• Published 27th Apr 2019
  • 15,576 Views, 5,903 Comments

The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

  • ...

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Chapter 14 - Night Terrors

The pair are soon fast asleep. Several hours later Arc is awakened by the sound of blood curdling screams! Jumping out of bed, he sees Coco Pommel thrashing around violently. She appears absolutely terrified!

Arc grabs Coco Pommel and gently shakes her awake! “Coco Pommel! Wake up!”

Her eyes fly open! Even in the low light from the moon Arc can see they are filled with terror and desperation! Coco Pommel throws her hooves around Arc as he pulls her into an embrace! She shakes uncontrollably and sobs for quite some time!

“Arc! Are you hurt?!”

“Coco Pommel! I’m fine! It was just a dream!”

Her eyes dart around the room frantically! “Are… are you sure?! It felt so real!”

Arc nods. “Yes! There’s no one here but the two of us!

A groggy voice from behind Arc rings out. “You mean the three of us.”

Still holding Coco Pommel, Arc narrows his eyes, refusing to look behind him. “Ember? Is that you?”

“Who else would it be?”

She gets up and sits on the edge of the bed.

“Miss? It's going to be okay! Arc and I are here and nothing is going to hurt you!”

Coco Pommel slowly turns her head to look at the unfamiliar voice. Upon seeing a dragon, she explodes into fresh hysterics! Burying her face in Arc’s chest again as she wraps all four of her legs around Arc’s midsection in a viselike grip!


Arc strokes her mane. “That's no monster. It's just another friend of mine!”

He turns to looks at Ember.

“Ember… of all the times…”

Ember looks at him, irritated. “What? How was I supposed to know there was someone in my bed? It's not like I ever sleep in it anyways!”

Arc rolls his eyes at her before turning his attention back to Coco Pommel. “It's okay Coco Pommel! Ember is a good friend! She won't hurt you. In fact, she would be the first to protect you!”

Coco Pommel slowly loosens her grip on Arc as she looks back at Ember. Her eyes are still filled with tears and she continues to tremble.

“Um... okay. I'm... sorry... for calling you... a monster... miss...”

“Name’s Ember.”

“Well... if Arc says you're okay, then I believe him.”

Arc nods. “Feeling better?”

She sniffles. “A little.”

“Want to talk about it?”

Coco Pommel lays her head against Arc’s chest again and speaks softly. “I... I had a dream that... Matron Tempest... killed you, Arc! She just stood over your body... laughing! Then she turned back into a monster!”

“That was just a dream! I'm not going to fall so easily to anything!”

Ember cracks her knuckles and brandishes her claws! “That witch tries anything, and I'll tear her throat out!”

“After a while she looked over to me with the most wicked grin on her face!”

Coco Pommel has a faraway look on her face as she recalls her dream. The Angel of Darkness stands over Arc’s lifeless body. His armor broken, spear shattered and blood is everywhere! She looks down at her prey, his blood on her hooves!

“At last! Arc's soul is now MINE!!! Now nothing can stand against me!”

She looks over at Coco Pommel and smiles a wicked smile! “Thank you Coco Pommel! I owe this all to you!”

Coco Pommel, sickened by the sight before her, can only stare! “N-no! Arc! Matron! How could you?!”

The Angel of Darkness waves dismissively as she hovers a few feet above the ground. “Fear not! I will stand against the coming evil and defend Equestria from it using the power of Darkness! Coco Pommel, this day marks the end of the Hero of Light, and the beginning of... the Hero of... Darkness!”

The Angel of Darkness laughs at Coco Pommel's sadness as darkness closes in all around her and threatens to smother her! Coco Pommel can only thrash around, unable to stop the advance of the darkness!

Coco Pommel finishes her story and looks into Arc’s eyes, sadly. “...and that's when I woke up to you shaking me. I'm sorry for being such a coward! Being afraid of Matron Tempest even after she is dead and gone!”

Arc looks to Coco Pommel, but does not say anything.

“Arc... please... tell me... is Matron Tempest really dead?”

“I'm sorry you had to go through all this, Coco Pommel. I... I wish I could assure you that Tempest is indeed gone forever, but the truth is the princesses and I really aren't sure.”

Ember again looks angry. “Don't you worry Coco Pommel! If she tries to get anywhere near Arc, I'll show her what it means to become the hunted!”

“Her spear, Light's Bane, is safely locked away in Canterlot Castle's Royal Armory. There is no more secure place in all of Equestria! So, at the very least she can't call upon its power to take any more souls. Mine included!”

“Are… are you sure?!”

“Yes! Of that much I am! I hope that puts your mind at ease.”

“It does, if only a little.”

“I'll speak to the princesses tomorrow about this. Perhaps they can suggest a proper course of action in the event Tempest does return. Now, we should all get some sleep.

Arc moves to lay Coco Pommel back down, but she does not let go of him.

“Please Arc! Don’t leave me!”

He nods and carries the frantic mare to the living room. “Okay. Let's sit in front of the fireplace. That always helps me!”

