• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 13 - The Waiting Game

General Blackbeak hangs up the phone with a chuckle.

“That felt so GOOD!”

Arc looks confused. “General?”

“Let’s just say there’s no love lost between Lord Goldstone and I.”

Natalya nods. “What the general is trying to say is that the Council of Lords often treats the soldiers as if they were mere pawns. Things to be used, abused and thrown away when no longer useful.”

Arc nods. “And you general?”

“War has its place. But I don’t like sending others to fight and die to settle what are usually petty arguments.”

He looks to Arc.

“I read all kinds of intel when you were Lord Regent. Your military was on high alert, but you went to face Equestria’s enemies yourself! Why?”

“Had I gone in with an army it would have been very difficult to diffuse the situation peacefully.”

Natalya smiles. “Well said, Lord Arc!”

The general laughs! “Indeed! You’re a human after my own heart, Lord Arc! But weren’t you worried things might not go as you hoped?!”

“Yes. But I was confidant I could take on anything they threw at me with the forces I did bring with me.”

He gestures to Ember and Sereb.

“These two usually accompany me for that purpose.”

Natalya nods. “Very brave of them!”

“Well, we should let you get back to celebrating, general.”

Blackbeak nods. “I’ll notify Canterlot with the date and time of your audience with the Council, Lord Arc. It shouldn’t be too long with this war called off.”

Arc nods and turns to leaves the office. “Thank you, sir. I’m looking forward to it.”

They leave the office together, leaving the general alone. He stands up and walks over to the window.

“Lord Arc. You’re a very interesting individual. I wonder… how DID you avert that war for us? What really happened in Abyssinia? Why are you doing this? Are you working in earnest, or for some other cause, like the rebels?”

The general shakes his head.

“No. Lord Arc would never ally himself with such a group! He is an honorable human! But still…”

Meanwhile, Arc and company return to his room. Ember turns to him.

“Are you sure you’re okay, Arc?!”

“I feel fine. Why?”

Flash Sentry looks to him, concerned. “Opening two long range portals has to be very taxing on your mana pool.”

“Yes, well… I think I need a bit of a rest before I do THAT again!”

Natalya nods. “Do you need a nap, sir?”

“No. But I could go for another shower. That trip to Abyssinia left me dusty and sweaty.”

Cherry speaks to his mind. “Arc? I know this might sound strange, but do you think you could put your helmet on the balcony table?”

“Sure. But why?”

“…I just want some time to think. That and I do enjoy the scenery of this land.”

“If that’s what you want, I’ll do it!”

Arc removes the helmet from his ring and holds it under his arm before walking out on the balcony. He carefully sets the helmet down on the table and points it to the most picturesque landscape. Looking down at it a moment before whispering.

“I’ll come back for you in a bit.”

He turns and walks back inside. As Arc closes the balcony door, he motions to Sereb. The wolf walks over to the door and lies down in front of it. He fixes his unwavering gaze on the helmet. Natalya, not able to hear either side of Arc and Cherry’s conversation looks to him, confused.

“Are you okay, Lord Arc?”

“Fine. Why? “

She looks at the helmet on the table outside. “Uh… no reason!”

Ember walks over. “Why don’t you take an extra-long shower, Arc? The warm water will do wonders to relax you.”

“I think I might just do that. There are a few things I want to think over.”

Flash Sentry nods. “Our next move, sir?”

Arc removes his pocket watch and sets it on the nightstand. “No. That I already have figured out. Why don’t you three take a load off and rest too?”

Ember recalls her armor and sits down on the couch. “You don’t have to tell me twice!”

Flash Sentry sits down next to Ember. “Thank you, sir!”

Arc goes into the bathroom and closes the door behind him. Natalya turns to Ember.

“Lord Arc sure does some rather… strange things.”

Ember nods. “He’s certainly one of a kind.”

Flash Sentry looks to her. “Why don’t you sit down, Natalya? Nothing much to do now but wait for the commander to come out.”

Natalya hesitates, but joins the pair on the couch before turning back to Ember.

“Can I ask you something?”

“Go ahead.”

“Feel free to not answer if you don’t want to but, are you and Lord Arc… a pair?”

