• Published 27th Apr 2019
  • 15,575 Views, 5,903 Comments

The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 2 - Paths

Meanwhile, back at Light’s Hope, Arc and Luna watch the orphans run and play.

“I never seem to grow tired of watching this.”

Luna sighs. “Yes, I am glad they are having so much fun here.”

“Princess Luna? Is something wrong?”

“Well... to be honest with you, I'm a bit... envious of them.”

Arc looks at her confused. “Really?! I don't think I've ever heard someone claim to envy an orphan!”

“No, no! I mean... so care-free and happy. Arc... can I tell you something?”

He nods. “Sure. What’s on your mind?”

“This may be hard for you to believe, but there was a time many centuries ago when Celestia and I too were foals. Like these little ones, we also grew up in an Orphanage. At that time there was no official unifying government. A fragile peace had been formed between the unicorns, pegasi and earth ponies during a peace conference between representatives of each race. One day when we were still very young, a soldier came to the Orphanage. He said he had been sent there by a stallion named Star Swirl the Bearded.”

“Wait! If there was no unifying governing body, who led Equestria?”

“Each race had their own leaders. In the event of a dispute though it was customary to call upon Star Swirl the Bearded to settle it.”

“What was so special about him?”

Luna picks up her teacup and looks into it as she continues. “All three races could agree on very few things back then. One of which was that Star Swirl the Bearded was the wisest and most fair pony in all the land. He was also greatly respected by all for his magical abilities and many selfless acts in defense of the land and his inhabitants. During the negotiations, all three races wanted to proclaim him King of all pony-kind.”


“But he refused, saying that it wouldn't be fair to the pegasi and earth ponies for a single unicorn to rule!”

“Why didn't he just suggest a three-way governing body led by a representative of each race? Checks and balances and all that. Like the three princesses we have now?”

Luna shakes her head. “That's what we had at the time! It hadn't worked in the past, and he knew it wouldn't last in the long run. In any case, he ordered one hundred soldiers to scour the land in search of candidates who could unite the races.”

“That must have been quite the tall order! How were they supposed to do that exactly?”

“Each soldier was sent out with a very special crystal and the instructions to bring back whomever could make the crystal glow.”

Arc nods. “And that was you and your sister?”

“That got... complicated. You see, each soldier was only supposed to bring a single pony. When Celestia touched the crystal, it shone with a brilliant light as intense as the sun! The soldier informed her that she had to return with him to Star Swirl the Bearded. Celestia was devastated, as it meant we would have to be separated! We had always looked out for each other up to that point. And I must confess I would have missed her as well!”

“I can just imagine! From what I have heard about her so far, you and her are very close. So, what happened?”

“Celestia ran to me and we locked hooves, both refusing to let go of the other! We were both pretty strong, even by Earth Pony standards! As the Orphanage Matron and the soldier tried their best to separate us, the crystal fell out of his pocket and somehow landed in my hoof. Immediately it began glowing with an intense black ‘light’.”

“Admittedly I am having quite a hard time visualizing that.”

Luna chuckles! “Sorry, I guess you had to be there.”

“Let me guess... he took both of you back to Star Swirl the Bearded?”

“Right. We returned to Star Swirl's castle with the soldier and found there were already 99 other foals there who had been chosen. Over the next year or so, foals were one by one eliminated from the group.”

Arc narrows his eyes. Define ‘eliminated’.

“I'm sorry! It means they were sent back home! Nopony was ever harmed!”

“I sure am glad to hear that!”

“Eventually it was down to just Celestia and I. His original plan was to produce a single ruler to unite the lands and its inhabitants. However, he just couldn't seem to pick one of us over the other! Finally, he gave in and decided to teach us both! For many years thereafter, he spent every day teaching us on a multitude of different subjects! History, art, magic, science, poetry, even military tactics!”

“That's quite the well-rounded education there!”

“Yes, it was! It almost felt like he was trying to teach us everything he knew! Many times over the years we asked him why we had to learn a subject. He would always reply ‘so you will know what to do when I am gone’. At the time we would just laugh and remind him that he would always be there! We were so young... and naive.”

Arc nods. “When you’re young, you assume things will stay the same forever. That those around you will always be there. It’s the same for us humans.”

One day he announced that the time for our final test had come. The test was a simple one. All we had to do was search the land for the world's most precious Amethyst. Whichever of us could bring it to him would be crowned ruler. The other would be eliminated.”

Arc frowns. “This again?! Was Star Swirl big into Highlander or something?!”

Princess Luna appears confused. “Highlander?”

“Sorry. It’s a human reference. Please continue.”

“In any case, Celestia and I spent several long years searching this land from one end to the other. We searched the highest end jewelry stores to the deepest mines. Every time we would find what we believed to be the most precious, we would rush back to his castle and show it to him. But every time, he would look at the amethyst we brought him, toss it aside and tell us to try again.”

