• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 18 - Tactics

Arc and company awaken early the next morning and meet in the Cafeteria for a quick breakfast. Ember looks up at him.

“I gotta say, Arc. Whenever I’m on this ship, I sleep like a whelpling.”

Sereb nods. “As do I.”

Twilight smiles. “While I usually have trouble falling asleep the sound of the engines along with the gentle rocking of the ship really helped me get and stay out.”

Auriel looks up. “You have trouble sleeping too, Twilight?!”

“Yeah. Always something running through my mind.”

“Maybe we should cut back on the coffee.”

Arc sniffs the air. “Yeah. That stuff is pretty strong. I mean, I can smell it all the way over here!”

Twilight shrugs as she drinks yet another cup. “But then how would we stay focused?”

Arc takes the cup from Twilight. “Okay, I think you’ve had enough.”

Brightwing Blinks over and grabs the cup of coffee from Arc. “Sharing is caring!”

Eidolon’s Ward shudders. “Um, I don’t know if that’s such a good…”

Before anyone can stop her, Brightwing chugs the entire cup in one gulp before suddenly stiffening up. Her whole body stands upright, eyes wide. Arc looks over at her concerned.

“Uh… are you okay Brightwing?”

The baby dragon literally bounces off the Cafeteria walls. “YAY! COLORS!”

Ember looks over at Twilight. “What was in that stuff?!”

Twilight looks confused. “Just coffee. Nothing else.”

Arc picks up the empty cup with his magic and levitates it over to himself. He examines it closely, rubbing a finger along the inside of the cup before pressing his finger together and pulling them apart. Ember frowns as she looks at him.

“Something wrong, Arc?”

Arc sets the cup down as he stands up and walks over to the coffeemaker. “Maybe. Let me just check something really quick.”

He opens up the coffeemaker and peers inside a moment before turning back and looking at Twilight.

“I think I found the problem. There’re enough grounds in here for SEVERAL pots of coffee!”

Twilight shrugs. “Well, yeah. I mean, it’s only triple strength.”

Auriel looks up. “How many times did you put the coffee back through the machine, Twilight?”

“Just twice.”

Arc dumps out the coffee. “Okay, new rule. Someone else is now in charge of brewing the coffee.”

Eidolon’s Ward turns to Arc. “Who did you have in mind?

“ANYONE! Other than Twilight and Auriel, that is?”

He sits back down as everyone continues eating.

“Twilight, you know anything about this place were going to?”

“A bit. Princess Celestia taught me a little about the temple and its inhabitants. For some reason though she left out the part about it housing the Dragon’s Tear.”

Sereb nods. “Anything you can tell us about the structure will be better than nothing.”

“Well, supposedly it’s made up of three units. The outer, central and inner sanctum.”

Arc sighs. “Let’s start with the outer section.”

“It’s comprised of a large courtyard with statues of ancient warriors.”

Ember chuckles. “Statues we can handle.”

Sereb frowns. “Yes, but we will be vulnerable from air attacks.”

Auriel nods. “The rocs?”

Rose calls forth her R-Cannon. “I can handle them!”

Ember’s grins. “I’ll help.”

Arc nods. “Okay. Let’s say we get through the outer courtyard. What’s next?”

“The central halls will be next. Princess Celestia said it was a huge maze designed to deter those who would try to plunder the temple.”

“Brightwing hope nothing bad lives in maze!”

Eidolon’s Ward puts a gauntlet to its ‘chin’. “Perhaps we should have brought troops.”

Arc shakes his head. “No. I don’t want to risk any more lives on this than I am already.”

He looks over at Twilight and Auriel.

“Any way I can convince you two to stay on the ship?”

Twilight frowns. “Not a chance!”

Auriel shakes her head. “I may not look like it, but I can take care of myself.”

Arc sighs. “It was worth a shot.”

Sereb turns to Twilight. “Has anyone ever made it through the maze?”

“I have no idea.”

Arc frowns. “Not reassuring. Now what about the inner sanctum? Can I assume that’s where we’ll find Ahuizotl?”

Twilight nods. “Right! He’s the final guardian of the temple, so he HAS to have the Dragon’s Tear.”

Ember brandishes her claws. “So do we have to fight him?!”

Sereb frowns. “I certainly hope not. By that point we’ll be quite worn down.”

Brightwing giggles. “Maybe he is nice! Will give us tear!”

Arc sighs. “I hope so, Brightwing. But I wouldn’t count on it.”

Auriel looks to her friend. “Is there anything else at all you know about this place, Twilight?”