Ember looks confused. “A what?”

Natalya blushes heavily! “Well… lovers, I guess.”

Ember chuckles. “I wish! What makes you think that?”

“Well… every morning you’re in bed with him.”

Flash Sentry sighs. “I do wish you two wouldn’t do that, Ember.”

“I’m watching his back!”

“That’s not all you’re watching!”

Ember smiles broadly. “Guilty!”

“Can I assume there’s a Lady back in Equestria waiting for him?”

Ember and Flash Sentry lower their heads sadly.

“No, there isn’t.”

“Was there?”

Ember shakes her head. “Well… you see… it was… complicated.”

“You don’t have to tell me if it’s a secret!”

Flash Sentry looks to Natalya. “The commander’s never made a secret of it before. Out of respect though we don’t usually bring it up. Not in front of him anyways.”

Ember nods. “There was an accident. A war criminal was trying to get away, and decided to use her as a diversion by knocking over a cartload of crates. She was badly injured, but survived.”

Natalya gasps. “Any long-term injuries?”

Flash Sentry nods. “Just to their relationship. When she woke up, she remembered everything but him.”

Natalya’s eyes grow wide! “Amnesia?!”

Ember sighs. “Yes. The worst part about it was that the accident was the same day she accepted his marriage proposal.”

“That’s terrible! Is there anything that can be done?!”

Flash Sentry lowers his head and removes his helmet respectfully. “Not… anymore.”

Natalya frowns. “What are you talking about?! There’s always hope!”

Flash Sentry sighs. “There’s an annual party at Canterlot Castle called the Grand Galloping Gala. Lord Arc was there to return control of the nation back to the princesses, who had finally recovered enough to retake their thrones.”

Ember looks away. “After he did so, he went out to the Gardens for some fresh air. The princesses followed shortly thereafter. Sereb and I had been assigned to guard them.”

She has a faraway look in her eyes as she remembers the events of that fateful night.

“They sat together talking. Arc had been planning a bit of a vacation and was telling the princesses about it when there was a loud scream from inside the castle followed by a crash! Arc ordered us to stay with the princesses while he ran inside to investigate!”


Ember nods. “The worst kind! Remember that war criminal that got away? He was there to assassinate Arc! He bumped into Arc fiancée on the balcony and knocked her off to lure him back inside! She warned him just in time to bring up his armor! The traitor, unable to kill Arc with his crossbow, pulled a knife and flew at him in an effort to finish him off!”

She shudders at the memory.

“I saw Arc turn around at lightning speed and stab the stallion in the gut! He threw him to the ground as he appeared to beg for mercy. Arc pulled out his blade and stabbed him through the heart!”

Flash Sentry nods angrily! “That traitor got off lucky with a clean death!”

Natalya nods. “And… the mare?”

Ember shakes her head sadly. “She died in Arc’s arms. I still remember him screaming her name in vain!”

“That’s awful! I can’t imagine the pain he must have felt at losing her!”

Ember stands up and walks over to the nightstand. Picking up the pocket watch, she looks it over.

“Arc told me once that this was one of her family’s heirlooms. Her father received it as an engagement gift and it was his wish that it should be given to the stallion that she would marry.”

She walks back to the couch with the watch in her claws. Ember opens the watch and looks at the picture for a moment before turning it to Natalya.

“This watch… he’s carried it ever since that day. I don’t think there will ever be another love for him. Not like that anyway.”

Natalya nods as she looks at the small photo inside the watch. “She’s very beautiful! Was she a noble?”

Flash Sentry shakes his head. “No. Her family owned and operated a cherry ranch in southern Equestria. That’s where they met.”

“What was her name?”

Ember closes the watch and stands up. “Cherry Jubilee. She was as kind a mare as you’d ever want to meet. Arc adored her! I… I don’t hold a candle to her.”

Natalya looks confused. “Then why… why does he sleep with you?”

She sets the watch back on the nightstand. “That’s something we’ve always done. Back in Tartarus, it was a matter of keeping warm. Now I do it to support him emotionally. That and I do care for him deeply.”

Flash Sentry looks to her, soberly. “Ember. Tell me something. Do you sleep next to the commander for his emotional well-being… or your own?”