Arc frowns. “This is starting to sound like another one of those impossible tasks that mages liked to give out in the stories on Earth.”

“One day as we were following a lead on yet another Amethyst, something finally dawned on me!”

Luna suddenly has a faraway look in her eyes as she remembers the past with her sister. Celestia and Luna climb out of yet another mine shaft empty hooved.

Celestia sighs as she dusts herself off. “I'm beginning to think this is just a fool's errand were on. And what does ‘precious’ mean anyway?!”

Luna shrugs. “I suppose it could mean any number of things to any number of ponies.”

Celestia groans impatiently! “At the rate we are going, we'll be as old as Star Swirl before this is over!”

“If that's what it takes, that's what we'll do!”

Celestia smiles. “Luna, you’ve always been the level headed one between us. How do you manage to stay so optimistic after all this time?”

“Easy. As long as we are together, who cares how long this test takes?!

“I suppose you’re right, Luna. If it means we can stay together, I hope this assignment never ends! I'm just glad to have somepony with me who is near and dear to my heart!”

Luna suddenly draws back as she looks her sister in the eye! “Wait! What did you just say?!”

Celestia looks confused. “Um… I said ‘I hope this assignment never ends’?”

“No, no! I mean after that!”

“I’m just glad to have somepony with me who is near and dear to my heart?”

Luna thinks for a moment. “Near and dear to your heart…”

“Luna? What is it?”

She whirls around to face Celestia as a huge smile spreads across her face as she begins to run! “I just figured it out! Come on Celestia! Let's get back to Star Swirl!

Celestia chases after her sister. “But we don’t have the amethyst!”

“Just follow me! I’ll explain on the way!”

The pair make their way back to Star Swirl’s castle. They find him reading in the library. He looks up and smiles as they enter.

Star Swirl hold out his hoof expectantly. “Ah, found another amethyst, have we? Well, let’s see it!

Celestia walks toward him, looking cross! “It’s right HERE!!!”

She uses her hoof to move her mentor’s beard to one side. Celestia pulls the pendant off his chest and puts it in his hoof, angrily! “There! The most precious amethyst in the land!”

Star Swirl nods. “Ah… what makes you think this one is the most precious?”

Celestia fumbles with her words. “Um… I… ah…”

Luna steps forward. “Star Swirl, if I may. This amethyst must be very important to you, as you always wear it around your neck. If it is that important to you, it must be very precious indeed!”

“Very good! But why is this gem so precious?”

Celestia scoffs. “Who knows?! You never explained the whys of this task!”

“Did you ever ask?”

“Well… uh…”

Luna smiles at her elderly friend. “Star Swirl, would you please tell us the story behind that Amethyst?”

“Of course, my dear! All you had to do was ask.”

Celestia mutters under her breath as the pair sit down on the floor in front of Star Swirl. He holds the amethyst pendant in his hoof and just stares at it silently.

“Many, many, MANY years ago I was in love with a lovely young mare named Divine Amethyst. Oh, the adventures we had! The two of us had planned to marry one day! But as I'm sure you have learned from this exercise, things don't always go the way you plan them to.”

He appears lost in thought for a few minutes. Luna is the first to speak.

“Star Swirl? If the two of you were so in love, why didn't you... you know...”

Star Swirl bows his head sadly. “You tend to make a lot of mistakes when you’re young. I swore I would marry her as soon as lasting diplomatic relations between the three races was achieved, and not a moment sooner! The younger me had wanted to give her the gift of lasting peace as a wedding present!”

Celestia nods. “That's very romantic, Star Swirl. Not to mention very noble. But, don't you think it might have been better to set a more... reasonable goal?”

“The younger me had thought that if I were to marry before then, my attention would be split between her and my dream of lasting peace! And I believe I was right, to a degree... but at such a terrible cost! These last few centuries have been so lonely...”

A single tear rolls down his cheek before he again looks up at Celestia and Luna.

“I do wish the two of you could have met her. She would have adored you both! Just as I do! As the years passed, we both grew older. Our manes dulled in color and our postures shifted with age! However instead of looking more haggard and worn, to me at least, her beauty only grew!”

Star Swirl is silent for a time before looking again at the amethyst in his hoof.

“I know I couldn’t dwell on the past forever. But it just hurt too much to have this out of my sight!”

Star Swirl walks back to his desk and sets the gem down. He looks back at Luna and Celestia.

“To be completely honest with you, there are actually TWO amethysts that are the most precious.”

Star Swirl uses his magic to levitate a small ornate box from over the mantle. Setting it down in front of him, he slowly opens it to reveal a second amethyst identical to the first!

