• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

  • ...

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Chapter 2 - Advancing Strategies

Early the next morning, just as the morning sun is peeking over the horizon, The Equinox lands next to the Lunar Destiny. Extending it’s gangplank onto the other ship’s deck, the doors on both ships open. Arc steps out of the Lunar Destiny while Twilight, Celestia, Ember, Sereb, Hammer, Mio, and his squad join him from The Equinox. Arc is the first to speak.

“Here we are again.”

Hammer raises an eyebrow. “Again?”

Ember looks out over the barren terrain. “You’ve been here before, Arc?”

Arc shakes his head. “No, no. I just meant that we were here together now.”

Celestia seemingly ignores him as she looks to Twilight and gestures with a hoof.

“The Badlands, Twilight. A hot desert by day and an icy cold tundra by night.”

Twilight gasps as she takes it all in. “I’ve read about it before. But this is just something else entirely!”

Mio appears confused. “Your highness?”

Twilight steps forward and puts her hooves on the guardrail before her as she speaks.

“It’s just so... so lifeless.”

Ember shrugs. “Well, it IS a desert.”

Arc folds his arms over his chestplate. “True. But even deserts typically have at least some form of plant life.

Hammer looks through a pair of binoculars as she speaks. “This here is zero, zilch, and nada all rolled into one.”

Arc turns to his squad. “Make a quick recon flight to check for movement.”

Saluting, they spread their wings and take off. Ember and Hammer walk over to Arc as Sereb attempts to make small talk with him.

“So how’d you sleep, my friend? Are you ready for the task ahead?”

Arc sighs. “Admittedly, not the greatest.”

Hammer smirks. “Why’s that? Your bedmate snore a lot?”

“I actually slept alone last night.”

Ember appears surprised. “You did?”

Hammer shrugs. “That’ll do it.”

Twilight turns to look at him. “Strange. I would have thought that one of the others would have volunteered for such a thing eagerly. All of our friends are aboard, after all.”

Arc frowns. “Yeah, I heard about that from Derpy and Applejack in the cafeteria last night. But why didn’t you say anything about that before we took off, Twilight?”

Twilight bows her head as her ears droop. “Sorry. I... just kinda forgot. With everything going on it sorta kinda got put on the back burner until I myself overlooked it.

As if on cue, the rest of the Mane Six step out of the Lunar Destiny and onto the deck. Rainbow Dash gallops over to the guardrail and hops up onto it to gaze out over the terrain.

“Nice place for flying!”

Applejack scoffs. “There ain’t nothing out here though.”

Rainbow Dash grins. “Yeah, that’s the beauty of it though! It’s all open and free! No trees or buildings to fly into!”

Pinkie bounces over to her. “Just a lot of rocks! But they do look a lot less squishy than trees or houses, Dashie!”

Rarity joins them. “Right. You could really get hurt if you tailspined out of control here.”

Rainbow Dash waves a hoof dismissively. “Come on! That almost never happens anymore!”

Fluttershy looks around and sniffs the air. “This place... it isn’t right.”

Twilight turns to her as Celestia pauses her explanation of the land. “Fluttershy? What do you mean? What isn’t right?”

“I know that this land is a rather... inhospitable place. But I don’t see or smell any critters around here.”

Celestia nods soberly. “That is because there aren’t any to see.”

Hammer raises an eyebrow. “None at all?”

Mio scans the land with a pair of binoculars as she speaks. “That is indeed very strange. Even the most extreme environments back on Earth have some sort of animal life. From the coldest regions of the arctic to the hottest deserts of Death Valley.”

Ember turns to Celestia. “Why aren’t there any here though?”

“The true reason is unknown. However, there are a few theories as to why this place is lifeless, Ember. Do you remember them, Twilight?”

Twilight puts a hoof to her chin. “Well... one popular theory is that it’s due to the anti-magic nature of the Badlands.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “But animals typically can’t use magic anyways. Why would that be a deterrent?”

“All living creatures here in Equestria have some form of magic within them. To be in a place that actively blocks it though can be very... unpleasant.”

Rarity touches her horn as she speaks. “Even those whom lack the ability to harness the magic within?”

Celestia nods. “Yes, Rarity. Think of it like being in a place with very thin oxygen.”

Applejack puts a hoof to her chin thoughtfully. “Like on a mountaintop?”

“Exactly. You can breathe up there. However, it’s much harder to do and is very taxing on the body.”

Rainbow Dash grins. “I get that much. Pegasi learned long ago that flying too high is just plain needlessly difficult.”

Pinkie tilts her head to one side, confused. “But didn’t you used to do that a LOT years ago?!”

Rainbow Dash shrugs. “Meh. It was a phase.”

Hammer looks to her friend. “Why though, blue?

Celestia chimes in. “I’m told that most Pegasi have, at one point or another in their lives, wanted to fly as high as they could. In doing so though they generally find that they are tired out much more quickly due to a combination of the lack of oxygen and the higher winds that come with the increased altitude.”

Fluttershy shudders. “So that’s what it’s like.”

Mio turns to Fluttershy, confused. “You’ve never done that, miss?”

Fluttershy shakes her head. “No, never. I like to stay close to the ground if I can.”

Ember clears her throat loudly. “Getting back on topic, that theory would kinda explain why there aren’t any animals here. But what about plants?”

Sereb sniffs the air. “Yes, as was stated earlier, this place lacks any foliage whatsoever.”

Celestia shakes her head. “It’s been theorized in the past that plants also do not like the lack of magical energies in this place.”

Twilight appears confused. “Plants need magic too?”

Celestia smiles at her former student as she replies. “Not like they need sunlight and water, no. But as you can see from looking around not a single plant has been able to take root in this place.

Sereb paws at the deck. “Perhaps the soil merely lacks the nutrients required for plants to grow.”

Ember raises an eyebrow. “Plants need to... eat?”

Hammer shrugs. “Sorta, I guess.”

Mio nods. “Yes. Lacking mouths, plants get their sustenance from the ground in which they are planted in.”

Ember grimaces. “I knew that!”

Arc clears his throat loudly to diffuse the situation as he turns to Celestia. “And what did the analysis of the soil samples reveal?”

“That they did indeed contain everything a plant needs to grow and thrive.”

Twilight frowns. “Then why does nothing grow, Princess Celestia?”

Celestia smiles warmly at her. “Such is the ten thousand bit question, Twilight. Science cannot explain it, nor can magic.”

Sereb shakes his head. “Perhaps one day we will know the truth. However, today is not that day.”

Rainbow Dash grins wickedly. “Right! We’re here to send that pig Queen Chrysalis packing!”

Rarity nods determinedly. “Here, here!”

Fluttershy smiles nervously. “Maybe we could... I don’t know... try talking to her first though?”

Arc groans. “I already have.”

Celestia turns to him and frowns. “You have?”

Arc nods. “She was here.”

Twilight gasps, wide-eyed. “What?! When?!”

“Last night.”

Sereb growls. “Why did our forces not detect her!”

Hammer cracks her knuckles angrily. “I’ll teach them to sleep on the job!”

Ember brandishes her claws. “Where was she?!”

Arc points to the ground in front of the ship. “Over there. I saw her approach and went down to meet her.”

Celestia glares at Arc. “And you didn’t think to capture her?!”

“She was speaking through a drone to deliver a message telling us to stay away.”

Mio looks to Arc. “Are you certain it wasn’t her in disguise?”

Ember frowns. “Not much of a disguise then.”

Twilight puts a hoof to her chin thoughtfully. “Speaking telepathically through another creature. Interesting.”

Applejack turns to her. “Twilight?”

