• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 7 - Sickening Truths

Arc and Scootaloo walk down the deserted road together. Scootaloo turns to him.

“Do we have to do this now?”

Arc nods. “Yes.”

“Why not in the morning?”

“Because we need to get this thing figured out before someone gets hurt.”

“The foals?”

“Or the apothecary.”

Entering the station, Scootaloo walks up to the guard on duty.

“Excuse me, sir.”

“Um… hello? Aren’t you out a bit late?”

“Not really. I need your help.”

“Are you lost?”

Scootaloo shakes her head. “No. I’m the Scarlet Filly, and I…”

“Wait! You’re the one whom caught the apothecary?!”

“You could say that. I’m hoping you’ll let me talk to him.”

“I’m sorry, but nopony’s allowed to see him at the moment due to worries from the brass. They’re afraid somepony whose foal he poisoned might try to off him, or something.”

“Has he confessed?”

“No. But the evidence against him is damning at best. This’ll most likely be an open and shut case.”

“That may very well be. But don’t you think it’s a little strange that he still won’t confess?”

“He’s always been kinda stubborn.”

“Even when a confession could make his plea for leniency more plausible?”

The guard shrugs. “Some criminals have a lot of pride. They’d take a harsher sentence over tarnishing their reputation any day.”

“I’ve done a couple odd jobs for him in the past. He might talk to me more freely.”


“And you don’t really think a filly would cause a problem, do you?”

“I suppose not, but what’s your angle on all this?”

“Like I said, I’ve done a few jobs for that stallion. That and I want to see those foals recover.”

The guard sighs and motions for Scootaloo to follow him.

“I suppose you’ve shown a knack for getting results. Follow me.”

Leading Scootaloo down a corridor, he walks her past numerous cell doors. Various delinquents eye them menacingly through their door’s small window as they continue on their way. Eventually the guard stops and pulls out a key.

“Here we are. I’ll give you ten minutes with the prisoner.”

Scootaloo nods as the door is unlocked. Stepping inside she finds the apothecary pacing nervously. The door is closed behind her as she looks at the stallion before her.

“Scarlet Filly? What are you doing here?”

“Looking for the truth.”

“Is that why you were fighting my supplier?”

Scootaloo shakes her head. “No. He came after me. I just wanted to talk.”

“Then why are you here?”

“For the same reason. To talk.”

“About what?”

“There’s a lot of sick foals at the hospital. That and I don’t think you were the one whom poisoned them.”

The apothecary sighs. “At this point, you might be the only one in town who thinks that.”

“You don’t strike me as the kind of stallion whom would intentionally hurt others. But at the same time you apparently were buying illegal reagents.”

“I had no choice.”

“Did you?”

“The traditional methods weren’t working. Those reagents are completely safe when properly mixed and dosed.”

“Then why are they illegal?”

“Some are endangered species of plant life. Others aren’t allowed outside their native regions for reasons of being extremely invasive.”

“There are any number of different options. Why didn’t you go for something domestic?”

“Because those foals don’t have time!”

“What do you mean?”

“Have you seen them?”

“Yes. They were sick, of course. But their charts didn’t show any deterioration.”

“I’ve been doing this job a long time and have seen more than my fair share of illness. Believe me when I say that a patient that isn’t recovering can only go one direction.”

“And you were trying to stop that?”

The apothecary bows his head and sighs. “I was, yes. That’s why I needed those specific reagents. They’re known to greatly enhance the healing properties of what they’re mixed with.”

“But the hospital would have picked that up when they sent the medicine in for testing.”

“I already convinced them of the potential for a false positive if they were tested and was told they would just take my word for it.”

Scootaloo raises an eyebrow. “Isn’t that kinda dangerous?”

“When you have as much experience in this as I do, ponies are willing to take a leap of faith if I say it’s safe.”

“But they were indeed testing them.”

“They were?”

“Yes. And those things did show up.”

“So they weren’t administering them to the patients?!”

“They were, yes.”

“Are you certain?!”

“I saw it with my own eyes.”

The apothecary puts a hoof to his chin. “That may be the only thing keeping them going at this point.”