“I had intended for these to be our engagement jewels. But... that time has passed.”

Sadly, he uses his magic to place the two amethysts in the box together. Closing the lid, he looks back to the pair before resting his eyes on Luna.

“I am sorry Luna, but there can be only one ruler.”

Celestia shakes her head! “No Star Swirl. Luna was the one who passed your test! It was she who thought of the amethyst behind your beard! She should rule!”

Luna turns to her sister. “But Celestia! You were the one who had the courage to actually get the amethyst! You should rule!”

Celestia turns to their old friend. “Star Swirl, I know that wasn't really what you had in mind, but would it really be so bad if Luna and I worked together to uphold the peace?”

He sighs. “Well... if you really must, then I suppose I have no choice. Celestia, you will rule this land with Luna by your side!”

Celestia and Luna smile and embrace one another happily!

“Now, before we take the final step towards peace, I want the two of you to do me one favor. Promise me that you will rule this land, now and forever, with the justice, wisdom and honor that I have done my best to instill in you two.”

The pair respond together! “We promise!”

“Good. I knew I could count on you two!”

Star Swirl walks over to a bookcase and removes several books from the top shelf. A secret door opens and a stairway down presents itself! Luna looks down the dark maw.

“What’s down there?”

Star Swirl slowly walks toward the stairs. “The culmination of a very long lifetime's work, and the key to obtaining peace for this land.”

The trio descends the stairs and finds themselves in a large room which is empty except for a podium with a large book on it and a huge sigil on the floor! Celestia looks all around!

“What… is this?!”

Star Swirl slowly makes his way over to the podium. “This is what I have spent my entire life trying to do! You two shall be reborn and will be known as... alicorns! The strength of the earth pony… the wisdom and magic of the unicorns and the majestic gift of flight from the pegasi. You will embody all three aspects! And the two of you will rule over and protect this land... together. Now... if you are ready, please stand in the center of the sigil together.”

As the pair stands on the sigil, Star Swirl reads from the book. The sigil lights up and both Celestia and Luna begin to float! There is a flash of light and a rough backwash of magical power that explodes outward knocking over Star Swirl, his podium and the book! He gets up and looks around.

“Celestia?! Luna?! Are you two all right?”

Slowly the dust clears and a visage of Celestia and Luna can be seen standing on the sigil! Although they now have wings, a horn, their manes now positively flow with magical energy and they have noticeably grown in size! Star Swirl smiles at them!

“The two of you look positively radiant! I’m so proud of you both!”

A week later Star Swirl presented his two princess proteges to the masses to overwhelming support by all three races! The resulting celebration lasted well into the night! As the princesses talked with various provincial leaders, a soldier approached them.

“Your Highnesses. Star Swirl wishes to see you in the Library.”

Celestia holds her drink aloft. “Oh? Any idea what he wants?”

“No ma'am. He only said it was important.”

Luna sets her own drink down and turns to her sister. “We shouldn't keep him waiting then.”

The pair make their way to the Library. Star Swirl is pacing the floor in front of the fireplace waiting for them. Celestia trots over to him, as happy as a filly!

“Star Swirl! You're missing a great party out there!”

Luna walks over and nods. “Please come! This is your time to celebrate as well!”

He sighs and looks down. “I'm sorry, but I just don't feel like being sociable right now.”

Star Swirl appears much older than either of them remembers! The lines on his face much deeper and his walk is slower and more deliberate! Celestia looks concerned for their friend.

“Star Swirl? Is something wrong?”

He slowly shakes his head and smiles at the pair! “No. For the first time in my life, absolutely nothing is wrong! I called you here because I have a gift for each of you!”

Star Swirl walks over to a corner of the room and retrieves something. He gives it to Celestia.

“Take this Celestia. It’s called the Spear of Justice. It is especially deadly to those who would bring about needless harm to others! Use it in defense of this land and the innocent.”

Celestia accepts the gift and nods. “Thank you, Star Swirl! I will!”

Star Swirl walks over to his desk and picks something up. He hands it to Luna. As she opens it, her eyes grow wide!

“Star Swirl! This… this is…!”

He nods. “Yes. My most prized possessions! My precious amethysts! I want you to have them, my dear!”

Luna shakes her head, closes the box and holds it out toward Star Swirl. “I'm sorry, but I can't take these! They mean far too much to you!”

Star Swirl puts a hoof on the box and gently pushes it back toward her. “No Luna. They USED to mean a lot to me! Now, they are just a painful reminder of what I lost to time! Please do with them whatever would make you happiest, my dear Luna!”

Luna smiles as she holds the box to her heart. “Thank you Star Swirl! I... don't really know what to say.”

“Star Swirl?”

The elder stallion turns to Celestia. “Yes?”

