• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 11 - An Evening to Remember

Arc walks back toward the Crystal Castle as night falls. Shining Armor turns to him.

“My apologies.”

Arc appears confused. “What for?”

“Coming to get you.”

Arc sighs. “That was probably necessary.”

“I’m sure you didn’t mean to spend all day there.”

“They’re my friends. That and Platinum Valve just looked so sad. I couldn’t leave her like that.”

“Yes sir.”

“Scootaloo’s with her though.”

“I know. Remember, she left with you and Sereb earlier.”

“Oh… right.”

Shining Armor chuckles. “Now I see why Cadance sent me to get you.”

Arc turns around to look behind them. “Do you really think the Hammers will be okay while I’m gone?”

“Of course. After all, there isn’t really anything you can do for them at this point. Remember, the doctor said they’re showing no signs of awakening.”

“That’s what has me worried.”

“They’re in good hooves. But right now we need to get you back to the castle.”

“So what exactly are my friends planning?”

“My apologies, sir. But I’ve been ordered not to speak a word about it.”

Arc forces a small smile. “Fine, keep your secrets.”

They arrive back at the castle a short time later. Shining Armor escorts Arc to a very posh looking room. Walking over to a wardrobe, the stallion opens it to expose a dark suit as Arc raises an eyebrow.

“That looks familiar.”

Shining Armor nods. “I’m told you wore something similar to this some time ago.”

“Yeah. When Rarity invited me over for supper before the peace summit.”

“I’ve been ordered to request that you wear this and be ready at exactly seven.”

“Yes, well… I think I see where this is going.”

“Good. That makes this easier. Can I report that you plan to do as asked then?”

Arc nods. “Sure. I’ll play along. Truthfully, it sounds like fun.”

“All things considered, you could use a bit of a diversion, sir.”

Arc sighs. “I’d contend that point, but I think I’d lose.”

Shining Armor grins. “Fortunately I’m not permitted to argue with the Hero of Light. In any case, I’ll leave you alone to prepare yourself.”


Shining Armor salutes and leaves the room. Arc pulls the hanger out of the wardrobe and heads for the bathroom.

“If I’m going out I should get cleaned up properly.”

He turns on the water and steps into the shower. Sighing, Arc calls out to Cherry.

“What do you think?”

Cherry sounds confused. “Regarding…?”

“Their plans for me.”

“I think we both know what they are.”

“A proper date?”

Cherry giggles. “You know it!”

“I’m… not really sure how to proceed.”

“But you’ve been on several, Arc.”

Arc groans. “Not a bona-fide, honest to goodness, authentic one, no.”

“Are you… nervous?”

“A little.”

“Want some advice?”

Arc chuckles. “Wouldn’t hurt.”

“Just be yourself.”


“That’s all.”

“Seriously? You couldn’t give me even a bit of insight here?”

“A stallion being honest about themselves is a good way to impress a mare. Well, not that you need to impress anypony, that is.”


Cherry interrupts him. “Arc, they’re your friends. You’ve never felt nervous around them before.”

Arc looks up at the ceiling. “Thanks. Not sure where those cold feet came from.”

“I think it’s because you still think of them as just friends.”

“But they are.”

Cherry sighs. “Remember, you told them you’d consider forming a herd, Arc. Going from friends to wives isn’t a simple or healthy transition.”

“Yes, that’s true. I need to start thinking of them as more than just my friends.”

“That you do.”

“I just…”

“Second thoughts?”

Arc shakes his head. “No, but I thought there’d be more time now. After all, Celestia’s back on the throne and ruling.”

Cherry growls. “I question that.”

“So do I.”

“While I wish it wasn’t so, there’s still work for you to do as the Hero of Light. “

Arc sighs. “That there is.”

“If it was anything else, I would just tell you to let somepony else deal with it and focus more on your love life.”

“Believe me, I’d love to do that. But we both know that I’m probably going to have to do things that only I can do.”

“Like face Decimus?”

Arc clenches a fist. “Yes. But it probably won’t stop there.”


“Celestia herself may have to be… dealt with.”

“And Twilight?”

