• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 13 - Tree Trimming

The next day Arc and his friends stand at the base of the ladder leading up to the attic. Hammer turns to Lily.

“What’s Arc doing up there again?”

“Looking for the Christmas tree.”

Dinky giggles. “And the ornaments too!”

Scootaloo sighs. “I don’t get this tradition at all.”

Derpy turns to the little girl. “We celebrated it with Arc last year. He put up a fake tree and we decorated it with colored orbs and lights.”

“What for?”

Lily smiles. “Fun, mostly.”

Shelly nods. “Some people use a real pine instead. But Arc never liked the idea of killing a tree for such a purpose.”

Hammer raises an eyebrow. “Why not? I mean, it’s just one tree, right?”

Lily frowns. “True. But if a million families cut down a tree just to throw out after the first of the year… that’s a million trees.”

Shelly shakes her head. “Per year I might add.”

Derpy looks up. “That and it’s kinda like throwing money away.”

Arc nods as he pokes his head through the hatch.


“Did you find it, dad?!”

Arc grins. “Sure did. I’ll pass the pieces down to everyone.”

Starting with the steel base, Arc hands it through the hatch followed by the lower, middle, and upper sections of the tree.

“Bring those to the living room while I hand down the boxes of ornaments and lights.”

Dinky grabs the base while Hammer picks up the lower section. Derpy takes the middle and Scootaloo follows with the top. Passing down the a fore mentioned box to Lily, Arc turns and looks back to the messy attic.

“I’ve really got to clean this place up one of these days.”

Lily giggles. “You’ve been saying that for years, Arc.”

Arc shrugs. “Well, I’ve meant it for years too.”

Descending the ladder, Arc picks up the box of ornaments while Lily closes the attic hatch behind him. As they head downstairs they hear laughter from the living room. Entering, they see Sereb sitting on the couch with Shelly and Dinky lying on the floor trying to guide the lower tree section into the steel base as Hammer and Derpy hold it up. Hammer frowns.

“Sure wish I could see what I’m doing.”

Derpy sighs. “Me too.”

Shelly giggles as she pets Sereb. “I’m sorry for laughing, Daisy. You just look so adorable with your little feet sticking out.”

Dinky smiles. “It’s fine. I think I got it! Down!”

The pair above lower the center into the base. Dinky grins as she sees the shaft pass between the bolts.

“Let me tighten these up and we’re in business.”

Scootaloo peeks under the tree. “Be sure to get them nice and tight.”

Lily nods. “While I don’t think the tree is any danger of falling over, it certainly wouldn’t hurt to make sure it’s properly secured.”

Arc chuckles. “Right.”

Scootaloo turns to Derpy. “So what’s next?”

“Now we decorate it, right?”

Arc shakes his head. “Not quite. First the lights need to go on.”

Walking over to the box, Arc removes the cardboard the lights are wrapped around. Hammer eyes it suspiciously.

“What do you have there, Arc?”

“My dad’s way to making sure the light’s didn’t get tangled.”

Shelly giggles. “I remember our first Christmas together. Before you showed me that I thought you’d be trying to get the wires straight for hours.”

Dinky frowns. “But I thought my dad said…”

Arc turns to her. “The staff at the orphanage didn’t do it this way. They’d just throw the lights in a box at the end of the season.”

Lily sighs. “Then they’d spend hours the following year trying to straighten them out.”

Scootaloo raises an eyebrow. “But why? I mean, if they knew it was going to be a problem, why not try to find a better way?”

Shelly groans. “Because they just did everything as quickly as possible so they could go back to lounging around.”

Arc nods. “But in the end it cost them more time and headache. Now then, let’s get these lights on so we can decorate.”

“Aren’t we forgetting something, dad?”


Derpy giggles. “Music!”

Arc smiles. “Right! Let me tune something in on the radio.”

Flicking the switch, Arc turns the dial until the sounds of Christmas music fills the air. Hammer grins.

“That’s more like it!”

Lily nods approvingly. “Yes. Much more festive.”

Arc grins. “Now for the lights.”

Walking around the tree, he slowly unravels the cord and lays it on various branches. Snaking it up the tree Arc eventually reaches the top. Derpy brings him a chair to finish the job as Scootaloo looks on.

“So do we turn them on now, Big Brother?”

Arc shakes his head. “Not yet. Next we need the ornaments.”

Dinky runs over to the box and drags them over to the tree. Reaching inside she pulls out a set of dividers holding the orbs.

“Here we go!”

Derpy joins Dinky in decorating as Hammer and Lily start on the opposite side. Arc turns to Shelly.

“Would you like to help too?”