The trio heads to the couch and sits in front of the fireplace. Ember covers Arc and Coco Pommel with a blanket.

“Thank you, Miss Ember.”

“Please, just call me Ember... everyone else does.”

Coco Pommels nods and turns her gaze back to Arc. “Um… Arc?”


“Do you always sleep with a dragon in your bed?”

Ember laughs! “Every chance I get!”

Arc shakes his head. “Not if I can help it, no. Ember is just... very hard to dissuade.”

Ember looks remorseful. “I'm sorry that I frightened you!”

Coco Pommel has finally stopped shaking. “It's okay. I'm sorry for waking you two up at such an hour with my dream.”

Arc strokes her mane. “Don't worry about it! I'm here for you whenever you may need me, day or night!”

Coco Pommel smile up at him. “Arc... thanks for being such a good friend to me! But... I don't feel like I can go back to sleep now.”

Arc stands up. “How about I show you two what I do when I can't sleep.”

“Um... okay.”

Ember looks surprised! “You have insomnia, Arc?”

“Not insomnia, but... well, you'll see...”

Arc picks up Coco Pommel and carries her out the door with Ember following closely behind. They make their way to the Kitchen. Derpy and Dinky are sitting at the kitchen table talking over a plate of muffins. Dinky’s cheeks are wet with tears.

He sets Coco Pommel down on a chair and looks to Derpy. “What are you two doing up at this hour?”

“Dinky had a bit of a bad dream. Her and I were just talking it out...”

“I think I can help with that. Just give me a moment!”

Arc grabs a container out of the refrigerator containing what appears to be dough.

Coco Pommel watches intently. “Are you making rolls?

“Not exactly. It's a very popular human food and is sometimes referred to as "comfort food". Considering the circumstances, I can't think of a better time to share this with you all!”

Arc dusts the counter with flour. He then grabs a rolling pin out of a drawer and rolls the dough flat. Producing a large round pan from below the counter, he puts the dough on it and again heads for the fridge.

“Let’s see here…”

Arc pulls out some grated mozzarella and cheddar cheese and some tomato sauce.

Ember watches him, confused. “What are you going to make with that?!”

“You’ll see.”

Arc walks back to the dough and spreads a layer of tomato sauce on it. He then evenly distributes the cheese with his fingers before turning on the oven.

“Now all we have to do it wait for the oven to preheat!”

He returns to the table and sits down next to Dinky.

“Do you want to tell me about your dream sweetheart?”

Dinky nervously clops her hooves together as she looks down at the table and sniffles. “It was back at the Orphanage. Just after mom... died. I saw the two of you lying in the mud! I tried to run to you... to save you both, but... the harder I ran, the further away you both became!”

Derpy lovingly pats Dinky’s head. “I think the emotional strain of my death was too much for Dinky to handle!”

Arc takes Dinky’s hoof and holds it. “Dinky. I'm sure what you experienced back then was truly horrifying! You watched you mother die, and there wasn't a damn thing you could do about it!”

He looks suddenly pained.

“I… know just how you feel.”


Arc nods as he looks his daughter in the eye. “I went through the same thing. Only in my case, it wasn't a dream.”

Derpy looks up surprised! “Arc! You mean...?”

“Yes Derpy. I too watched my mother die. It was many years ago, but... well, you never quite get over it.”

“I'm sorry Arc! That time you were with me in the Dream World as you learned about my past! It must have been difficult for you, seeing... that!”

“It was indeed, but... I knew I had to be strong, for your sake!”

Derpy nods as she looks away sadly. Dinky takes her father’s hand in her small hooves and looks up at him. “Dad... want to talk about it?”

Arc gives Dinky a small smile. “You’re such a kind-hearted filly, Dinky.”

Dinky nods. “I think I have you to thank for that, dad!”

He sighs. “Alright. I suppose you should know about your grandmother.”

Arc closes his eyes and smiles.

“I admit, I haven't spoken her name in longer than I can remember. She was a very kind and gentle woman. I do wish she could have met you, but... at the same time, I’m glad she didn't.

Coco Pommel, Derpy and Dinky stare at Arc with confused looks on their faces, but Arc does not notice.

“My mother was what we humans would call a ‘stay at home mom’. Meaning she didn't have a job other than keeping the house and taking care of me. My father was in the military, so he wasn't home very often.”

“Was he a hero as well?”, Coco Pommel inquires.

“To tell you the truth... I don't know.”

Derpy appears confused. “What do you mean, Arc?”

“My father never talked about his adventures outside the home. As a young boy, I liked to imagine that he was a great and noble hero who protected the weak and stood up for what was right!”

“Like you dad?”

Arc nods. “Yes, I suppose so... but for all I know he could have been a horrible person who carried out the military's dirty work!”

Derpy looks over to Arc with a serious look on her face. “If your father is anything like you Arc, I find that very hard to believe!”

“I hope you’re right Derpy. But let’s just stick with my mother for now. You see… she became what humans call… an alcoholic.”

“Dad? What’s an alcoholic?”

“It's... when someone decides that alcohol is more important than those around them! Drinking and getting drunk become their only pastime! It's really quite sad to see.”

