• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 6 - A Fire in the Kitchen

Sometime later Arc and his friends appear on the sigil in his room in Canterlot Castle. They hurry down the corridor together. Ember frowns.

“So Sunburst didn’t say ANYTHING about what’s wrong?!”

Arc shakes his head. “Nope. But he wouldn’t call me if it wasn’t important.”

Sereb nods. “Agreed.”

They make their way to Princess Celestia’s room. Sunburst is pacing nervously. He looks up as they enter.

“Sir! I’ve just received word from your squad on Earth!”

Ember looks worried. “Something wrong?!”

“There’s some kind of trouble there! Your squad contacted me saying you’d certainly like to know!”

“Thanks for the heads up, Sunburst. When’s the next portal window?!”

Sunburst looks over his instruments. There’s a window right now if we hurry! Will you take it?!”

“Yes. Power it up!”

Sunburst nods. Working at a feverish pace the wormhole opens shortly. Arc turns to the others.

“Let’s go!”

Ember grins. “Right behind you!”

Sereb follows them. “Onward.”

Then enter the portal and find themselves in Arc’s backyard on Earth. Ember looks around approvingly.

“Sunburst is getting better with his portals.”

Sereb nods. “Indeed.”

Arc heads quickly for the house. “Practice makes perfect. Anyways let’s get inside and see what this is all about.”

Ember nods as she rubs her claws together. “Yeah! That and I’m freezing out here!”

They head in the back door and make their way to the basement. Arc’s squad is waiting for them. Max salutes him nervously.

“Sir! I… I um…”

“Max? What is it?”

Xenos appears shaken. “We just got back from Shelly’s Kitchen.”

Hugh nods soberly. “It was closed.”

Arc looks confused. “Closed?!”

Viktor nods. “We checked the hours on the door along with the time. But there wasn’t anyone there.”

Ember frowns. “Did you call out?”

Max shrugs. “The lights were off and the door was locked.”

Arc frowns. “That’s not like them.”

Sereb steps forward. “Perhaps they overslept?”

Xenos nods. “Maybe.”

Ember turns to Arc. “They could just be taking a day off, or something.

Arc nervously shakes his head. “Shelly is very adamant about always being open and on time.”

He thinks for a moment.

“I can’t imagine of any reason they wouldn’t be open. Unless something was very wrong.”

Arc heads for the stairs.

“Come with me, Viktor. We’ll see for ourselves.”

“Yes sir!”

Ember follows them with Sereb at her heels. “I’m coming with you!”

“As am I.”

Arc turns to her. “You aren’t even changed yet, Ember!”

“I will do that now.”

His horn aglow, Sereb quickly casts the spell. Arc gasps.


Ember changes to her human form. Everyone blushes as Ember looks at them, confused.


Arc quickly pulls his magic cloak out of his ring and throws it over her. “Clothes, Ember!”

“Oh… opps.”

Sereb hangs his head. “My apologies, Arc.”

Arc sighs. “It’s fine. Just go upstairs and put something warm on.”

Ember nods as she hurries up the stairs. “Fine! But I still want to come!”

“Okay, just make it quick.”

Hugh walks over to Arc and lowers his voice. His face is still red. “Sir? I… uh… think there might be something wrong with me?”

“You sick?”

“No sir. It’s just… when I saw Ember, I… um… you know… felt a bit… warm inside.”

Arc nods. “Seeing a good looking girl naked would do that to anyone.”

Max looks over sheepishly. “I felt the same. But it isn’t right! A stallion looking at a human female that way?!”

Xenos looks embarrassed. “Unthinkable!”

“I’m glad you boys respect Ember enough not to look at her in that way. But you see, right now you four are humans. Complete with human minds and sex drives it seems. You saw something you liked and it… turned you on. Nothing to be ashamed about there.”

Viktor shakes his head. “Well, I for one just don’t feel right about it!”

Hugh nods. “Now I understand why you insisted we wear clothes, sir.”