“Very much so, yes. But I’m not sure how much help I’ll actually be.”

Lily giggles. “Come on, Shelly! It’ll be just like old times!”

Arc nods. “Yeah. I’ll help steady you.”

Shelly smiles weakly. “Thank you, Arc. I’d like that.”

Walking over to his friend, Arc leans down to her. Wrapping her arms around his neck he helps her stand. Extending the crook of his arm to her, Shelly puts her hand on it and allows herself to be slowly led over to the tree. Dinky hands her an ornament with a smile.

“Here you go, Miss Shelly!”

“Thank you, dear.”

Taking the orb, she carefully reaches up and places it on a branch. Smiling, Shelly looks back down at Dinky whom hands her ornament after ornament. Coming to the bottom of the box she turns to the little girl beside her.

“I still remember when your father along with Lily and I used to do this.”

“Was it a long time ago?”

Lily closes her eyes and smiles. “It feels like it sometimes.”

Shelly sighs and looks down at her hand on Arc’s stout arm. “Yes, it does. I was a lot stronger back then and able to still do things for myself.”

Derpy smiles. “You still do alright.”

Arc nods. “Yes. Lily and I know you’re doing your best.”

“Thank you for saying so. But even after doing this small task, I’m quite tired.”

Arc appears suddenly concerned. “Should I take you upstairs to rest?”

Shelly shakes her head. “Not yet. First I want to see the tree lit.”

Lily turns to Arc. “But we have to do one last thing first.”

“Right. Daisy, would you like to…?”

Dinky interrupts him. “Actually, I think Scarlet should have a turn. After all, I did it last time.”


Scootaloo appears confused. “Do what?”

Arc turns to her. “Put the star on top of the tree.”


Derpy walks over to Arc with a small box. Handing it to him, he opens it and removes a golden star.

“This goes on top of the tree.”

Scootaloo looks up. “But I can’t reach it.”

Dinky grins. “Don’t worry. My dad will hold you up there.”

Hammer smiles approvingly. “Sounds like quite an honor to me.”

“So do you want to do it?”

“I… guess so.”

Kneeling down, Arc gives Scootaloo the star. Picking her up, he carefully lifts her. Reaching out the little girl puts the star up on top before turning to look back at Arc.

“How’s that?”


Setting her down, Arc motions to Derpy. She closes the shades as Arc kneels down next to the plug. Putting it into the socket the lights spring to life. Everyone marvels at the beauty of the sight before them for some time happily. Eventually Hammer breaks the silence.

“Looks great!”

Derpy smiles ear to ear. “It’s just as magical a sight as last year.”

Lily nods wistfully. “Every year since we came here.”

Dinky leans against her father happily. “I love this holiday!”

Arc puts a hand on her shoulder. “Me too, Daisy.”

Derpy turns to him. “Why don’t we get supper going now, Arc?”


Lily nods. “I’ll help.”

Dinky grins. “Me too!”

They turn and head for the kitchen as Arc looks to Scootaloo. She sits off to one side, clearly mesmerized by the sight of the tree. He calls out to the others.

“I’ll be there in a bit.”

Hammer walks over to the couch. “Do you want me to carry you to your bed now, Shelly?”

Shelly shakes her head. “No, thank you. I’d just like to sit here for a while and look at the tree.”

Arc frowns. “Are you sure? You look really drained.”

“Yes. Now if only there was someone to keep me company right now…”

Sereb walks over and hops up onto the couch. Walking over to Shelly he lays down next to her and allows himself to be petted. She looks over to Scootaloo.

“Would you like to join me, Scarlet?”

“I… um…”

“You shouldn’t be left alone right now.”

Scootaloo looks to Arc. Seeing him nod soberly she sighs.

“Yes, I’ll stay with you Miss Shelly.”

Shelly smiles. “Good.”

Scootaloo stands and walks over to the couch. Sitting down on the other side of Shelly, she returns her gaze to the tree. Arc calls out to her telepathically as he heads for the kitchen.

“Stay by her side and do whatever she asks of you.”

“Yes, Big Brother.”

Shelly turns to Scootaloo.

“Do you like the sight before you?”

Scootaloo shrugs. “It’s okay.”

“Oh really?”

“Yeah. Why do you…?”

“You were looking at the tree strangely a few moments ago.”


“Perhaps that wasn’t the best word to use. But I have seen it many times over the years.”

“You have?”

Shelly nods. “Oh yes. New arrivals at the orphanage often wore it for some time.”

“Both of my parents are dead.”

“I’m sorry to hear that.”

Scootaloo frowns. “Well, I’m not.”


“A lot of bad things happened to me back then.”

“Like what?”