Derpy looks back to Arc. “I see... is that why you didn’t go to Sweet Apple Acres the last time they had a party?”

Arc nods sadly. “Yes Derpy. I want no part of the substance... that took my mother away from me!”

He looks to Dinky.

“Now sweetheart, I just want you to know that I’m not against adults drinking in moderation! But because of my mother’s addiction, even the smell of it just makes me sick!”

Arc pauses before continuing. The memories coming back to him slowly.

“As time went on, she spent more and more of our money on supporting her habit! Before that time, my mother had been an avid gardener. Her and I used to spend many happy hours planting, weeding and harvesting her vegetable garden together. That all stopped when she became an alcoholic.”

He folds his hands and sighs before continuing.

“At first, I tended my mother's garden as an excuse to get out of the house. It was dirty, smelled bad, and was filled with her grumblings and alcoholic rantings. But as time went on, I found I had to expand the garden, several times over in fact! Eventually, my mother was spending almost all our money to support her habit! And I found I had to work very hard to grow enough food so we could eat!”

Derpy gets up to put the pan in the now preheated oven. “What did your mother do all day?!”

“Mostly just lie around and complain about everything. My dad, the condition of the house, our lack of money, the weather... pretty much anything that crossed her mind. And that's when she wasn't sleeping off a hangover.”

Coco Pommel appears worried. “Didn't she have any other family, or perhaps friends who cared about her?”

Arc shakes his head. “Not really. The friends she had left her one by one the deeper she got into her bottles. My grandparents had died by that time. Not sure if we had any other family in the area. But I never saw or heard of anyone trying to help her, so I'm assuming no. This went on for several years, until one day she called me into her room.”

Arc closes his eyes and shudders.

“I'll never forget what I saw when I entered. She was lying there on the bed, unwashed as usual, and surrounded by empty bottles. But this time was... different. She looked so sick! Her skin was a yellow hue and she looked ready to vomit at any time! She was rambling, much like she did when she was drunk, but I could tell this time was different. While she was still confused, there was something different in her voice that time...”

He closes his eyes and returns to the memories of his past…

A young Arc, roughly ten years old is working outside in the garden when he hears his mother calling to him from her bedroom window. Sighing, he stands and walks inside, proceeds up the familiar stairs and enters her mother’s room. She glares at him!

“Arc! Come here!”

He walks slowly enters the room. “Yes, mom?”

“I said COME HERE! I want to talk to you!”

The young man does so.

“Arc, it's a parent's job to give their children advice, so they will know how to act when they grow up! I haven't done so yet, and want to before I die!”

Arc looks at her confuse. “Mom? What are you talking about?!”


He instinctively draws back, but decides to listen to her words.

“Arc, people are scum! You're better off alone! And don't you dare trust anyone further than you can throw them!”

“Why’s that, mom?”

“Because they’re only concerned with what they can get from you! Nobody REALLY cares about anyone other than themselves! If someday you ever meet someone who needs a leg up... don't help! They certainly wouldn't do the same for you! If you see someone who is in trouble, leave them to their fate! If they're not strong enough to make it on their own, then they don't deserve to live!”

Arc looks worriedly at his mother. “But mom! What about you?!”

She narrows her eyes. “What about me?”

“You... don't look too good. Please let me call the doctor!”

“WHAT DID I JUST GET DONE TELLING YOU?! If someone can't handle it on their own, they don't deserve to live! But don't worry, I'll be gone soon. I can feel it...”

Arc begins to cry! “Mom… please don’t go! I can’t lose you!”

“After I’m gone, you will have a chance to become strong Arc. I've been holding you back all this time. Tell me son... why do you think I drink so much?”

“Because... dad’s gone?”

She chuckles. “Not really... It's because I know I can never be strong like he is! Now... don't you follow in my footsteps! Grow strong enough to take what you want in life! Just keep moving forward! Don't... look... back...”

Her eyes close and she stops breathing.

Arc’s eyes grow wide! “Mom? MOM!!!”

No one speaks as Arc sits there silently.

“I... called the ambulance but... it was already too late. She was... gone. Just like she said she would be. The police turned me over to Child Protective Services. Just like my mom, they too were unable to reach my father. I had no family, so I was sent to...”

Arc seems to be having trouble forming the words. Coco Pommel places a hoof on his hand as he looks her in the eye.

“...I was sent to live in an Orphanage.”

Derpy looks to her friend, wide-eyed! “Arc! That means...!”

Arc sighs as he turns his gaze to Derpy and nods. “Yes Derpy. For all intents and purposes... I'm an orphan.”


“So THAT’S why you were so determined to investigate the Orphanage personally!”

He nods. “Yes Ember. The Orphanage I was sent to wasn't much better than New Beginnings. It was staffed by employees who could care less about the wards in their care! The food was terrible, and those who aged out of the program were completely unprepared for life in the real world! Nowhere to go, no job, no money, no bank account... no future. All the friends I made there... almost all of them joined the military. If for no other reason than to have a roof over their heads and food on the table.”