Max appears confused. “I don’t understand one thing though. We all showered together at Light’s Hope that one time after our training mission to the Everfree Forest.”

Arc nods. “I remember that. Ember was using the shower in my quarters so I joined you guys in yours. What about it?”

“Well… that was the first and only time we saw you without your clothes on, sir.”

Xenos shrugs. “None of us really thought much of it at the time.”

Viktor nods. “Yeah. I mean, other than the lack of coat, your anatomy is pretty similar to our own.”

Hugh blushes again. “As is Ember’s from what I could see. But… when we saw her…”

Arc sighs. “Look, what happened to you guys is normal for a human. Males get turned on by things like that. So don’t feel dirty or think there’s something wrong with you, okay?”

Max nods. “Thanks for the talk, sir.”

“No problem.”

Ember hurries down the stairs with Sereb in his cub form.

“We’re ready!”

“As am I.”

Arc heads for the stairs. “Good. Let’s go!”

Max follows. “Might I come too sir? I’m worried something might have happened to them.”

“Sure. Hugh, you and Xenos stay here and keep a lookout for trouble from the scanners.”

“Yes sir!”

“We’ll keep tabs on things here.”

Arc, Ember, Sereb, Viktor and Max head upstairs and make their way quickly to the Jeep. They make the drive to Shelly’s Kitchen and pull into the empty parking lot. The building is completely dark. Arc frowns as he gets out of the Jeep.

“I don’t like this one bit.”

Max nods. “Me either.”

Ember sighs. “You worry too much, Arc.”

Arc walks toward the building. “Those two NEVER sleep in! Something is wrong!”

Viktor follows closely. “Maybe they’re just sick or something, sir.”

“Whatever is up, we’re going to find out.”

They walk up to the door. As expected it is locked. Arc turns to Viktor.

“Can you pick this lock?”

“I can. But wouldn’t that be illegal?”

Sereb looks around before speaking. “He is right. You are not above the law in this realm, Arc.”

Ember nods. “Why not just Blink inside?”

“Because someone might see me do it. Pick the lock, Viktor.”

Viktor pulls something out of his pocket. “Yes sir.”

Ember frowns as Viktor gets to work. “And if someone sees HIM?!”

Max stands behind Viktor. “I’ll try to cover him.”

“Marshal Raynor’s men all know me. We’ll just explain what we’re doing and they’ll let us go. Probably.”

Ember rolls her eyes. “That’s not reassuring, Arc!”

“Well, if you have a better idea…”

“Got it sir!”

“Good job, Viktor. See Ember, you were worried about nothing.”

Ember sighs as they enter the restaurant. There isn’t a sound to be heard. Arc walks behind the front counter.

“Not good.”

Ember hurries over to him. “What is it?”

Arc points to the cash register’s open drawer.


Viktor’s eyes grow wide. “They were robbed?!”

Arc shakes his head. “No. At the end of the day Lily takes the money from the register and puts it in the safe. This being open means she never came down this morning.”

He turns toward the door that leads to the upstairs apartment.

“I hate to do this, but let’s check upstairs.”

Viktor pulls out his tools again. “I’ll get that door open for you sir.”

“No need.”

Max looks to him, confused. “Sir?”

Arc steps into the Kitchen and returns a moment later with a key. Ember frowns.

“Where did you…?”

“Lily keeps a spare down here just in case. Let’s go.”

Arc unlocks the door and they slowly walk up the stairs together. Reaching the top they look around the dark room. The only illumination comes from the daylight through the windows. Arc calls out.

“Shelly? Lily? It’s Arc! Are you here?”

Silence. Ember looks to Arc.

“Should we look around?”

Viktor and Max nod.

“Given the circumstances, I would say so.”


Arc turns to Sereb. “You smell them?”

Sereb sniffs the air. “They are not present.”

Ember frowns. “Not good!”

Sereb growls. “Others were here.”

“How many?!”


Arc looks to Sereb. “Are you saying they were kidnapped?!”

“That is the logical conclusion, yes.”