“That’s about it. Other than…”

Her voice trails off.

Arc turns back to her nervously. “What is it, Twilight?”

“Um… well. Nopony who has gone there has ever been heard from again!”

Ember frowns. “I’m not liking the sound of this!”

Arc sighs. “Me either. I should probably just go in alone.”

Sereb nods. “Alone as in with me, correct?”

Ember laughs. “And me!”

Rose takes his arm. “I can’t let you go in there alone, Arc.”

Twilight smiles. “As her creator I need to see how Rose learns and adapts.”

Auriel nods. “And I need to watch Twilight’s back while she’s doing that.”

Eidolon’s Ward giggles. “I guess everypony’s going with you, Arc! Myself included!”

Arc sighs heavily. “Against my better judgement, I’ll allow it. Partially because if I left anyone here they’d just follow me anyways. But I want to take this opportunity to lay down a few ground rules.”

Ember raises an eyebrow. “Such as?”

“If I tell anyone to do something, you have to promise me you’ll do it immediately and without question. Okay?”

Everyone nods soberly.

“For example, if I say to run, you RUN! Don’t try to be a hero! This isn’t worth getting hurt over!”

Ember nods. “Or worse."

“We’ll operate in pairs in order to watch each other’s backs. Twilight and Auriel, Sereb and Ember, Rose and myself. Got it?”

The baby dragon frowns. “What about Brightwing?”

Arc sighs. “Well… you can come with me. Just do as you’re told, okay?”

Brightwing giggles happily. Ember shakes her head.

“Can’t I partner with you, Arc? I’m pretty good at it.”

Arc thinks for a moment.

“I’m still working on the plan, Ember. Can I get back to you on that?”

She glares at him. “Are you kidding me?!”

He sighs. “Please, Ember. This is hard enough.”

“But, I… fine.”

Arc stands up. “We should be there soon. Why don’t we head over to the Cargo Hold and dust off some of those armaments?”

Twilight looks confused. “Weapons?”

“I mentioned it to the princesses a while back and they had a small Armory built in the Cargo Hold. Can’t have a warship without being prepared for war after all.”

Auriel nods. “I suppose.”

“Follow me everyone.”

Arc leads them to the teleporter. They proceed to the Cargo Hold and make their way to the Armory. Stepping inside they pick up armor for Twilight, Auriel, and Sereb. Twilight raises an eyebrow as she looks over and sees Arc helping Rose put on some armor.

“Arc? Her dermal plating is probably stronger than that armor you’re putting on her.”

“Well then, she’ll be double protected.”

Auriel look around as she dons armor and picks up a spear. “Why are there several suits of armor here for non-ponies?”

Ember chuckles as she calls forth her armor and spear. “Probably backups for Arc.”

He nods. “Hopefully I’ll never need them.”

Twilight smiles as she finishes putting on her armor and picks up a spear. “I feel like I’m ready for anything now!”

Arc folds his arms over his chest. “You know how to use that thing, Twilight?”

“Not… really.”

Auriel looks at the pair for a moment. “We’re going to head over to the Bridge, Arc.”

Sereb looks confused. “We are?”

Arc nods. “Okay. Twilight and I will meet you there in a few minutes.”

The others leave the Armory and head toward the teleporter as Ember turns to Auriel.

“Why are we doing this now, Auriel?”

“So Twilight and Arc have a few minutes to talk.”

Rose looks confused. “Why?”

Eidolon’s Ward sighs. “Just trust her, okay? They’ll be along in a bit.”

Meanwhile, Arc walks over to Twilight and takes the spear from her. He puts it back on the rack before handing her a buckler and fastening a dagger to her belt. Twilight’s ears droop as he does so.

“Aw… I can’t do much with this!”

Arc kneels down and tightens the belt around her belly. “That’s kinda the point, Twilight.”


“Use that buckler to defend yourself and the dagger as a last resort.

“But I can do more!”

Arc folds his arms over his chest and smiles at her. “Twilight, you don’t even have your armor on correctly.”

“I don’t?”

He reaches under her belly to make the necessary adjustments.

“Pardon me.”

She blushes slightly. “It… it’s okay!”

He steps back to look her over.

“That’s better.”

Twilight walks around. “I feel so encumbered!”

“Just one last thing.”

He walks over to a shelf and picks up a helmet.

“This should fit you.”

Twilight frowns. “I think I’d fight better without this.”

Arc puts the helmet on Twilight’s head and fastens the strap. “Yes, well… I don’t want you getting hurt now.”

