• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 3 - Sight Seeing

Arc and company reappear on the Bridge of the Solar Macaw an hour or so later. Flash Sentry looks to him.

“What’s going to happen to them now, sir?”

“They’ll be kept together until I get back. Then I’ll talk to the princesses on what the law says.”

Ember frowns. “It’s probably going to be really complicated.”

Natalya nods. “Right! The crime happened here in the Griffon Kingdom, after all!”

Arc turns to her. “I know this is asking a lot, but could you keep this matter to yourself, Natalya?”

She nods. “Yes sir. They didn’t seem like bad individuals to me. That and if I did report this, a guilty verdict and execution would await them.”


They make their way down the gangplank to ground level. Ember looks back.

“What about the ship?”

Flash Sentry nods. “Ember’s right. We can’t just leave it here! Can we?”

Arc snaps his fingers. “I have an idea. Are you certain no one else was aboard, lieutenant?”

Flash Sentry nods. “Yes.”

He turns back toward the ship. “Good.”

Arc casts the Matter Compacting spell. In moments the ship is small enough to fit in the palm of his hand. He stoops down to pick up the miniature ship.

“There we go. Now we can take it with us. It’s still a piece of evidence after all.”

Natalya looks at the bath toy sized airship. “Incredible!”

Arc puts it in his ring. “Now that’s taken care of, we can turn our attention to more important matters.”

Flash Sentry looks to him nervously. “Sir? Should we really have just taken Captain Celaeno and her shipmates into custody like that?”

Arc shrugs. “They had a choice. Had they refused I would have turned them over to the local authorities. But somehow I get the feeling facing Equestrian justice is a little safer."

Natalya nods. “Probably. We’re very strict about serious crimes like stealing, piracy and kidnapping.”

Ember frowns. “Not sure how I feel about that.”

Arc turns to her. “Every nation has its own unique way of handling crime. Maybe the Griffon Kingdom goes too far. But that’s for them to decide. Not us.”


Arc interrupts her. “If I see anything that REALLY bothers me, I’ll say something to General Blackbeak. Other than that we need to be careful about pushing our personal viewpoints onto other land’s citizens.”

Natalya sighs. “They probably won’t have any problem letting you know their point of view, Lord Arc.”

Arc nods. “Good. That’s why I’m here.”

He mounts Sereb as they turn and walk toward the largest of the surrounding buildings. Natalya looks to Arc.

“We need to check in with the Port Authority before leaving the Skyport.”

Flash Sentry looks confused. “Why?”

Natalya sighs. “Because Lord Arc is a VIP. They need to know he’s here.”

Arc chuckles. “Am I supposed to be catalogued and inspected?”

“No sir. But they will most likely offer you extra protection.”

Ember nods. “Like more guards?”

“Yes. Griffon’s Gate can be a rather dangerous place for someone like Lord Arc.”

“Do I have to accept?”

Nataly shakes her head. “No. That much is up to you, sir. From what I’ve seen of you so far, you’ll be fine.”

“Thanks for the vote of confidence.”

Arc and his group enters the building together and walk up to the counter. Natalya approaches the officer on duty.

“Lieutenant Natalya reporting! Lord Arc of Equestria and his Honor Guards are here for an inspection tour with the blessing of General Blackbeak.”

The Harbormaster looks up from his work. “Very well, Lord Arc. Do you require additional guards to safeguard you?”


“Are you certain? This city is rather dangerous lately.”

“I’ll be fine.”

“Very well. Please sign here.”

He produces a piece of paper.

“This certifies that I offered you additional support, which you refused. Should anything happen to you, it will be on your own head!”

Arc hops off Sereb and approaches the counter. “I understand.”

He signs the document and gives it back.

“Very good. Please enjoy your tour… sir.”

Arc gets back on Sereb. “I will.”

The group leaves as the Harbormaster pushes a button on his desk. A few moments after Arc’s group leaves an officer walks in.


“Lord Arc and his cadre have arrived. General Blackbeak would like him to be kept under observation for the duration of his stay.”

The officer looks at the Harbormaster witheringly. “Why did you not just send me with his support group?!”

“He refused additional aid.”

“Is he nuts?!”

The Harbormaster laughs as he holds up the document. “Apparently! He’s signed for it, so you don’t need to risk your neck saving him should something happen! In any case, you should hurry after him.”

The officer heads toward the door. “No problem there. A target like Lord Arc is difficult to lose.”