She looks down at her spear and over at the box in Luna’s hoof. “These are going-away presents… aren’t they?”

He nods. “I have taught you both so well. You've learned everything you need to know from me. I... have nothing more to give, and it's time for you two to be on your own.”

Celestia and Luna set their gifts on the desk and rush over to their friend!

“But… we want you with us!”

Luna nods! “We love you, Star Swirl!”

The pair embrace him warmly.

“You've learned everything you need to know... now all you have to learn is... how to say... goodbye.”

Luna shakes her head! “No! I won't let you give up!”

Celestia nods, sadly! “WE won’t let you give up!”

Star Swirl smiles and nods. “And I love you both so much! I have one last thing to do in this life. A final promise I must keep. Please understand.”

He steps back and looks at the pair for what seems like an eternity before picking up his saddlebags from behind his desk and walking past Luna and Celestia toward the door. Luna looks after him in desperation!

“Star Swirl, I have to know! Where are you going?!”

Star Swirl stops, but does not turn around. “I’m… going to see an old friend.”


He walks out the door.

“Divine Amethyst.”

Star Swirl leaves the room as the door closes behind him with a positive and very final, thud! Celestia and Luna stare at the now closed door, unable to move! They slowly turn to look each other in the eye before their unstoppable flow of tears begins! The pair hold each other tightly until they both fall asleep on the Library floor.

Arc stares at Luna. “Princess Luna, I... don't really know what to say.”

Luna opens her eyes and smiles, albeit sadly. “Don't feel bad Arc. There really isn't anything TO say! You would think after all this time we would have moved on! But I suppose you never truly get over the loss of a parent... or the one who takes their place.”

Arc nods and sighs. “I guess we have something in common, Princess Luna.

“Oh? And what would that be?”

“We’re both orphans.”

Arc recalls the story of his past to Luna.

Luna nods, able to understand what Arc went through. “I am sorry to hear that you were forced to endure such suffering. If I may... what keeps you going after such heartache?!”

“I guess… it's the knowledge that one day we will be reunited in Heaven. But until that time comes, I still have my own life to live! And I will live it to the best of my ability!”

She smiles. “You're... just so strong Arc! Both physically and emotionally! And I admit that does make me a little jealous.”

Luna looks over at the foals as they play. “Celestia and I never had the time just to be foals. I mean, I'm sure Star Swirl did what he had to do to prepare us, but... sometimes I wish we could have had just had one day to be young!”

Arc stands up. Why not right now?!”

Luna looks up to Arc, confused. “What are you talking about? It's far too late for such foolishness!”

“Just follow me!”

Luna accompanies Arc to where the orphans are playing tag.

“Hey everyone! Can Princess Luna play with you?”

The foals all jump up and down excitedly, thrilled at the prospect of having a new playmate! And a princess no less!

Luna sighs. “Arc, while I thank you for the thought, I am far too big to be playing tag with foals. I might hurt them!”

“Don’t worry! I think I have an idea!”

He turns to Aquamarine.

“Aquamarine. Would you please stand next to Princess Luna?”

The filly does so at once as Arc raises a hand toward the pair.

“Both of you hold still now!”

Arc uses the Matter Compacting spell to shrink Luna down to be roughly the same size as Aquamarine. He kneels down to her.

“There you are Princess Luna. Now you can play to your heart's desire!”

Luna smiles broadly! “Thanks Arc! Oh! Would you hold these for me please?

She uses her magic to levitate her crown, her peytral, and her royal hoof protectors to Arc. He nods as he accepts them.

“No problem. I'll keep them safe. You go have fun now!”

The orphans run back to the field with their new friend and continue playing! Arc walks back to Coco Pommel and lays down in the grass next to her to watch. Coco Pommel smiles at him.

“That was a nice thing you did there Arc. Who would have guessed that the Princess of the Night just wanted to play!”

Arc nods. “Sometimes we all just need to... let loose a little. Have some fun!”

She nods. “What about you, Arc?”

“What about me?”

“Well, I haven't seen you slow down in the time I’ve been here. I'm just worried you may burn yourself out!”

Arc sighs. “I know you’re right, but... there's just too much going on right now. Too much at stake to rest!”

Coco Pommel smiles and laughs! “Well, how about a nap then? You look as though you could certainly use one.”

Arc lays back. “I... suppose. Don't let me sleep too long though.”

“Don't worry about it, silly! I'll wake you up when the orphans are done with their game.”

A few minutes later Arc is fast asleep. Coco Pommel scooches closer to him and pats his head with a thin hoof.

“Sleep well, my friend.”

Luna tags two fillies at once! “Ha, ha! The fun has been doubled! How many points do I receive?!

Meanwhile… Arc finds himself surrounded on all sides by darkness. He is wearing his armor and clutches his spear!

“Well… this is unnerving.”

