.”

Redheart raises an eyebrow. “Oh? Then who takes care of medical issues?”

Galena looks down at the floor. “No one. If a patient is injured or becomes sick they’re pretty much on their own.”

Redheart frowns. “I’m sorry, what?”

Ashe nods soberly. “She’s right. Prisoners don’t have any rights here in the Griffon Kingdom.”

Arc clears his throat loudly. “We’ll see about that later. In any case, thank you for coming and treating Galena’s wings, Redheart.”

Galena smiles weakly. “Yes, thank you.”

Redheart reaches into a bag. Removing two pills, she sets them on the table and looks to Galena.

“Take these before you return to your cell. They should give you relief for a time. At least long enough to get some sleep this evening.”

Arc opens a portal and motions to Redheart. She pushes her cart through and is gone. Galena holds out her talons to him and sighs. He looks to her, confused.

“Um... what are you doing?”

“Submitting to my chains again, Lord Arc.”

“I don’t think you need those at the moment.”

Galena appears confused. “What?”

Twilight offers her a warm smile. “We Equestrians don’t really like the idea of bindings.”

Ashe cuts in. “But in any case, Princess Twilight wishes to speak to you.”

Galena nods and turns to Twilight. Bowing her head, she speaks.

“I am at your mercy, your highness.”

“Sorry for bringing you here. My reasons for doing so are entirely selfish.”

Galena raises an eyebrow. “Lady Twilight?”

“Ever since I saw you giving your testimony before the king, I... I couldn’t get you out of my mind.”

“I... am not worthy of such attention, your highness.”

“Ambassador Ashe set this meeting up so that I could talk to you. Face to face and privately.”

Ashe frowns. “About the case, right?”

Twilight shakes her head. “Yes and no, Ashe. I do have more than just questions about the case though.”

Looking back to Galena, Twilight continues.

“First off, I wanted to thank you for being brave and giving your testimony against Lord Goldstone. It couldn’t have been easy for you to do what you did.”

Galena nods sadly. “I had to.”

Ashe leans forward. “Were you forced by someone to confess?”

Galena shakes her head. “No, no... that’s not what I meant. I just... couldn’t take it anymore. Knowing that so many others had been raped by Lord Goldstone after I had set them up. Every week I would try to figure out how many I would have to dupe into taking the blow for me.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “Goldstone has sex THAT often?!”

“Yes sir. At first, he wanted to keep things quiet to not arouse suspicion. So I would be raped every day. Sometime multiple times in a row.”

Twilight frowns. “What changed?”

“One day there was a young assistant whom came by to deliver some reports while I was running an errand for Lord Goldstone. Usually reports like that would have just been left on my desk for me to take care of later. However this griffon must have been too new to know that. When I got back to the office I found her lying under my desk crying with the... the evidence leaking from her nether regions.”

Ashe’s eyes grow wide. “So Goldstone just did what he wanted to and then tossed her aside?!”

“Yes, ma’am. That’s how I was always treated by him too. Lord Goldstone would grab me from behind, throw me against something solid, lift my tail, and... and do whatever he wanted to me. When he finished, I was left to clean myself up in his office’s adjoining restroom. However, I wasn’t allowed to use his expensive towels and had to make do with wiping his seed away with my talons as he watched.”

Arc clenches a fist angrily. “That guy is SICK!”

“I think he was more worried about leaving evidence of his actions behind than carnal desires. When I was done he would spray some cheap perfume on my backside to mask the scent of him.”

Twilight nods soberly. “Equestria will do whatever we can to see that you get a lighter sentence for your role in this.”

Galena looks down sadly. “That... probably won’t be an option, Lady Twilight.”


“I... overheard the guards talking about me. It’s pretty likely that the king will link my case to Lord Goldstone’s.”

Arc sighs. “So if he’s found guilty so will you.”

Ashe groans. “And if he’s acquitted you’ll walk free.”

“Exactly. It all depends on what the king decides to do regarding my former superior.”

Twilight gasps. “There has to be SOMETHING we can do though!”

Galena shakes her head. “Not really. I’m guessing the king has probably already made up his mind at this point.”

Twilight looks to Arc and hisses. “We could get her out of here!”

“How? Portal?”

“You brought Redheart through it!”

Arc sighs. “True. But they would know it was us whom did it if we all just disappeared.”

Twilight puts a hoof to her chin as she thinks. “Then... what about breaking in under the cover of darkness?!”

Galena folds her talons. “They’d turn the country upside-down looking for me.”

“Then what about some other kind of deal?! Like... extraditing you back to Equestria! You’d be treated better in one of our prisons!”

Ashe frowns. “The Griffon Kingdom would never go for such a thing considering the circumstances. That and the public would demand that justice be done for all of the griffons Galena convinced to enter into their respective scenarios.”

Arc shakes his head. “They could start to see Equestria as defending the guilty.”

Ashe sighs. “As is done here, yes.”

Twilight slams her front hooves down on the table in front of her. “But... but this just isn’t RIGHT!”

She points a hoof at Galena before continuing.

“Remember, she’s a victim too!”

Galena does not make eye contact. “Yes. But I did so many horrible things.”

Twilight grimaces. “Well... I’m not going to stop trying to think of some way to help you!”

“Thank you, Lady Twilight.”

Ashe sighs. “That’s... fine, Twilight. However, you do need to remember that there might not be a solution to this problem.”

“I don’t believe that! Every problem has a solution! Princess Celestia taught me that!”

She turns back to Galena soberly before continuing.

“And you have my word that I’ll do my best to find it!”

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