• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 5 - Discoveries

Arc and his family sleep soundly through the night. They awaken shortly after sunrise to a chilly but clear morning. Dinky opens her small eyes and yawns.

“Good morning, sweetheart.”

“Good morning dad.”

Arc carefully gets up and covers Derpy. “Why don’t we let your mother sleep a bit longer?”


The pair leave the tent. Arc gathers some wood to make a fire as Dinky mixes up some pancake batter.

“Did you sleep well?”

Dinky nods as she stirs. “Uh huh! It’s great having you home again dad!”

Arc pulls a skillet out of his pack. “Why don’t you and I start cooking now? That should bring your mother around.”

“Sure! That sounds like fun!”

Arc and Dinky cook pancakes and eggs. In a short time, there is movement from the tent. Dinky flips a pancake as her mother pokes her head out of the tent flap.

“Good morning mom!”

Arc removes some sunny side up eggs from another pan and puts them on a plate. “I figured we should let you rest a bit longer. You were rather restless last night.”

Derpy looks nervous. “Oh? Was I?”

“Yes. You kept squirming and whimpering. “

“Oh my! I didn’t hurt you, did I?!””

Arc shakes his head. “No. You just clutched onto me as if I was your last lifeline. At one point you started crying.”

Dinky walks over to her mother and looks up at her with a worried expression on her face. “Mom? Did you have a bad dream?”

Derpy looks down sadly. “I… I did. But I’d rather not talk about it right now. Another time, okay?”

Arc looks a bit concerned. “Okay. But we’re here for you if you need to talk.”

“Thank you. It’s not that I don’t want to! I just need some time to put this dream together in my head.”

“I’ll hold you to that. But for now, why don’t we eat?”

Derpy sniffs the air. “That food does smell good!”

The trio sits down to a family breakfast. Arc looks to Dinky as she munches on an egg.

“We should arrive at the Winsome Falls by lunchtime.”

“Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle told me they go there every year with their sisters! It’s kinda like a family outing for them too!”

Arc laughs. “It must truly be something for Rarity to venture out into nature. Uh… don’t tell her I said that please.”

Derpy giggles as she eats her pancakes. “Your secret’s safe with us, Arc! By the way, these pancakes are amazing you two!”

“Dinky had the idea to put something a bit special in the batter.”

“I found some strawberries in the woods yesterday. We were going to have them after supper yesterday but things got too cold!”

“Well that was quite the idea you had! Good job Dinky!”

Dinky smiles at the praise!

“You know, one might also call the art of cooking a science.”

“Really, dad?!”

“Yes Dinky. In fact, the study of just about anything could be considered a science.”

“So, does that make me a scientist?!”

Arc nods! “Sure! Just be sure to write down what you learn so you can keep track of your discoveries, my little scientist!”

“I will!”

The trio finishes their breakfast. Arc picks up the dirty pans and walking to the stream.

“Let’s get these cleaned up really quick! I’d rather not have to carry around dirty dishes all day!”

Dinky picks up the plates with her magic and follows her father. “I’ll help too!”

“While you two are doing that I’ll pack up the tent.”

“Alright. We’ll come help you with that in a few minutes, Derpy.”

Arc and Dinky get to work. Dinky turns to her father and whispers in a worried tone!

“Dad? Do you think mom is okay?”

Arc nods, whispering back. “I’m sure she’s fine. If something was really wrong, I don’t believe she would keep it from us!”

“Yeah, you’re probably right.”

Meanwhile Derpy rolls up the sleeping bags and carries them out of the tent. She thinks for a moment.

“Hmmm. How do I take the tent down?”

She looks at one of the tent ropes.

“When Arc pulled this one tight it stood up. So if I pull this out, it should come down!”

Derpy grabs the stake with both of her front hooves and pulls with all her might! Suddenly the stake gives way! Arc and Dinky turn around just in time to see Derpy fly head over fetlocks back into the tent which collapses on her! They quickly make their way over to her!

“You okay Derpy?!”

Derpy pokes her nose out from under the tent, cheerfully! “The tent’s down!”

Arc and Dinky help Derpy out from under the tent.

“Well… you did take it down correctly.”