Rarity appears hopeful. “Do you know something about this?”

“Not exactly. I just remembered something about a spell in Star-swirl the Bearded’s list of failures.”

Pinkie gasps happily. “Cooking failures?!”

Fluttershy sighs. “Probably not.”

Rainbow Dash groans impatiently. “What did it say?!”

“One of his experiments was to be able to transmit his voice over long distances magically.”

Hammer raises an eyebrow. “You mean like a telephone?”

Twilight nods. “Yes. However, such a thing had not yet been invented.”

Mio appears suddenly interested. “What can you tell us about his idea, Princess Twilight?”

“Well... his theory was to telepathically link two magic users. In this case two Unicorns, and train their minds to be able to talk with one other anywhere on the planet.”

Sereb frowns. “And it didn’t work?”

Twilight shakes her head. “No. And to the best of my knowledge nopony else was ever able to get it to work either.”

Arc chuckles. “Not entirely true.”

Mio raises an eyebrow. “Arc?”

Arc points to his head. “Remember, Scootaloo and I can talk to one another telepathically as part of our Crimson bond.”

Celestia glares at him. “Yes, I’ve... heard of such a thing existing between a master and its thralls.”

“That and Scootaloo said it was possible, in theory, for me to be able to directly control her body as well.”

Applejack raises an eyebrow. “In theory?”

“I never tried it out.”

Rainbow Dash grins. “Why not?! That sounds AWESOME!”

Applejack grits her teeth. “Oh, yes. One creature being able to fully control another sounds like a party and a half.”

Pinkie shrugs. “Not the kind of party I’d like to go to though.”

Fluttershy shudders. “That sounds like it would be really scary!”

Rarity turns up her nose indignantly. “And violate any number of Equestrian laws.”

Twilight frowns. “Right. It would have made the victim a literal prisoner inside their own body.”

Celestia nods soberly. “And as such I deemed even attempting such a thing illegal centuries ago.”

Hammer looks out over the horizon again as she speaks. “So, does that mean that this Chrysalis character could be a Crimson too?”

Arc shakes his head. “No, I didn’t sense that from her.”

Ember grimaces. “Then how did we not know about this new changeling ability?!”

Sereb sighs. “Lack of contact with a country for hundreds of years tends to lead to large gaps in knowledge regarding them, I would assume.”

Twilight nods soberly. “Agreed. After all, Unicorn Magic, like any other branch of science, is always evolving. Our knowledge and understanding of it constantly changing and expanding. Even today new spells are conceived, experimented with and possibly implemented. So it stands to reason that the changelings too would have been honing their own particular school of magic.”

Rainbow Dash rolls her eyes. “Their school of magic? I thought that stuff didn’t work in the Badlands.”

Celestia sighs. “Only theirs does, I’m afraid. Unicorn, Alicorn, and even Dragon Magic isn’t feasible once entering their domain.”

Fluttershy grimaces. “That puts us at a big disadvantage here!”

Applejack touches the Element around her neck as she speaks. “What about the Elements of Harmony? Does that mean they’re useless here?”

Twilight shrugs. “We don’t really know. I asked all of you to be here just in case we’re needed to use them.”

Rarity chimes in quickly. “As a last resort though, right?”

Celestia nods soberly. “Yes, indeed. After all, we can’t risk losing any of you to combat.”

Pinkie pulls out her party cannon and somehow cocks it like a shotgun. “Aw, but I wanna fight too!”

Twilight shakes her head. “Princess Celestia’s right. All of you are irreplaceable as Element Bearers.”

Arc gestures to the airships behind them. “Which is why we need to win this thing with military might.”

Sereb growls. “This will be very difficult without magic to aid us though, Arc.”

Ember brandishes her claws. “Difficult, yes! But definitely not impossible!”

Hammer grins as she pats her gun. “Right!”

Mio raises an eyebrow. “But isn’t that your magic gun, Hammer?”

Hammer shakes her head as she removes the clip to expose a number of gleaming bullets. “Nah. This one fires good old fashioned lead.”

Twilight looks to Celestia. “Shouldn’t we get underway soon though?”

Celestia smiles at her protege. “That’s up to you, Twilight. Remember, you’re the one leading this offensive.”

Mio steps forward. “We should wait for enough daylight to see properly though, your highness. The enemy is one of stealth and subterfuge, after all.”

Hammer nods. “Agreed. No reason to give them any more of an advantage than they already have.”

Arc grins. “What are your orders, Twilight?”

“I... I think we should get everypony outside and into ranks. It will take some time for them to mobilize, after all. And by then it will be light enough to move out.”

Celestia looks to Twilight. “Don’t forget about ordering the supply vehicles to disembark along with the soldiers. After all, it’s a very long walk to the enemy’s primary hive cluster.”

Rainbow Dash lands in front of Arc and salutes soberly. “How can we help?!”

“By guarding the ships.”

Applejack raises an eyebrow. “Say what now?”

Sereb shakes his head. “As was said earlier, we cannot risk the safety of the Element Bearers in combat.”

Rarity frowns. “Then how are we supposed to help if the need arises?”

Hammer taps a device on her chest. “We’ll radio back here if we need you.”

Celestia nods. “Yes. Traditional radio waves do permeate the anti-magic aura of this place.”

Fluttershy appears relieved. “That’s good.”

Rainbow Dash points a hoof. “If it’s so dangerous, then why is Twilight going?!”

Twilight sighs. “Because as a princess of Equestria, I have to. Or, at the very least, should go myself to show the citizenry just how serious I am about stopping the changeling threat to our land.”

Celestia nods approvingly. “Well said, Twilight.”

Applejack grits her teeth. “This is still going to be crazy dangerous though, Twilight!”

Rarity nods fervently. “Right! Even if you can’t be killed by the enemy’s weapons and magic, they could still take you captive!”

Pinkie’s mane deflates as she pouts. “And then we’d never see you again!”

Arc gives them all a reassuring look. “Don’t worry about Twilight. Remember, I’ll be with her the whole time.”

Celestia steps forward. “As will I.”

Hammer grins as she shoulders her weapon. “Me too!”

Mio smiles nervously. “And I’ll be advising Princess Twilight on tactics in addition to watching her back.”

Ember smirks. “And I’ll be watching Arc’s backside too.”

Sereb puts a paw in front of his face. “While I too will be watching his back, I do not believe I’ll be doing it in the same manner as Ember will be.”

Hammer laughs heartily. “Probably not. But we’ll all do our best.”

Max and the others land in front of Arc. Saluting, Max speaks.

“Nothing moving out there, sir.”

“Any signs of life at all?”

Viktor shakes his head. “No, sir.”

Hugh sighs. “Not even any prints in the dirt that we could see.”

Xenos puts a hoof to his chin thoughtfully. “Then again, if the enemy were flying they wouldn’t make tracks.”

Max smirks. “True. But then we’d probably have seen them.”

Applejack gazes out over the barren terrain. “I don’t like this whole thing one bit.”

Rainbow Dash shadowboxes as she speaks. “Me either! We should be out there with Twilight taking it to those changeling freaks!”

Twilight sighs. “I’d like that too, of course. But please stay here where it’s safe.”

Sadly, the rest of the Mane Six nod and turns to head back inside the Lunar Destiny. They call out one by one as they pass. Applejack is the first to speak.

“Take care out there, sugarcube.”

Rarity smiles nervously. “Watch out for projectiles.”

Pinkie grits her teeth angrily. “Yeah! And be sure to let those meanies have it!”

Rainbow Dash smirks wickedly. “Make em sorry they ever crossed us in the first place!”