Coco Pommel hangs her head sadly. “Just like the foals at New Beginnings!”

Derpy sighs. “I guess humans and ponies aren't much different after all.”

“We both have our faults, Derpy. It's where we go from there that really counts.”

“Dad, if all your friends joined the human military, why didn't you?”

“It's not that I didn't consider it, but... to tell you the truth I didn't want to become part of the organization that took my father away from me. Although, as the Hero of Light... I guess I am technically part of the Equestrian military. But unlike my friends, I had someplace to go home to.”

Ember looks at him confused. “What do you mean? I thought you said you didn't have any other family!”

“I didn't. On my 18th birthday, I left the Orphanage and walked for 3 days to get back to my old house, expecting it to be in quite a state of disrepair! What I found when I arrived was shocking!”

Derpy nervously asks. “Was it really that bad?!”

“Quite the opposite actually! The house appeared untouched by the sands of time! It was just as it was when I last saw it! The only difference was it was the inside was actually clean.”

Ember stares at Arc, her eyebrow raised. “But how?!”

“I don't know for sure but the only logical conclusion I have is that my dad had something to do with it! There was what appeared to be a birthday present of some kind for me on the table. Opening the lid and peering inside I found several items. The first was a framed picture of my mother and father sitting on either side of me as a very young child. Next, I found my parent's wedding rings, which a jeweler had linked together.”

Coco Pommel smiles! “That's beautiful, Arc! I'm sure your parents loved you very much. Even if they weren't very good at showing it.”

He sighs and nods. “I'm sure they did. At least in their own way. The third item was my parent's last will and testament. In it, they left me every last worldly possession of theirs. Attached to it was the deed to our property, with me listed as the owner.”

Arc appears momentarily lost in thought as he turns to Ember.

“Ember, would you take the pan out of the oven please? It smells done.”

Ember does so. She sets the pan on the counter to cool as Dinky walks over to Arc and jumps in his lap. She hugs him tightly!

Arc smiles and returns the hug. “Thank Dinky. I needed that! Now, would you like to hear what else was in the box?”

“Only if you want to tell us. I know this must be difficult for you, dad.”

“I do. It feels good to finally tell someone about it! The fourth item in the box was a bank card with my name on it. When I took it to the bank later, I found that my father's wages had continued to be deposited over the years! Which meant he was still out there... somewhere!”

Ember sighs. “Did you EVER find out what happened to him?!”

Arc shakes his head. “No. I never saw him again.”

“Do you miss him, dad?”

“I did when I was little, but... as I grew up the memories of him faded. Although there are still questions I wish I could ask him, I no longer feel sad and alone.”

He smiles and looks to Derpy and Dinky.

“After all, I now have a family of my own. And I won't abandon you two... ever!”

The trio come together in a loving embrace. As they finish, Arc stands up and walks over to the counter.

“I guess I had better cut this.”

He does so and puts the pan in the center of the table.

“My mother and I used to make this every Friday. Cheese pizza! Humans love to put different meats and vegetables on their pizza. Sometimes even fruit! I'm a traditionalist though.”

All assembled partake of the cheesy goodness. Ember smiles!

“Hey! This is pretty good!”

Derpy giggles as she wipes a bit of sauce from Dinky’s mouth. “It tastes like sunshine and rainbows!”

“This is awesome, dad!”

Coco Pommel eats hungrily! “I’ve never heard of pizza before, but I like it!”

“I'm glad! The recipe was supposedly handed down from generation to generation. Someday I will pass it on to you, Dinky!”

Dinky looks at her father, a spot of sauce still on her chin. “Thanks dad!”

“There was one last item in the box that was left to me. An envelope with a strange looking key in it. A short note in the envelope said it was to the old chest in the basement that had been there for as long as I could remember. I never knew what was in it, and neither did my mother. She only said that it was important to my father, as my grandfather had left it to him. Something that had been passed down through many generations.”

Ember looks to Arc greedily! “What was in it?! Bits? Jewels?!”

Arc shakes his head. “I don’t know.”

Dinky looks to her father surprised! “Didn’t you open it?”

“I did try! The key fit into the lock and turned like new! But for some reason I couldn’t open the lid! Like it was stuck, or something! So, I went back upstairs. Years passed, and I never tried it again. Sometimes I kinda wonder what is in there. Maybe one day I'll know!”

Coco Pommel looks up from her food. “So... what happened next? I mean, if you want to talk about it, that is!”

“The seasons came and went. I spent most of my time tending the garden. Although I no longer needed the food it yielded to survive, doing so made me feel closer to my mother. When I wasn't gardening, I was practicing my cooking skills with my garden's bounty. In the back of my mind I still hoped that my father would one day come home and I could cook him a decent meal!”

“My father and I have always been distant as well, ever since my mother... well... took the Big Sleep as we dragons call it. I guess you and I have something else in common Arc. Our mothers are both gone and our fathers aren't exactly... accessible.”

“Thanks Ember. Do you... miss your mother as I do?”

“Dragons are taught from a young age that the Big Sleep is just another unavoidable phase in life. It's not something we fear, but we look forward to being reunited with our ancestors!”