Hearing a noise behind him, Arc spins around!


Tempest is slowly walking toward Arc. About ten feet away she stops and smiles a wicked smile at him.

“Hello, Hero of Light. I'm so glad you came to play. To what do I owe this social call?”

Arc glares at her! “Social call?! After what you did to Derpy and Coco Pommel, I could strangle you!”

“Tsk, tsk! Is that any way for the Hero of Light to act?”

Arc raises his spear. “To tell you the truth, I don’t really care!”

Charging at Tempest he swings his spear at her, and with a mighty blow, slices her in two! Arc looks at Tempest’s ruined body lying in the middle of a quickly expanding puddle of blood!

“Go back to Hell where you belong!”

He turns to walk away, but stops as he hears laughter! Turning around, he finds Tempest’s body is being pulled back together by dark magics!

“Not this again!”

As Tempest becomes whole again, she stands to face Arc! “Feel free to try again. Just know the end result will be the same!”

Arc stabs Tempest over and over again before throwing his spear to one side and literally ripping her limb from limb! He throws the pieces of her ruined body as far away as he can in all directions! He sits down to collect his wits.

“That HAD to do it!”

He sees movement in the corner of his eye.


The bloody and broken parts of her body slowly come together to reform Tempest! She sighs and rolls her eyes.

“Okay, what part of ‘I can't be killed’ don't you understand?! You could swing your spear and hurl spells at me until your arms fall off, and it wouldn't do a thing!”

He looks at her angrily! “What do you want?!”

A pool of dark energy forms at Tempest’s hooves as Light’s Bane comes forth! She takes hold of her spear and looks to Arc menacingly!

“Why, your soul of course! With it I can protect Equestria from the coming Darkness!”

Tempest rushes toward Arc and engages him spear to spear! The pair fight for what feels like an eternity before Tempest roundhouse kicks Arc's spear out of his hands and uses the kick's momentum to stab him in the chest with Light's Bane! Throwing her spear aside and standing over Arc, she looks into his eyes, coldly.

“You got off lightly Arc. I can't take your soul in a dream, but one day in the future you and I will meet again on the field of battle. When that day comes... YOU WILL DIE BY MY SPEAR!!!”

Arc coughs up blood as he meets her gaze with defiance! “When that day comes... I will fight you with everything... I have in me!”

Tempest nods. “I wouldn’t expect any less! You are the first to ever defeat me, and the first to actually give me a challenge. I look forward to fighting you again, Arc.”

Arc’s breathing becomes labored as his lungs fill with blood. “Do me... a favor... will you?”

Tempest rolls her eyes. “I guess I owe you that much. What is it?”

“Promise me... that you won't... hurt anyone else. Your fight is... with me.”

She sighs. “Fine! When I get your soul, I won't need to anyways.”

Arc reaches up and grabs the front of Tempest’s armor! He pulls her down on top of him to look her dead in the eye!

“Promise… me…!”

Tempest nods, and responds in a serious tone. “I promise, Arc.”

“Thank... y...o...u...”

The light fades from his eyes as Arc breathes his last. Tempest does not rise from Arc’s chest.

“I'm... sorry it has to be this way. I think, if things had been different... I would have loved to count you among my friends, Hero of Light.”

Arc awakens to see a visibly shaken Coco Pommel standing over him! Luna comes running over!

“Arc! What’s wrong?!”

He looks all around as he breathes heavily and sweats profusely! “It... it was just a dream. I'm sorry I worried you both.”

The orphans can only stare at Arc, confused. He turns to look at them.

“Don't you worry about me. I just had a bad dream is all. Go ahead and keep playing. I'm fine.”

The orphans slowly walk back to the field. A few minutes later they are playing happily again! Luna remains by Arc's side as does Coco Pommel as he composes himself!

“Coco Pommel? How long was I out?”

“About two hours. I'm sorry for letting you sleep so long, but you looked like you really needed the rest!”

Luna looks Arc in the eye, genuinely concerned! “Arc, what is it? What did you see?!”

“It was Tempest. She's alive! How, I have no idea.”

Coco Pommel looks to Arc, wide-eyed and lowers her voice. “Are... are the orphans in danger?!”

“No. Her quarrel is with me, and me alone. Before she ‘killed me’, I made her promise not to harm anyone else other than me. She agreed.”

Luna nods soberly. “Tempest has always followed through on her word, at least as far as I know. However, I would like you to come with me Arc. You may stay at Canterlot Castle under our protection.”

She walks toward the building. Arc sits there, unmoving.


Luna turns back to face him. “What did you say, Arc?”

“I said no. My place is here. I won't run away!”

Coco Pommel pleads with him! “Arc, be reasonable! We both know Tempest can't be defeated! I don't want to lose you!”