“Good luck, Lieutenant Gilda.”

She turns to leave the building. “Who needs luck when you have skill?!”

Gilda exits the building and steps out onto the street. Looking one way and then the other she quickly spots Arc and his guards some distance away. She mutters to herself as she turns to follow them.

“Let’s see what you dweebs are up to…”

Meanwhile, Arc and his group walk down the street together unaware of Gilda’s presence. They pass numerous run-down buildings around the Skyport. Guards are everywhere. Natalya gestures with a sweeping motion of her talon.

“This is the Warehouse District. Pretty much everything is stored here.”

Ember looks around. “I can see why.”

Flash Sentry nods. “This place’s security is nearly as tight as Canterlot Castle!”

Natalya nods. “Yes, well… there’s a lot of merchandise here that would fetch a nice sum if stolen. Once we leave the area, things will be much less secure though.”

Ember frowns. “Should we be worried?”

Natalya shakes her head. “I wouldn’t be too concerned. The sight of Lord Arc riding his mount should be enough to frighten away most common pickpockets. Just keep your eyes open.”

She turns to Arc.

“Is there anything in particular you wanted to see, sir?”

“I just wanted to see this city for myself. Let’s get away from the Warehouse District and see the rest of it.”

Natalya raises an eyebrow. “Begging you pardon, sir, but there isn’t much of note to see there.”

Arc looks around. “That may be. But what I want to see cannot be found here.”

Ember sighs. “What ARE you looking for then?”

“The real city.”

Flash Sentry looks confused. “Sir?”

“You’ll see. Lead on, Natalya.”

She does so. Soon the cobblestone streets turn to dirt paths and tarpaper houses line the dirty streets. As they walk on, the citizens quickly move to give them a wide berth. Natalya gives Arc an apologetic look.

“Forgive them, Lord Arc. I’m sure they aren’t trying to be rude, but the sight of armed guards around here puts everyone on edge.”

Ember nods. “You seem to know a lot about this place. Are you from around here, Natalya?

She shakes her head. “No. But it’s rather infamous.”

Flash Sentry looks around. “I don’t get it. If there’s so much trade going on here, why are so many living in poverty?”

Natalya sighs. “Because nationally the economy is bad.”

Ember frowns. “What does that have to do with it?”

Arc nods. “Let me guess. No jobs anywhere but here?”

“How did you know?”

“Lucky guess. So griffons from all over the land come here in search of work, which causes everyone to apply at once, inadvertently driving down wages to almost nothing. How am I doing, Natalya?”

“That’s… kinda scary, Lord Arc.”

Ember looks at him, surprised. “Arc…?”

Arc sighs. “Supply and demand. The supply of workers went up, but demand probably went down due to less work. Employers were able to hire whomever was willing to work for the least amount.”

He gestures to the shacks around him.

“This is the end result.”

Flash Sentry grimaces. “Are you saying somepony planned this, sir?”

Arc shakes his head. “Unlikely. But they’re certainly taking advantage of those in need of a paycheck.”

He turns to Natalya.

“Perhaps this is a silly question, but are there any schools or other social programs to help?”

Natalya looks confused. “What’s a social program?”

Ember frowns. “Guess that answers that question.”

Arc nods. “As it stands, the children of these workers will never get any further than their parents.”

Flash Sentry looks around at the deplorable living conditions. Why would those in charge want to do that?”

Arc looks around. “Keeping everyone in line is easier when they’re uneducated and poor.”

Natalya sighs. “Can they be saved?!”

“That would require the economy to pick up. All the education in the world won’t help if there aren’t any jobs to be had. Sadly, the solution to this plight is beyond me.”

Ember sighs. “Don’t feel too bad about it, Arc. Even you can’t change an entire nation.”

Arc looks around at the young griffons shuffling around nervously. “No, but I can help.”

Natalya looks to Arc as he dismounts. “Be careful, Lord Arc! These younglings are crafty! What could you possibly want from them?!”

“I just want to talk.”

Arc removes a box from his ring and walks toward the young griffons with the others. At his approach they flee to a nearby alley and hide.

Ember rolls her eyes. “Well that could have gone better.”

Natalya looks to Arc. “Perhaps your appearance is frightening them, sir.”

Arc walks toward the alley. “Maybe. Everyone stay here.”

Flash Sentry steps forward. “But, sir…!”