Dinky yawns as does Derpy. Arc looks at the pair and smiles!

“Why don't the two of you head back to bed now? You both look ready to fall asleep right here!”

Derpy nods. “Okay. Come along Dinky.”

Dinky runs towards Arc and throws her hooves around him! She looks up at him with concern in her eyes! “Dad? You won't ever disappear on us one day, will you?”

Arc smiles at her and shakes his head. “No Dinky! I'll always be here to look after you and your mother! This I promise!”

“Thanks dad! Well goodnight!”

Ember, Arc and Coco Pommel wave goodbye. Ember stands up and stretches!

“I think I will see if I can catch some more Z's. Coming Arc?”

“I’ll pass, Ember.”

She shrugs as she heads for the door. “Suit yourself.”

Coco Pommels smiles after her. “Good night, Ember!”

Arc turns back to Coco Pommel. “Can I take you back to bed as well?”

She shakes her head. “No thank you. I'm still wide awake.”

“Well, how about we take a look at some of that paperwork?

Coco Pommel smiles. “Sounds like fun!”

Arc chuckles as he stands up. “Believe me... it isn't.”

“It is if you’re doing it with a friend!”

“I guess you got me there!”

Arc picks her up and the pair walk to his office. He sets her down on one of the couches and allows her to make herself comfortable.

“So, what kind of paperwork do you want to focus on?”

“Well... to tell you the truth, Flash Sentry and I may have... plundered Matron Tempest's office the other day. I need to go through her files and see if I can learn anything from them. Do you have any knowledge of her filing system?”

Coco Pommel shakes her head. “The Matron was very strict about her files and never let me near them! Sorry I can't be of more help.”

Arc walks over to one of the filing cabinets and opens the drawer. “It's alright. Let's see here... how about we start with the orphan's records? I wouldn't mind knowing a little more about them!”

“I suppose it’s a start!”

He pulls out the records and sits down on the couch with the pile between him and Coco Pommel. They each grab a file and start reading. Each file begins with a rather sad looking photo of the foal in question.

Coco Pommel reads the file in her hooves carefully. “Wow, the Matron was sure to record everything they did! There’re even pages of stats measuring their physical prowess as well as intellect!”

Arc frowns as he discovers the same. “I think she was more interested in cataloging them then caring about them!”

Coco Pommel sighs. “Your probably right. She never really struck me as the motherly type.”

The pair go through the pile. There isn't much that isn't already known. Arc picks up the last file and opens it.

As he looks at the enclosed photo. “Hey, it's Aquamarine's friend! Let's see here... not much of real interest here... wait! WHAT?!”

“Arc” What did you find?!”

“You remember how you said that the Matron was supposed to locate any living relatives?!”

“Yes. What about it?”

Arc continues to look over the file! “The Matron did indeed find a relative! She just never acted on it! The family is living right here in Ponyville!

Coco Pommel sits up excitedly! “Arc! Are you saying, one of the orphans can be placed in a real home?!”

Arc smiles and nods! “Yes! I can vouch for the character of the family. They're good friends of mine!”

He looks out the window. The sun is just beginning to come up.

“Why don't we head over there and talk to them?”

Coco Pommel looks at him confused. “Now?! But, it’s so early!

Arc stands! “Trust me. They're up! Let's go!”

She nods. “If you say so.”

Arc picks up Coco Pommel and carries her out the door. Together they walk to Sweet Apple Acres. He knocks on the door. A few moments later Applejack answers.

“Good morning Arc!”

Applejack looks at the mare in his arms.

“Uh, miss? Are you… okay?”

“I'm fine. Sorry to bother you so early in the morning.”

Arc sheepishly agrees. “Yes well, I deemed this too important to wait. Can we talk to Granny Smith please?”

Applejack steps aside. “Of course! Won't you both come in?”


Arc and Coco Pommel enter the house. Applejack leads them to the kitchen where the rest of the Apple family is in the middle of breakfast. Apple Bloom smiles as they enter the kitchen.

“Arc! You came for Granny's famous flapjacks?!”

As he sets Coco Pommel down in a kitchen chair. “Hey, Apple Bloom! Not this time. Although I'm sure my friend here would enjoy them! Oh, I'm sorry! Everyone, this is Coco Pommel. She's from the New Beginning's Orphanage.

The Apple family nods at her as Granny Smith walks over to Coco Pommel with a plate of flapjacks!

“Eat up, miss! Applejack told us what happened over there!”

Coco Pommel picks up a fork and nods! “Thank you ma'am!”

Granny Smith looks to Arc as Coco Pommel eats. “So tell me, what brings you young'uns here so early?”

“I need to talk to you about an important matter, Granny Smith.”


“Well, I'm sure you have heard of the orphans that are staying with me at Light's Hope.”

Granny Smith nods as she sits down across from Arc. “Pretty much everypony in town is aware of that! Two dozen foals tend to turn heads!”

“Well Granny Smith, that's what I need to talk to you about.”

Applejack and her siblings stand. “Well, the rest of us should probably get to work now.”