Scootaloo looks away before speaking. “I don’t really want to talk about it.”

Shelly smiles. “That’s understandable. But all orphans have to learn to open up to someone they trust.”

“Like Big Brother?”

“Anyone whom you can confide in, yes.”

“What if I don’t want to?”

“Then it’ll just keep knawing at you. Eventually it’ll burst forth like a dam if you let it.”

“I can take it.”

“By all means, you can try to. But I’ve yet to see anyone who had such mental baggage bear it forever.”

“Miss Shelly?”


“Why are you telling me all of this?”

Shelly giggles slightly. “Because us orphans have to stick together.”

Sometime later supper is cooked and eaten. Adjourning from the kitchen table, they head for the living room to talk around the tree. Hammer looks to Dinky and shakes her head.

“Nah, we never put up a tree this time of year.”

“Why not, Miss Hammer?”

“Always too busy with work. That and me and my sisters weren’t much for such things.”

Lily sighs happily. “The three of us couldn’t let this time pass without setting up the old tree.”

Shelly nods. “Right. It’s almost a member of our family now.”

Arc chuckles. “That might be going a bit far.”

Derpy smiles. “As long as everyone’s happy though… that’s all that matters.”

Scootaloo winces as Sereb looks to her. He turns to Arc and yawns hugely. Nodding, Arc stands.

“Well, it’s getting kinda late. Why don’t we all head to bed and get a good night’s sleep. After all, tomorrow is the big day.”

Scootaloo appears confused. “I thought it wasn’t until evening though?”

Lily nods. “Right. But we have a lot to do to make sure things go well.”

Shelly smiles. “True. After all, we can’t let them down.”

Arc clenches a fist. “And we won’t.”

Derpy stands and takes Dinky’s hand.

“Come along, sweetheart.”

“Okay, mom.”

Hammer gets to her feet and stretches. “I think I’ll hit the hay too. Goodnight everyone.”

She and Sereb head for the basement together as Lily helps Shelly stand up.

“Can you make it?”

Shelly smiles sleepily. “If you’ll help me, yes.”

Arc looks after them as they head toward the stairs. “Pleasant dreams you two.”

Lily giggles. “Good night, Arc.”

Shelly nods. “Are you heading to bed too?”

“I will in a bit.”

The pair head upstairs as Arc turns to look at Scootaloo. She stares wordlessly at the tree in all its colorful glory. He waits to speak until Shelly and Lily reach the bedroom and shut the door behind them.


The little girl does not respond. Arc sits down next to her and puts a hand on her small shoulder.

“Are you sleepy?”

She shakes her head as Arc continues.

“Something is really eating you up inside, isn’t it?”

Scootaloo sighs. “Yes.”

“Do you want to talk about it?”

“I really don’t. But Miss Shelly told me that I need to speak to someone I trust.”

“She’s right, you know.”

“I trust you, Big Brother.”

“Are you ready to talk now?”

Scootaloo nods and looks at the tree again.

“It’s this thing here.”

“The Christmas tree?”

“Yeah. That and this holiday.”

“Spending time with family?”

Scootaloo bows her head. “Something I never really felt I had. At least not like everyone else.”

“Even before your parents died?”

“I was… different. You know why though.”

“That I do.”

“There’s more to it though.”


“I’ve always just felt so… alone.”

“Is that what’s been bothering you lately?”

“Yes. I was told Christmas is all about family.”

“It is, yes.”

“But I don’t have any! My mom and dad are dead!”

“None of us do.”


“Remember, other than Dinky no one here has parents.”

“Then why…?”

“Shelly, Lily, and I formed our own family. Derpy and Dinky joined it too.”

“And Miss Hammer?”

“I don’t think she has anyone other than her sisters. And they’re not exactly open to seeing her ever since she betrayed them.”

Scootaloo frowns. “But none of you are actually related.”

“That’s not important.”

“What is then?”

“Spending time with those you care about. It’s like that for all races, colors, creeds, and even species. Now then, do you understand?”

“I think so. But… there’s more to my problem.”


“As you know, back in Knothole Village my dad was always having sex with my mom in hopes of having another foal.”

“That I saw for myself unfortunately.”

“Usually my dad didn’t go after her until he was totally drunk though.”

Arc shudders. “Yeah. Then your mom would take her place at the kitchen table.”

“I know. I saw them do it before.

Arc raises an eyebrow. “You did? When?”

“Well… promise you won’t tell anyone about this?”

“I promise, yes.”

S"One day I asked my mom where foals come from. She told me about how a stallion’s sperm fertilizes a mare’s egg to make a foal."

She sighs as Arc puts an arm around her.