“Keep watching, but stay back.”

Arc recalls his armor and cautiously enters the dim alley. Seeing an empty packing crate nearby he sets the box down on it and opens the lid. The young griffons peek out of their hiding places as he sits down. Arc looks over to them as he holds up a cupcake.

“Would you like some? I have plenty.”

They look at him untrustingly but say nothing.

“All I want in return is a bit of information about this city. Nothing more. Do we have a deal?”

One of the two griffons cautiously comes out of hiding and slowly approaches Arc. She speaks in a small, sweet voice.

“W-what do you want to know?”

Arc holds out a cupcake to her. “Just what you think about the city. Tell me about it and those who live here.”

She cautiously accepts the cupcake and quickly draws back from Arc to nibble at it. Her eyes light up happily as tastes the frosting.

“WOW! This is good! What is it?!”

“They’re called cupcakes. I brought them with me from Equestria.”

The other griffon cautiously emerges and walks toward them. Arc picks up another cupcake and holds it out to him.

“There’s plenty for all three of us. Would you like one?”

The second griffon wordlessly nods. As he accepts the pastry he too draws back.

“Th-thank you.”

They munch on the cupcakes happily.

“So what’s it like living in Griffon’s Gate?”

The female youngling frowns. “Terrible!”

“Yeah! There’s little food, less clean water, and nothing to do!”

“You could always get a job, lazy bones!”

The male youngling rolls his eyes. “Sure! I’d love to work myself to death for almost nothing!”

Arc nods. “Sounds bad.”

The female nods. “It is!”

“What do you do all day?”

The male swallows the last of his treat and looks longingly at the box. “Just trying to survive mostly.”

Arc hands him another cupcake. “How?”

The female sighs. “By scrounging for whatever food we can. Lately that’s been drying up almost as fast as the water supply!”

“We used to be able to do okay by eating what the rich griffons threw out.”

“Yeah! But most of them moved away.”

Arc nods. “Why’s that?”

The male points toward the city. “Look around. Would you want to live here if you could go somewhere else?”

Arc does so. “I guess not.”

“Their food was pretty good. Even if they weren’t very nice!”

“Yeah! We would have to swoop in as fast as we could to get anything!”

“Lots of competition?”

“That and they would throw things at us!”

“Sometimes it was food!”

She winces. “Other times it wasn’t! They liked to see which of them could hit the most of us with trash or… other things.”

Arc frowns. “Other things?”

“Rocks mostly.”

She rubs one of her wings.

“It doesn’t feel good.”

Her friend looks at her. “That still hurts?! But you haven’t been hit in a long time!”

“You remember that stick they threw?”

The male griffon nods. “It didn’t even hit you that hard!”

“Yes, well… it wasn’t a stick! It was metal!”

Arc looks at her. “Are you okay?!

She nods. “I think so. It’s just hurts when I try to move it!”

Her friend looks worried. “How much?!”

“A lot! So I just don’t use it.”

Arc frowns. “Any stiffness?

She looks at him, surprised. “Actually, yes. How did you know?!”

“You see, if a limb isn’t used for a while it can start to get weak. That and it sounds like your wing was broken. Do you want me to take a look at it?”

“Um… okay.”

She cautiously walks toward Arc and with great effort raises her wing.

“Where did the rod hit you?”

The youngling points to the spot with her talon. Pain in her voice. “Right… right here!”

Arc feels the spot as gently as he can. “The bone here feels kinda rough. I think it broke and just didn’t heal right.

She looks to Arc, clearly frightened! “What do I do?!”

Arc thinks for a moment as he carefully folds the wing back down to her side. “Sorry, but I’m not a doctor. A professional would have to fix it.”

She looks away sadly. “Oh… okay.”

“So what’s your name?”

“G-Ginny. And my brother here is Geoffrey.”


Arc nods. “You two are orphans, aren’t you?”

Ginny looks around nervously. “What… what makes you say that?”

“Just a hunch I had. Was I wrong?”

Geoffrey sighs. “No…”

“We get by though!”

“Yeah. But only by sticking together!”

Ginny suddenly looks frightened! “Geoffrey! Hush! What if he’s with… them?!”

“I don’t think he is! After all, he gave us food and hasn’t tried to hurt us!”

Arc looks confused. “With who?”

Ginny turns back to Arc. “Some really bad griffons have been grabbing orphans around town!”

“Grabbing? You mean kidnapping?!”