He walks over to a cabinet and opens it.

“Would you come over her please?”

Twilight walks over slowly. “Okay.”

She stands next to Arc as he fills the various pockets on her belt with bandages and other medical supplies.

“I don’t mind carrying these things. But wouldn’t it be easier if you had them in your ring?”

Arc nods as he stashes a couple med kits in his ring along with a survival pack. “Way ahead of you. But I want someone else to have supplies on them. Just in case we get separated, or something."

“But why would we…?”

“Expect… the unexpected.”

Finishing his task, Arc looks Twilight over one last time and sighs.

“That’s the best I can do.”

“Thanks! Shouldn’t we join the others now?”

Arc nods. “I suppose.”

She heads for the door.



Arc walks over to Twilight and kneels down in front of her. “I… um… just wanted to tell you… I’m really proud of you for wanting to do this. Against my better judgment even!”

Twilight blushes slightly inside her helmet. “Arc, what are you saying?”

“Look, this could either go really well, or REALLY badly! I just wanted to tell you that you’ve always been a very good friend to me, and that I really appreciate all you’ve done in the past.”

He looks her in the eye for a few moments before continuing.

“I guess what I’m trying to say is… thanks for being my first friend. For… for giving me a chance when no one else would have. You’re a really smart, sweet and lovable friend who will always have a special place in my heart.”

“Arc, I… um… you’re… you’re welcome.”

“Just… just be careful out there, okay? I don’t really want to lose another friend. Now or ever.”

“I’ll do my best not to let you down in that regard.”

Twilight giggles nervously before turning back toward the door.

“We should probably join the others now. After all, we’ll be at our destination soon.”

Arc stands up. “Y-yeah, you’re right. Go ahead without me. I’ll be right behind you.”


Twilight leaves the room and heads toward the teleporter. Her head and ears drooped.

“Why? Why didn’t I just tell him?! Argh! Why is this so… SO darn hard?!”

Meanwhile, Arc grabs a few more items from the armory which includes more survival supplies along with a few other items he tucks into his magic ring.

“I guess that’s everything. Here we go again.”

Arc leaves the armory and quickly heads for the teleporter.


A moment later he finds himself on the Bridge teleporter. His friends are waiting for him, eyes glued to the front window. The temple can be seen in the early morning light. Soarin announces him.

“Hero of Light on the Bridge!”

Ember frowns. “There you are!”

Tight Ship quickly walks over to him and salutes. “Yes sir. What can we do for you?”

“I just wanted to see how much longer until we arrive at the temple.”

Thunderlane calls out from the pilot’s seat. “I can see it in the distance, sir. It shouldn’t take us but about ten minutes to get there at our current speed.”

Sereb frowns. “Current speed? Shouldn’t we… uh… slow down?”

Moon Dancer looks over. “I’ve advised the captain that we should scout the temple from the air before making landfall.”

Wrangler nods. “Agreed. Our weapons work better in the air than on the ground.”

Tight Ship turns back to Arc. “If the natives decide to attack us, I want to have time to make a clean and quick getaway.”

“Understood, sir.”

A short time later they begin circling the temple. Thunderlane sounds nervous.

“I see a lot of very mean looking birds eyeing us, sir!”

Twilight nods. “Those must be the Rocs the princesses mentioned.”

Auriel shifts uneasily from one foot to another. “I for one was kinda hoping they wouldn’t be here.”

Brightwing looks at the Rocs and licks her toothless lips. “Mmmmm-mmmm…entrails! Tasty!”

Moon Dancer looks over to Arc. “Sir, I can assure you they are NOT friendly! We should approach them with extreme caution!”

Tight Ship frowns. “Do they pose a threat to the Lunar Destiny?”

“Their claws might be able to pierce the ships armor plating!”

Soarin nods. “Let’s not test fate.”

Arc nods. “Agreed.”

Tight Ship turns to the pilot. “Keep your distance, Thunderlane.”

“Yes sir!”

They continue observing. Ember frowns.

“I see the statues.”

Twilight grimaces. “They look pretty big.”

Sereb growls. “Do you think they will give us trouble?”

Thunderlane chuckles. “I doubt it! I mean, what can a statue do other than fall on you?”

Arc folds his arms. “The princesses specifically warned us about them, so the danger is very real. Let’s not take their advice lightly.”

He looks at the statues lined up nicely in two rows.

“I want a closer look at that courtyard. Tight Ship, do you have any binoculars?”

“Yes sir.”

