• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 1 - Cleaning Up

Sereb walks down the driveway of Arc’s house as Ember walks beside him. Arc lies asleep in the saddle.

“How is he doing back there?”

Ember sighs. “Sleeping soundly… fortunately.”

“What do you mean?”

“You heard what Minerva said. She doesn’t have Cherry like Arc thought.”

Sereb nods. “All that time we spent at the station was a waste then.”

Ember sighs as they walk up the steps. “I guess. But I’m more worried about what Hammer’s doing to Cherry.”

Sereb growls. “Or what’s already been done to her.”

Ember purses her lips as she puts a hand on the doorknob. “Let’s not think about that.”

“Very well.”

The pair walk into the warm kitchen. A few moments later the sound of Arc’s squad running upstairs can be heard. They burst into the kitchen. Max is the first to see Arc’s unconscious form.


Hugh gasps. “What happened?!”

Ember frowns. “Diva happened.”

Viktor moves to help Ember. “When we lost contact we feared you three would be overcome down there!”

Sereb sighs. “We nearly were.”

Xenos grins. “I sure hope the commander showed that witch who she was messing with!”

Ember shakes her head. “We didn’t have a chance. She ran before we could take her down.”

Sereb turns to Ember. “We need to get Arc to bed. He used significantly more magical power than even I thought he had.”

“Right. Um… could you boys clean Arc up. I’d do it myself, but… you know.”

Max nods. “We understand.”

Xenos walks over to Sereb with Max and picks Arc up. “Come one, sir. We’ll get you in the shower right away.”

The pair help their superior upstairs as the rest follow closely behind. Ember heads to her room.

“I’ll meet up with you two after Sereb and I get a shower.”

Sereb raises an eyebrow. “You and I?”

“Yes! We’re filthy! Let’s go.”

“Very well.”

The pair head to Ember’s bathroom. Sereb closes the door as Ember removes her dirty clothes. A small cloud of dust surrounds her as she tosses the garments into the hamper.

“I didn’t know I could get THIS dirty!”

Sereb shakes himself. “I as well.”

Ember turns on the water gets the temperature to her liking before stepping in. A stream of dark brown water snakes away from her toward the drain.

“Oh that feels GOOD!”

Sereb sighs as he stares at the closed bathroom door. “I am glad you are happy about cleaning yourself.”

Ember peeks through the shower curtain at him. “Is something wrong?”

“No. I am merely giving you some privacy.”

“Well, how are you supposed to get clean then?”

“I will wait until you are finished.”

Ember rolls her eyes. “Get over here! I’ll help.”

“Would that not make you feel uncomfortable?”

“Why would it? We’ve bathed together at Light’s Hope plenty of times after training.”

“That is true. However, you are a human now.”

“Yes. But I’m still the same dragon on the inside. My outer skin doesn’t change who I am on the inside. So come over here and I’ll get you cleaned up.”

Sereb turns and walks over to the shower. “Very well. But only if my seeing your naked form would not cause you distress.”

“Just get in!”

He jumps in cautiously. Ember rubs him down with shampoo. Sereb sighs contentedly.

“That does feel good.”

“You’re even dirtier than I am!”

“My apologies.”

Ember chuckles. “If I wasn’t in here with you, I’d need another shower myself! Now sit up so I can wash your chest.”

Sereb rolls over onto his back. Ember lathers him up again as he looks up at her.

“You are… much different looking than you were before.”

“I guess. But I’m okay with that. Truthfully, I’m happier being a human than a dragon.”

“Are you now?”


“Why is that?”

“I… I guess I just feel closer to Arc when I look like this.”

“But you are not as durable in that form. And you will most certainly age similarly to Arc.”

Ember nods. “That’s the best part. While I wish he and I could have known each other earlier in life… grown up together even! But at least we can have this much.”

“I don’t understand. What is it you want?”

“To live with him. To grow old with him. To… die as he will one day. I can’t imagine living for thousands of years after he’s gone.”

“That is a choice you will have to make for yourself, Ember.”

Ember sighs as she rinses Sereb’s coat again. “At least you can understand what I’m going through. You’ll probably live for millennia after Arc is gone.”

“If nothing kills me, yes.”

“Tell me something. What will you do?”

“After Arc dies?”


“I will use what he taught me to protect and better my tribe. That and as long as I am Warchief, Equestria will have an ally in the Forsaken.”

Ember nods soberly. “The Dragon Lands will also ally themselves with Equestria under my reign as Dragon Lord.”

Sereb chuckles. “It seems Arc has chosen his friends well.”

“What are you talking about?”

“With us leading our respective nations, Equestria will be quite well protected after Arc’s eventual death.”

“You’re not saying he befriended us for THAT, are you?!”

Sereb shakes his head. “No. However, I am certain he has given the future significant thought. That and Arc deserves his eternal rest when it does come.”

Ember nods. “I know. He wants to be with his parents and Cherry again.”

“And he will. One day, that is.”

Meanwhile, Xenos removes Eidolon’s Ward and undresses Arc as Max gets the water temperature set.