Fluttershy puts a hoof on her friend’s shoulder. “Come back safely though, Twilight.”

Twilight forces a smile for her friends. “I’ll be back before you know it.”

She watches as they enter the ship and close the door behind them. Arc looks to Twilight and salutes.

“Shall I order the troops to assemble in at the border, your highness?”

Twilight nods soberly. “Yes, please do.”

Touching his earring, Arc relays the message to Lemon Hearts. A short time later the main hatches of both ships open and soldiers begin marching out. The cargo bay doors also open to let a number of wagon-like vehicles pulled by stallions drive through them and down to ground level. Arc and company watch from the deck as preparations continue. Twilight turns to Celestia nervously.

“There’s quite a few of them.”

Celestia appears confused. “Didn’t you read the report detailing our troop composition, Twilight?”

“I did, yes. However, seeing numbers on a piece of paper and seeing those forces right in front of me are two different things.”

Arc nods. “That is a lot of soldiers, yes.”

Hammer folds her arms over her chest soberly. “We’re gonna need em though.”

Mio sighs. “Agreed. We are, for all intents and purposes, going into this situation blind.”

Ember scoffs as she paces the deck. “Bring em on! I prefer a straight fight over all this sneaking around!”

Celestia bows her head. “That is my desire too, Ember. However, we must think of the safety of our soldiers as well.”

Twilight nods. “Agreed. I want everypony to be able to go home to Equestria after this safely.”

Sereb shakes his head. “One cannot hunt without spilling blood, your highness.”

Mio looks to Twilight. “It’s not too late to send scouts in ahead of the main force, your highness.”

Twilight frowns as she looks to the young woman out of the corner of her eye. “I won’t put them in such extreme danger like that.”

Celestia sighs. “They are trained for such things though, Twilight.”

“My mind is made up on that. The way I see it, the safest way to do this is to have everypony go in together to overwhelm the enemy with our numbers.”

Hammer grins as she pats her weapon. “There is something to be said for blitzkrieg tactics.”

Mio groans. “While I can’t ignore the numerous historical successes of that particular method, I must also point out that such actions were taken only after the intel at hand showed that the enemy was far outmatched.”

Arc frowns. “For all we know they could have millions of changelings out here.”

Ember scoffs. “Not likely though.”

Sereb growls. “True. But the possibility does still exist.”

Celestia looks out over the barren landscape before them. “Nevertheless, we have a duty to both our citizens and our country.”

As the sun moves slowly over the horizon to illuminate the sky, Hammer’s earpiece chirps. Listening to a voice on the other end she speaks.

“Roger that. One moment.”

Turning to Twilight, she continues.

“Your highness, I’ve just received word that all of our forces have been deployed and are ready to move out on your command.”

“Good. Let’s get underway. Order the...”

Celestia interrupts her. “It may be a good idea to address the troops before setting out, Twilight.”

Twilight raises an eyebrow. “Address them? You mean... make a speech, or something?”

“Yes. Everypony is on-edge regarding the mission at large. A few words of encouragement from you would do wonders to sooth that apprehension.”

“But you could do such a thing much better than I ever could, Princess Celestia!”

“Perhaps that is true, yes. However, they all know that you are leading this campaign, Twilight. So it falls to you to make the speech yourself.”

Ember puts a claw to her chin. “I do get what you’re saying. But that could also go the other way.”

Celestia frowns. “Oh?”

Sereb nods soberly. “What Ember is trying to say is that while the princess’ words could indeed bolster the troops morale if spoken correctly, they could also hurt the confidence of our forces if her voice or words were to falter at this time.”

Mio sighs. “Well, someone needs to reassure them.”

Hammer jerks a thumb toward Arc. “How about handsome over here?”


“Yes, you!”

Sereb smiles toothily. “The soldiers are already well aware of your martial prowess, my friend. Your words would be just as effective as Princess Twilight’s would be.”

Ember shrugs. “Maybe more.”

Arc sighs. “It’s up to Twilight, I suppose.”

Mio looks to Twilight. “Your highness, I believe that you yourself should make this speech as a sign to our troops of your personal strength and leadership.”

Hammer folds her arms over her chest. “And I say Arc should be the one to do it.”

Celestia steps forward. “Well now, Twilight... what is your decision?”

“I... I believe that the soldiers would be more reassured if Arc made the pre-march speech.”

Arc nods. “Very well. One moment.”

He turns to his squad before continuing.

“You four have your assignments. Go down there and take command of your respective companies.”

The squad salutes Arc silently before spreading their leathery wings and taking flight. Ember sighs.

“Almost time.”

Sereb sighs. “Indeed.”

Arc turns to Hammer. “So how am I going to do this? I mean... there’s no way everyone’s is going to be able to hear me.”

“I can have the ships link my radio to their external speakers if you want.”

“Sounds good. Now then, let’s get down there.”

Walking over to Sereb, Arc hops up into the saddle and motions for him to start walking. Ember, Twilight, and Celestia fall into step behind him as they make their way down the gangplank. Passing the soldiers, the group arrives at the front of their forces. Arc looks around for a few moments before holding out a hand to one side. Hammer puts her radio into his palm before stepping back. Taking a deep breath, Arc presses the button on the side before speaking.


Motioning with a sweep of his hand toward the emptiness behind him, Arc continues.


Pausing for a moment, Arc looks out over those gathered before continuing.


Gesturing to Celestia with a hand, Arc again speaks.


The troops stomp their hooves in agreement as Arc turns and calls forth his Spear of Righteousness. Pointing it toward the Badlands, he cries out.


Arc’s squad calls out for their companies to advance. They step forward as Sereb begins walking with the others by his side. Holding the radio out to Hammer, she takes it and presses a few buttons before speaking.

“Nice speech, Arc!”

Ember grins as she makes a fist. “Yeah! Even I’m more ready to do this thing... if that’s possible!”

Mio smiles warmly at him. “As am I.”

Twilight sighs. “If I were a little less nervous and more of a leader, maybe I could have done that myself.”

Celestia turns to Twilight. “There’s more to leadership than you know, Twilight.”

“But I couldn’t even make a simple...!”

Celestia cuts her off. “It’s more about doing what you can, of course. But also knowing when to take a step back and let somepony a bit more... prepared for the task do their part.”

Arc shrugs. “Maybe ‘prepared’ wasn’t the best word for that. After all, I didn’t have anything made out ahead of time.”

Mio giggles happily. “That may be true, Arc. But you were able to rally the troops and get them moving with only a few words and a point with your spear.”

Ember grins. “Yeah! That was awesome!”

Sereb chuckles. “Indeed.”

Arc shrugs. “I just told them of the things I’d witnessed firsthand.”

Hammer jerks a thumb behind her at their forces marching proudly. “Well, it worked wonders!”

Celestia looks out over the terrain before them. “Yes, it did. But we still have a long way to go.”

Twilight turns to Mio. “Are we still on schedule?”

Mio nods as she looks at her watch along with a clipboard. “Yes, Princess Twilight. At our current standard marching speed, with scheduled breaks factored in of course, we should be able to reach the target area shortly before dusk.”

Hammer smirks. “That’ll give us time to set up our base camp, deploy the floodlights, prepare prepackaged meals for the troops, and implement the watch schedule for defense.”

Arc motions to the supply convoy behind them as he lowers his voice. “Do we really have enough supplies for this endeavor though? I mean, this seems kinda light for how many soldiers we have.”

Celestia nods stoically. “It is enough for the round trip to the enemy’s hive cluster and three days’ worth of fighting.”