Ember sighs as she sits back down. “Both. You see, we understand each other better than anyone else does.”

“You do? How so?”

“I’ll tell you another time, Natalya.”

“Um… okay. Can I ask you two about something else?”

Flash Sentry nods. “Sure! Go ahead?”

“You remember that morning I woke up Lord Arc and accidently knocked his helmet off the nightstand?”

Ember sighs. “Vaguely, yes. I was still half asleep.”

“I know I should have been more careful, but I would think his helmet would be more than able to withstand hitting the floor.”

Flash Sentry nods. “You see… that helmet is… very important to him!”

Ember shakes her head. “I’m sorry, Natalya. But that’s one of the things you’ll have to hear from Arc himself.”

“Don’t be too put off by it, Natalya. After all… we all have our secrets.”

Natalya sighs. “That I can understand.”

Sometime later Arc emerges from the bathroom, freshly bathed, changed and with a new spring in his step. Ember smiles at him as he walks toward them.

“Feeling better, Arc?”

“Much! Everyone ready to go?”

Ember nods! “I am!”

“Me too, sir.”

“Where to, Lord Arc?”

“No reason to stay here and wait for the Council of Lords. Let’s get back to Equestria and take care of a few loose ends.”

Ember laughs! “There’s always something to do!”

Flash Sentry turns to Natalya. “You can see firsthoof some of the things the commander does, Natalya.”

Ember nods. “Mind you, some of them aren’t too interesting.”

Arc walks over to the nightstand and picks up his pocket watch. “To be completely honest, most of them aren’t.”

“I’m just anxious to learn what I can from you, Lord Arc! No one else in the entire griffon nation has ever had such an honor!”

“Well, just try not to get your hopes up too high, okay?”

Natalya nods as Arc heads for the balcony.

“Just let me get my helmet and I’ll be ready.”

Arc steps out the balcony door and picks up the helmet. He holds it for a moment before returning it to his ring. Smiling, he turns to head inside as he speaks telepathically to Cherry.

“Did you enjoy the peace and quiet?”

“I did! Looking out over this vast land gave me a chance to really appreciate Equestria. That and I figured you wanted a bit of… alone time as well.”

“Just when I’m in the tub. Other than that, I never get tired of being with you.”

Arc returns to the others. He powers up his crystal and opens a portal.

“Let’s get a move on.”

Everyone nods and enters the portal. A few moments later they find themselves stepping out the other side into a small house. Natalya looks around.

“Where are we?”

“This is where I live.”

Arc points to a door.

“I rent a room from a friend of mine.”

Natalya looks at him, confused. “You mean… you don’t have a big manor somewhere?!”

Arc shakes his head. “Nope. I don’t even own any property.”

Ember raises and eyebrow. What about Light’s Hope?!”

Flash Sentry shakes his head. “That actually belongs to Canterlot. After all, they were the ones who built it and keep it staffed.”

Arc grins! “And stocked!”

“I guess that makes sense. Arc, you have to get a place of your own someday!”

Arc looks at her, confused. “I do. You stayed there with my squad, remember?”

Ember rolls her eyes. “Here in Equestria! You know what I mean!”

Arc laughs. “Maybe at some point. But right now I don’t have the time to maintain or even enjoy my own home.”

“I know that, but…”

He interrupts her. “You could always buy a house yourself! Then I could freeload… I mean live with you!”

Ember laughs as everyone walks toward the door together. “Ha! I’d put you to work!”

Natalya turns to him. “Forgive me, Lord Arc. I just assumed someone as well-known as you would have a home to match your reputation.”

Arc opens the front door. “My base does that for me at the moment. I’ll show it to you later.”

Everyone steps outside.

“Natalya… welcome to Ponyville.”

She looks all around.

“I thought Canterlot was the capitol of Equestria, Lord Arc.”

Ember frowns. “It is. Why do you ask?”

Natalya gestures to the town around them. “Everything here is so… clean! The houses are kept up and everyone here looks so… I don’t know… happy!”

Arc nods. “Every town in Equestria I’ve seen is like this.”

Flash Sentry looks to Natalya. “Is this really a new situation for you?”