“What are you talking about?”

“Like I said earlier, a patient that isn’t improving…”

“Well, what can be done?”

“I was hoping by now the hospital would have figured the cause out. Sadly, that isn’t the case. The only reason I’m able to keep them stable is due to my supplier.”

“What can you tell me about that stallion?”

“He’s been living around here for almost a year now. Doesn’t say much to anypony though. Keeps to himself mostly.”

“What’s he do for a living?”

“Professional wildcrafter and businesspony… more or less.”

Scootaloo frowns. “How can he be a businesspony if he doesn’t talk to anypony?”

“He’s able to acquire what I need at a somewhat reasonable price.”

“And you never thought to ask where it comes from?!”

“Given the circumstances, I didn’t want to look a gift horse in the mouth.”

“Are you sure that the reagents themselves aren’t causing the sickness?”

“Yes, I’ve tested every one for purity and safety in the past prior to mixing.”

“I need to talk to your supplier. He might know something about this that you haven’t been told.”

“That’s not likely. But I do admit that somepony needs to investigate this matter. And quickly.”

What’s his name, and where does he live?”

“In a cave overlooking the North Luna Ocean. As for his name, he never gave me one.”

“No name?”

“He would get upset when I pressed that matter. And since I needed his help…”

“…you didn’t press the matter further.”

The apothecary nods. “Right. Now I’ve told you everything I know. But I need something from you now.”

“What is it?”

“Whatever you do, don’t let the guards arrest him.”

“But he might be the one behind all of this.”

“Without his reagents, those foals may very well be doomed. You need to think of the larger picture before taking action against him.”

“I’ll do what needs to be done.”

Sighing, the apothecary nods as the sound of a key sliding into the door is heard. “That’s all I can ask for.”

The guard enters and looks at Scootaloo.

“Times up.”

Nodding, Scootaloo leaves the cell with the guard. The apothecary sighs and sits down on his cot dejectedly.

“It’s all up to you now, Scarlet Filly.”

Meanwhile, the guard leads Scootaloo back the way they came.

“What did he say?”

“I got another lead regarding the stallion that attacked me and ran off.”


“He’s the one who’s been supplying those illegal reagents.”

“We’ll get him. Where’s he live?”

“I’ll take care of it myself.”

The guard frowns. “This is our job though.”

“Right. But a large force of armed and armored guards would only alert him to danger. I can get in quietly and see what he’s hiding in there.”

“We’ll be following you.”

Scootaloo chuckles. “You’re welcome to try.”

As Scootaloo rounds a corner Arc opens his cloak and pulls her inside. As the guard looks back, he gasps.

“What the…?!”

Running to the front he calls for reinforcements as Arc walks right past him with Scootaloo in his arms.

“You did great back there.”

“Thanks, Big Brother. He gave me more than I thought he would.”

“Ready to check out that stallion’s place, or should we do that first thing tomorrow morning?”

“I won’t be able to sleep anyways. Let’s go now.”

The pair head for the edge of town in the light of the moon. Sometime later they come to the cliff edge from the other day. Arc frowns as he looks around.

“This is where I lost him last time.”

“You think there’s a cave somewhere on the cliff’s face?”

Arc nods. “I guarantee it.”

“Want me to fly down there and take a look?”

“Yes. But I’ll be watching through your eyes. As soon as you find it we’ll go in together.”

Tossing aside her cloak, Scootaloo spreads her leathery wings and takes flight. A few minutes of flying around later she calls out telepathically.

“You see that, Big Brother?”

“I do.”

“Think it’s worth checking out?”

Arc nods. “Yup. Land above the cave entrance so I can find you.”

Scootaloo does so. Soon Arc meets up with her and looks over the edge carefully.

“Not much of a ledge down there.”

“I could probably get you in there.”


“Grab my hooves and I’ll carry you.”

Arc winces. “Even in that form I don’t think you’re strong enough.”

“Not for long distances, no. But I could fly you that far.”

“You sure?”

“Pretty sure.”

“Maybe we should try it here on the ground before over those jagged rocks down there.”