Coco Pommel looks up as she finishes her plate. “Would you please stay? This involves all of you.”

Applejack and the others look confused.

“Uh… okay.”

Apple Bloom sits back down happily with the others. “YAY! Big pony talk!”

Granny Smith nods. “Go ahead Arc! I'm all ears!”

“Thank you, ma’am. I'm not sure if you are aware of this, but according to Equestrian law, in the event of a foal being orphaned, an attempt must be made to place them in the care of a relative.”

She smiles at him. “I know all about that! It's the reason my grandchildren live with me!”

Arc nods. “Makes sense. Well, Coco Pommel and I were going over the New Beginning's Orphanage records I took from the former Matron's office. We found that the Apple family is the closest living relatives of one on the orphans at Light's Hope!”

Coco Pommel looks over to Granny Smith nervously. “I know this is rather sudden. She really needs a permanent home and a family that can love and take care of her! I can only give her so much attention...”

Applejack looks to her grandmother. “Granny! If we can help, we should!”


“You said it, big sis!”

Coco Pommel smiles, relieved! “Thank you! Now only the Matron of the New Beginnings Orphanage can authorize an adoption. With Matron Tempest gone, we’ll have to wait for a new Matron to be appointed by Canterlot before any of this can become official.”

“No need for that, Coco Pommel. I'll have Raven write up a set of adoption papers for the Apple family.”

“But Arc, they would still need to be signed by the Matron to be legally binding!”

“Wouldn't the Hero of Light's signature carry just as much weight? Considering there is no Matron, I can cite ‘extenuating circumstances’.”

Coco Pommel thinks for a moment. “Well, it's never been done before. But I guess it would work.”

Granny Smith claps her hooves together happily! “Then it’s settled! When should we come by to meet the little one, Arc?”

Arc gestures to the door. “We can go right now if you’re ready. I think she’s waited long enough already!”


She stands up. “Darn tootin’! Lead the way!”

Arc stands, picks Coco Pommel up gently and leads the Apple family back toward Light’s Hope. As they enter the Main Hall, Raven is just getting to her desk. They do not slow down as they pass.

“Raven, I need some adoption papers drawn up right away. I'll be in my office.”

She looks confused at the instructions, but begins to carry them out anyways. “Yes… commander.”

Arc takes the Apples to his office. Granny Smith looks around approvingly!

“Nice place you got here Arc!”

“Thank you, ma’am. All of you, please make yourself comfortable! I’ll go and tell the little one the good news!”

Applejack raises and eyebrow. “You mean she doesn’t know?!”

Arc shakes his head. “No. We only learned of this very early this morning. The orphans were still in bed. Besides... I couldn't bear to tell her if the Apple family had said no.”

Granny Smith nods. “We understand! We’ll wait here with Coco Pommel.”

He grabs the photograph off the table and heads for the door. “Very good! I will be back as soon as I can!”

Arc leaves the office and heads toward the Cafeteria. The sounds of laughing foals can be heard emanating from the room! He enters and looks at the photo as he scans the room and quickly spots the young filly sitting at a table with Pipsqueak, Aquamarine, and Dinky. Arc quickly walks over to the table.

“Good morning little ones!”

“Hi Dad! You're late for breakfast! Did you oversleep?”

“No Dinky. In fact, I never went back to bed. I was going over some files in my office and discovered something extraordinary!”

Pipsqueak looks up excitedly! “For you to say that it must truly be amazing, Mr. Arc!”

Aquamarine wears a look of concern. “Sir? Where is Miss Pommel?”

“Don't worry! She’s in my office with... a very special family.”

The filly from the picture looks over. “What are they here for?”

Arc kneels down to the brown filly and looks her in the eye. “They’re here to… adopt you!”

The filly suddenly has a look of pure joy on her face! “REALLY?!”

Pipsqueak and Aquamarine clap their hooves together and smile!


“We’ll miss you!”

The brown filly jumps onto the table and excitedly yells to the others! “EVERYPONY LISTEN! I'M BEING ADOPTED!!!”

All the orphans jump up and down and cheer for the brown filly. They surround and hug her! Eventually she looks back at Arc, nervously.

“I've waited so long for this day! But... now that it's here, I'm a little... scared. Dinky, would you come with me to meet my new family?”

Dinky looks to her father. He nods.

“Sure! Let's go!”

The three walk to Arc's office. Arc and Dinky enter as the Brown Filly timidly follows them in last. Granny Smith takes one look at the filly and jumps up, wide-eyed!

“BABS SEED?! Is that really you?!”

The filly steps back, a bit worried. “Y-yes! But, how did you know that?”

Applejack puts a hoof to her chin and thinks. “I remember now! You were at the Apple family reunion several years ago. Although you were just a baby at the time!”

Granny Smith nods! “Good memory, Applejack!”

Apple Bloom looks over to her cousin. “You were staying with Aunt and Uncle Orange last I heard! What happened to them?!”

Babs Seed shakes her head. “I… don’t know. My only memories are of living in the New Beginnings Orphanage.”