The camp is packed up shortly thereafter. Arc makes sure the campfire is completely put out before they continue on their way. In a few hours they arrive at the Winsome Falls. The falls aren’t really that tall, but instead are a rainbow color! The nearby clouds overhead almost appear to be ‘raining down’ rainbows!

Derpy takes it all in! “It’s breathtaking!”

Dinky’s jaw drops! “That is one big spigot!”

Arc nods. “Kinda reminds me of Niagara Falls.”

“Who’s Niagara, dad?”

Arc laughs! “It’s a really big waterfall back on Earth. I’m not sure if it’s the biggest in the world, but it’s gotta be right up there!”

“This place is just so amazing! What should we do now?!”

Arc pulls a ball out of his ring. “How about a game of catch?”

“Yay! Playtime! Do you wanna play too mom?!”

Derpy looks confused. “I’m not sure I know the rules to this game.”

“There aren’t any rules to speak of. It’s just a fun time throwing the ball around!“

“Okay. I’ll try!”

The trio spends the rest of the afternoon playing catch, hide and seek, making wreaths out of late blooming flowers and sitting on the edge of the water staring at the falls as the sun goes down.

Derpy laughs contentedly! “This has been quite the day you two! I don’t think I’ve ever had this much fun!”

“I don’t think I’ve ever seen you so happy, mom! It’s like you’ve never played before!”

Derpy stops laughing and looks out over the falls.

“I… I haven’t.”

“Mom? What do you mean?”

Derpy looks down at her hooves sadly. “I’ve never played before.”

Arc frowns. “Ever?!”

“No. When I was a filly, all anypony ever did was take advantage of me. No one truly wanted to be my friend.”

Derpy looks up at Arc.

“That is until I met your father, Dinky.”

“Dad was your first friend, mom?”

“Yes dear! And unlike the others, he’s done so much to help shape me into the mare I am now!”

“I only pointed you to the right path Derpy. It was you who chose to walk it.”

“That may be. But you’ve walked this path with me all this time! It takes a very special friend to do the things you have!”

“Dad? Don’t take this the wrong way, but why did you befriend mom?”

Arc thinks for a moment. “Partially because she seemed so alone. All the townsfolk would whisper about her whenever she was in town.”

“That was part of the reason I tried to stay out of sight back then.”

“Everyone needs at least one friend, Dinky. Someone to share the happy times as well as the bad.”

“Really dad?”

“Really Dinky! Without friendship, life can be pretty boring at the very best, and downright lonesome at the very worst!”

Derpy nods. “I really was lonely back then. But thanks to you Arc I was able to meet so many wonderful ponies! You really brought me out of my shell!”

Arc suddenly becomes very serious. “Derpy. I have something to tell you.”

“What is it?”

He looks out over the waterfalls. “My efforts to befriend you back then weren’t entirely of a benevolent nature.”

Derpy looks to him, slightly concerned. “I don’t understand. What are you saying, Arc?!”

“I… I always meant to tell you this, but never really found the right time. You see, back then I myself was still viewed as something of an outsider. Although ponies no longer fled into their homes on my approach, I wasn’t exactly someone they actively sought out.”

“Why’s that dad?

“Probably because, other than Twilight and her friends, I myself gave them a wide berth. I was a foreigner to them, and they were anomalies to me as well. You see ponies, at least as they are here in Equestria, don’t exist on Earth. Ponies, or horses as we call them, don’t talk, reason or even think about anything more than when their next meal is coming.”

Derpy raises an eyebrow. “They sound kinda… dumb.”

“To a degree they are. Or perhaps we’re just unable to communicate in the same way you and I are able to.”

Arc sighs.

“I’m getting off topic. In any case, at the time I felt that you and I had much in common. We were both shunned by society for being… different. I guess what I’m trying to say is I was looking for a friend. Someone like me that could understood my pain! Forgive me Derpy. I wasn’t trying to deceive you.”

Derpy walks behind Arc and puts her front hooves on his shoulders. “Arc? What does our friendship mean to you?”

“Everything. I don’t know why you should believe me after such an admittance, but I truly care for both you and Dinky.”

Derpy wraps her fetlocks around Arc’s neck and hugs him from behind. “Then you didn’t deceive anypony! You’re my friend, now and forever!”

