• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 15 - Unseen Trauma

Arc calls forth his gauntlet and kneels down. Placing a sigil in the center of the room, he looks to Cadance.

“I’ll take you back to my room. You can bathe there and I’ll call for the Hoof Maidens to be ther you’re ready.”

“Thank you, Arc.”

He turns to Luna.

“Do you need anything else while I’m here?”

Luna shakes her head. “No, thank you. We’re fine.”

“Alright. I’ll see you and Twilight later.”

Stepping onto the sigil with Cadance he powers it up and vanishes. Twilight turns to Luna.

“What a time for a visitor.”

Luna frowns. “Yes. But I’m certain Cadance can handle this.”

“You’d rather be doing that, wouldn’t you Princess Luna?”

“I would.”

“But why? Cadance is perfectly capable of seeing a griffon and answering a few questions.”

Luna looks to Celestia lying there. “Because it’s what my sister would have done. Handled the meeting herself.”

Meanwhile, Arc and Cadance reappear on the sigil in his room. Arc leads her over to the bathroom.

“While not quite as big as yours, I’m sure it’ll get the job done.”

Cadance smiles and nods. “Yes, this is fine. Would you please call for my Hoof Maidens though?”

“Of course. Should they help you get cleaned up too?”

“No, thank you. They know to wait outside the room until called for.”

“Alright then. Um… if it’s okay with you, I’d like to call for Shining Armor and Sunburst though.”

“This is your room, Arc. You don’t need my permission to have others in here.”

“Thanks. I just wanted to have a little meeting to gauge how well things went today. But in any case… have a nice bath.”

Cadance nods and closes the bathroom door as Arc heads for the telephone. Picking it up he is connected with the switchboard operator.

“Yes sire?”

“I need to speak to Captain Shining Armor and Lead Sage Sunburst in my private quarters. Also, send Princess Cadance’s Hoof Maidens here as well. I’ll have need of their services shortly.”

“At once, sire. Will there be anything else?”

“Yes. Send a messenger to the griffon diplomat waiting outside Princess Celestia’s room. Have them and the filly accompanying her escorted to the Dining Room for a snack.”

“I’ll see to it, sire.”

“Thank you.”

Hanging up the phone, Arc walks over to the couch and sits down. Sighing, he leans back and groans.

“I hope this mess is over soon.”

A short time later there is a knock at the door.

“Come in.”

Shining Armor and Sunburst enter. They walk over to Arc and bow respectfully.

“You sent for us, sire?”

“Yes. Please sit down.”

The pair take a seat on the couch across from Arc.

“So how did it go?”

Sunburst sighs. “I’ve had worse days, sire.”


“Once I found myself trapped between Princess Celestia and Princess Luna during a heated argument at breakfast.”

Shining Armor sighs. “That was almost as bad as the time Captain Decimus went after you on the castle bridge, sir.”

“Not a good position you were in back there admittedly. Did audiences really go that badly?”

Sunburst nods. “Yes sire. Everypony just wanted to know when either you or the princesses would be back.”

Shining Armor groans. “We don’t have the same level of respect you and the princesses command, sire.”

“If it’s any consolation, I’ll be back there tomorrow morning.”

Sunburst appears relieved. “Thank you, sire.”

Shining Armor frowns. “While we did our best, it wasn’t enough.”

He looks around and lowers his voice before continuing.

“But how is Princess Celestia doing?”

“She appeared to be about the same as when I brought her home. Although admittedly I’ve been too busy to ask Doctor Whooves what his official prognosis is.”

“I’m sure she’ll recover in time, sire.”

“Right. She just needs rest.”

Arc grimaces. “A lot of it, yes.”

The trio continue talking for some time before a knock is heard. Sunburst looks to the door.

“Who could that be?”

“The Hoof Maidens probably.”

Shining Armor raises an eyebrow. “Sire?”

Arc stands. “I ordered them here to help Cadance make herself presentable.”

He gestures to the bathroom.

“She’s in there right now bathing.”

“Is everything alright, sire?”

“Oh, yes. One moment.”

Arc heads for the door. Opening it he spots a half dozen Hoof Maidens waiting patiently.

“Good afternoon, sire. We were told to report here to tend to Princess Cadance.”

“Yes. I don’t think she’s quite ready yet. But I’ll let you know when she is.”

“If I may, is it for an important event?”