He passes Arc a pair. Arc looks at the statues more carefully.

“I get the feeling those statues are there to lure others into a false sense of security.”

Ember frowns. “What makes you say that?”

“Well, for one thing, I’m seeing a lot of skeletons in that courtyard.”

Twilight shudders in her armor. “S-skeletons?!”

Eidolon’s Ward looks out the window. “Perhaps it is from the Rocs?”

Sereb shakes his head. “It is possible, but unlikely.”

“Brightwing sees many finished meals down there near the gates!”

Arc nods. “Brightwing’s right. Most of the skeletons are near the gates and along the stone path.”

Wrangler nods soberly. “Tactically, it’s brilliant. That is, if those statues really are alive.”

Ember looks again. “Right! A group walks down the path toward the temple between those two rows and gets clobbered!”

Sereb sighs. “Those who survive are taken down as they retreat back the way they came.”

Rose looks down. Her eyes focusing on the gates. “I can confirm that. Most of the skeletons near the gate are facing away from the temple. They were certainly running away!”

Lemon Hearts shakes her head. “What a terrible way to go.”

Auriel shudders. “Clever!”

Ember sighs. “While that theory makes sense on paper, there’s no way to know for certain without going down there.”

Moon Dancer calls out. “Hero of Light, as the Science Officer I must recommend against that course of action. Those skeletons down there paint a grisly tale.”

Wrangler nods. “Yes sir. I recommend we abort the mission.”

Tight Ship looks over at Arc. “It’s your call, sir.”

Arc sighs as he walks over to Eidolon’s Ward and steps into his armor.

“We’re going in!”

Cherry calls out to him from his armor. “Not without me you’re not!”

Rose nods. “Me too!”

Ember grins. “I’m in as well!”

Sereb growls. “Let us take to the field of battle!”

Twilight walks over. “The temple requires proper study. I’m in too.”

Auriel joins Twilight. “I’ll watch your back while you observe.”

“Brightwing look for good eats down there! Tasty, tasty!”

Arc looks around. “Is everyone sure about this? I mean… this is probably the most dangerous thing I’ve done yet.”

Ember nods. “Not to mention reckless.”

They all in agreement. Rose takes his arm.

“We’re with you Arc.”

Arc nods soberly. “Well then… let’s get tactical everyone!”

Everyone turns to him and nods approvingly as Arc addresses the Lunar Destiny’s crew.

“We’ll land some distance from the gates just to play it safe. Tight Ship, tell Solar Flare to keep the engines on standby after we land. We may have to make a very fast takeoff.”

“Yes sir.”

“Wrangler, keep the weapons online and ready to fire at a moment’s notice. Until I say otherwise, the ship is to stay on high alert.”

“Aye sir.”

“Moon Dancer, keep your eyes on the screens and watch what happens outside the temple while we’re in there. Radio me if anything out here changes.”

“Yes sir.”

“Lemon Hearts, keep the comm lines open in case we need to call in for help.”

She nods, flicking a few switches on her console. “Consider it done, sir.”

Arc grins. “I don’t think I need to tell you what to do, Thunderlane.”

“I’ll be ready to get of out of this place at Mach 5, sir.”

“Good. When you land, be sure the front cannons are aimed at the front gate.”

Wrangler frowns. “Sir?”

“Just do it.”

“Yes sir.”

A few minutes later the mammoth ship touches down a few hundred yards from the temple’s gates.

“Captain… I hate to say this, but would you please tell Nurse Redheart to have the Infirmary on standby? Just in case.”

Tight Ship nods. “I’ll see to it, sir.”

He motions to Lemon Hearts who sends the message. Arc takes a deep breath and heads for the Bridge door.

“Let’s go, everyone!”

Soarin walks over to him. “I’ll see you to the hatch, sir.”

“Good idea, Commander Soarin.”

The group leaves the Bridge together. The ship’s crew look after them soberly.

“What a brave lot they are. I only wish we knew what they were planning on doing in there.”

Wrangler nods. “So do I, Moon Dancer.”

Tight Ship returns to the captain’s chair. “If it was important for us to know, he would have said so. Let’s have some faith in the one the princesses chose carry the mantle of Hero of Light.”

“Yes sir.”

Meanwhile, Arc and company head for the Main Hatch together. Not a word is said. Arc stops in front of the door and turns back to the others.

“Last chance. Anyone want out of this?”

No one speaks. Arc sighs and nods his head slightly.

“Thanks… all of you. Okay, here’s the plan…”

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