Geoffrey nods. “Yes! They haul them away and no one ever sees them again!”

“Is that why you hid from me earlier?”

Ginny looks around nervously. “Right. You… you aren’t going to take us away, are you, mister…?”

“My name’s Arc. Like I said earlier, I’m visiting from Equestria.”

Geoffrey smiles. “We hear it’s nice there!”

“Plenty of food and water for everyone! Homes too!”

Arc nods. “Yes, on the first two at least.”

Geoffrey sighs. “Do street orphans like us have somewhere to go at least?”

“Yes. There’s something called the Little Hooves Orphanage there.”

Ginny looks confused. “What’s an orphanage?”

“It’s a large building where foals go who have no parents. They keep them warm, fed and safe until someone comes to adopt them.”

Geoffrey looks to Arc. “Adopt?”

“It’s where a couple comes looking for a young orphan to add to their family.”

Ginny smiles. “Forever?!”

Arc nods. “Until they grow up and can take care of themselves, yes.”

“Does everyone get adopted?”

“Sadly, no.”

Ginny walks over to Arc and looks up into his eyes. “How… how do you know all this?”

“Because I grew up in an orphanage.”

Geoffrey looks amazed! “You did?”

“Yes. It wasn’t as much fun as having a real family, but at least I wasn’t living in the streets and eating food someone threw away.”

Ginny turns to her brother. “Geoffrey! We have to tell the others about this!”

“There are others?!”

Neither of the pair say anything.

“I see. You don’t trust me.”

Ginny sighs. “We… I…”

“It’s okay. You just met me, so you’re suspicious. That’s normal.”

Geoffrey walks over to join his sister. “Sorry. It’s just… there’s no way to know who to trust out here!”

Ginny thinks for a moment. “We should introduce him to the boss, Geoffrey! He’ll know if Arc can be trusted!”

Geoffrey nods and looks out at the others. “They with you?”

“Yup. They’re my Honor Guards.”

“Are you rich?!”

Arc shakes his head. “Nah. I’m here from Equestria, so if anything happened to me it would be a big deal between our two countries.”

Ginny nods. “And… the griffon soldier?”

“She’s been assigned by your government to assist me while I’m here.”

“Are they… friendly?”

“Very! Do you want to meet them?”

Ginny looks nervous, but nods. “O-okay.”

Arc picks up the box of cupcakes and puts it back in his ring. He then leads the two small griffons over to his group.

“Everyone, this is Geoffrey and Ginny.”

He gestures to the others as he introduces them.

“This is my good friend Ember.”


“My lieutenant from Equestria, Flash Sentry.”

“A pleasure!”

“And the officer from Griffonstone who assists me, Lieutenant Natalya.”

“Nice to meet you!”

They appear nervous at the sight of the diverse group. Arc climbs up into Sereb’s saddle.

“Don’t worry. We’ll keep you safe. Either of you want a ride on my trusty steed Sereb here?”

They both shake their heads.

“Suit yourselves. Now then… which way?”

Ginny points a claw. “This way!”

“Follow us!”

Geoffrey takes the lead as Ginny walks next to Arc. Gilda looks over at them from the shadows and mutters to herself.

“What’s he doing with those two?! Taking them away?! My father was right! He really is with the rebels!”

She follows them at a safe distance as Arc and company make their way to the northern edge of town. They near the crest of a hill. Ember holds her nose.

“What is that SMELL?!”

Flash Sentry shrugs. “Maybe a dead animal.”

Ember gags! “Smells more like SEVERAL dead animals!”

Ginny sighs. “You’ll see soon enough.”

They reach the top of the hill and look out over a large field. Natalya’s eyes grow wide!

“A… garbage dump?”

Arc frowns. “This is where you stay?!”

Geoffrey nods. “It’s not so bad once you get used to it. At least we’re somewhat safe around here, as no one wants to come here and hang around!”

Ginny nods. “Just watch out for Marauders!”

Flash Sentry looks at her. “What are they?”

Geoffrey shudders. “Trouble! We stay away from them!”

Ginny shudders. “They’re some kind of weird looking masked animals that travel in packs! You can usually hear them coming and hide in the garbage!”

Ember grips her spear tightly. “They come around and I’ll teach them a lesson!”

As if on cue, a large pack of two dozen or so creatures that resemble raccoons (but MUCH larger) steps out from behind a garbage pile. They look at the group and slowly approach. Flash Sentry draws his blades.