Arc shakes his head. “Cadance just needs to get cleaned up so she can do a quick meet and greet with Lady Ashe of the Griffon Kingdom.”

“Yes, sire. We will wait here until called for.”

Arc nods and closes the door. Turning back to the stallions, Sunburst speaks.

“Is it wise for her to be doing that, sire? I mean you’re the legitimate ruler of Equestria right now.”

“I left it up to the princesses and they agreed to it. That and my role here is temporary at best. As soon as Princess Celestia is able to care for herself, I’ll step down and let the other two monarchs take their places again just like last time.”

Shining Armor frowns. “But then why is she in your quarters, sire?”

“It was the only room with a bathroom I had a sigil in. The Hoof Maidens would have had to walk past Princess Celestia to attend to Cadance after she was done.”

Sunburst gasps. “Ah! So it was to protect Princess Celestia’s image?”

“As well as Luna’s. They’re all looking pretty rough in there.”

Shining Armor appears confused. “Sire?”

“This doesn’t leave this room, but… I don’t think any of them are bathing regularly.”

Sunburst bows his head. “Agreed, sire.”

“You knew?”

Sunburst nods. “Yes, sire. Remember, I’m the one bringing them their meals three times a day. I know you told me to report if they needed something, but… I… I just couldn’t bring myself to do so.”

Shining Armor appears hopeful. “Could you perhaps… uh… order them to bathe, sire?”

“I suppose so. But they’re certainly old enough to…”

Sunburst steps forward. “If I may sire… in times of extraordinary crisis, it is not out of the question to regress in being able to focus on certain… basic needs. These include, but are not limited to eating, sleeping, going to the toilet, and bathing.”

“What are you saying, Sunburst?”

“That you may need to treat them less like monarchs, and more as… fillies.”

Shining Armor gasps. “Sunburst! How can you even suggest…?!”

Arc interrupts. “It may be for their own good at this point. I mean… I don’t really WANT to do that, but… I also don’t want them seen wallowing in their own filth.”

“Sire, I still don’t believe that’s necessary. After all, Cadance is in your bathroom right now bathing.”

Sunburst pricks up his ears. “Are you certain of that? How long has she been in there?”

“Since before I called you two. So about twenty minutes now, I guess.”

“Perhaps we should check on her.”

Shining Armor frowns. “It’s not appropriate for a stallion to see a princess bathing!”

Arc stands up. “Well, in the name of safety, I think we should break with tradition and see how Cadance is doing.”

He walks over to the bathroom door and knocks.

“Cadance? Everything alright in there?”

Hearing nothing, Arc tries the door. Finding it unlocked he opens it a few inches and calls out.


Turning back to the others Arc shrugs and pushes the door open a bit further to catch a glimpse inside.

“Sorry to barge in, but are you okay?”

Peeking through the copious amounts of steam, he looks toward the extra-large shower. Arc finds it running, but empty. Frowning, he takes a half step into the bathroom and looks around. Cadance’s hoof protectors lie in the middle of the floor. Turning to the others he sighs.

“I… think someone has to go in there. Should we call the Hoof Maidens?”

Shining Armor shakes his head. “Normally yes. But I don’t think she’d want anypony seeing her like this.”

Sunburst frowns. “She wouldn’t?”

Shining Armor sighs. “Okay… I don’t want her seen like this.”

“Guess I’ll go in then.”

Taking a deep breath Arc pushes the door open and cautiously steps inside. Closing the door behind him, he looks around. Spotting the princess lying in the empty bathtub he walks over and kneels down.


She does not move or acknowledge him in any way. Sighing, Arc casts the Matter Compacting spell. Shrinking her down to the size of a normal mare, he carefully picks her up and holds her close. Her eyes slowly move to meet his.

“Arc? What… what are you doing in here?”

“Sorry, but you didn’t answer our calls.”


“We knocked, but you didn’t say anything. So someone had to come in and check on you. Is something wrong? You don’t seem quite yourself.”

Cadance sighs. “Nothing more than you already know, I’m afraid. I was just letting my mind wander while I soaked in the tub.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “But the tub is empty.”

“It… is?”

She turns to look down at the tub. Seeing it is indeed unfilled she frowns.

“I… sorry.”

“No need to apologize.”

Arc sets her down and casts the Matter Compacting counter spell. He looks to the shower.

“Judging by your… appearance, I’m assuming you haven’t actually used either the shower or bathtub.”