Dinky runs over to her father and jumps in his lap! “You’re my friend too, dad!”

Arc smiles as he closes his eyes and enjoys the moment with his little family. “Thank you. We may no longer be outsiders, but we do still need to stick together.”


Dinky’s stomach rumbles.

“Sorry. I guess I worked up a bit of an appetite this afternoon.”

Arc moves to stand up. “Then how about we get some supper in that little tummy?”

Derpy laughs! “Yes! Let’s!”

Arc builds a fire as Derpy and Dinky fill the pot with the beginnings of a stew. In no time their food is cooked and the trio enjoys a tasty meal together. Arc looks over his shoulder at the sunset.

“Good scenery, good food and good company. What more could one ask for?”

Derpy looks up from her food. “I’ll say! This vacation is the best time I’ve ever had!”

“Yeah! We have to do stuff like this more often!”

“Dinky’s right! We’ll have to go on another family vacation again soon!”

“Mom, can I ask you something?”

“Sure! What is it, dear?”

“The Cutie Mark Crusaders are doing their best to earn cutie marks. I was just wondering how you got yours! Come to think of it, what does your cutie mark mean anyways?”

Derpy drops her bowl and can only stare at Dinky! There is a faraway look in her eyes.

“Derpy?! What’s wrong?!”

“I… I’m sorry if I said something wrong, mom!”

“N-no dear! You didn’t do anything wrong! It’s just… a rather difficult thing for me to talk about.”

Arc leans over and puts a hand on Derpy’s shoulder. “Dinky and I are here to listen, if you’d like to talk about it that is.”

Dinky walks over to her mother and sits down next to her. “Yeah mom! Let dad and I help you!”

She nods and takes a deep breath. “Okay. Here goes!”

Derpy closes her eyes as she begins to speak.

“I haven’t thought about this much since meeting you, Arc. In fact, I was able to put it out of my mind until just last night.”

“Your dream?”

Derpy nods. “Yes.”

She turns to look at their daughter.

“You see Dinky, the day a foal receives their cutie mark is supposed to be a joyous occasion. That day, or shortly thereafter, a very special party called a Cute-ceanera is held to commemorate the event. You invite all your friends and family over, play games, eat cake and the whole time you’re the center of attention!”

Dinky’s eyes light up excitedly “A party?! I bet you had the best Cute-ceanera EVER!”

“Now Dinky, don’t interrupt your mother’s story.”

“Sorry mom…”

“It’s okay sweetie. I know you’re just excited. But to answer your question… no, I didn’t.”

“Didn’t what, mom?”

Derpy looks down at her hooves sadly. “I never had a Cute-ceanera.”

Arc frowns. “Not at all?!”


“Why not?!”

Derpy sighs. “Because I was always an embarrassment to my father. He didn’t like to acknowledge he even had a daughter! Much less throw a party for such a failure!”

“That’s awful mom!”

“He… he used to insult, belittle and… and punish me daily.”

Arc is taken aback! “Punish you? For what?!”

A tear courses down her cheek. “I… I never understood why at the time. But looking back at it, I can only assume I was being punished for… for being… born like this! Every day he would tell me how hopelessly dumb and stupid I was! He would do that until I was lying on the floor crying!”

“WHAT?! But that’s just sick!”

Dinky can only sit there, wide-eyed! “I don’t understand! How could somepony be so cruel to a filly?! Especially one that hadn’t done anything wrong?!”

“I don’t know, sweetie. But that was how I got my cutie mark.”

Arc looks at Derpy’s flank. “Your bubbles? I really don’t see the connection.”

Derpy sniffles. “One day after a particularly horrid abuse session, I had collapsed on the floor in tears as I did every day. When I did, my father did what he did every day and stormed out of the room. As he slammed my bedroom door there was a bright flash! I looked at my flank to see my new cutie mark had appeared!”

Arc sighs. “Let me guess. He was unimpressed.”

Derpy starts to cry. “Right. I… I ran out of the room to show him! I thought he would at last be proud of me! Instead he just yelled at me again! I’ll never forget what he said back then. He… he told me that my cutie mark was… was as stupid and nonsensical as I was! Then he walked away and I went back to crying!”