Ember frowns. “That doesn’t sound like a very good plan. “

Sereb growls. “I agree with Ember. What if we need to besiege their position?”

Twilight turns to them. “Believe me, I would have liked to bring in a lot more supplies in case that very scenario came to pass. However, you have to remember that everything we take with us has to be carried, or in this case pulled, by our forces.”

Mio looks at her clipboard. “The tents, sleeping bags, floodlights, non-magical based batteries, food, and water are all very heavy. And that’s not including the weapons and armor that every soldier is already bearing.”

Celestia grimaces. “Water is our biggest concern out here. And for that, we have brought more than is needed.”

Arc sighs as he looks the transports over. “I guess that makes sense. After all, it won’t do us any good to have our soldiers fainting from dehydration.”

Sereb frowns. “Or from lack of food and shelter too I would imagine.”

Twilight nods soberly as they approach the border. “Right. However, if we do need to extend our stay out here, we have enough to hold out until supply lines can be established. Then we would be in a very good position to dig in for the long haul.

Celestia looks forward. Very true. But for the moment let’s just focus on keeping our eyes open for enemy attacks. After all, we don’t want to be caught off guard.”

Arc and Twilight, along with the others, step from the lush and green grass to the dead and barren Badlands. Ember grimaces as they do so.

“Quite the change.”

Sereb sighs. “It reminds me of the beaches outside Forsaken Village during the cooler months.”

Hammer looks up at the rising sun overhead. “Not for long it won’t. That sun’s going to be cooking us before long.”

Ember rubs her claws together in an effort to warm them. “Sounds good to me! It’s too darn cold out here!”

Arc shakes his head. “Says the dragon whom can literally swim through lava.”

Ember shrugs. “We all do what we’re good at. I’m heat and puncture resistant. Hammer’s tough. Sereb’s fast. Twilight’s smart. And you’re sexy.”

Arc rolls his eyes. “Thanks. I think.”

Ember licks her lips hungrily. “Believe me, it was a compliment.”

Arc and company, along with their forces, trudge through the rock filled valleys and over barren hills until sunset. Ember lands in front of Arc and points with a claw over a large craig nearby.

“There’s a nice place just over this ridge that would be a perfect spot to set up camp for the night.”

Twilight appears hopeful. “Flat and open?”

Ember shrugs. “As much as can be expected from this place.”

Arc looks down to his mount. “Let’s give it a look then, shall we?”

Motioning to Sereb, the wolf runs ahead of the group. Cresting the hill, he stops to look around with Arc. Sereb is the first to speak.

“It is not too bad here.”

Arc frowns. “Yeah. Maybe a bit TOO good though.”


“We haven’t seen a single changeling since the one that approached the Lunar Destiny last night. But I have a sneaky suspicion that they’ve been watching us since we got here.”

“A logical conclusion, yes.”

“Have you smelled anything, big guy?”

Sereb shakes his head. “Nothing but what the wind brings to my nose.”

Arc sighs. “Which I’m guessing isn’t much without plants or animals around.”

“There is one scent on the breeze, yes. Though I am sad to say that cannot place it.”

“Any ideas what it could be?”

“None at all. While I am certain that it must be coming from the actions of the changelings, without a point of reference I cannot be sure if it is their scent or something they are producing.”

Arc frowns. “That not reassuring.”

Sereb grunts. “But it is the truth nonetheless.”

Arc grimaces as he looks up at the sun beginning to set. “I guess we don’t have much choice but to make camp here though.”

“Our only other option would be to press on.”

“True. But everyone’s already exhausted from all the walking we did today though. That and who’s to say that we would be able to find something else before the sun finishes setting?”

“A gamble, to be sure.”

“And one that we shouldn’t roll the dice on.”

“We should report our findings to Princess Twilight then for a final decision.”

Turning, Sereb runs back toward their party. Seeing them returning, Twilight motions to Hammer whom calls out the order to halt into her radio. Sereb stops in front of the monarchs as Arc speaks.

“That spot Ember found is certainly good enough to set up camp for the night in.”

Twilight appears hopeful. “Easily defendable and open?”

Sereb sighs. “Open, yes. However, it is surrounded by rocks and other places to hide in admittedly.”

Hammer gestures ahead. “Maybe we should keep going then.”

Mio looks behind them to the soldiers as she speaks. “That is not advisable at this point. They’re already quite tired from the events of the day, and must still set up camp while there is still daylight.”

Ember shrugs. “I can keep flying around some more. See if there’s anything else I may have overlooked.”

Twilight turns to her mentor. “What do you think, Princess Celestia?”

“Our two options are to make camp here or hope for something better to present itself, Twilight.”

“So what should I do?”

I must admit, neither option is very good right now.”

Mio looks to Twilight. “Sometimes we just have to make the best decision we can from poor options, your highness.”

Hammer nods. “So what’s it going to be, princess?”

Twilight sighs. “I guess we should take the sure thing option and make camp here for the night.”

Arc turns to Hammer. “Alert our forces of the plan.”

Ember grins. “Great. We can get down there in about twenty minutes. The sooner we do so, the sooner we can get some supper going.”

Sereb motions to the troops with a wave of his paw. “It may be wise to let the soldiers rest for a few minutes longer.”

Ember raises an eyebrow. “Uh... why?”

“As you can see, they are already quite tired from the day’s activities.”

Arc nods. “Sereb’s right. That and in the off chance that our enemies really are waiting to attack us we should be ready.”

Twilight turns to the lieutenant. “Very well. Hammer, give the order.”

“Yes, your highness.”

Speaking into her radio, Hammer relays the orders as Arc looks to Twilight.

“It’s just a precaution.”

Twilight nods. “I know.”

“You doing okay?”

Twilight turns and walks away. “Let’s just focus on getting our forces to this campsite safely.”

Mio follows Twilight as Ember looks to Celestia and frowns as she addresses the former monarch.

“Uh... what the heck was that all about?”

Celestia sighs. “I was afraid this would happen.”

Arc groans. “The weight of command?”

“Yes. It isn’t easy leading. Much less having one’s first time being in front of military forces.”

Hammer scoffs. “But this isn’t Princess Twilight’s first time leading. I mean, she’s been sitting on the throne for some time now.”

Celestia looks to her student some distance away. “Maybe not. But it is the first she’s had the literal weight of their lives on her shoulders.”

Sereb looks up at Arc. “We should try to help her.”

“How though?”

Celestia bows her head. “There is little that any of us can do for Twilight at this point. Such is just something a leader has to deal with on their own sometimes.”

A short time later Arc and company come to the earlier surveyed site. His squad gets to work organizing the soldiers’ preparations. As the sun dips below the horizon everyone gathers around innumerable campfires both to eat and try to stay warm. Arc looks around before speaking to Ember.

“This is... interesting.”

Ember talks between bites. “What... is...?”

“All of us just kinda hanging out in the middle of nowhere.”

Sereb looks up from his tray of food on the ground. “Is this... enjoyable for you, Arc?”

“Maybe not the word I’d have used. More like... interesting.”

Ember groans. “You said that already!”

Mio gestures to her dehydrated meal in an attempt to change the subject. “The food is similar to that which we had in survival training.”

Hammer makes a face. “If by ‘similar’ you mean that it sucks, then I agree with you.”

Sereb grunts as he swallows. “It is merely for a couple of days. Then we shall hopefully be back in the ships eating freshly prepared food in the cafeteria.”

Arc looks at the prepackaged meal sitting on a rock next to him. “Uh... anyone seen Twilight?”

Celestia nods as she points a hoof. “She’s in her tent resting at the moment.”

Mio stands. “I’ll let her know that it’s time to eat.”