“It’s been a while since the commander was in such a state, eh Xenos?”

“I’ll say. That mission must’ve really been something! I mean, his mana pool’s size has gotten to the point I just kinda figured we were past this.”

Max helps Xenos lay Arc in the tub. “So did I. But I guess this just goes to show that the commander is still mortal.”

Xenos nods as he grabs the bar of soap nearby. “It’s ironic. We’ve kinda been treating him like he was unstoppable.”

“I suppose so. But what can we do other than to just follow his orders?”

Xenos shrugs as Max pulls down the shower nozzle from its holster. “No idea. But he can’t keep doing things like this.”

Max sighs as he washes the loose dirt from Arc’s body. “I know. Miss Derpy and little Dinky would be heartbroken if anything happened to him!”

Xenos nods as he grabs a washcloth and gets a good lather going. “Right. Every Hero of Light I’ve ever read about was always a loner. They probably didn’t have a family waiting for them at home.”

“No way to know for sure, as their identities were always a secret. All we can do is watch his back and do what he tells us.”


Sometime later there is a small knock at the door. Max stands to answer it. He finds Ember standing there holding some clean clothes which she hands over.

“I figures Arc’s clothes probably needed a good washing as much as he does.”

Max nods. “That they did.”

“Um… how is he?”

“Still out like a light. Xenos and I are almost done in here.”

Ember looks away sadly. “Okay. I… uh… guess I’ll wait in the room.”

Max nods and closes the door. Xenos looks up.

“What was that all about?”

“Just fresh clothes.”

“No, no! I mean her tone at the end there.”

“What are you talking about?”

“She sounded really sad. Didn’t you notice?”

“I suppose so. But she’s probably just worried about the commander.”

Xenos shakes his head. “That’s not it. I think Ember’s upset that she couldn’t keep him from coming to this state.”

“Maybe. Either that or she’s sad that she can’t be in here helping.”

Xenos chuckles. “That too.”

A short time later the pair shut the water off and pull Arc from the tub. They towel him dry and dress him. Max looks him over.

“That’s the best we can do.”

Xenos takes Arc’s arm as he puts his hand around his waist. “Let’s get him to bed then.”

“Good idea.”

They carry Arc to his parent’s room. Ember is waiting for them in a pair of shorts and a t-shirt. Xenos turns to her as they lay Arc down.

“There you go, sir. Clean and ready for bed.”

Max looks out the window. “The sun’s still high in the sky though.”

Ember sighs. “He needs to rest though. Trust me.”

Xenos turns to her. “We’ll let you tend to the commander, Ember.”

“Do you think he’ll be okay?”

Ember nods. “Yes. I’ll stay here and look after him.”

Xenos nods soberly. “Sure. We should get back to work now anyways.”

Max looks over from the doorway. “Ember?”


“I’m sorry.”

Ember nods as Max closes the door behind him. She walks over to the bed and looks down at her friend.

“Arc… what am I going to do with you?”

She smiles and traces Arc’s face with a finger before lying down and wrapping her arms around him.

“Rest well, Arc. You’ve earned it.”

Ember lightly kisses Arc’s cheek before closing her eyes and smiling.

“We’ll go back to searching for Cherry in the morning. You won’t stop looking for her, and neither will we.”

Meanwhile, Arc’s squad sits around their table downstairs. Hugh sighs.

“I can’t believe it! After all that, we aren’t any closer to finding Miss Cherry!”

Viktor nods soberly. “Yes. But we won’t give up!”

Xenos clenches a fist. “The commander is counting on us!”

Max grins. “Right! And we won’t let him down!”

Sereb comes down the steps and walks over to the farthest corner. Max turns to him.

“Sereb? What are you doing down here?”

Sereb frowns as he lies down on a rug. “Giving Ember and Arc some time alone.”

Xenos appears surprised. “Did he wake up?”

“He did not.”

Hugh raises an eyebrow. “Then why…?”

“I did not wish the accidently overhear their conversation, should one occur.”

Viktor frowns. “Accidently?”

“Sensitive hearing is not something one can just turn off like a light. It is always active. Always… hearing things.”

Max looks confused. “Like what?”

“Everything in this house.”

Xenos grins. “Sounds cool!”

“I assure you it is not.”

Viktor puts a hand to his chin. “Such a skill would make us more valuable to the commander.” Maybe we’d be of more help to him.”

Sereb frowns. “Yes. But at what cost?”

Hugh raises an eyebrow. “What do you mean?”

“To constantly be eavesdropping on those around me is not something I enjoy. But I digress.”

Sereb turns his head toward the wall and sighs.

“I need a bit of a rest.”

Max nods understandingly. “Should we try to keep it down?”

“No. I do not require silence to sleep. In fact, background noise is preferable as it blocks out many things I do not wish to hear.”

Xenos turns back to his work. “Alright. Get some rest, Sereb. We’ll keep doing what we do.”

“Thank you.”