She lies on the ground and bursts into tears. Arc and Dinky stroke her mane in an effort to comfort her. Eventually Derpy is able to compose herself. She continues, but does not rise from the ground.

“It was in that moment that I learned what my special talent was. What my destiny would be…”

Derpy turns her head to look at her cutie mark

“My special talent is… suffering!”

“That can’t be right, mom! Your cutie mark is of bubbles!”

Derpy closes her eyes again and shakes her head. “No sweetheart. When I first saw them, I too thought they were bubbles! But after a few minutes of thinking, I figured out they were, in reality… tear drops! It appears my destiny is to suffer and be sad!”

Arc continues to stroke Derpy’s mane. “No Derpy, I won’t accept that! I can’t believe that anyone is born with the sole-purpose to suffer!”

She looks up at Arc in desperation with tear filled eyes. “Then please tell me Arc! What is my destiny?! What is it I’m supposed to be doing?!”

“I… I don’t know Derpy, but I’m not giving up on you! There has to be an answer to this! I just know it!”

Derpy cries for some time as the sun slowly sets. She sniffles as she looks up at Dinky.

“That’s my story, sweetie. I’m sorry it didn’t have a happy ending.”

Dinky looks to her mother with a serious look on her face. “It isn’t over mom! Dad and I will figure this out for you!”

“That we will, my friend! The answer is out there somewhere! We just have to find it!”

Derpy smiles a bit sadly. “Thank you Arc. I know you two won’t let me down!”

Arc and Dinky continue to comfort Derpy. Before too long the sun sets completely and the stars come out. Derpy sits up slowly and looks to Arc.

”I… I know that I shouldn’t let those terrible memories overshadow the present with you and Dinky. Please forgive me, but before I met you pain, suffering and guilt were all I knew!”

Arc gives Derpy a hug. “We’ll make new and fresh memories together!”

“I’d like that.”

Dinky giggles! “Where do we start?”

Arc reaches into his pack and pulls out a several packages. “With these!”

Derpy looks confused. “I don’t get it. What do those things have to do with each other?”

“I’ll show you!”

Arc opens up a bag and pulls out a couple marshmallows. Dinky trots toward him.

“I love marshmallows!”

“Hold on a minute Dinky! If you’re patient I’ll show you something new!”

Arc picks up a stick and carefully puts two marshmallows on its point before handing the stick to Dinky.

“Hold this close to the fire, but not so close it burns up.”

“Um… okay dad.”

As Dinky carries out her assignment Arc opens a package of graham crackers along with a chocolate bar. He breaks two crackers in half and puts some chocolate on each one.

“Let me have the stick back, Dinky.”

Dinky gives her father back the stick. both marshmallows are seared to perfection! Arc places one on each of the chocolate bars before topping them with another graham cracker. He hands the concoction to Derpy and Dinky.

“Try these.”

Derpy eyed the morsel suspiciously. “What is it?”

“Just a little something we eat while camping back on Earth.”

Dinky chews happily. “Wow! This is awesome! What do you call them dad?!”


Derpy takes a small bite. Her face suddenly brightens! “This really is tasty, Arc! Why are they called s’mores?”

Arc laughs as he makes another batch! “Because once you try it, you’ll want ‘some more’!”

“I can understand that! Do you think I could try, dad?!”

Derpy nods happily! “Me too!”

Arc smiles as he hands each of them a stick with a marshmallow on it. “Sure! “

The trio happily make s’mores for well over an hour before retreating to the tent for the night. Dinky makes herself comfortable under the sleeping bags as she snuggles up to her father, sleepily.

“That was lots of fun, dad!”

Derpy nods as she lays her head down on Arc’s shoulder. “Yes it was, Arc. Thank you for sharing that with us.”

Arc puts his arms around his little family. “You’re welcome. I hope you sleep better tonight, Derpy.”

She gently nuzzles Arc’s side as she drifts off to sleep with a smile on her face. “I think I will…”

Arc and his little family fall asleep easily. Lulled to sleep by the sound of running water. Shortly thereafter Arc opens his eyes and sits up. He looks around and sees he is alone!

“This is… unsettling.”

He leaves the tent and looks around the camp. Dinky and Derpy are nowhere to be seen.

“Dreams in Equestria sure are…”

He is interrupted by a sound in the distance.