“I didn’t really understand what a lot of those things meant. How the sperm got into the mare’s belly or when it was supposed to come out.”

Arc nods. “I’m guessing you were a bit too young to fully understand yet.”

“Mom told me that my dad and her were trying to have another foal. That’s when I got my idea.”

Scootaloo sighs as she continues.

“So I decided to watch what they did at night. See if I could spot the sperm or the egg.”

Arc frowns. “How much did you see?”

“The whole thing. But that wasn’t the worst of it.”

“What was then?”

“As my dad… finished, mom looked up and saw me. I hurried back to my room as quickly as I could, of course. But she came after me a few minutes later.”

“To try and explain things?”

“Sort of. Mostly she told me that what I’d seen was just what mares and stallions whom loved each other would do. It was how they made a family together.”

Arc sighs. “The way they did it was wrong.”

“How so?”

“Having drunk sex every night while their filly listens isn’t appropriate for any species. That’s why I made sure to get you out of there when they did it. Tell me, didn’t they make you feel uncomfortable?”

Scootaloo nods. “Yeah. Quite a bit actually.”

“I don’t want to be responsible for making you feel that way.”

“Is that why you don’t have sex with Miss Derpy or Miss Hammer?”

“Not exactly.”

Scootaloo appears confused. “But don’t you care about them?”

“Yes, I do. But that’s why I don’t want to do that with them at the moment.”

“If your nervous I could probably help.”


“I could talk to them both. See what it is they want from a stallion and let you know what they say.”

Arc shakes his head. “No, Scootaloo. This is just something I need to do myself.”

“I… I’m sorry, Big Brother. I just wanted to try to repay you for all you’ve done for me.”

“Don’t. At least not in that way. I know you miss your parents, but getting involved in someone else’s relationship just to cope with it won’t help you at all.”

Scootaloo gasps. “But I want to be…!”

She stops talking as Arc looks to her, confused.

“You want to be what exactly?”

“I want… to be part of a real family.”

“Like ours?”

Scootaloo sighs. “That I don’t know.”

“Something about this is holding you back?”

“Yes, Big Brother. You see, several stallions would come to my parent’s shop regularly for some very special… medications.”

“Define ‘special’.”

“My mom told me they all have venereal diseases.”

“I suppose that happens. Did it make you uncomfortable?”

Scootaloo shakes her head. “No. Well… yes. But not for the reason you think.”


“I understood what sex was by that point. However what really upset me was the fact that all of them were married.”

Arc frowns. “So they were cheating?”

“Yes, Big Brother.”

“What did your mom say about that?”

“Just that sometimes things like that happened sometimes.”

“I suppose that’s true, yes. But it isn’t something that one should think is a good idea.”

Scootaloo nods. “Some of them had families though. When I brought that up my mom just said that not all families work out.”

“And you were worried ours wouldn’t?”

“Kinda. I mean, I was hoping it would. But I didn’t want to have to deal with the fallout of another broken family.”

Arc sighs. “Those really are valid points you bring up, Scootaloo.”

“What should I do though?! I really do want to be part of a real family! But at the same time I don’t want to have to go through something like what my parents did ever again!”

“Our relationships are different though.”

How so, Big Brother?”

“For starters, they’re not based on sex or making foals.”

“I did notice that pretty quickly though.”

Arc smiles. “That and we’d be happy to have you as part of our family. If you’d like that, I suppose.”

“So… you’re all okay with someone like me joining your family too?”

Arc nods. “Yes, Scootaloo. We’d all like that very much.”

She throws her arms around him as the pair embrace. They sit there on the couch for a long time happily. Eventually Arc sits back and looks Scootaloo in the eye.

“When we get back to Equestria I’m going to take you to see Emerald Dream.”


“A mare who provides therapy in Ponyville. She helped the griffon younglings and foals whom were abused deal with their problems.”

“But I don’t need anyone other than you to help me, Big Brother.”

Arc bows his head. “Believe me when I say that you went through more abuse than you understand, Scootaloo.”

“Do I have to go?”

“Are you going to make me order you to go?”

Scootaloo shakes her head. “No, Big Brother. If you say I need to go, I’ll obey willingly. After all, you’ve always done what’s best for me.”

Arc smiles at her. “Good. Now, if you even need to talk about this, or anything else for that matter, I’m here for you. Our family may not be perfect, but we do our very best.”

“Thanks. While my brain is telling me that this is too good to be true, I get the feeling that you’ll always take care of me and the rest of your family to the best of your ability, Big Brother.”

Arc chuckles. “You’re a bit off.”

“I am?”

Arc smiles and tousles Scootaloo’s hair. “Right. Remember, they’re your family now too.”

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