Cadance shakes her head. “No, I haven’t. Usually I shower before taking a soak in the tub. I must’ve thought that I’d already finished the first part of that.”

Arc turns to the running shower. “And then you forgot to turn it off?”

Cadance shakes her head and blushes. “No. I… leave the shower on to keep the room hot and steamy. Not sure why, but it’s always been a comfort to me.”

“Well… I should probably let you get to it then. The Hoof Maidens are waiting in the corridor for you to finish.”

“Th-thank you.”

He turns to leave.



“I… n-never mind.”

Arc leaves the room. Cadance sighs and steps into the shower.

“I really need some insight into this. Perhaps I can talk to Arc about it later.”

Meanwhile, Arc returns to the others. Shining Armor looks worried.

“Is Cadance okay?!”

Arc nods. “Yes. She… just had a bit of a foggy time.”

Sunburst looks concerned. “Should we call for the doctor, sire?!”

Arc shakes his head. “No. I think she’ll be okay on her own. In any case, I want you both to head to the Dining Room and stay with Lady Ashe. Assure her that Princess Cadance will see her soon.”

Shining Armor grimaces. “Yes sire. But what about Cadance?”

“I’ll stay here and escort her to the Dining Room when she’s ready.”

Sunburst nods. “That would probably be for the best.”

“It would?”

“Yes. Come along, captain.”

“Um… okay.”

The pair leave the room together as Arc sits down on the couch again. Sometime later Cadance emerges from the bathroom in a cloud of steam.

“Feeling better?”

Cadance smiles. “Much.”

“Should I get the Hoof Maidens to attend to you now?”

“Yes please.”

Standing, Arc heads for the door. Opening it he motions for the mares to enter. They walk past him as Cadance sits down in front of the vanity. Quickly getting to work they brush her mane and tail, apply eyeliner along with other subtle makeup, and polish her hoof protectors. As they do so Cadance turns to Arc.

“Thank you for letting me use your room.”

“It’s no problem.”

“And I’m sorry you had to see that pitiful sight earlier in the bathroom.”

“We all have our moments.”

“I’m just a bit… worried about Aunt Celestia.”

“All things considered, that’s perfectly normal.”

“Tell me, Arc. Do you think she’ll really be okay?”

“According to Doctor Whooves, yes.”

“But what if he’s wrong?! What if she’s stuck in that state forever?! What if…?!”

Arc interrupts her. “Woah there! That kind of talk won’t do you any good, Cadance.”

“Well, what am I supposed to DO?!”

Arc puts a hand on her shoulder. “Follow the doctor’s advice and try to bring her around. It’s all anyone can do at this point. Unless something’s changed since I was last briefed.”

“Just one thing.”


“We temporarily lowered the room’s wards one night.”

Arc frowns. “What for?”

“Luna wanted to try and reach her sister via her ability to enter other’s dreams.”

“Via the Lunar Realm?”

“It’s a bit more complicated than the standard Realm Magic. But that is a similar concept, yes.”

“Any luck?”

Cadance shakes her head. “Unfortunately not. While she was able to make contract with Aunt Celestia’s mind, it wasn’t a pretty place.”

“What did she see?”

“Darkness. The smell of blood, bile, and urine. And…”

Cadance shudders as she continues.

“…and screams of agony. Layers upon layers of screaming incoherently.”

Arc gasps. “Is Luna alright?!”

Cadance nods. “Yes. They were both screaming outwardly by the end though. Twilight and I had to dump cold water on the pair to bring them out of it.”

“Anything else?”

“Luna said it was the worst of the worst in terms of… everything. She could even feel her own mind slipping as the moments ticked by.”

“How long was she in there?!”

“She said it felt like hours. But according to Twilight it was actually about five minutes.”

Arc sighs. “Can I assume that she won’t be trying that again?”

Cadance nods as the Hoof Maidens continue their work. “Yes. It was very hard on all of us.”


“Twilight and I couldn’t tell what was going on. We were trying frantically to wake them up, but to no avail. Had the cold water not worked we would have called for Doctor Whooves to administer… something.”

“Like what?”

Cadance sighs. “I have no idea. But watching them both lie there screaming in absolute terror… it’s a sight that will stay in my memory for years to come.”

A short time the Hoof Maidens step back, bow respectfully, and leave the room together. Arc and Cadance are silent for a time before Arc speaks.