Ember looks around. “I don’t see any signs of a struggle though.”

“They may have been taken at gunpoint!”

Viktor looks worried. “We should call the guards, sir!”

“I agree. But why would anyone kidnap them?”

Ember turns to look down the stairs. “Or lock the doors behind them.”

Arc sighs as he hurries to the phone. “It’s a mystery all right. But one that Marshal Raynor will have to look into.

As he reaches for the receiver, his earring chirps.

“Arc here.”

“Sir! Xenos just got off the phone with Lily!”

“WHAT?! Where is she?!”

“At the hospital with Shelly!”

“What happened?!”

“No idea, sir! She called looking for you! That and… she sounded really upset! Like she was on the edge of tears!”

“Thanks! We’ll head over there now! Arc out!”

He touches his earring and severs the connection before turning to the others.

“Back to the Jeep!”

Hugh looks confused as they quickly head downstairs. “Sir?!”

“Lily called my house looking for me! Shelly must be in trouble!”

Max looks worried. “Oh no! Is she okay?!”

Ember frowns. “Let’s get down there and find out!”

Arc nods as he locks the front door and holds it open for the others. “Right!”

They run toward the Jeep. Max jumps in the driver’s seat.


“Let me drive you sir! You’re in no condition to…”

Arc nods as he gets in the back seat with Ember. “Okay! Thanks!”

Max starts the engine and pulls out of the parking lot. Ember puts a hand on Arc’s arm.

“I hope Shelly’s okay.”

Arc sighs. “Yeah. She’s… been to the hospital before, but…”

He shakes his head as Ember takes his hand.

“…but I’ve never liked getting that call.”

A short time later they arrive at the hospital. Arc and the others rush toward the building together. Entering they find Lily pacing in the floor nervously. She is wearing her waitress uniform. Seeing Arc she hurries over to him.


Arc gives his friend a hug. “How is she?!”

Lily shakes her head as she wraps her arms around Arc’s shoulders. “I don’t know! The doctors are still examining her!”

Max joins them with the others. “What happened?”

“Shelly wasn’t feeling well this morning. I mean, that’s not out of the ordinary but… then she started having trouble breathing! That’s when I called 9-1-1!”

Arc leads his friend over to a chair. “You did the right thing, Lily. I’m sure the doctors will figure out what’s wrong.”

Ember nods and sits down on the other side of her. “We’re here for you.”

Sereb jumps in Lily’s lap as Ember gives her hand a squeeze. Max sits down across from her as Arc takes his friend’s hand.

“Thanks everyone. Hopefully we’ll know something soon.”

A short time later a nurse approaches.


“Yes?! How is she?!”

“Resting at the moment.”

Arc turns to the nurse. “Can we see her?”

“Yes. The doctor is with her now. It’s best if someone close to her hears about this as well.”

She leads them to the patient’s room. Entering they find a doctor talking to Shelly. Lily hurries over to her friend.

“Shelly! Are you alright?!”

Shelly nods. “Yes. I’m okay.”

Arc turns to the doctor. “Is she really okay?”

“Yes. We’ve administered a bronchodilator which she responded well to.”

Lily looks over. “What caused it?!”

The doctor goes over the chart in his hand. “Ultimately, your friend’s muscular dystrophy. Her lungs are weakening. I’ve prescribed some medicine that should help in the short term.”

Ember appears frightened. “Anything else we can do?”

“Just keep taking your normal medications and what I’m prescribing as usual. Shelly should also see her own doctor as soon as possible to go over any other possible treatments.”

Max sighs. “Does she have to stay here?”

“No. She’s free to head home anytime now. Just be sure not to excite her so she can rest.”

Viktor nods. “We’ll do our best.”

The doctor leaves the room. Lily has not left her friend’s side since entering . Shelly looks to her.

“Sorry for giving you such a fright, Lily.”

Lily holds her friend’s hand. “It’s no trouble. We’re friends to the end!”

Arc takes Shelly’s other hand. “As am I.”

She smiles at them weakly.