Meanwhile, Minerva steps out of the Bathroom. She sighs and walks back to the Living Room. Cherry calls out to her.

“Feeling better?”

Minerva drops down into a chair next to the helmet. “Not really.”

“That’s a shame. Usually a good shower helps the Hero sort things out in his head.”

“Really? I just thought he always had it all together.”

Cherry giggles. “Not always.”

“How does he make it happen then?”

“He does his best to go into each situation with a plan.”

“Every time?!”

Cherry sighs. “No. There have been quite a few half-baked plans. Some good, but most rely heavily on luck.”

“That has to be hard on you.”


“Yes. Knowing he’s not thinking a situation through before jumping into it. Like at the apartment fire.”

“Hero had plan for that.”

“He did?!”

“Yes. He looked around for a few seconds and formulated it in his head.”

“You mean he PLANNED to get out through that manhole cover?!”

“No. His intentions were to enter through the roof, find the two survivors and go back the way they came.”

“Why didn’t he?”

“The hall to the roof hatch collapsed. There was no way out.”

“So he improvised?

“Not exactly. That was when that other human showed up.”

“That person in the blue cloak?”


“But wasn’t that the woman from the mine?!”

“No. The one whom helped Hero and Dragon get out of the building was certainly a male.”

“Are you sure?!”

“That I am. Their voice was much deeper than Diva’s.”

Minerva frowns. “Diva. What exactly IS she?”

“We have no idea. The fact that she and the one whom led us to the apartment basement dress the same is most troubling.”

“So he’s a Shard then?”

“No. We’ve uh… seen him in numerous locations elsewhere.”

“What does that prove?”

Cherry thinks for a few moments before responding. “These locations were… very far from here.”

“He could’ve just been following you.”

“No likely. Only Hero can open the way back to our homeworld.”

Minerva’s eyes grow wide. “Wait! HOMEWORLD?! I thought he was human!”

“He is. But I’m not.”

“You mean you’re not now, right?”

Cherry sighs. “No. I… I never was.”

“Then what… what were you?”

“I was…”

Cherry sighs.

“You probably wouldn’t believe me if I told you.”

“I caught a glimpse of you when I put the helmet on during the battle. Couldn’t really tell what you were though, as it happened so fast. All I remember was you looked, uh… angry.”

“I was. When you put me on, I felt so violated! The Hero is typically the only one whom I allow to wear me.”

“Sorry about that.”

“It’s okay. I just kinda reacted back there.”

The pair are silent for a few moments.

“Minerva? Would you like to… see me?”

“See you?”

“What I really look like.”

“I would. Um… that is, if you’re okay with this.”

“That I am. As long as you promise not to tell everyone about me.”

Minerva nods. “I promise. What do I need to do?”

Cherry thinks for a moment.

“Well, I’m not sure if it will work, but… you and I may be able to meet in your dreams.”

“Dreams? How?”

“The Hero and I do this every night. He and I have a special place he calls our Sanctuary.”

“What is it exactly?”

“It’s some kind of sub-conscious realm. I’m not sure how he does it, and neither is he.”

Minerva sounds nervous. “Will… will he be there?”

Cherry sighs sadly. “No. Of that I’m certain.”


“He and I… we need to be in close proximity in order to connect. I’ve been going there every night since our separation in hopes of being able to see him again.”


“Yes. Sadly, I can go to our Sanctuary, but not see or hear him there.”

“Maybe he’s just not there?”

“He was, yes.”

“How could you tell?”

“I could… feel his presence.”

“Is it some kind of power he has?”

“Maybe. Or, more likely, it’s due to… um… our relationship.”


“Yes. It’s a very strong one. I could try to explain it, but it would be faster to just show you what I mean. That is, if you still want to.”

“It won’t hurt me, will it?!”

“You’ll be fine. We’re just going to meet subconsciously.”

“What do I have to do?”

“Take me to your room, put me on, and go to sleep.”

“That’s it?”

“Yes. I’ll try to do the rest. Not sure if it will work though. That is, if you’re still interested in seeing what I look like beyond this helmet.”

Minerva nods. “I am, Cherry.”

“Okay. Let’s go then.”

She picks Cherry up and walks to her room. Lying down on the bed Minerva looks at the helmet in her hands.

“Just put me on. I’ll do the rest.”

Minerva smiles and does as she is told.

“You sounded pretty tired earlier. Now I just need you to relax and let yourself sleep.”

Minerva rests her head on the pillow as she looks out the window. “Um… okay.”

Her eyelids slowly become heavy. Before long she loses consciousness. Opening her eyes to a warm breeze Minerva looks around to see herself standing on a small porch overlooking a large grove of cherry trees. A warm summer breeze blows through the leaves sending amazing smells into the air. She looks around nervously.

“Cherry? Are you here?”

Hearing nothing Minerva walks down the steps to the ground. She looks all around before turning back to look at the house itself..

“It seems kinda small. Maybe a fancy playhouse for children? No, it’s too well made for that.”

Cherry’s voice rings out behind her.

“You’re right. This is my home.”

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