“I’m going with the assumption that she’s more of a victim right now. After all, being the new princess probably means she hasn’t earned the respect of either the nation or Celestia.”

“She does seem to be more of a figurehead right now. At least from what I’ve heard. But that’s not what I meant when I brought her up.”

“Oh? Then what…?”

“I know you may have to face Princess Celestia again. Please remember how important she is to Twilight.”


“Hurt her mentor and it’s not likely she’ll forgive you.”

Arc nods soberly. “That’s true. But at the same time I can’t allow this to continue.”

“You could lose her not only as a potential wife, but as a friend as well.”

“I know, Cherry. But this is bigger than her and I. It could be the fate of a country.”

“And you’re okay with a princess hating you?”

Arc hangs his head. “No. I’ll do what I need to though.”

Getting out and drying himself off, Arc pulls a small bottle from his ring and sets it on the counter. Cherry sounds confused.

“What is that?”

“A bottle of cologne that Shelly gave me for Christmas a few years ago. I’m not usually up for such things, and it was probably expensive, so I try to save it for special occasions.”

Cherry giggles. “I’m glad to see you’re taking this so seriously, Arc.”

“Yes, well… I need to.”


“Tonight is all about them. I need to make a good impression.”

“A good… impression?”

Arc nods as he applies the cologne. “I sorta feel like they’re still a bit nervous about this whole herd idea. After all, it’s not something that’s traditionally done anymore. If I can make them more comfortable with the idea, it’ll make considering this that much easier for all of us.”

“A refreshing attitude. Thinking of their needs too. Just don’t forget to consider yourself, Arc.”

“I’ll try not to. But do me a favor, will you?”

“What is it?”

“If tonight’s conversation starts to drift in the wrong direction, give me a shout please.”

Cherry giggles. “That’s going to be a bit hard to do.”

“Why’s that?”

“Because I’m not going to be there, silly!”

Arc raises an eyebrow, confused. “Where else would you be?”

“Anywhere but there or here. This evening is about you and your future wives, Arc. I need to distance myself from you during these times. Neither you or they need a bodyless spirit hanging around when love is in the air.”

“I wouldn’t really mind it. And I don’t really think…”

Cherry sighs. “Trust me on this one, Arc. They’re going to want you all to themselves tonight. Especially if things go well.”

Arc blushes slightly. “Cherry, I… really don’t think any of us are truly ready for that kind of thing.”

“Well, just in case the mood strikes then. Remember to be gentle though. They’re a lot smaller than you are.”

Arc groans. “Can we please change the subject?”

Sometime later Arc emerges from the bathroom. Looking himself over in the full length mirror next to the bed he nods happily.

“Clothes look good and fit perfectly.”

“Yes, you do look quite dapper.”

He looks at the clock over the fireplace and smiles.

“Half an hour to go.”

“Right you are. In any case, could you lend me Eidolon’s Ward for the evening please? I’d like to make myself scarce.”

“Sure. But where are you going?”

“To the Royal Library. I think I’ll see about catching up on some reading this evening while you’re out.”

“All night?”

“One of the advantages of being a spirit is that I don’t get tired, Arc. That’s also a disadvantage too sometimes. But that’s neither here or there.”

Arc calls forth Eidolon’s Ward before stepping out of it. Turning, he puts a hand on the pauldrons.

“Cherry… thanks.”

“What for?”

“Staying with me. You’ve been such a great help since… the incident.”

“I’m just happy I could be there for you, Arc. Our time together was far too short.”

Arc looks away. “Yeah.”

Eidolon’s Ward puts a gauntlet on his cheek to turn it back to her. “But here’s to hoping you and the others have many more happy days ahead of you. In any case, I should get moving. After all, it’s almost time.”



“I just wanted to say… thanks for being so helpful with this whole thing. Sadly, I think a lot of others in your position would have tried to make it work between us.”

Eidolon’s Ward sighs. “While I would love for us to spend a lifetime together as husband and wife, as things stand I can’t be there for you. Helping find you another mate, or in this case mates, is the best I can do.”

“It’s appreciated. Sorry if my earlier statement sounded a bit strange. But I couldn’t think of how else to phrase it.”