Hammer shakes her head. “The princess says she doesn’t want to be disturbed.”

Ember frowns. “Don’t tell me she’s feeling sick now!”

Hammer shrugs. “I dunno.”

Arc picks up the package as he gets up. “I’ll see to it that she eats something before hitting the sack.”

Celestia nods. “Please do.”

Leaving the group, Arc makes the short walk to the center of the camp where Twilight’s tent is located. Motioning to the guards around it to stand aside, he approaches the flap. Raising his hand to knock, Arc facepalms as he realizes his mistake. Taking a deep breath, he pulls the flap aside and steps into the tent. Looking around, Arc sees that it is simply furnished with only a few amenities including a large sleeping bag, small lamp, a couple books, and a rack containing Twilight’s royal golden armor. He spies her lying on top of the sleeping bag facing the tent wall. Hearing someone enter she speaks dryly.

“I don’t wish to be disturbed.”

Arc sighs. “Sorry. I just came to make sure you ate supper.

Walking over to her, Arc kneels down and puts a hand on her shoulder. They sit there silently for a few moments before Twilight speaks.

“Thank you, Arc. But I’m not feeling very hungry right now.”

“You hardly touched your lunch earlier today. And Mio said that you just picked at your breakfast aboard The Equinox before landing.”

“I’ll eat later.”

Arc frowns. “Later will be after lights out though.”

Not hearing any kind of response, Arc shakes his head and rips open the packaging. Placing the meal bag inside of the heating bag, he sets it upright against the lamp and begins stroking Twilight’s mane.

“Do you wanna talk about it, Twilight?”

“Talk about what?”


“I don’t know what you mean.”

Arc sighs. “Is that why you’re hiding in here from the rest of the troops?”

“Just... tired, that’s all.”

“Do you actually expect me to believe that’s the only reason, Twilight?”

There is a long pause as Twilight considers what to say next.

“I just... don’t know what to do.”

“Regarding the invasion?”

“Everything, really. This isn’t my place, you know. Leading troops... fighting a war... ordering stallions to their doom.”

“I know that this isn’t easy, Twilight. Remember, I’ve been in this same position before. You’re scared right now. And that’s okay. Everyone here is.”

“But I need to be somepony that they can look up to! Somepony who knows what to do without having to consult with others!”

“Like Celestia?”

Twilight nods sadly. “Right! She should be in charge! Not me!”

“As the ruling princess, I suppose you could make her a general, or something.”

“Should I though? I mean... she hasn’t fully recovered mentally and emotionally from... you know what.”

Arc shakes his head. “I don’t think so, no. After all, she too could snap and leave our forces in chaos.”

Twilight groans. “That leaves just me then.”

“True. But remember that you’re not alone in this. Hammer, Mio, Ember, Celestia, and myself... we’re all here to help you do this along with my squad and those guarding the ships at the base camp.”

“Eventually we’re going to have to fight though. Things will get bad fast, and I don’t think I’ll be able to coordinate everything.”

“Is that what this is all about, Twilight?”


“I know that you’re a very organized mare. You like your lists and putting things on them in order to be done properly. You’re scared that in the heat of battle you won’t have the time or ability to make sure everything goes perfectly.”

“But I won’t.”

“You can’t. No one can.”

Twilight sighs. “Princess Celestia could.”

“I doubt that.”

“While I’ve certainly never seen her on the battlefield before, I have seen her in action.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “How so?”

“Back before you came to Equestria, I was her faithful student. In the castle, numerous ponies might be vying for her attention for any number of things. She flawlessly, and effortlessly I might add, organized them into a mental priority list to handle as quickly as possible.”

“Better than you do?”

Twilight nods sadly. “Much.”

“And that bothers you?”

“Not at all. I’ve done my very best to learn from her and try to mimic her organizational methods. However, even after shadowing her for as many years as I have, I’m still nowhere near her level.”

“She’s had centuries of practice, mind you.”

“Well, I don’t have that much time. Right now I have an army of ponies that are going to be looking to me for guidance. And some of them may die waiting for it.”

“But they won’t just be looking to you. My squad is leading the companies and can evaluate and alter our combat plans on the fly. So rather than trying to give orders to every soldier in the field just focus on giving my four squaddies orders.”

Twilight rolls over onto her back and looks up at him sheepishly. “That... would probably work.”

“It’s the best that you can do. Trust them to interpret and pass on your orders.”

He gestures to the food packet before continuing.

“Now then, why don’t we work on getting something inside of your empty belly, Twilight?”

“Well... okay. But on one condition.”

Arc chuckles. “Name it.”

A short time later, Twilight lays on her back in Arc’s lap. Putting a fork into the food bag, Arc puts it to Twilight’s mouth. She closes her mouth around it and chews happily before swallowing and smiling up at him.


Arc raises an eyebrow. “You actually like this stuff?”

Twilight shakes her head. “Nah, it’s terrible. I meant thanks for doing this for me.”

Arc nods as he grins. “By your command, my princess.”

Twilight giggles as she bats a hoof at him playfully. “Stop it! It sounds weird when YOU say it!”

“Just doing what I can to be helpful.”

“That you are.”


Twilight nuzzles his side. “Very! This just feels right somehow.”

Arc smiles as he feeds her another bite. “Me holding you like a filly?”

“Don’t tell anypony, but I really do like being held.”

“Your secret is safe with me.”

“Thanks for coming to check on me though. I was really in a nasty slump.”

“We all have our moments of weakness, Twilight. No shame in that. But I should be thanking you as well.”

Twilight appears confused. “What for?”

“Allowing me to talk to you. To open up to me about what was bothering you.”

Twilight appears confused. “But isn’t that was a fiancée is supposed to do?”

Arc nods. “Yup. However, I couldn’t force you to talk about your problems. You had to make the conscious choice to do that yourself.”

“What about you?”

“Me, Twilight?”

“You’re always helping me and the others talk through our problems. But what about yours?”

“There have been times in the past where I opened up to Ember, Hammer, Applejack... whomever was closest to me at the time.”

“What about?”

Arc puts a hand to his chin as he thinks. “Well... back on my date with Applejack, I talked to her about my feelings regarding the herd and... intimacy.”

“Sexual relations?”

“Yeah. I confessed that I had been thinking more about our lives after the wedding. And how we would consummate our marriage.”

“Sex with a mare, you mean?”

“Right. That and starting a family if I recall correctly. Contingent on Auriel’s research bearing fruit, of course.”

Twilight appears hopeful. “Is that... something you’re interested in?”

Arc nods. “With the right mares, yes.”

“And would that possibly include me?”

Arc puts another forkful of food into her mouth as he speaks. “When we’re ready, yes. That is... if it’s okay with you.”

Twilight nods as she chews. “Yes, of course! Truth be told, I’m really looking forward to it! Um... but I do have to admit that I don’t really know what I’m doing in that regard.”

“None of us do.”

“When we get back to Canterlot I’ll see about finding a book that can teach us how to properly perform in a few different positions so we can...”

Arc interrupts her. “I actually already talked to Doctor Whooves about that. He gave me a book and told me about some simple, and safe, positions for both of us. It did go more in depth in later chapters admittedly, but I was thinking that we should just kinda figure it out for ourselves. At least at first, that is.”

“Well, all right. If that’s really what you want.”

“I mean, I’m certainly not going to tell you that you can’t read up on the subject. It just feels like that would make things a bit... scripted. Less meaningful.”

“It probably won’t surprise you, but I see it the other way, Arc. Researching the best way to have sexual relations to me is like... it’s like studying for an important test. You want to do your very best to prepare for and do it right.”