“Thank you.”

Arc looks to the door. “Would you like me to drive you two home?”

Shelly nods. “I’d like that, thank you Arc.”

Lily looks relieved. “Yes. We came here in an ambulance.”

Arc smiles at Shelly as he helps her sit up. “I figured as much. You never did like hospitals. Even when we were kids.”

Shelly nods. “They just feel so… sad.”

Arc motions for his friends to leave the room. “We’ll wait outside for you to change.”

“I won’t be long.”

Arc leaves the room with the others. Lily helps Shelly remove the hospital gown and sets it aside. She retrieves Shelly’s clothes from a nearby chair.

“I’m glad Arc came.”

Shelly nods as she massages her thighs and winces. “Me too. He’s always there when we need him.”

Lily smiles at her friend as she helps dress her. “Arc’s always been so good to us.”

“I… I really do think you two would make a very nice couple.”

Lily closes her eyes and smiles. “We’ve been over this, Shelly. While I agree with you, I’m going to keep my promise to take care of you.”

Shelly sighs. “You need to start thinking about your future. After all… I won’t be around forever.”

Lily looks away sadly. “Please don’t talk like that!”

“It’s true, and you know it.”

“I try not to think about it. That makes me feel rather upset.”

Shelly smiles at her friend as she takes her hand. “I’ve made my peace with the fact that my condition will greatly shorten my lifespan, Lily. You should do the same.”

“You’ve always been the strong one.”

“I have to be. For both of us.”

Lily buttons up Shelly’s waitress uniform. “I… I know you’re in a lot of pain. Is there anything else I can do for you?”

Shelly nods. “Just one thing.”

“What is it?”

“Tell Arc how you feel about him.”


“It’s just… I want to be sure there’s someone there for you when I…”

Meanwhile, Arc and company wait in the hallway. Max turns to Arc.

“Sir? What exactly is wrong with Shelly?”

“She has muscular dystrophy. Amongst other things.”

Viktor looks confused. “She’s sick?”

“No. She’s… it’s complicated.”

Ember grimaces. “Can’t we do something for her?!”

Arc shakes his head. “I wish we could.”

A few minutes later the door opens. Lily pushes Shelly into the hallway in her wheelchair. Arc walks over to them.

“Ready to go?”

Shelly nods. “Yes.”

They check out of the hospital as Max goes to pull the Jeep up to the door. They help Shelly into the back seat. Arc sits down next to Shelly as she slowly buckles her seatbelt.

“We’ll make sure you get home safely.”

Lily sits down next to Arc and closes the door. “Thanks! You’re a lifesaver!”

Ember and Viktor get into the front seat with Max. Sereb jumps into Ember’s lap. Max looks behind him.

“Everyone ready?”

Arc nods. “Yes. Let’s get these two home again.”

They pull out of the parking lot. Before long they arrive back at the restaurant. Arc picks Shelly up as Lily unlocks the door. He carries her upstairs and lies her down on her bed.

Shelly winces slightly. “Thank you for taking us home, Arc.”

“You’re welcome. Now is there anything you need?”

Lily sighs. “I hate to ask for more help, but could I trouble you for a ride to the pharmacy? I need to fill Shelly’s prescription.”

Max turns to Arc. “I can drive her over there with Viktor, sir.”


Ember zips her coat back up. “I’ll come with you.”

Arc nods. “I’ll stay here and keep Shelly company then.”

Shelly sighs as they leave. Arc sits down on the bed next to her.

“So how are you feeling right now?”

“My breathing is MUCH better! But there’s still the… you know.”

Arc nods. “Need some help with that?”

Shelly nods and smiles at him weakly. “Please.

Arc helps Shelly turn over onto her stomach. He begins massaging her shoulders.

“So how have you and Lily been lately?”

Shelly sighs contentedly at the massage. “We’ve been doing okay. Business is picking up a little now that the Shards are toning it down a bit.”

“That’s good. I hope things pick up for the town now.”

“It certainly can’t get any worse for us.”