“You have a nice time tonight, Arc. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

Leaving the room the armor walks down the corridor toward the Royal Library. Meanwhile, Arc sits down at the vanity mirror and looks at himself in the mirror. Combing his hair absentmindedly he sits there thinking to himself for some time. A small knock at the door brings Arc back to reality with a start. Falling backwards off the stool he quickly stands up, dusts himself off, and moves toward the door.


Taking a deep breath, he slowly opens the door and peeks out. Rarity stands there in an exquisite dress and matching tiara. Smiling up at him, she speaks in little more than a whisper.

“Good evening, kind sir.”

“H-hi, Rarity. Uh… won’t you come in?”

“Thank you.”

Stepping aside, he allows her entrance. Walking into the room Rarity moves with such elegance that Arc is taken aback. She turns to him as he closes the door.

“How do I look?”

“Amazing! And me?!”

“Very handsome, indeed. Now then, are you ready for our date?”

“Our… what now?”

Rarity giggles. “Date, silly.”

“B-but we can’t!”

“Oh? And why not?”

“Because someone might see me.”

Rarity smiles at him. “If you recall, you were seen walking the halls of the castle on your way to see Princess Cadance when you returned from Canterlot.”

Arc sighs. “I guess my cover is blown then.”

“Not necessarily.”


“Only the most trusted and loyal guards are permitted here, Arc. Everypony has been personally vetted by Shining Armor and Princess Cadance. They were ordered to forget they ever saw you and not mention it to anypony.”

“So… I’m still presumed dead?”

“In the eyes of Equestria, yes.”

“What about me walking the streets earlier?”

Rarity shrugs. “Nothing to be done about that.”

“But won’t word spread to Equestria?”

“Not likely. After all, Crystal Ponies don’t really socialize with anypony outside their borders.”

Arc appears confused. “Why not?”

“It’s probably due to lingering memories of King Sombra. They’re naturally distrustful of outsiders now.”

“I don’t understand what that has to do with it.”

“King Sombra was an outsider whom grew up here. He took over forcefully after assassinating the princess. Because of that distrust, it’s not likely the knowledge of you being alive will cross the border. But just to be safe you should probably stay under wraps.”

Arc groans. “Then I really can’t leave.”

“The castle, yes. However, we have something special in mind.”


Rarity takes his hand in her hoof and gives it a tug.

“All will be made clear if you’ll just come with me.”

She leads him out of the room and down a corridor. Arc looks down at her.

“Where are we going?”

Rarity smiles. “You’ll see.”

Coming to a door, Rarity pushes it open with her magic. Before them sits a small round table with full place settings. A sealed bottle sits in a bucket of ice next to a Victrola which is softly playing a violin solo. The room is dark with the curtains drawn and the only light comes from the candles on the table along with a cozy fireplace. Leading Arc into the room Rarity closes the door behind them. Arc looks around for a moment before speaking.

“What… is all this?”

“Something we’ve both wanted for a long time, Arc. A date.”


Rarity nods happily. “Yes, indeed. Well… as real a date as we CAN have, what with having to keep you hidden.”

Arc sighs. “Sorry about this.”

“Don’t be, Arc. I knew what I was potentially getting into when I confessed my feeling for you. Now come and sit down. We can have a drink together before supper.”

“I, uh…”

Rarity giggles as she walks toward the table. “It’s just juice, Arc.”


Walking over to a chair, Arc pulls it out for his date. She smiles and sits down.

“Thank you, Arc.”

He sits down across and looks to her.

“You’re looking especially beautiful tonight.”

Rarity smiles happily. “And you’re looking positively striking as well.”

“I think it’s the light from the candles that does it. It’s so…”


“That too. But I was thinking more along the lines of ‘care-free’ or ‘personal’.”

Rarity appears hopeful. “Is that… good?”


He reaches a hand across the table and puts it on her fetlock before looking directly into Rarity’s eyes.

“Rarity, I need to say something.”

“What is it?”

“It’s really hard to say, but… sorry.”

Rarity raises an eyebrow. “You’re… sorry?”

“Yes. Remember, I was supposed to retire after returning with Princess Celestia. As you know, that didn’t happen.”

