• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 3 - Late Night Meetings

A few minutes before midnight Arc appears on the sigil in his quarters. He sighs as he puts on his magic cloak.

“I wonder what this is all about. Luna’s letter was just so… mysterious.”

Arc cloaks and Blinks into the corridor. Moving as silently as he is able he quickly makes his way to Luna’s quarters. Blinking inside he sees her sitting on a couch in front of the fireplace. Arc decloaks and stashes the magic cloak in his ring.


She looks over to him soberly.

“Did you come alone?”

Arc nods. “I did. Is everything okay?”

Luna appears nervous. “I… I just… sorry. This whole debacle has me on edge. Please sit down.”

He walks over to her and sits down a respectful distance away. “Whole thing? What’s…?”

Luna holds up a hoof for silence as her eyes dart around the room nervously.

“Just a moment please.”

Her horn glows as she casts a very powerful spell.

“There. Now we can talk in absolute secrecy.”

“Talk about what, Luna?”

Luna pats the cushion next to her as she uses her magic to close the drapes. “Please sit down next to me.”

Arc moves to sit right next to Luna. Her eyes still dart around the room nervously.”

“Forgive me. I know we are completely alone and that nopony can hear us, but…”

Luna sighs.

“…but this matter is... shall we say… delicate.”

“If there’s something wrong you can tell me.”

Luna sighs. “Thank you, Arc. I’m sorry for being so cryptic, but this… nothing like this has ever happened before. I don’t mind saying this, but… I believe you are the only one I trust enough to discuss this matter with.”

“I’m listening.”

“Do you promise not to speak of this to ANYPONY?!”

Arc nods as he puts a hand on her hoof. “Yes. I can see that this matter really has you worried.”

Luna bows her head. “It does.”

She is silent for a time before beginning.

“As you probably know, there are many whom would benefit greatly from our influence.”


“The ability to write royal decrees and laws is something that only a princess can do.”

She looks over to him and smiles.

“Or a Lord Regent, I suppose.”

“True. Was there something I decreed during my reign that you disagreed with?”

Luna shakes her head. “No, Arc. You acted judiciously and fairly. However, I’m afraid that somepony is trying to, or has already, resorted to blackmail.”

“Is someone threatening you, Luna?”

“Not me. But I believe Cadance has been the victim of such foul machinations!”

“WHAT?! HOW?!”

“I am unsure.”

Arc stands up. “We should tell Captain Shining Armor about this.”


“I don’t understand. He’s in charge of your security.”

Luna looks down at her hooves and sighs. “I understand that. However… it is difficult to know whom I can confide in. More so now.”

Arc nods and sits back down. “Tell me what you know.”

“It started more than a week ago. Cadance has been a bit… out of sorts.”

“Can you elaborate?”

“She seems tired. Even after a good night’s sleep. That and she’s been… preoccupied.”

“Could it be that the stress of leading is getting to her?”

Luna sighs. “I too thought as much and dismissed the matter. However, last night I suggested we turn in early, as she seemed especially tired. She agreed and told me she was going straight to bed.”

“Good. Rest may not cure the problem, but it sure helps.”

“I had just raised the moon and was looking out my balcony window when I saw her dart across the Royal Gardens.”

Arc shrugs. “Maybe she was just getting some air.”

Luna shakes her head. “Perhaps. But her posture at the time said otherwise.”

“What do you mean?”

“Cadance was moving quickly. Almost running! That and she kept looking around with every step.”

Arc puts a hand to his chin. “I suppose that is a bit… suspicious. Have you tried asking her about it?”

Luna nods. “I did. Covertly, of course. When I saw her at breakfast, I inquired as to how she had slept. She claimed that she slept like a filly.”

“What reason would she have had to deceive you?”

“I do not know. In response I casually suggested that I sometimes take a walk in the gardens before bed to help ease my mind.”

“Good thinking. And her response?”

“She appeared suddenly nervous and mumbled that she would try that if the need arose. That was when I decided to send the letter to you.”

“I see. Would you like me to talk to her about this?”

Luna shakes her head. “I do not believe more talk will solve this problem. Sadly, I believe our safest option is a bit more… underhooved.”

“What are you suggesting?”

Luna raises her head and looks him soberly in the eye. “I hate to ask this of you, but I would like you to… watch Cadance.”

“You mean you want me to spy on her, right?”

“To put it negatively, yes.”

“Are you certain there’s no other way?”

Luna nods. “I am. This course of action has the highest chance of success. With any luck, you’ll be able to uncover who is doing this to her and perhaps even apprehend them.”

“I’ll do it. But only because I’m worried about Princess Cadance. The idea of stalking her though really bothers me.”

“I understand. Cadance and I both have our secrets, mind you. But… this matter is bigger than her. The truth must be brought to light if we are to help her.”

“So do I just… follow her around?”

Luna shakes her head. “That would only force her to hide her activities. No, I have a better idea.”

“I’m listening.”

“Tomorrow night I will escort Cadance to her room as I normally do before lowering the sun and raising the moon. You will wait in her quarters, cloaked of course, in a corner and watch her. If she leaves the room, follow her and discover what you can.”

“How can you be so sure she won’t go straight to bed?”

“I’m not. I would do this myself, but…”

“I understand. You need your rest to lead the country.”

“As does she.”

Arc nods. “I’ll do my best.”

Luna sighs. “I’m certain you will. Just please remember Cadance’s safety must come first.”


Luna nods. She appears very tired and distraught over the entire matter as Arc stands up.

“Why don’t I help you to bed, Luna? You look like you’re about to fall asleep.”

“Thank you, Arc.”

Arc helps Luna up and slowly walks her to the bed. She lies down with a contented sigh before turning to smile weakly up at him.

“I appreciate you for looking into this matter for me. You have no idea how worried I am for Cadance right now.”

Arc covers Luna her up and gives her a smile. “I can kinda imagine. Don’t worry about a thing. I’ll handle it.”

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