• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 6 - Doing Their Best (Part 4)

Arc and Ember finish their food and stand as Tia comes to clear the table. She smiles at them as she does so.

“Have a nice evening you two.”

Arc nods and smiles. “Thanks, Tia.”

With a wave of his hand Arc dematerializes her along with the table and leftover food. Ember chuckles.


Arc turns to her. “If only fixing the real Celestia’s problems were so easy.”

Ember scoffs. “That’s her problem.”

“No, Ember. It’s everyone’s problem.”

“What are you talking about?”

Arc leads Ember over to the edge of the gazebo. Gesturing toward the horizon he speaks.

“Look out there. What do you see?”

Ember squints. “Um... a city, or something.”

Arc nods. “Right. It’s my interpretation of what Canterlot looks like from a distance.”

“What does that have to do with Celestia though?”

“A village, town, or city stands or falls based on its leaders decisions. Or in Celestia’s case... a country. If those leaders aren’t acting in the best interest of the citizenry, well... things can degrade VERY quickly.”

“But it didn’t though.”

“Yes. Thanks to me marching my forces through Canterlot to put Twilight on the throne.”

Ember sighs. “She was so inexperienced though.”

“That’s true, yes. However an unqualified leader is still preferred over a bad one.”

“You knew she wasn’t ready to lead though.”

“It was either put Twilight in charge or Equestria would fall. However you have to remember that I didn’t just put a crown on her head and walk away. I stuck around to make sure she learned what her new position entailed. And saw to it that she was given a crash course in Leadership 101.”

“I still think it would have been more prudent for you to just take control of the nation again temporarily.”

Arc shakes his head. “No, Ember. That would have only played right into Decimus’ hand... er, hoof.”

“What do you mean?”

“He was counting on me taking the throne as the Lord Regent again. Then he would have started a campaign to paint me as a usurper.”

“And it might have worked too.”

“While I am above the law I always do my best to follow it. Twilight was already a princess and by right next in line to rule with Luna missing and Cadance in the Crystal Empire. And at the time a princess on the throne was what the nation needed.”

“I... never really thought about it that way.”

“Me saying that I was just following the law was the truth, certainly. However, I did have diplomacy and national stability in mind too.”

Ember sighs. “That’s one of my weaknesses.”


“Thinking ahead. Looking at the bigger picture. The nation as a whole.”

“Tell me something, Ember. How do you feel about Celestia.”

Ember grits her teeth. “I hate her!”

“And why is that?”

“Because she almost killed you!”

Arc shrugs. “Fair point. However let’s say, for the sake of this conversation, that she didn’t.”


“Attack me. How would you theoretically feel about her then?”

“I... guess I’d be rather indifferent. Assuming she also hadn’t been in league with Decimus, that is.”

“Indifferent as in you wouldn’t really feel strongly for or against her?”

“Yeah. What about it?”

Arc sighs as he puts a hand on Ember’s shoulder. “Listen. A leader is flesh and blood just like everyone else. They have likes and dislikes. Wants and desires. Feelings too. However we need to be able to look past all of that and be willing to do what needs to be done for the betterment of our respective nations as a whole.”

“But... but Celestia is just such a terrible...!”

“I know, Ember. She’s stuck up, snobby, and set in her ways. However, as much as I would have loved to just stick my knife into her heart and end her life when she ran away from the battle of Light’s Hope... that isn’t what the nation needed. Now or then.”

“I thought you did that for Twilight’s sake.”

“Partially, yes. However the nation would have been fractured if I did that. Some would have said that I was just ensuring Twilight stayed on the throne as a puppet ruler while I pulled her strings. Others would have seen her leading the nation off a cliff. Either way it would have ended badly for Equestria.”

Ember chuckles as she looks to the sunset. “I never really saw you as so... conniving.”

“I prefer the term ‘foresightful’.”

“Is that actually a word?”

Arc shrugs. “Probably. Sorry, but I forgot my dictionary back at home.”

Ember smirks. “That’s sexy.”

“The joke?”

“No, Arc. The fact that you quietly put things into place to get the desired effect.”

“Just like Celestia’s probably done for centuries.”

Ember shakes her head. “Not like her, no. You actually care about the nation.”

“She does too. But maybe she’s been in her role for a bit too long.”