Arc nods as her rubs her back

“I suppose not. How’s that?”

“Good. You and Lily are the only ones I trust to do this.”

Arc makes circular motions with his palm. “We’ve known each other a long time now.”

“That we have.”

“Can I ask you something, Shelly?”

“What is it?”

“If… if there was some way for you to be cured, would you want to?”

“I would! That is, if the price wasn’t too high.”

Arc thinks for a moment before continuing. “What if it wasn’t costly per say. But… you would have to leave everything you own behind.”

Shelly sighs contentedly as her muscles loosen up. “That wouldn’t be worth it to me.”

“Too much to give up?”

“Yes. I want Lily to be able to inherit the restaurant someday, after all. That and I wouldn’t be able to abandon her or you.”

“Okay, what if you didn’t have to leave us, but you had to sacrifice everything else?”

Shelly looks over her shoulder at him. Arc? “What are you getting at?”

Arc sighs as he massages her arms. “I… was just trying to make conversation, I guess.”

The pair are silent for a time.

“It’s been a while since you did this for me.”

Arc nods. “I think the last time was when you and Lily were still living with me.”

Shelly sighs happily. “Yes. Those were good times.”

“We’d lived together pretty much since we were kids though.”

“Staying at your house was… different though. More personal, I guess. No one to listen in on our conversations. No curfew. No one to tell us what we could and couldn’t do.”

Arc nods. “Yeah. I remember when I left it just felt so… surreal. One moment I was a ward of the state. The next, I was signing myself out as an adult.”

“It was really hard to see you go, Arc.”

“I know. Up until then you, Lily and I were inseparable.”

“Lily told me it felt like a part of her was suddenly missing.”

Arc sighs as he thinks of Cherry. “That I understand.”

“I don’t mind telling you, that was the longest two years of our lives. When I aged out, you came and got me.”

“You didn’t have anywhere else to go, Shelly.”

Shelly sighs. “I knew it was only going to be a few months until Lily was able to join us, but… I did miss her.”

“Right. I hated her being there without us. But there wasn’t anything we could do about it back then.”

Arc looks down at Shelly’s legs. They are spasming.

“Your legs hurt. Don’t they.”

Shelly nods.

“If it makes you uncomfortable, I can have Lily do it when she gets back.”

Shelly looks over her shoulder. “Arc. Before Lily came to Angel Grove, you took care of me. You massaged me every morning and evening, helped me remember my medicine, kept a roof over my head, saw to it I had food to eat and clothes to wear.

She smiles sheepishly at him.

“I remember there were days where I… couldn’t do certain things for myself. On those days, you helped me get to the toilet, cleaned me when I… couldn’t make it there in time, bathed me and helped me get dressed. So I guess what I’m trying to say is… I trust you down there..”

Arc nods and begins massaging her calves.

“You were always pretty good at this, Arc.”

“Lily does her best.”

“I know she does. But, you’re a bit stronger than she is.”

“I’m not hurting you, am I?”

Shelly shakes her head. “No. It’s just right.”

They are silent for a time as Arc continues.

“Arc? Thanks, for… being like a big brother to Lily and I. Back then, Lily used to worry a lot about what to do when she aged out of the orphanage.”

“We all did.”

“Yes, well… she was really scared that she’d have nowhere to go.”

“I remember the day you and I went back to the orphanage to pick her up.”

Shelly giggles. “Yes. I’ve never seen her so happy before! Not to mention relieved when we got back to your place. She told me that night that for the first time in her life, it felt like she was really home.”

Arc nods. “It just felt right having you and Lily there with me. I was sad when the two of you left.”

“Nothing lasts forever.”

“I enjoyed our time together. But… I understood your position.”

“Yes. It’s not everyday someone has the chance to open their own restaurant.”

“I’m just glad it was so close by!”

“Lily and I couldn’t have stayed there forever.”

“You and Lily are very special to me. I hope we have many more years together!”

Shelly turns away from him sadly. “I… hope so too, Arc.”

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