“It kinda is! Can we meet some of the inhabitants please?!”


Flash Sentry turns to Arc. “Sir? Might I head back to base and check on things?”

Arc nods. “Go right ahead. Take Sereb with you.”

They part ways. Flash Sentry turns to Sereb.

“Things are going well!”

“Indeed, lieutenant. Even I didn’t think Arc could make friends with the griffons so quickly.”

“Let’s just hope that friendship lasts though. When he brings his charges against Lord Goldstone…”

Meanwhile, Arc, Ember and Natalya make their way toward the center of town. Ember turns to Arc.

“What should we do first?”

Arc grins. “How about a cupcake?”

She facepalms. “Saw that one coming.”

Natalya looks confused. “What’s a cupcake?”

“It’s like a regular cake, only smaller and tastier!”

Ember points to a building. “Come on! We’ll show you!”

Arc and Ember lead Natalya to Sugar Cube Corner. The bell over the front door rings as they enter. Mr. and Mrs. Cake are behind the counter filling a display. They look up and smile as they see their best customer.

“Good afternoon, Arc!”

“I see you’ve brought your friends with you today!”

Arc motions toward Natalya. “I have. Oh, this is Natalya. She’s from Griffonstone.”

Mrs. Cake smiles at her. “Good to meet you, dear!”

“Aren’t you afraid of me?”

Mr. Cake shakes his head. “Certainly not! Any friend of Arc is a friend of ours!”

Arc nods. “Thanks! Now I’m hoping the two of you can help me with a bit of a problem.”

“We’ll certainly try!”

Pinkie Pie walks through the door carrying a tray of cookies on her back.

“I finished baking the cookies, Mrs. Cake! Now all I have to do is…”

She spots Arc standing at the front counter.

“Welcome back, Arc! When did you get in?!”

“Just a short while ago.”

Mr. Cake turns to Pinkie. “He has a bit of a problem though.”

Pinkie Pie trots frantically in place! “Oh no! What is it?! Sickness?! Disease?! Sickness and disease?!”

Arc shakes his head. “Almost as bad.”

He gestures to Natalya.

“My griffon friend Natalya here has never heard of cupcakes!”

Pinkie’s mouth hits the floor… literally!


Arc puts a good-sized bag of bits on the counter. “Give us a platter of every type of cupcake you have! And hurry!”

Pinkie dashes around to several display cases and tossing cupcakes onto a nearby table! “This injustice cannot be allowed to stand!”

Arc turns to Natalya as cupcakes fly past them. “Pinkie and I are very passionate about sweets.”

Natalya watches the pink pony move at an insane pace. “I can see that!”

Before long the table is filled with cupcakes. Pinkie effortlessly picks up Natalya and carries her over to a chair.

“There! One of EVERYTHING!”

Natalya looks dazed as Pinkie sets her down. “Um… thank you?”

Mr. Cake turns to the mare. “Pinkie? We have some cakes to bake. Can you watch the front?”

Pinkie salutes as Arc and Ember sit down with Natalya. “Okie dokey!”

Arc gestures to the sweets before them. “Go ahead, Natalya. I think you’ll be impressed.”

She nervously picks up a pink cupcake with white sprinkles and eyes it suspiciously.

“They do look like little cakes.”

Arc nods. “Try one.”

She takes a small bite. Her eyes immediately light up!

“They’re WONDERFUL!”

Pinkie laughs! “I know, right?!”

Arc, Ember and Natalya continue eating as Pinkie watches happily.

“So how was your trip?”

Arc looks to Pinkie. “It’s still ongoing. I just came back while I wait for an audience with the Council of Lords in Griffonstone. Natalya here showed me how to be a gryphon.”

Pinkie looks him over. Ember looks confused.

“Something wrong, Pinkie Pie?”

Pinkie narrows her eyes and puts a hoof to her chin. “I don’t see any wings or a beak anywhere on you Arc!”

He laughs. “Not literally. Just how to act like one.”

“That makes more sense! But I can’t quite shake the feeling something is different!”

Ember shrugs. “I don’t see it, Pinkie. Arc’s the same as he’s always been!”

“Oh well! It will come to me!”

They eat cupcakes for quite some time. Eventually they sit back, stuffed. Ember sighs happily.