“They say that power corrupts. And that absolute power corrupts absolutely. Couple that with a ruler that doesn’t age and you have a recipe for disaster.”

“So you’re saying that she needs to die?”

Arc shakes his head. “No. I mean that the same individual holding that much power for so long isn’t good. It need to be shared and passed on. Otherwise the ruler will get too comfortable in their position. Before long they start justifying their actions.”

“And that’s when trouble starts?”

“Nope. It’s when they’re so comfy in their position that they stop justifying.”

“And how close was Celestia to that point when you removed her?”

“Closer than she should be.”

Ember sighs. “I’m going to be in that position one day.”

“Not exactly, Ember. While you will live for a long time, even dragons aren’t immortal.”

“Close to it. Tell me, what can I do to help see to it that I don’t fall into the same trap Celestia did?”

“Hold yourself accountable.”


“When considering a decision pretend that there is a higher governing body that oversees you. If they were to question your choices, you should always be able to give logical reasons for why you did what you did.”

Ember raises an eyebrow. “But there won’t be anyone questioning me as Dragon Lord.”

“That’s why you’ll have to pretend. Remember, when I was Lord Regent there wasn’t anyone over me that could question my motives and decisions.”

“I think I need to give that some thought. But I would like to talk about this again at a later date.”

“Fine. However, our evening isn’t done just yet.”


“I had something a bit... interesting planned for this point.”

Ember smiles slyly as she pulls the bodice of her dress down slightly. “What did you have in mind?”

Arc chuckles. “Not that.”

“Can’t blame a girl for trying.”

“Are you ready?”

Ember sighs. “Not that I know what you’re planning, but sure.”

Nodding, Arc steps back from the gazebo railing. With a wave of his hand the sun sinks and the moon rises full and bright. Turning back to her he snaps his fingers. A number of candles all around the perimeter of the gazebo spring to life, bathing the entire structure in a warm light. Snapping again light classical music begins to play. Turning to Ember he smiles and extends his hand.

“May I have this dance... Dragon Lord?”

Ember smiles. “You may, Lord Regent.”

Taking her hand, Arc puts it on his hip as he reaches for the other. Ember puts her other hand on Arc’s shoulder as she looks up at him and smiles nervously.

“Um... is this a bad time to mention that I don’t know how to dance?”

Arc chuckles. “Not at all. So we’re going to just kinda slow dance.”


“By moving in a square to start. I’ll get us started. You just take one step in the direction that I say, alright. Then your other foot follows as if you were sidestepping.”

“I’ll try.”

“Okay. Here we go.”

Taking a deep breath, Arc continues.

“Right... forward... left... back.”

They do so slowly but together. Ember grins.

“A square.”

“It’s a simple dance. But rather enjoyable.”

Ember appears hopeful. “Can we get closer?”

“Sure. But there’s more chance of us stepping on each other’s feet then.”

“Maybe we should just stay like this for a bit then.”

“That’d probably be wise, yes.”

They continue dancing. Ember looks to Arc.

“You’re pretty good at this.”

“It’s nothing special.”

“Derpy spoke highly of it.”

Arc smirks. “Admittedly, it was Dinky’s idea. Probably something she saw on television.”

“Well, apparently it was a game changer for Derpy. She couldn’t stop talking about that part of your date.”

“It does give a couple the chance to enjoy each other’s company. And talk.”

“What about?”

Arc shrugs. “Anything really. Or nothing if that’s what you prefer.”

“I... would like to say something, yes.”

“Go ahead.”

“It’s about Twilight and Auriel’s idea of artificial insemination.”

“What about it?”

“Does it... bother you?”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “Not really. Should it?”

“Kinda should. I mean... I’m talking about having other male’s sperm inside of me.”

“Biology 101. It’s required for you to have eggs.”

“So you’re okay with that?”

“Yes, Ember.”


Arc raises an eyebrow. “Um... do you want me to be upset, or something?”

“Kinda. I mean... shouldn’t you be jealous, or something?”

“I don’t think so. After all, should you join the herd you and I will have our own intimate times.”

“So you’re okay with sharing me?”

“Let me put it to you this way, Ember. Any egg producing insemination will take place hundreds of years from now, right?”


“By whomever is the Royal Physician at that time, right?”


“So the rest of us will be long dead by that point.”

“I... guess so, yes.”