“What the…? Is that… crying?”

Arc runs through the woods toward the sound of a great many voices all crying out for help! After what feels like an eternity of running, he sees a clearing in the distance.

“That must be it!”

Suddenly and with a gasp Arc awakens along with Derpy and Dinky. It is still dark out.

He sits up quickly and bolts out of the tent! Arc quickly casts a Light Spell and looks around a few moments and listens to no avail!

“A… dream?”

Dinky follows her father out of the tent. “Dad! I just had this really weird dream!”

Derpy moves to stand next to Arc. “So did I! You were looking around the campsite when suddenly you just ran off into the woods!”

“I saw that too! Where were you going, dad?!”

Arc puts a hand to his forehead. “I… I thought I heard… crying in the distance. Sorry I woke you two up for nothing.”

He shakes his head in an effort to clear the sleep from his eyes.

“Wait! Did you two say you saw the same thing?!”

“Yes Arc. But how?”

“I don’t know. Although if my past dreams are any indication, this must mean something.”

“Like what?”

Arc sighs. “As usual, I have no idea.”

“Do you have cool dreams like that all the time, dad?”

“Sometimes. But they always leave me with a nameless feeling of dread.”

He looks around one last time before turning back to his family.

“Well, I guess there’s nothing more to be done about it tonight. Why don’t we go back to sleep now?”

The three lie back down. However, sleep evades them for most of the night. They awaken late the next morning to another beautiful sunny day! As they eat a very late meal together, they notice the sun is already in its noonday position in the sky!

“Did you sleep as badly as I did last night, Derpy?”

Derpy nods as she eats. “Yes. I had quite a bit of trouble falling back to sleep after our shared dream. It’s meaning, or lack of, kept me awake.”

Dinky yawns “I’m still kinda tired too. But I’m more interested in hearing what we’re going to do next!”

Arc looks confused. “What do you mean? We’re going to head home after we finish eating. Remember?”

Dinky quickly finishes her breakfast. “But what about the dream?! Somepony was out there calling for help!”

Derpy looks toward the woods. “I know it sounded that way in the dream sweetie. But that seems kinda unlikely, Dinky. I mean, we’re the only ones out here!”

Arc thinks for a moment. “Well, I suppose it wouldn’t hurt to take a look. We could probably walk there in an few hours. Or I could open a portal back to your house, Derpy, and meet you there after I check it out.”

Derpy shakes her head. “No Arc. Let’s go together! I’m as curious as Dinky is to know what’s out there.”

“Alright then. Let’s pack up and head on out.”

Derpy and Dinky nods happily! “Okay!”

The camp is packed up and dishes done in record time. The three make their way in the direction Arc had ‘run’ the previous night. They take their time and enjoy the scenery.

“I don’t think anyone has been this way in quite a long time.”

“What makes you say that, dad?”

“Well, for one thing, there isn’t a path. One thing I’ve notices about Equestria is that where there’s ponies, there’s paths!”

Dinky looks surprised! “Really? Why do you suppose that is?”

Arc smiles at Dinky. “Probably because they have so many feet.”

“Very funny, dad.”

“Are you frightened, Dinky?”

“No mom. The forest really isn’t scary at all!”

“That’s good to hear, sweetie.”

Derpy lowers her head.

“You’re much braver than I am. This whole thing has me a bit worried!”

Arc pulls out his map as they walk and looks it over. “In any case, I suppose I would be more worried if there WAS a path out here.”

“What are you talking about Arc? A path never hurt anypony.”

“Because there aren’t any towns, villages, settlements or any other municipalities in this area. At least none that officially exist.”

Arc looks over at Dinky.

“Keep your eyes open sweetheart. If you spot something that’s not on the map maybe you’ll get a cutie mark in cartography!”

“What’s that, dad?

“The science of drawing maps.”

“Really? I didn’t know that! It seems like everything in life is science!”

“Much of it is, yes.”

Derpy sighs and shakes her head as if to clear it. "There’s just so much to know! How did you manage to learn so much Arc?!”

“Yeah dad! Someday I hope to be as smart as you are! What do I have to do?!”

“Much of what I know came from sitting in a classroom for fourteen years.”