“You do make sense admittedly. And as I mentioned some time ago, and just now, I have done a bit of research in this matter myself.”

“The advice from Doctor Whooves.”

“It’s for the sake of safety more than pleasure. But yes. After all, I’d hate for either of us to get hurt.”

Twilight grins. “Remember, as an alicorn I’d just heal right up. So you can be as rough with me as you please and there won’t be any lasting injuries.”

Arc sighs. “I’d still feel bad about it though. Hurting you, I mean.”

Twilight blushes slightly and lowers her voice. “Maybe I’d like it.”

“Let’s just start off slowly. Safety over pleasure.”

“If that’s what you believe is best, then that’s what we’ll do.”

“Thanks for understanding, Twilight. After all, I do want such things to be pleasurable for both of us. Well... everyone involved, that is.”

Finishing his feeding of Twilight, Arc wipes her mouth with a napkin and smiles down at her.

“All full?”

“I am, yes.”

“What did you think of the meal?”

Twilight appears confused. “Huh?”

“I was just wondering what you thought of the military rations.”

“Is that what it was?”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “Um... yes. What did you think it was?”

Twilight smiles sheepishly. “I... actually wasn’t paying too much attention.”

“You mean...?”

“Autopilot all the way. You could have put literal paper in my mouth and I probably wouldn’t have noticed.”

“But how? I mean... that food was terrible!”

Twilight giggles. “Can I confess something to you, Arc?”

“Sure. What is it?”

“I... think I discovered one of my... quirks.”


Twilight nods. “Something that makes me... me. As soon as I lay on my back in your arms, I just kinda... melted into you. It was like I was a newborn filly again, being spoon fed by my mother. Something I dimly remember sometimes in my dreams. She would smile down at me as a spoon of mashed whatever was held to my muzzle. As soon as I saw it coming though I would open my mouth and clamp down on it. Just like now though, I don’t really have any memory of how it tasted. The whole time I was being fed, my attention was fully fixated on my mother.”

“Like you were when I fed you.”

Twilight looks away, slightly embarrassed. “I know it sounds weird, but I’m really enjoying being held like this.”

Arc strokes her mane gently. “Can I confess something too?”

“What is it?”

“I’m enjoying this as well.”

Twilight giggles. “Then keep doing it.”

“Alright. But how about I take it to the next level?”

“Sure. I’d be open to trying anything new.”

Standing up, Arc kneels down to put his hands under Twilight’s front legs where they attach to her body. Lifting her like a young child, he holds her up and smiles widely as he speaks in a higher pitched tone than normal.

“There’s my little Twilight! Who’s a good little filly?!”

Twilight beams happily. “I am!”

Arc tosses her up into the air and catches Twilight a few times before bringing her close for a hug. She wraps her hooves around his neck and reciprocates as Arc speaks.

“I love you, Twilight.”

“And I love you too!”

They stay like that for a time. Eventually, Twilight’s eyes fly open and she hastily whispers something in Arc’s ear. Quickly setting her down, he walks over to the tent flaps and opens them. Grabbing the two guards standing on either side of the opening around their shoulders, he pulls them close and whispers.

“You two heard... nothing.”

As the guards sweat and nod fervently Arc releases them and continues in a normal tone voice.

“Carry on.”

Closing the flaps, Arc turns back to Twilight and lowers his voice.

“Sorry about that. Guess I went a bit too far.”

Twilight shakes her head. “No, no! It’s fine! I... really did enjoy that, after all.”

Arc gestures toward the tent flaps with a thumb. “Maybe I should... you know...?”

“I... would really enjoy you keeping me warm tonight, Arc.”

“Not the best time for that, Twilight. I’m really pushing it being alone with you right now as it stands.”

Twilight groans. “Yes, I know. It was just... wishful thinking, I suppose.”

“How about I let you get some rest now. Morning comes early, after all.”

“That’s... probably for the best.”

She motions for him to come closer. Kneeling down, Twilight whispers in his ear.

“I would like to talk more about my other quirks later. When there’s time, I mean.”

Arc smiles at her. “So would I, your highness.”

Nodding, Twilight walks back toward her sleeping bag as Arc gathers up the remains of the meal and leaves the tent. Returning to the fire with the others he sits back down and tosses the remains of the packaging into the fire. Celestia is the first to speak.

“How is Twilight doing?”

“Just fine. I gave her a bit of a pep talk while I was in there.”

Ember motions to the burning empty food bag. “More than just a talk it would seem.”

Sereb chuckles. “A warrior must eat whenever they can. More so for a leader.”

Mio holds up her clipboard. “Is she still awake though? Her and I should probably go over a few things before we turn in for the night.”

Hammer groans. “Give her time to rest, Mio! You two went over that stuff a million times yesterday before we got here!”

Arc nods. “She was still awake when I left, yes. But I think she wants some alone time right now.”

Ember chuckles. “You should get some rest too, Arc.”

Sereb looks to him. “Agreed. As I’ve said in the past, ‘a tired warrior is soon a dead one’.”

Celestia turns to Sereb. “There is wisdom in those words.”

Ember scoffs. “Even for those not actively participating in the battle?”

Hammer raises an eyebrow. “You mean the officers?”

“Something like that.”

Mio chimes in. “I would say it is equally important, yes.”

Ember frowns. “How so?”

“It is difficult to make important decisions if fatigued. A bad or late order from a tired officer could lead those they command into harm’s way.”

Celestia nods. “Agreed. I believe we should follow Twilight’s lead and all get some...”

Ember jumps up angrily. “No one cares what YOU think!”

Stomping away to her tent, Ember enters and ‘slams’ the flap behind her angrily. Celestia sighs as she stands.

“Good night, everypony.”

As Celestia retreats to her own tent, Hammer turns to Arc.

“What the heck was that all about?”

Arc frowns. “Ember and Celestia have a rather... unique past.”

Sereb rolls his eyes. “That is putting it mildly.”

Mio looks around nervously. “Perhaps we’d best not speak about it right now.”

Arc nods as he stands. “Agreed. But I should probably go and make sure Ember’s okay. Or at the very least, not going to do anything too rash.”

Leaving the campfire again, he walks over to Ember’s tent. Arc pokes his head inside and calls out.

“Hey, I uh...”

Before he can continue, Ember grabs Arc and pulls him roughly inside. He opens his mouth to speak but is again cut off as his ‘assailant’ presses her lips to his passionately. Wrapping his arms around her, Ember takes the opportunity to jump slightly in order to wrap her legs around his backside in an effort to get even closer to him. Pulling back breathlessly, Ember grins at him as she speaks.

“That... made this whole trip worthwhile.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “Wait a second. You’re saying that the whole episode out there was just an act to get me alone in here??

“No. I really do think Celestia is a pompous blowhard.”

She leans is close and whispers in his ear.

“But this... this was a very nice bonus.”

Arc smiles widely. “Admittedly, it was for me as well.”

Smirking, Ember licks his neck with her tongue as Arc strokes her back scales slightly.

“Wanna do more to me, hot stuff?”

Arc chuckles. “Good old Ember. You never stop trying.”

“Admit it. This is my most endearing attribute.”

“I guess it is.”

“And you like it... don’t you?”

Arc shrugs. “Can’t lie. I kinda do. It makes me feel...”

He pauses slightly before continuing.

“...needed. Like you honestly feel that I’m important.”

Ember grins wickedly as she moves her hips against his. “How about you let me show you just how important you really are?”

Arc shakes his head. “Another time.”

Ember sighs as she hops down. “Darn. Thought I almost had you that time.”