“It wouldn’t really be fair of me to try and convince you not to have other relationships after my demise. So if you met a dragon that you liked, I’d be totally okay with him taking you as a mate and having eggs with you.”

“Thank you, Arc. But I don’t see myself doing that. Hence the artificial insemination idea. But there’s more to it.”


“I... um... please just keep this between us, but... ah...”

She fumbles to find the right words as Arc smiles.

“Don’t worry, Ember. I won’t be upset by whatever it is you want to tell me.”

“Okay. Here goes then.”

She takes a deep breath before continuing.

“Remember how I said that the doctor would take samples from male dragons?”

Arc nods. ‘Yes. What about it?”

“I had a thought about dragon culture and traditions. Any male whom has relations with or impregnates the Dragon Lord would automatically have their status raised. I’d be nothing more than a stepping stone to their rise in prestige.”

“So you’re going to do what exactly?”

“The original plan was to get a handful of male dragons to donate sperm and randomly inject me. However, I don’t want that male to be able to say that he’s better because he knocked up the Dragon Lord.”

“And how would you stop that?”

“Please don’t tell anyone, but... I’m planning to gather literally every male dragon in the Dragon Lands, have samples taken by all of them, and have a bit of a random amount of samples put into the applicator that will be used on me. The rest will be frozen while we wait to see if the process works.”

“And if it doesn’t you’ll try again with more of the mixed samples?”

“Right. That way no one will know for sure whom the father is and will try to take credit for it.”

“Sounds like a very diplomatic thing to do.”

Ember looks away nervously. “Just trying to think ahead. The only problem is that I feel as if that would make me kinda... slutty.”

“Having that many male dragon’s sperm in you?”

“Is that wrong?”

“Not inherently, no.”


“However I’m a bit concerned with the rationale behind it.”


“The nation won’t know whom the father is. And neither will you.”

“What’s wrong with that?”

“Your children will at some point want to know. What do you tell them?”

Ember shrugs. “I’ll explain the whole story about an all too short love story between you and I. And how it wasn’t possible for you to impregnate me.”

“And how they don’t have a father.”

“What’s that have to do with it?”

Arc frowns. “Listen, Ember. I grew up for much of my life without a dad. There were many times when things were hard and I wished so very hard that he was there to talk to. And your children will feel the same.”

“So what should I do?! Pick a random dragon male and lift my tail?! I’d just be pretending it was you the whole time anyways!”

Arc shakes his head. “No, Ember. But I think it would be best if you could find a mate whom you at the very least liked.”


“So you could raise your children together.”

Ember rolls her eyes. “Trust me, there isn’t a single male dragon I’d want to have inside me. Let alone spend years raising whelplings with.”

“Now, you mean.”


“Who’s to say such a dragon just hasn’t been born yet.”

“A younger dragon?”

“Is that a problem?”

“Kinda. It’s tradition that a female mates with an older male dragon.”

“Is that a law?”

Ember shakes her head. “No, but...”

Arc interrupts her. “Then you could do it.”

“I suppose I could, yes. However our customs have always been to...”

“Is that what you want to do?”

Ember groans. “Not really, no.”

“Then your only choice is to be with someone younger.”

“I... guess that’s true.”

“It’s your decision to make, Ember. And I won’t be upset with whatever you choose to do in this regard. Heck it wouldn’t even matter if I was, as I’ll be long dead. Just know that all I want is for you to be with someone you honestly care for and whom cares for you.”

“Thank you, Arc. I’d... like that too.”

Sometime later the music ends. Arc looks down at Ember and smiles.

“How was that?”

“Very enjoyable!”

“Glad you liked it.”

“To be honest with you, I thought that dancing was kinda... lame before tonight.”

“And now?”

“Now I want to do it more often. With you, that is.”

Arc grins. “Glad we agree. Now then, I’m guessing you’re getting a bit tired.”

“That I am.”

She grins as she bats her eyelashes seductively.

“Unless that’s somehow your doing.”

Arc smiles. “Oh, yes. Yes, you caught me. I’ve convinced you that your getting sleepy.”

Ember fakes a yawn. “What do you suggest for such a thing?”

“How about a good night’s sleep?”

“I was thinking the same thing.”

“Should I take you to the hotel now?”

Ember licks her lips. “Thought you’d never ask.”

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