“But you couldn’t have left the princesses in such dire straits!”

“I could have, yes.”

“What do you mean?”

Arc looks away. “Had I refused, Shining Armor would have taken temporary control of the nation. It didn’t have to be me.”


“But I knew I was the best candidate for the job.”

“So you took it.”


“So ultimately you’re acknowledging that you did what you had to do. All the while apologizing for it.”

“I… guess so.”

Rarity shakes her head. “Arc, we were willing to wait for you back then, and even more so now.”

“How can you do that? At this rate I’ll never be able to…”

Rarity cuts him off. “Because we know that such a wonderful thing is worth the wait. But why don’t we order now?”

Arc frowns. “Order?”

Rarity picks up a nearby bell with her magic and gives it a small jingle. A mare walks out from behind a nearby curtain. She is wearing a Hoof Maiden’s uniform and levitating two menus with her magic. Arc looks her over.


“Welcome to the, uh… the restaurant. Please look over these menus while Trixie pours you two some refreshments.”

They accept the menus and look them over as Trixie removes the bottle of juice from the pail and opens it. Uncorking it, she carefully pours its contents into two crystal glasses nearby. After a few moments Rarity looks to her.

“What would you recommend, miss?”

“Trixie suggests the Spaghetti Under Glass with the Chef’s Fruit Salad.”

Rarity nods. “That does sound lovely. I believe that’s what I’ll have.”

Trixie smiles as she removes a notepad and pencil from her apron to write the order down. “Very good. And for the gentleman?”

“I… think I’ll have the same.”

“Yes sir. I’ll take your orders to the kitchen at once.”

Bowing slightly, she picks the menus up with her magic and quickly leaves the room. Entering the corridor she giggles happily as she walks.

“Trixie thinks this is fun!”

A short time later she enters the vast kitchen. Walking over to a large table she sets down the paper from her pad.

“Two orders of Spaghetti Under Glass with a side of Chef’s Fruit Salad.”

Rainbow Dash grins. “That should be pretty easy!”

Applejack appears relieved. “Darn right. I was worried that our menu items wouldn’t exactly be romantic enough.”

Fluttershy smiles nervously. “How did they appear, Trixie?”

“Trixie thinks they looked to be quite pleased with the scene before them. While it’s not exactly polite, Trixie did listen in to their conversation.”

Auriel giggles. “What were they talking about?”

“It’s not exactly something Trixie should repeat.”

Pinkie bounces in place excitedly. “Come on! Give us a hint!”

Trixie bows her head sadly. “Just understand that Arc is feeling a little… blue at the moment.”

Hammer grins. “Well, we’ll change that!”

She turns to Fluttershy before continuing.

“Looks like they ordered our menu items, so we’re up!”

Fluttershy smiles. “Yes! Let’s give it our all!”

Rainbow Dash looks over from the refrigerator. “Yeah! Fluttershy makes the best salads in Ponyville! Fruit or otherwise!”

Auriel looks to the mare. “How did you get so good at it?”

“I make it almost every day for Angel Bunny. He’s a rather picky eater, after all. So it has to be perfect.”

Applejack turns to the young woman. “How about you, Hammer?”

Hammer sighs. “The spaghetti recipe is what my sister Mio often made when she was too tired to cook anything more complicated. When we were really busy, this might be our supper every night.”

Auriel appears hopeful. “Can we help?”

“Sure. There isn’t really much too it though. First we just need to get a pot of water boiling on the stove.”

Applejack heads for the table. “While you’re doing that I’ll help Fluttershy cut the fruit for the salad.”

Rainbow Dash flies over with a pot. Hammer turns on the burner and looks to the pegasus.

“I need some pasta sauce too, blue.”

“What’s that?”

“Trixie will get it.”

Leaving, she heads for the pantry. Returning a few minutes later with a can in her magical aura she sets it down on the table she turns to the others.

“Princess Cadance is the only individual Trixie knows of whom eats spaghetti.”

Pinkie appears confused. “Oh! Why’s that?!”

“It’s extremely messy.”

Applejack raises an eyebrow. “How so?”