Dinky eye twitches. “Fourteen… YEARS?!”

“Just about everyone in my homeland does so. It’s done to prepare us for the complex world of humans.”

“Does it work?”

Arc shrugs. “Kinda. There’s only so much that you can teach in that amount of time. That and what is important for one person to know might be useless in another person’s career choice.”

Dinky frowns. “So, what do they do about that?”

“They try to teach general knowledge. Then, when you grow up, you can choose to go to college.”

Derpy looks confused. “College?”

“It’s a school that teaches you the specific subject or subjects you want to learn about to do your job.”

Dinky’s jaw drops! “MORE SCHOOL?!”

“Do humans spend their whole lives learning?!”

“It kinda feels that way sometimes! College can last anywhere from one to eight years. It’s dependent on what field of study you’re in. Sometimes longer for the really complex stuff!”

“Wow! Like what?! Really advanced spells or something?!”

Arc laughs! “No Dinky. Magic doesn’t exist there.”

“It doesn’t?! Not at all?!”


“What do you have then?”


The trio walks for several hours. Arc squints.

“I think I see a clearing up ahead!”

Derpy nods! “I see it too!”

Dinky looks forward excitedly! “Maybe it will be some wonderful sight nopony has seen in forever!”

“I sure hope so! It would make for a great family memory!”

Dinky laughs! “We’re explorers now!”

Derpy smiles. “Not that I’m complaining, but it would also make all this walking worthwhile too.”

“I wasn’t going to say it, but that is a practical thought.

The three make their way to the clearing. Derpy looks around.

“There’s a path here!”

Arc nods. “It looks pretty old.”

Dinky looks at it excitedly! “I wonder where it leads!”

Arc pulls out his map. “This road’s not on here anywhere! But it’s definitely more than just a simple footpath.”

“What makes you say that, Arc?”

“Look at the width. This is too wide to be just a path. There’re also ruts running parallel down it! Probably from wagon wheels!”

Dinky looks down the path. “Do you suppose there could be a town or something?”

“Hard to say. Although this road shows signs of heavy use, it also hasn’t been used in quite a long time! It’s uneven and has plants growing all over it!”

Derpy nods and walks down the path. “I guess there’s only one way to find out!”

Arc, Derpy and Dinky make their way slowly down the path. In several places tree limbs block their way. In one instance an entire tree. Arc climbs over the large tree trunk. He turns back to help Derpy and Dinky hop down.

“This is puzzling!”

Dinky jumps off the trunk and into her father’s arms. “How so, dad?”

Arc reaches up to help Derpy down. “If there’s someone living around here, why haven’t they been clearing things like this tree?”

Derpy puts her hooves around Arc’s neck as he carefully picks her up and sets her on the ground. “Maybe there’s too few of them to move a tree. “

Dinky nods. “Or keep a path well worn!”

“That’s certainly a possibility.”

An hour or so later they spot something! Arc points a finger!

“Is that a house up ahead?”

“It is! Maybe they know something, dad!”

Arc nods. “I hope so. After all, in the dream I head ponies crying out for help."

Derpy follow them closely. “Let’s find out.”

They continue on. As they near the house, they spot other buildings nearby! Derpy looks around, wide-eyed!

“This is an entire town!”

Dinky nods. “But where is everypony?!”

Arc frowns. “No idea. Although judging by the appearance of these building, I would have to say this place has been abandoned for many years!”

Derpy looks behind them. “That would certainly explain the condition of the road.”

“Let’s look around a bit. Maybe we can find a clue as to why the inhabitants of this village suddenly decided to leave.”

As the trio walks along the main street, they find one house that appears at least somewhat kept up. Derpy points a hoof at it!

“Look! That house is in much better condition!”

“Maybe somepony lives there!”

Arc walks up the steps to the front door. “Only one way to find out.”

He knocks on the door. There is no response.

Arc turns back to Derpy and Dinky. “Perhaps they’re out?”

“Where would they go?”

Dinky shrugs. “Maybe they went to the store!”

Arc as he walks down the steps to ground level. “Who can say?”

“What are YOU doing here?!”

The trio turns quickly to see a hooded figure standing in the middle of the road! Arc narrows his eyes, angrily!

“I could ask the same of you… Tempest.”

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