Taking flight, she extends her hooves. Arc grabs them and they take off. Flying a few feet off the ground, Scootaloo huffs and puffs as she attempts to maintain flight. Letting go, Arc drops to the ground.

“Not bad. You’re stronger than you look.”

Scootaloo nods as she lands breathlessly. “Th-thanks. Just give me a minute to rest before we do this.”

“No problem.”

A short time later Scootaloo flies over the edge with Arc holding her front hooves. Doing a 180, she turns back toward the mouth of the cave. Upon entering, he lets go and drops to the floor. Scootaloo faceplants some distance away as she makes a not so graceful landing. Arc calls out to her telepathically.

“You okay?”

Scootaloo gasps. “Just… give me a bit to… catch my breath.”

Arc stands and hurries over to Scootaloo. Covering her with his cloak, he renders her invisible as she attempts to regain her composure.

“You see anything, Big Brother?”

“Nah. I’m guessing that stallion isn’t home.”

“Probably long gone after what happened earlier.”

“Maybe. But I’m betting he couldn’t have moved everything that fast. You feeling better?”

“Yeah. Let’s go.”

Picking Scootaloo up, Arc begins walking. The tunnel widens into a large cavern. Looking around they spot numerous reagents in bottles on a myriad of shelves. “

“Look like he’s got quite the stash.”

“Yeah. Way more than my mom did back home.”

“But it doesn’t make sense.”


“Look around. All there is to see are reagents on shelves. No food, furniture, cooking utensils, or even a bed of any kind.”

“Is that a clue?”

“It means he must actually live elsewhere.”

“But it stands to reason he wouldn’t leave such a treasure trove of ingredients unguarded.”

“Makes sense. However…”

Arc is cut off as something falls on his head. Reaching up, he feels something wet and slimy on his magic cloak. Scootaloo wrinkles her nose.

“What IS that?!”

“No idea. It just fell on me from the ceiling. Maybe some kind of cave…”

Looking up, Arc stops talking.

“What the heck?!”

Above them hangs a large green sack of some kind. Scootaloo gasps.

“That’s… just so weird looking!”

Arc turns to Scootaloo. “You ever seen anything like it?”

“Never. But I’m not sure I want a closer look.”

“If I could fly, I would.”

“So I have to be the one to look that… that thing over?”


Scootaloo sighs and spreads her wings. “Alright. Just don’t stand right below me.”

“Why not?”

“In case I hurl!”

Taking flight, Scootaloo circles the cavern as she gains momentum and elevation. Coming to the sack overhead she stops and hovers as she looks it over. Arc sighs as he speaks.

“Nothing in it.”

“That’s a relief.”

“It’s certainly big enough to hold a pony though.”

“But how would they get inside?”

She puts a hoof unsteadily on the pod.

“I don’t see any kind of…”

Scootaloo is cut off as she is violently sucked inside. Flailing around, she noiselessly tries to escape.


Drawing his knife, Arc takes careful aim and throws. The blade deftly cuts through the stem holding the pod to the roof of the cave. It plummets downward at a sickening angle and slams into the floor below. Arc runs over to it and plunges his other knife deep into the green skin of the pod. Slicing it open, he reaches inside and pulls the frightened filly out of the green goo with a sickening slurp. She coughs uncontrollably as Arc does his best to wipe the slime from her eyes and nose.

“Are you okay?!”

“I… I think so.”

“What happened?!”

“That thing just kinda pulled me in. No idea how though.”

Arc frowns as he looks down at the ruined pod on the ground.. “This just became a whole new level of bizarre.”

“I’ll say. It felt kinda like I was being eaten!”

“That may not be far from the truth.”


“Look up again. See those root-like things?”

Scootaloo nods. “What about them?”

“They lead deeper into the cave.”

“You think there’s something down there making them?”

Arc shrugs. “Maybe. Let’s find out for sure though.”

Scootaloo shakes the slime from herself as best she is able. “I’m totally going to need a bath or five to get this stuff off.”

Walking on, they follow another tunnel deeper into the cave. Again it opens up into a large cavern. However, what they see before them leaves both speechless.

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