“I don’t think I can eat another bite!”

Natalya groans. Her face on the table. “Me either!”

Arc smiles and rubs his stomach. “Same here! You okay over there, Natalya? You look a little green.”

Natalya slowly raises her head. “Totally… worth it.”

Pinkie returns to the table with a large box. “You can have some more after supper tonight!”

Arc smiles! “Good idea! I love leftovers!”

Pinkie boxes up the remaining cupcakes for them and slides the box across the table to Arc.

“There you go! All ready!”

Arc accepts the box and puts it in his magic ring. “Thanks!”

Pinkie looks at him. “Arc? You have a little frosting on your cheek.”

Arc wipes his face. “Did I get it?”

“Not quite! Let me help!”

Pinkie trots over to him and licks his cheek. Blushing slightly she looks his face over again.

“There you go!”

“Uh, thanks Pinkie. Say, before I go, is everyone doing okay since… you know…”

Pinkie nods happily! “Yes! Everyone’s just fine, thanks to you!”

“Good! I was a bit worried that the medicine might not be… completely effective.”

“Believe me, it was!”

As he and the others stand up Arc looks back at the pink mare. “Great! Well, we should be moving on. I’ll stop by and see you another time.”

She waves a hoof after them. “Bye! Come back again soon!”

They leave via the front door. The bell jingles as they do so. Pinkie smiles happily as the door closes behind them.

“Don’t be a stranger, Arc…”

Arc and company walk down the street together. Natalya turns to him.

“Pinkie really seems to like you, sir.”

“That she does.”

Ember chuckles. “Where to next?”

Arc looks at his pocket watch. “We have a bit of time. Let’s go to the Golden Oakes Library and see how Twilight and Auriel are getting along.”

Ember nods as they walk down the path together. “I haven’t seen them in a while. What do you suppose they’ve been up to?”

“Twilight’s probably curled up with a good book while Auriel’s in the lab.”

A short time later they arrive at the Golden Oaks Library. Arc knocks. Twilight opens the door and smiles at him.

“Oh, hello everypony! Come in!”

Arc kneels down to give her a hug as the others enter. “Thanks. I hope we’re not interrupting anything.”

Twilight shakes her head. “Not at all! You’re always welcome here!”

Arc gestures to Natalya. “Twilight, I’d like you to meet Natalya. She’s visiting us from the Griffon Kingdom.”

“Pleased to meet you! I hope you’re liking Ponyville so far!”

“I am! It’s very… friendly.”

Ember grins! “That it is! Folks here are pretty understanding!”

Twilight laughs! “That they are! It took quite a while, but they even warmed up to a human!”

Arc shrugs. “Well… no one is perfect.”

“So what brings you here today, Arc?”

“I just wanted to see how you and Auriel were getting on.”

“She and I have been in the lab for what feels like forever. I actually just came up to get us some lunch.”

Ember looks at the clock. “Isn’t it kinda late for that?”

“I suppose. But, as usual, we lost track of time. Care to see what we’ve been up to?”

Arc nods. “Always. Lead the way.”

“Follow me!”

They descend the steps. Auriel is writing something down while reading a very thick book. She looks up as she hears footsteps on the stairs.

“That was fast, Twilight! Oh! Hello Arc! How have you been?!”

“Busy! But in any case, I’d like you to meet Natalya here. She’s a gryphon from a faraway land.”


Natalya looks at Auriel, sheepishly. “Um… hi.”

“Sorry if I’m a bit scary looking. Being a demon has that drawback.”

Natalya appears nervous. “A demon?! In Equestria?!”

Arc shrugs. “It’s not much different than a griffon being here, is it?”

“I suppose not. Sorry miss.”

Auriel sighs. “It’s okay. I’m… kinda used to that reaction.”

Arc looks around the lab at the equipment and books scattered around the room.

“Well, it looks like things have been happening around here as well.”

Auriel smiles. “That they have! I’ve made an amazing magical discovery!”

Twilight nods. “It really is revolutionary!”

Arc chuckles at their excitement! “Tell me about it. That is, if it’s not a big secret.”