Arc nods. “I agree with you Coco Pommel.

She looks suddenly taken aback! “You do?”

“Yes. Tempest cannot be defeated. Assuming that is true, what reason would I have to run and hide? She will just come for me wherever I go!”

Luna furrows her brow! “But Arc! Next time she's going to KILL you! Doesn't that frighten you?!”

Arc calmly shakes his head. “Not at all. I haven't seen my parents in years. It will most certainly be a happy reunion for us! I’ll be able to tell them both that I didn't give up and didn't quit! That I fought to my last breath to protect those I care for.”

Luna looks at him, humbled! “Arc... your bravery is beyond anything I have ever witnessed in all my years! You may very well be the bravest and most powerful creature ever to grace this land!”

“Thank you, Princess Luna. But right now, I need to show you something. Would you follow me please?”

The pair enter the base via the side door and walk through the cafeteria.

“Um... Arc? Do you think you could... you know?”

Arc turns to her, embarrassed! “Oh! Sorry about that!”

He turns and casts the Matter Compacting counter spell and returns Luna to her normal size.

“It's no problem! In fact, I rather enjoyed that experience!”

The pair make their way to the armory. Luna turns to him as they walk.

“Now what seems to be the problem Arc?”

Arc sighs. “The other day, we made an inspection of the Armory and found something truly horrifying!”

Luna appears nervous. “Oh?”

“He found that most of the weapons and armor contained within are completely useless!”

Luna stops! Her eyes wide! “What?! How?!”

“I think you should just see for yourself. The local blacksmith and his wife are there now assessing the damage. They should be almost done by now.”

As they reach the armory Arc opens the door and allows Luna to enter first. He then closes the door behind them.

“Hello? Anyone here?”

Steel Hammer calls out from behind an armor rack. “Arc? Is that you?”

“Yes. I'm back! And I brought Princess Luna with me.”

The couple walk forward to greet the pair. Steel Hammer smiles!

“Hello Princess Luna. It's been quite a while. How have you been?”

Luna appears genuinely confused. “I'm sorry. You look so familiar but I can't quite place it. Have we met before?”

Silver Hammer nods and smiles. “It has been quite a few years since you saw us. I suppose we have changed quite a bit since then.”

Her husband nods. “We were the ones who sent Arc to Canterlot to deliver the message to you that ‘the torch has been passed’.”

Luna's eyes grow wide as the realization of who she is addressing sinks in! She rushes toward them and they collapse to the floor in a giant hug! Arc stands back respectfully and lets them have their moment.

“Where have you been all these years! Where did you go?! All Arc told me was that you found something more important to protect!”

Steel Hammer nods. “To be completely honest with you…”

There is a small knock at the armory door. Arc pushes it open and Platinum Valve trots in carrying a few apples with her magic.

“Thanks Mr. Arc! Mom... dad... I brought you some... P-princess Luna?!”

The little filly runs up to the princess and looks up at her happily!

“My parents have told me so much about you! It's an honor to finally meet you!”

Luna smiles at her before returning her gaze to the Hammers. “I think I understand why you disappeared now.”

“Princess Luna. Please don't be mad at my parents. They were just doing what they felt was best for me!”

“My, such a responsible young filly! I would expect no less from the daughter of the Heroes of Light.”

Platinum Valve grins! “I do my best!”

Steel Hammer chuckles. “We've lived in Ponyville for a good many years now.”

His wife nods. “It's not exactly the action-adventure hub we were accustomed to, but we like it here.”

“So how exactly did you meet Arc?”

Silver Hammer puts her hoof around Platinum Valve. “Our daughter was missing a while back. Even though we had almost nothing to offer in return, he found her and reunited us!”

Arc nods. “She had accidentally shrunk herself with that Matter Compacting spell I cast on you earlier before she had a chance to come up with a proper counter spell.”

Luna’s eyes grow wide again! “Are you saying she is the one who created that spell?!”

“Yes. Quite impressive, don't you think?”

“I’m speechless!”

Steel Hammer laughs. “That's just the tip of the iceberg! She sure did a good job on Arc's armor, wouldn't you say?”

“SHE made that?!”

Silver Hammer shakes her head. “No, but she was the one who enchanted the gauntlets with sigil magic though. Then she linked all the upgrades my husband and I had installed together. She was even able to attune the armor to Arc's ring!”

“So that's where you got your sigil magic from, Arc! I kept forgetting to ask you that. But are you saying that a filly enchanted your armor?!”

Arc shrugs. “Well, she is qualified. There aren't any others in Ponyville with enchanting skills. Not even Twilight could handle it!”

Luna turns her attention back to the filly. “You've made your parents quite proud, little one. I look forward to seeing what you will accomplish next.”

Platinum Valve just grins at such high praise!