“You’re trying to wear down my resistance, aren’t you?”

“And it’s working.”

Arc shrugs. “Kinda is.”


“Think about it this way. It wasn’t that long ago that I would have just dismissed your advances completely.”

“So what changed?”

“I did.”

Ember raises an eyebrow. “But you’re the same as when I met you.”

Arc taps his chest. “Not this. I’ve had a serious change of heart since then.”

“And... that means that you... do want me?”

“Of course, Ember! After all, I do love you very much!”

“And I love you too. But...”

“Something wrong?”

“Kinda. I feel kinda bad about tricking you into coming to my tent now.”

Arc shrugs. “Oh well. No harm done. “

Ember turns away. “That makes me just like her.”

“Like who?”


“How so?”

“Manipulating others to do what she wants them to.”

Arc puts a hand on her shoulder. “Believe me when I say that I came here of my own free will to make sure my friend was okay, Ember. Something I would have been willing to do even if you hadn’t used such theatrics.”

“I tried to think of another way. I really did. But that was all I could come up with.”

“Did you consider asking?”


“You could have just said ‘hey, can I talk to you alone for a minute’, or something like that.”

Ember groans as she facepalms. “Now I just plain feel stupid.”

Arc chuckles. “Well, we all have our moments. But just remember this. I don’t think you’re anything like Celestia for what you did.”


“But you and I really should get some rest now.”

Ember motions to her sleeping bag with a nod and a sly grin. “Yes... yes, we should.”

“I meant in my tent, Ember.”

Ember grabs his hand and pulls him toward the tent flaps. “Let’s go then!”

Arc rolls his eyes. “You know what I mean.”

“Yeah. But I do enjoy the thrill of the hunt.”

She steps forward and puts her claws on his chest. Looking up into Arc’s eyes, Ember speaks softly but firmly.

“And one day... I do want to be the hunted.”

Arc smiles and leans down to kiss her forehead before taking her claws in his.

“Someday, Ember. Someday.”

Patting her cheek, Arc turns and leaves the tent. Ember falls to her knees and sighs wearily.

“Looking forward to it.”

Heading toward his own tent, Arc spies Mio standing outside of it waiting. She stands at attention as he approaches.

“Good evening, sir.”

“Hi, Mio. Um... did you need something?”

“K-kinda. Can I speak to you privately?”


Holding the flap of his tent up for her, Arc allows Mio to enter. Following her inside he continues.

“What’s on your mind?”

“I, um... sorry, but I’m a bit nervous about doing this?”

“Guessing you’re not talking about the upcoming battle.”

Mio shakes her head. “No more than anyone else I would guess. But this is more important to me.”


“It’s about Hammer.”

“Something wrong with her?”

Mio nods soberly. “Yes. She’s... very devoted to you and your cause.”

“I can’t deny that.”

“There’s certainly nothing wrong with that. In fact, I believe any superior would love to have an officer so hard working and trustworthy as Hammer is.”

“So what’s the problem then?”

“Hammer has always been rather... um... flighty in the past. Prone to rash decisions and haphazard plans that don’t usually accomplish much.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “I’ve never seen such a thing from her before.”

“And since meeting you, neither have I. She’s changed quite a bit for the better admittedly. And that’s what has me worried.”

“What are you getting at, Mio?”

“My sister has been working harder for you than I’ve ever seen her work in her life. She was always good at finding ways to relax too. But since I came to Equestria all she does is work. It worries me quite a bit.”

Arc nods soberly. “That she’s not taking time out for herself?”

“Exactly. Hammer works from sunrise to sunset back in Canterlot Castle. Personally verifying the security of the building, vetting servant records, dealing with the guards, and even working with Princess Twilight and myself to help me regain my magical powers.”

“Sounds like quite the workload.”

“I do my best to help support her in it, of course. But... she’s hard at work when I arrive at the office in the morning and is there long after I leave in the evening.”

“Don’t worry. When we get back from this mission I’ll talk to her about delegating some of her duties to others.”

“While that would probably be for the best, I don’t think that’s what Hammer would truly want. She does enjoy her job very much, after all.”

“So what are you suggesting that I do?”

“While this is very hard for me to say, I... I think that my sister needs more time with you.”

“Away from the castle?”

“I believe a... a date would be the best thing for her at this point.”

Arc raises an eyebrow “Let me see if I’m understanding you correctly here, Mio. You... an individual whom has every reason to hate and distrust me... is suggesting that I take your sister out on a date?”

Mio nods soberly. “Look, I know we didn’t exactly get off on the right foot back on Earth.”

“Well, I did do some pretty unheroic things back then to your sister in the name of the mission.”

“And we hired some bikers to try and beat you up.”

Arc holds up two fingers. “Twice, actually.”

Mio sighs. “What I’m trying to say is that I understand your point of view now, as well as Hammer’s feelings. She’s just so smitten with you, and you with her I would imagine.”

Arc nods. “I Honestly do care about Hammer very much, yes.”

“That’s why I think you two need to have some time alone. Get a meal and, um... whatever else two people do on a date.”

“Alright. That is, if Hammer wants to.”

Mio frowns. “That might actually take some doing on your part.”

“Really? I would have thought she’d be anxious to have some time with me.”

“It’s not that she doesn’t want to. But Hammer’s got it in her head that such a thing wouldn’t be fair to the others.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “How so? We’ve never dated.”

Mio sighs. “She’s counting all those dates you and her went on when you were... um... what’s the term?”

Arc bows his head. “Manipulating her?”

“I was going to say ‘probing for information’.”

“It comes to about the same thing.

“Call it what you will. But Hammer is insistent that the others all go out with you at least once before she’ll even think about dating again. And while I do applaud her attempts to think of other’s needs ahead of her own...”

Arc continues the sentence. “...she still needs to think about herself too.”

“Right. I’ve tried telling her to talk to you about this, but... you know.”

“Hammer is still Hammer.”

“Something like that. So... what do you think?”

“I’ll try to finds some time to talk to her about this after the mission. See if we can set something up.”

“It wouldn’t have to be anything too elaborate. After all, Hammer’s more interested in just spending time you than what you’re actually doing together.”

“That much I do understand, yes. Don’t worry though. I’ll give the idea of what we can do some thought.”

“You might want to talk to Rainbow Dash about it too. She knows Hammer pretty well. I mean... considering just how long she’s been here.”

Arc puts a hand to his chin thoughtfully. “Yes, those two really do get along well.”

“In any case, I should probably let you get some rest now. But, um... th-thank you for hearing me out on this. I know you’re really busy with... everything that’s going on right now.”

“No problem. You can always come talk to me if you think something’s wrong. I have an open door policy about anything regarding the herd.”

Mio smiles nervously as she and Arc walk toward the tent flaps. “Yes, well... I’m still not exactly on board with that whole idea.”

“That’s understandable.”

“I mean... I do think that everyone involved in this idea is very... nice, and all. But... I’m just worried about my sister being interested in what appears to be a, uh... how do I put this?”

Arc smiles at her. “Say what you feel. It’s okay.”

“Very well. I don’t really like the idea of my sister being involved in what, to me at least, seems like it’s going to be a group sex home.”

“That’s fair.”

Mio appears surprised. “It is? Wow, I... kinda thought you’d be a bit more upset.”

“Not at all. It’s you honest opinion, after all. No shame in that. And it’s normal to be worried about a family member’s future.”

“I’m trying to give everyone involved the benefit of the doubt here. Not much else I could do though, I suppose. And, like I said, they all do seem really nice. But at the same time I keep coming back to an image of you and all your, um... wives lying on a bed going at it with each other.”