Auriel motions to the P.E.E.L in a corner of the lab. “I’ve discovered that various fruits here in Equestria actually have magical energies stored in them!”

Ember looks surprised! “They do?!”

Arc nods, clearly impressed! “How much?!”

Twilight walks over to the P.E.E.L. “Not much! Just very faint traces! She’s also invented this machine to extract the magical essences!”

Natalya looks the device over. “What can you do with these essences?”

Auriel shrugs. “We haven’t really found any good uses for this new technology, and probably won’t for quite some time.”

Arc smiles. “Chemistry?”

Auriel laughs. “More like alchemy at this point. We could probably make some very powerful potions if we learned how much of what essences to add.”

Twilight puts a hoof on the machine. “At the moment we’re still in the experimental stages! For all we know, these potions may be too powerful for anypony to drink!”

Arc thinks for a moment. “Have you considered topicals? Perhaps medical applications are possible.”

Auriel’s eyes grow wide. “We hadn’t thought of that! Honestly, the longer we research the more possibilities come to mind!”

Ember nods. “Maybe you need to bring on more help to explore some of those possibilities.”

Twilight sighs. “I’ve thought of that. But Auriel is against it.”

Auriel nods soberly. “Forgive me, but I’m just worried about someone weaponizing my discoveries. That’s all I did in Tartarus… make weapons.”

She looks down at her feet.

“I’d feel really bad if something happened.”

Arc nods. “Any idea can be weaponized, Auriel. Even something as necessary as water can be deadly if there’s enough of it. But I understand and respect your position on this matter.”

“Thank you.”

Ember points to a large sheet hung over part of the lab. “What’s over there?”

Twilight giggles. “I’m working on a secret project in my part of the lab.”

Arc frowns. “Your part of the lab? Are you two getting along?”

Auriel nods. “Yes, indeed! Twilight is the smartest pony I’ve ever met!”

“It’s more for safety than anything else. We don’t want our experiments getting mixed up.”

Arc shrugs. “I suppose that makes sense. Bad data isn’t really good for anything other than wasting time and resources!”

“Right! By the way Twilight, we’re my notes helpful?”

“They were. Let me go get them.”

Twilight disappears behind the sheet and emerges a moment later levitating some papers.

“Here you are, Auriel. Thanks again.”

Auriel turns to the others as she takes the notes. “We have a strict policy of staying on our sides for the same reasons.”

“Right! If I need something from Auriel, she brings it to me and vice versa!”

She looks toward the sheet. “I’m looking forward to seeing what you’re working on over there, Twilight. How’s it coming along?”

Twilight smiles proudly. “Soon everypony will see it! I think it will be quite the scientific accomplishment! If it works, that is!”

Arc chuckles. “Knowing you two, it’ll be amazing. Well, we should let you get back to it. I’ll try and by and see you two before I leave for Griffonstone again.”

He heads for the stairs with the others. Auriel waves after them.

“Goodbye. It was very nice meeting you, Natalya.”

Twilight smiles. “Take care, Arc.”

The door closes behind them as Auriel turns to Twilight.

“She seemed nice.”

Twilight nods. “She did! Funny. I was always told griffons were a difficult race to get along with.”

Auriel smiles. “Like humans?”

“I suppose so.”

“You can’t judge a book by its cover, Twilight.

Twilight sighs. “I of all ponies should know that.”

Meanwhile, Arc, Ember and Natalya leave the library and walk down the path together. Ember turns to Arc.

“You weren’t really worried they were fighting now were you, Arc?”

“No. But living with someone in such close quarters can make you a little stir crazy after a while.”

Ember frowns. “Not me!”

Arc rolls his eyes. “Yes, well… we go out a lot. Remember, they don’t often leave the library.”

Natalya looks confused. “Ponies are social creatures?”

Ember nods. “Very! Imagine Pinkie Pie in isolation.”

Arc shudders! “That’s a scary thought! I certainly wouldn’t want to be the one to open that door!”

Natalya nods. “I can imagine that! Is she… unbalanced?”

Arc shakes his head. “Nah! She’s just Pinkie Pie!”

He looks at his pocket watch and smiles.

“It’s time.”

“For what, sir?”

“You’ll see. Follow me.”

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