Trixie lowers her voice. “Don’t tell anypony, but Princess Cadance requires her Hoof Maidens to properly clean her after eating it.”

Fluttershy gasps. “Oh my!”

Hammer shrugs. “Probably quite an ordeal to eat without hands. Now then, while we wait for the water to boil…”

“Trixie begs your pardon, but would you like the sauce recipe?”

Hammer appears confused. “Recipe? But it’s just tomato sauce.”

“That may be. But it’s pretty bland straight out of the can. Trixie knows the chef has a recipe to make it in that book over there.”

She points to a large binder with numerous recipes in laminated pages. Hammer reads it over carefully as Rainbow Dash calls out from the pantry.

“What do you need, cupcake?”

Hammer chuckles. “You’re still on that, blue?”

Rainbow Dash grins wickedly. “Oh, yeah. Now let’s get cooking!”

Hammer calls out for basil, dried parsley, brown sugar, salt, crushed red pepper flakes, and pepper. Rainbow Dash and Pinkie bring them to her as quickly as they can. Mixing the ingredients together in a large bowl they look at the concoction with visible concern. Pinkie is the first to speak.

“It looks kinds strange!”

Hammer frowns. “That it does.”

Sticking a finger into the bowl, she brings a bit of the red liquid to her mouth.

“It’s great!”

Rainbow Dash raises an eyebrow, skeptically. “Really?”

Hammer nods happily. “Yeah! Try some!”

She puts a spoon to the pegasus’ lips. Taking a small lick, Rainbow Dash grins.

“That’s awesome, cupcake!”

Hammer grins. “I bet it’ll taste even better after its warmed up on the stove next to the pasta!”

Auriel walks over. “Can I try some?”


Auriel puts a claw into the bowl and sticks it in her mouth. Smiling widely, she nods enthusiastically as Pinkie calls out from the stove.

“The water’s boiling! Let’s get cooking!”

Ten minutes later Hammer pours the now cooked noodles into a strainer over the sink. Steam billows out from them as she shakes it. Pouring them back into the pot they cooked in she returns to the table. Pinkie hops over with two plates as Hammer uses tongs to place the noodles into position. Rainbow Dash ladles the sauce into two separate bowls and puts them on a serving tray as Auriel carries the now covered noodles over. Fluttershy and Applejack join them with two salads. Adding them to the serving platters they look the food over one last time. Fluttershy giggles.

“It looks wonderful!”

Applejack nods. “Smells good too!”

Rainbow Dash looks around at everyone. “I think we did it, girls!”

Pinkie giggles. “Yup!”

“Trixie will run this over to the happy couple now.”

Hammer gives her a thumbs up. “Okay. We’ll finish up here.”

Trixie pushes the dinner cart out the door as Pinkie turns to Hammer.

“I think you may have mismeasured!”

Hammer appears confused. “Oh?”

Rainbow Dash looks into the pot and sighs. “Yeah. You cooked WAY too many noodles, cupcake!”

Hammer smiles slyly. “Oh no I didn’t.”

Applejack holds up the pot of tomato sauce. “Well, what are we supposed to do with this?!”

Fluttershy sighs. “Yes, even if Arc and Rarity ask for seconds, this is just too much.”

Hammer laughs. “It’s for us!”

Pinkie grins hugely. “OHHHHHHH!!!”

Auriel claps happily. “Wonderful! I’ve been salivating ever since setting eyes on their meal.”

“I’ll serve everyone some noodles. Y’all can try them without the sauce then with it to taste the difference.”

Rainbow Dash grins. “Sounds like a plan!”

Meanwhile, Trixie returns to the room. Knocking lightly she enters with the cart. Carefully setting the plates on the table she steps back and smiles.

“How does it look?”

Arc smiles. “Very nice. Smells good too.”

Rarity nods. “Yes, it does.”

“Trixie will come check on you two in a bit.”

Arc grins as he looks through his dish’s lid. “Thank you.”

She bows respectfully and leaves the room with the cart. Closing the door, Trixie sits down on her haunches and looks out the window at the stars.

“Trixie thinks about twenty minutes should do it.”

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