She looks over to Coco Pommel.

“Miss Pommel? What DID happen?”

Coco Pommel looks at the filly’s file. “Well, according to your file, there was a fire at their home in Manehattan. They managed to get you out, but they themselves died of smoke inhalation. Sadly, there is no information on your birth parents. I wish I could tell you more, but that's all there is here.”

Applejack walks over to comfort the distressed filly. “I sure am sorry about what happened to your folks. Granny Smith took the three of us in when our parents died and saw to it we were raised up properly!”

“So... the three of you are orphans... just like me!”


Apple Bloom nods. “I never knew my parents. But we had each other, so I didn't feel lonely!”

Applejack nods! “If it's okay with you, we would be honored if you would join our family! Wouldn't we all?!”

Big Macintosh and Apple Bloom nod as Granny Smith walks over to the window and points to their orchard in the distance.

“Our home can be your home, little one! We run Sweet Apple Acres right here in Ponyville!”

Babs Seed looks over to them with tears in the corners of her eyes, smiling! “Then yes! I want to come live with you and become an Apple!”

The Apples and their newest addition enjoy their first hug as a family! Arc looks over at them as he stands with Coco Pommel.

“Can I interest all of you in Second Breakfast? I'm sure the rest of the orphans would like to meet Babs Seed's new family as well!”

“That's mighty kind of you Arc! Granny?”

“Sounds fine!”

Babs Seed leads the Apples toward the Cafeteria as Arc and Dinky bring up the rear. Arc looks over to Dinky and smiles.

“Good job back there.”

“What? But dad, I didn't even say anything!”

“It's not always what we do, or even what we say that counts. Sometimes just being there is enough! The orphans here look up to you Dinky! To them, you’re their inspiration and role model! Be proud that they think so highly of you!”

Dinky looks suddenly nervous! “What should I do dad?! I don't know how to lead!”

“Just keep doing what you’ve been doing. Lead by example and others will want to follow you! Before you know it, you'll realize you've earned the respect of everyone around you!”

She nods. “Thanks dad! I’ll do my best!”

Arc tousles Dinky’s mane affectionately as they enter the cafeteria. “That’s my girl!”

Babs Seed looks at the others happily! “EVERYPONY, MEET MY NEW FAMILY!!!”

The orphans run over and smile at the Apples! Pipsqueak and Aquamarine are in the lead!

“Please take good care of Babs Seed for us, will you?”

“Don't forget to visit us!”

Babs Seed nods! “They live right here in Ponyville, so I'm not going far!”

Arc and Dinky watch as Babs Seed and the Apples make their way to the buffet together. Dinky looks over as she hears her father sigh.

“Dad? Is everything alright?”

“It's just... when I was growing up at the Orphanage, all of us dreamed that someday a family like this one would come and adopt us one day. Although some of us were, I sadly was not. I’m very happy for Babs Seed, and wish the best for her in the future with the Apple family.”

Coco Pommel puts a hoof on Arc’s side as she stands next to him. “I'm sorry you were never adopted Arc. But I thank you for doing your best to give these orphans a chance at a loving home!”

Arc looks down sadly. “It is... too late to salvage my own childhood. I don't want them to share my fate though.”

He turns to Coco Pommel.

“Why don't you have a seat, Coco Pommel? I'll head to the kitchen and get your meal.”

She nods. “Thank you. I think I will.”

He heads to the Kitchen as Coco Pommel and Dinky sit down together at a table.

“You're so lucky to have such a wonderful father, Dinky!”

Dinky smiles! “Thank you, Miss Pommel! It makes me happy knowing that he'll always be there for me!”

Arc returns momentarily with Coco Pommel's plate.

“Here you are Coco Pommel. Eat up!”

Arc sits down with a plate of leftover pizza from the night before and joins Dinky and Coco Pommel. As they eat Xenos rushes up to Arc!

“Sir! My apologies for not reporting to you sooner!”

“Don't worry about it Xenos! I know you must have been very tired after our last mission and your vigil over Coco Pommel.”

Xenos looks over to Coco Pommel, surprised to see her up! “Miss Pommel, how are you doing?!”

She nods happily! “Much better, thanks in no small part to you and Arc!”

“Why don't you get some food Xenos. You must be hungry!”

“Thank you sir!”

Xenos grabs a plate of food from the buffet and returns to sit down next to Coco Pommel. He looks over to her happily!

“So, did I miss anything while I was out?”

“Actually yes! Arc and I found out that one of the orphans had family right here in Ponyville! They’ve already agreed to adopt her!”

Xenos smiles! “Really?! That's wonderful news!”

Coco Pommel points a thin hoof to a nearby table. “They're over there right now getting acquainted!”

He looks over at the happy family who are sharing their first meal together.

“Beautiful! I think every orphan who ever lived has dreamed of this moment. At least all of us did!”

Coco Pommel puts a hoof on Xenos’ fetlock and sighs. “I'm sorry you were never able to experience it yourself, Xenos.”

She looks away as her voice cracks with emotion. “If... maybe if... I had been strong enough... brave enough... to face Matron Tempest long ago... things might have been different!”