“We should probably get moving. Ashe isn’t exactly the most patient griffon I’ve met.”

Cadance sighs. “Yes.”

Arc leads her toward the door. Holding it open, she passes and the pair walk down the corridor together. Cadance turns to him.

“How did the meeting go?”

“Okay, I suppose. Both Shining Armor and Sunburst said things were rather hard during audiences.”


“No one wanted them to hear their cases.”

Cadance bows her head. “I know the feeling. Luna and I had the same problem when we started holding audiences. Everypony just wanted to know when Aunt Celestia was coming back.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “Any idea why I didn’t meet with the same the first time I was Lord Regent?”

“You had something we didn’t at the time. Respect.”

“How so? I mean… I’m not a princess. Heck I’m not even a pony.”

“That may be. But you were quite famous for a number of your accomplishments. Us, not so much when we started.”

“Well, it’s good to see that you and Luna were able to gain their trust.”

“Yes it was.”

Coming to the Dining Room the guards push open the doors and allow the pair to enter. They spot Ashe sitting there tapping her talon impatiently. Dinky runs over to Arc happily as Shining Armor and Sunburst rise and bow.

“Hey, dad!”

“Hi again, Dinky. Did Lady Ashe behave herself?”

Dinky nods. “Yes sir!”


Shining Armor grimaces. “Lady Ashe has been… patiently awaiting you, Princess Cadance.”

Sunburst breathes a sigh of relief. “Indeed. We did our best to… entertain her while she waited.”

Arc sighs. “Sorry about that you two. I know she’s quite a handful.”

Ashe narrows her eyes. “You know I can hear you, right?”

“That was the point, Ashe. But in any case, Princess Cadance here has graciously agreed to see you during this trying time.”

“Hello again, miss.”

“Good day, Princess Cadance. Thank you for seeing me.”

Arc nods. “Now then, maybe you can tell us what it is you’re after.”

“Just a friendly diplomatic visit to see one of the leaders of you country. Nothing much more than that, I assure you.”

Cadance gestures with a hoof. “Arc here is fully vested to accept any goodwill offering along with speaking and acting on our behalf.”

“Yes, well… I did have another reason for coming here.”

Arc rolls his eyes. “Oh really?”

“Your land… intrigues me Princess Cadance. I wish to observe more of your cities and customs as well as hear your wisdom.”

“My… wisdom?”

“Yes. Might I implore you and your Lord Regent here to show me some of this beautiful city?”

Shining Armor steps forward. “The princess and Lord Regent are quite busy these days, miss.”

Sunburst nods. “Yes. Duties both personal and royal need to be tended to.”

Cadance puts a hoof to her chin. “Well… I could use some air. Perhaps I could show you around the city and do a public appearance. Would that be alright, Arc?”

“Yes, of course, Cadance. But I insist upon accompanying you along with my squad.”

Cadance nods. “I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

Arc turns to Shining Armor.

“Captain, escort Lady Ashe to the castle’s hanger. Cadance and I will join her there shortly.”

Shining Armor nods. “Yes sire.”

“You and Sunburst are in charge while we’re gone.”

Sunburst groans. “We… we are?”

“Is that a problem?”

Shining Armor shakes his head. “No sire. We’ll do our best.”

Cadance nods. “I’m sure you will.”

“Sunburst, tell my squad to meet us at the hanger along with some Royal Guards to pull the chariot.”

“Yes sire, I’ll see to it at once.”

Cadance waves a hoof after them as the trio leaves the room. Dinky looks to her father.

“Can I come too, dad?”

“Sure, sweetheart. But would you please wait outside? I want to have a word with the princess first.”

“Okay dad.”

She steps out into the corridor as the guards close the door behind her.

“What’s this all about, Cadance?”

“I figured it would be nice to get out of the castle for a bit along with granting Ashe’s request. Um… you aren’t mad, are you?”

Arc shakes his head. “Not really, no. I’m just worried why Ashe is so interested in seeing Canterlot. She’s quite manipulative as well as having ulterior motives out the wazoo.”

“I can cancel if you think it would be too dangerous. But there was another reason for this.”


“Like she said, the citizens along with the rest of the world may be worried that Equestria has been the victim of a silent coup. After all, neither Luna nor myself has been seen publicly in weeks. I would like the opportunity to dispel such rumors.”

Arc nod. “Alright, Cadance. We’ll do it your way.”

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