“Steel Hammer, do you have some numbers for me?”

Steel Hammer nods. “That we do, Arc! Yes Arc. It looks like pretty much everything in here is garbage. So far we only have six spears and five suits of armor I would feel comfortable sending out into battle.”

Luna frowns. “Any idea how this could have happened?”

Steel Hammer shakes his head. “None that make any sense. The condition of this equipment is terrible! It's almost like it was improperly stored underground!”

Arc snaps his fingers! “Maybe it was!”


“Oh nothing. Just thinking aloud.”

Luna turns to Arc, apologetically. “I'm sorry this happened, Arc! I will personally look into this matter at once!”

“There's no need for that Princess Luna. I have already begun my own investigation. Sorry for not mentioning it earlier, but you always seem so busy when I contact you.”

Luna nods. “Very well. I will leave this matter in your hands. Please let me know what you find. Somepony is in very deep trouble when you do!”

“Thank you, I will. Well, Steel Hammer, give me the bad news. What's it going to cost to fix this problem?”

“To bring this armory back up to military standards will cost 50,000 bits. I know it's a lot of money, but this is a lot of equipment to replace!”

Luna sighs. “I understand old friend. Don't blame yourself for the price tag. I will sign off on the job.”

“Raven can write up the papers.”

Luna nods fervently. “Yes. Best to get this ball rolling as soon as possible!”

“I'll head over the Main Hall and have Raven get to work on the proper forms.”

Meanwhile… Trixie and the stallion continue to make their way to Equestria Prison. The stallion unicorn is not much for conversation, as his Magic Nullifier appears to be much more powerful than Trixie's, as it covers his entire head and makes speaking impossible. His restrains are much thicker than Trixie's as well and are bolted to the wall to restrict his movements further. Even by stallion standards he is fairly large!

Trixie thinks for a moment. “This unicorn must be REALLY dangerous to warrant such extreme precautions! Maybe I shouldn't... oh well... nothing else to do right now...”

She slowly makes her way over to the stallion. “Um… hi?”

The stallion turns his head to look at her. Unfortunately, the only sounds he makes are the breathing noises from his Magic Nullifier. He nods to her.

“Do you... want to talk?”

The stallion appears to try and talk, but fails completely.

Trixie cautiously approaches the stallion. “You... you can't talk with that thing on your head, can you?”

He shakes his head.

“Do you want me to try and get it off?”

The stallion nods his head as he lays down on the floor. Trixie does her best to remove the device, but cannot.

“Sorry, but I don't think I can get it off. I tried.”

The stallion stands again and reaches a large hoof toward Trixie! She shrinks back in fear!

“Please don’t hurt me!”

A moment later she feels a light pat on the top of her head. She slowly opens her eyes.

“What? But I failed! Are you... trying to thank me?”

The stallion nods.

“Um... okay. Sorry I couldn't help you. So... where are you from?”

The stallion mutters something unintelligible!

“Sorry! I forgot you can't talk in that thing. So... how long are you going to be in prison? Months?”

He shakes his head.


The stallion nods.

“How many years?”

The stallion clops his hoof against the floor thirty times.

“Thirty years?!”

He nods and points to her.

“Me? Just one year. But... I deserve it. How about you? Do you deserve thirty years?”

The stallion sadly nods.

“I really wish we could communicate better but... friends?”

Trixie holds out a hoof. The stallion puts forward his own larger hoof and shakes hers gently. She looks up at him, happily!

“I’ve never had a friend before! This is so exciting!”

The pair spend quite a bit of time ‘talking’. As evening falls Trixie begins to feel drowsy.

“I've really enjoyed our time together. But I haven't been sleeping too well lately and could really use some rest now.”

The stallion nods. Trixie makes two piles of straw to act as makeshift beds. The pair lie down and Trixie is soon asleep. An hour or so later she awakens to find herself completely covered in hay! From under the straw she sees the stallion sleeping on the hard floor.

“What is he doing? Where is his bed?”

As she pokes her head out from under the straw, Trixie feels the chill wind blow across her face.

“Was he trying to keep me warm? But he hardly knows me? Why would he...”

The wagon stops abruptly, causing the stallion to raises his head. He appears to be just as confused as Trixie is! Ahead of the wagon in the middle of the road is a strange robed creature! One of the guards yells at it!

“Hey! We're on official business from Canterlot! Get out of the way!”

The strange creature does not move. It carries a strange item in its hoof. However, the moonlight is not enough for the guards to identify it. The guard turns to his companion.

“I guess this is as good a spot as any. Get rid of... whoever this is and give me a hoof with the prisoners.”

The other guard raises his spear and walks toward the creature. “No problem! This won't take long.”

As the Royal Guard slowly walks toward the robed figure, his companion goes around to the back of the wagon and opens the door. He looks over to Trixie.