“Sir! Your orders?”

“Keep them away from the little ones!”

Natalya looks at the younglings as she readies her sword and shield. “Stay behind us and you’ll be okay!”

Ember nods. “We’ve got this!”

The creatures lunge at them! Flash Sentry slashes at them, dispatching those in his path in mere moments! Ember knocks her assailants away with several mighty blows with her spear! Natalya flies at them and deftly slashes away! Several beasts fall at their feet before they the rest of them retreat.

Flash Sentry chuckles. “That was easy!”

Ginny shudders. “It’s not over! They’re running back to the Alpha!”

Ember frowns. “The what?”

Geoffrey points a talon after the beasts! “The leader!”

A few moments later a much larger creature comes at them snarling and drooling! Arc dismounts Sereb and calls forth his armor.

“Stay back! This one’s mine!”

Cherry calls out to him telepathically. “Be careful, Arc!”

“I will.”

Ember and Natalya stand in front of the younglings as Arc walks forward to challenge his opponent. Ginny looks to Flash Sentry.

“Is he going to be okay?!”

“Probably not.”

Geoffrey’s eyes grow wide. “What?!”

Ember nods and smiles at Flash Sentry. “Agreed. I doubt very much that creature will survive this!”

Arc and the creature pace around each other in a circle, sizing each other up. Eventually the creature lunges at Arc! He easily knocks the creature out of his way with the heel of his boot! It rises again, furious!

“Bring it on!”

The beast lunges again! He raises a massive claw as Arc holds his ground! Ginny covers her eyes!

“I can’t watch!”

As the creature brings its paw down, Arc stops it with this left hand and counters with a mighty blow from his right fist! The creature yelps and flies across the field! It slowly rises and approaches him yet again.

“You sure you want to do this, big fella?”

The beast runs at him again!

“Fine. Have it your way!”

As the leader pounces, both sets of claws at the ready, Arc grabs him in midair and headbutts him! Dazed, the monstrosity stumbles around as Arc turns around to return to the others. The beast quickly composes himself and runs toward him again!

Ginny points a talon! “Look out!”

Without a word Arc reaches for his ring and pulls out his Spear of Righteousness. He turns around and deftly plants the spearhead squarely between the monster’s eyes. It collapses to the ground in a heap.

Geoffrey stares at the sight before him. “He… he killed it!”

Ginny nods. “Like it was nothing!”

Arc looks around as the other beasts approach him. “The rest of you want some too?!”

They cautiously walk past him and look to their leader then back at Arc. He points his spear at the dead alpha and nods. They pounce and tear the beast to shreds! Ember looks to Arc as he returns.

“They must have been very hungry!”

Flash Sentry nods, looking a bit ill at the sight of so much blood! “We should get moving sir.”

“Agreed. Let’s go.”

They quickly move on toward their destination. As they arrive, they see a young griffon lying on the ground with another standing guard over them. Geoffrey and Ginny rush over to the pair!

Ember frowns. “Uh oh.”

Flash Sentry turns to her. “This doesn’t look good.”

Arc and company rush over to help. Ginny reaches her friend first.

“Gigi! What happened?!”

“Marauders came a little while ago and chased us back here! I got away, but Glynda wasn’t quick enough!”

They look over at the small female griffon lying on the ground. Both her back legs are bleeding badly!

“They knocked her down and started clawing at her! She tried to kick them away so they started… they started with her legs!”

Gigi begins to cry. The griffon lying on the ground seems to be in a great deal of pain. Natalya walks over to the injured griffon. She does her best to comfort her.

“There, there. It will be okay. You’re safe now.”

Gigi looks up at the sound of a new voice, terrified! “Who… who are you?!”

Ginny looks to Gigi. “It’s okay! They’re friends! Where’s the boss?!”

“He… he went to find some bandages!”

Arc looks at the injured youngling on the ground. “Note to self… start carrying medical supplies in my ring.”

Geoffrey turns to look at Arc. Don’t worry! The boss is really good at finding what we need! He’ll be back in no time!”

A moment later a young griffon comes running toward them with some supplies. He has light blue feathers except for his chest, which is ivory colored. There is a great deal of worry in his young blue eyes.

“Sorry I took so…”

He stops dead in his tracks as he sees Natalya.

“Uh… oh…”

Natalya looks at him angrily! “Hello… Gallus.”

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