“Miss Pommel! Please don't beat yourself up over what might have been! I think we both know what the outcome would have been had you challenged the Matron. None of us blame you, as none of us wanted to see you get hurt!”

Coco Pommel smiles as she gives his fetlock a light squeeze. “Thank you Xenos! I promise I'll do my best for the orphans of today, just as I did for the ones who came before!”

Raven enters the Cafeteria and walks over to Arc. She is carrying some papers and an inkwell with her magic.

“Commander! I have those papers you requested.”

Arc takes the papers. “Thank you Raven. Would you follow me please?”

She nods. “Yes commander.”

Arc, Coco Pommel, Raven and Dinky all walk towards the Apple family as Xenos watches from the table.

“Raven has just finished making up the proper papers. Are you ready Granny Smith?”

The elder Apple looks confused. “Ready for what?”

“To sign the papers to adopt Babs Seed!”

Babs Seed looks over happily! “So I can join your family!”


Applejack smiles at Coco Pommel nervously. “You'll have to excuse Granny Smith. Her memory isn't what it used to be.”

Granny Smith nods. “That's what I said! Now, where were we?”

Arc sits down at the table and pulls out the quill. “Let me just fill part this out...”

He writes Babs Seed's name down and lists Granny Smith as the adopting parent. In the ‘officiated by’ line, he writes ‘Hero of Light Arc’ and signs his name. Arc then sets the papers in front of Granny Smith.

Arc points to a line on the paper. “Your turn, Granny Smith. Just print and sign your name here and here.”

Granny Smith does so. Arc picks up the papers and looks them over before handing them to Coco Pommel. She does the same.

“Granny Smith, with your signature along with the Hero of Light's, these papers are now legally binding. Congratulations Babs Seed! Or should I say... Babs Apple!”

All the orphans cheer for their friend! Babs walks over to Coco Pommel and whispers something in her ear.

“That's fine with me dear! But you should talk to your new family about it!”

Babs sheepishly looks over to the Apple family. “Um... thank you for adopting me and all, but... would it be okay if I kept my old name?”

Granny Smith just smiles at her. “Sure dearie! If that would make you happy.”

Apple Blooms laughs! “It’s a great name! No need to change it!”

Applejack walks over to Babs Seed and ruffles her mane! “Babs Seed it is then!”


Applejack turns back to Arc. “Well, thank you for everything you have done Arc! You too Miss Pommel! But we should probably get back to the farm! Lots to do, as always!”

“Can I help too?!”

Apple Bloom runs over and throws her hooves around the newcomer! “Sure! It's gonna be so much fun having another sister! Come on!”

The pair run out of the cafeteria as Applejack looks after them.

“We should probably follow them!”

As the Apple family leaves the room, Granny Smith looks back over her shoulder. “Keep up the good work Arc, being Hero of Light and all! I'm sure your own parents would be very proud of the fine young man you have become!”

The orphans wave after them as Arc stares at the floor and sighs.

“I doubt that… strongly!”

The orphans sense something is amiss and grow silent! They look at Arc who is unmoving as Pipsqueak approaches him.

“Mr. Arc? Is something wrong?”

Arc does not move or look over. “It's... nothing you need to burden yourselves with.”

Aquamarine walks over to him. “Please Mr. Arc! You've done so much for us! Let us help you now!”

He walks over to a chair and sits down as Dinky jumps in his lap to give him a hug! “Alright. Gather around little ones and I'll tell you a secret.”

The orphans quietly gather around Arc and sit down on the floor in front of him.

“My mother died when I was about your ages. She... suffered from past events and never had anyone around to help her when she needed it. For that reason, she taught me that I should never help others. If she were here right now and saw all I have done for the ponies of Equestria, for you orphans, and my current plans to help others still... let's just say, she would be furious!”

Pipsqueak raises a hoof! “What about your dad? I bet he was a great hero just like you are Mr. Arc!”

“My father... disappeared... not long before my mother died. I was never able to find out what happened to him. He was a member of our land's military, but I have no clue what he did exactly. With no one to look after me I was sent to... an Orphanage.”

Pipsqueak’s eyes grow wide! “Just like us!”

“Yes. And it wasn't a whole lot better than New Beginnings Orphanage either. I grew up there and left as soon as I was old enough. Well, that's my story in a nutshell. I'm sorry it wasn't more entertaining.”

Aquamarine looks Arc in the eye. “Mr. Arc? Are you… an orphan too?”

Arc bows his head. “Yes Aquamarine. To the best of my knowledge, I am.”

Pipsqueak walks over to Arc’s side. “Don't worry Mr. Arc! We'll be your family! Won't we everypony?!”

The orphans all smile and cheer in agreement!

“Thanks everyone! There's more to the story, but I don't really feel like talking about it right now. Dinky can fill the rest of you in later.”

“Sure thing dad!”

The orphans close in around Arc to embrace their fellow orphan. Arc puts his arms around as many as he can!

“After all, us orphans have to stick together, right?”

The orphans reply in unison. “RIGHT!”

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