She shudders before continuing.

“Admittedly, it’s more than a bit disturbing to think about my sister being sexually involved with ponies.”

Arc shrugs. “No one has made any mention of sexual attraction to each other though. Well... Auriel did once at the Hearth’s Warming gathering, but other than that everyone involved here is pretty platonic with one another.”

“That could change in the future though.”

“I won’t argue that point, as one never really knows what the future holds.”

“Wouldn’t that be cheating though?”

“Not really. I mean... we’d all be married by that point. Well, those joining the herd, that is.”

“So you’d be okay with them being sexually involved with one another?”

Arc shrugs. “As long as those involved were fully consenting to that which they were partaking in, yes.”

“And Hammer?”

“If she wanted to I wouldn’t try to stop her, no.”

Mio gasps. “But don’t you care about her?!”

Arc nods. “Yes. And it’s because I care that I wouldn’t come between her and any other members of the herd.”

Mio puts a hand to her forehead. “I just can’t wrap my mind around that.”

“I’m not asking you to, Mio. Things will move forward slowly but surely regardless. “

“Yes, but...”

Arc holds up a hand as he interrupts her. “And if you have a concern, you should bring it up to Hammer directly.”

“I’m... not really sure how to go about doing that though.”

“Just get her alone, tell her you would like to talk about her future, and explain it the way you just did for me.”

“But what if she won’t listen? Or gets really upset?”

“As long as you stay calm she probably will too. Remember, Hammer does care quite a bit about her little sister. And she’s told me in the past just how smart you are.”

Mio appears hopeful. “I... think I’ll take your advice and talk it over with her. After we’re done here, that is. No need to bring it up when she has so much on her plate already.”

“That would be wise, yes.”

Mio looks to the tent flap next to them. “Sorry for dragging this out so long. I really was trying to let you get some rest before we started with the second round of talks.”

“It’s fine. Let me know if you need help with anything though.”

“I will.”

Stepping through the flaps, Arc watches them close behind her. Sighing, he walks over to his sleeping bag and lies down. Turning off the small battery powered lamp next to him, Arc muses to himself.

“Mio really seems to be worried about Hammer. Can’t really blame her though. I mean... this whole thing is like something out of a science fiction/romance novel at best. And a rom-com at worst.”

He closes his eyes before finishing his thought.

“But as long as we’re all together, everything will be fine. I just know it.”

Falling asleep along with the rest of the camp’s occupants, save for those on guard duty, Arc is awakened at some point in the night by a hand on his shoulder. Opening his eyes, he spies Hammer looking down at him with an urgent look on her face.

“Hey, we got a problem!”

Arc sits up sleepily. “Huh?”

“Colonel Flash Sentry aboard the Lunar Destiny has been trying to get ahold of you on your earring about Shelly!”

Arc bolts upright. “What?! Shelly?!”

He touches his earring and calls out.

“Arc to Lunar Destiny!”

No response is heard as Hammer shakes her head.

“You forget where we are! Magic doesn’t work out here!”

Arc groans as he gets to his feet. “Darn it! I forgot! What happened?!”

“Apparently she slipped, fell, and smacked her head really hard, or something! Word is they had to rush her to the infirmary! Last report said it’s not looking good!”

Arc grabs his armor. “I have to get back there right away!”

Hammer nods as she picks up his helmet. “If you take Sereb back I bet you could make it to the ship around dawn!”

Donning the rest of his armor, Arc rushes toward the tent flap with her. However, he suddenly stops and turns to Hammer.

“Who did you say called about Shelly?”

"Colonel Flash Sentry. Why?”

“From the Lunar Destiny?”

“Yeah! Look, you’re wasting time that could be used to...!”

“What was she doing over...?”

Narrowing his eyes, Arc quickly reaches for his helmet in Hammer’s grasp. However, in doing so he fails to notice the rock in her other hand. She brings it down on the back of his head, hard. Arc falls to the ground unconscious. Smirking, Hammer tosses the helmet onto the vacated sleeping bag as she bends down to examine Arc.

“Too easy.”

Satisfied, she reaches into her officer’s coat and pulls out a scroll. Setting it down carefully next to the helmet, she grins wickedly before making a strange movement with her hand. A small portal forms in front of her out of which several drones emerge. Latching onto Arc’s limbs, they quickly pull him through the swirling energies with Hammer following closely behind them. Stepping out the other side, Hammer closes the portal and hurries over to a figure sitting on a large rock directly in front of her. Kneeling respectfully, she calls out.

“It is done, my queen.”

The figure flaps its wings and descends. Landing before the drones, she pushes them roughly aside to look Arc’s face over carefully Nodding, she motions to another changeling nearby. They put a strange looking mask on him before turning to Chrysalis.

“He shall not awaken, your highness.”

Chrysalis chuckles darkly. “Excellent.”

Opening a larger portal, Chrysalis looks to the drones.

“Take him and begin phase two.”

They bow respectfully before dragging Arc through. Chrysalis turns to Hammer, whom is still kneeling, and smiles toothily.

“Rise, my friend. Let us be off.”

Doing as she is told, Hammer steps through the portal with Chrysalis. Reappearing inside a structure of some kind, she looks down a corridor to see the drones dragging Arc away. Grinning widely, Chrysalis walks over to join her.

“You have done well, my servant.”

Hammer falls to one knee again. “It was my pleasure, my queen.”

Chrysalis chuckles. “Rise and return to your true form.”

Nodding, Hammer stands. In a flash of green fire the young woman vanishes and a slightly larger than average changeling appears in her place. Chrysalis nods approvingly.

“Welcome back, Pharynx.”

“It is good to be home again, my queen.”

Chrysalis motions to the drones some distance away by now. “And it is also good to see a favorable outcome to your mission. This time, that is.”

Pharynx bows his head. “I make no excuses for the mistakes of the past, your highness.”

“Nor should you. Truth be told, I was beginning to lose faith in you.”

Smirking, she continues.

“However, this recent change of events should pay off nicely for us.”

“How can I be of assistance, my queen?”

“Send messages out to all of our scouting, infiltration, and embedded teams. Tell them to return to the primary hive cluster immediately.”

Pharynx appears confused. “B-but my queen, they’ve been dispersed all over the country. Recalling everyone now would most certainly compromise their operations.”

Chrysalis scoffs. “And...?”

“Some of them have taken years to get where they are!”

“Understandable. However, now I have a new plan. One that will ensure a bright future for our kind.”

“While I understand that this... thing we’ve brought back is indeed powerful, he alone is not capable of...”

Chrysalis waves a holey hoof dismissively as she interrupts him. “That is true, yes. However, this human has multiple uses in my upcoming plan, Pharynx.”

“Might I ask what that is, your majesty?”

“For the moment... bait.”

Pharynx raises an eyebrow. “Bait? But he is quite the catch as it is.”

Chrysalis chuckles darkly as she turns and walks away. “I’m going fishing, Pharynx. And if luck is with me, I should catch something even more valuable.”

Pharynx stands and follows his queen. “I must point out that bait is also capable of being lost, my queen.”

“Normally, yes. But with the steps I’m taking, that particular risk will be mitigated.”

She stops and turns to him before continuing.

“All that needs to happen is for everyone to do their part.”

Pharynx bows respectfully. “Yes, your majesty. I shall carry out your orders and recall our forces.”

“Carry on.”

Chrysalis watches for a few moments as he hurries away before spreading her wings and flying through a vertical corridor a few levels up. Smirking, she muses to herself.

“My moves have been made. Now all that’s left to do is to wait for my prey to make their choices. Be they few.”

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