“Come with me.”

Trixie hobbles forward feebly. “Are we there already?”

The guard shakes his head. “No... but this IS the end of the line for you... Stupid Unicorn.”

Trixie recognizes the Royal Guard from the other day who was with Captain Decimus! Her eyes grow wide as she slowly steps back!

“It… it’s YOU!”

She hobbles to the far corner of the wagon and cowers in the corner! The stallion appears quite angry with the Royal Guard's behavior! He lunges forward but can do little to fight his bonds!

“Sorry. It's not personal, but I have my orders. Don't resist and I'll make it quick!”

The guard turns to the stallion.

“Don't worry, big fella. You're next!”

The traitorous guard uses his magic to try and pull Trixie toward himself. The stallion grabs one of her chains and holds her in place! His muscles appear much stronger than the Royal Guard's magic! The guard walks toward the pair slowly, spear at the ready.

“I guess I'll just take care of you two right here!”

The stallion pushes Trixie behind him and stands to face the guard defiantly!

“So, you wanna go first, eh? Fine with me.”

The guard calls to his companion.

“HEY! I'm just about to your favorite part! Get in here!”

The sound of hoofsteps coming around the wagon can be heard.

“Took you long enough! How long does it take to get rid of one...?”

A strange sound is heard behind him. The Royal Guard whips around to face his companion. Instead, his eyes meet a robed figure with glowing green eyes clutching a strange looking spear in its hoof! It does not move or speak.

“What the hell?! Wha... where’s the other guard?!”

The robed figure says nothing as it's horn glows. It tosses a bloody and maimed Royal Guard's body on the floor between them.

“Oh my Celestia! What ARE YOU?!”

The Royal Guard runs toward Trixie, but the stallion blocks his advance. Like a cornered rat, the guard panics as the figure slowly moves toward him. The guard throws his spear at the figure who catches it and effortlessly breaks it in half. Pieces of it fall to the floor with a deafening thud. He points a shaking hoof at Trixie.

“Take her! She's the one you want! Just don't hurt me!!!”

The Royal Guard makes a break for the door. He makes it only a few paces before the robed creature looks to him and, with supernatural speed, turns and slices the guard's rear legs with his spear. He falls to the floor, his hind legs completely severed. Using his two front legs he crawls past the robed figure in a feeble attempt to escape! As he passes the robed figure, it coldly stabs him in the back through the heart. The figure removes the spear from the now dead guard. Trixie cowers in fear.

“Please! Stay back!”

Suddenly, the creature speaks to her in a low voice. “...I can help you, Trixie.”


“I can give you the power to escape this fate.”

She looks at him with a mixture of fear and hope in her eyes. “But why would you do that? Who are you? Did Arc send you?”

The figure shakes its head. “While I am... familiar... with the Hero of Light, I have actually come on behalf of another.”



Trixie’s eye light up. “Special Agent Tempest sent you to help me? That's wonderful! Did she know what these two guards were planning?!”


“… so… what do I call you?”

“You may refer to me as The Dark One. It was I who helped Tempest gain the power to protect those she cared for. I am here now to do the same for you.”

“How… how would you do that?!”

The Dark One levitates a small item over to Trixie.

“This is the Alicorn Amulet. It will increase your magical ability to be on par with an alicorn. As long as you use this, you can do anything you set your mind to!”

The stallion stomps the floor several times. Trixie looks over to him. He shakes his head feverishly! She turns back to the Dark One.

“And if I refuse?”

“Then I will leave you and your friend here to your fate. Fear not, I am sure Canterlot will send a search party in a day or so. Although by then I'm sure any number of creatures will have eaten you two. I cannot force you. The choice must be yours! Don't you WANT to be great and powerful?”

Trixie looks back at her friend, her ears droop. “I'm sorry, but I can't just sit here and let something eat you! Don't worry! I promise I will use my new power to free you!”

She slowly walks toward the amulet as the stallion stomps the floor over and over trying desperately to dissuade her! As Trixie touches the Alicorn Amulet it suddenly flies to her chest! A black robe forms over her body with the amulet fastened around her neck! The Magic Nullifier around her horn shatters! Her eyes grow red and an evil smile creeps over her face!

The Dark One laughs! “And now, oh Great and Powerful Trixie, use your newfound powers to take revenge on the one who sent you here in the first place!”

Trixie speaks with a dark layer in her voice. “Luna! She must pay!”

She takes a few steps forward before falling to her knees.

“What is wrong?”

Trixie shakes her head, wearily. “I need to rest. Sleep has been a stranger to me these past few nights.”

“I see.”

The Dark One points to a cloud overhead.

“I suggest taking a rest on that cloud. Get a fresh start in the morning. I am sure Tempest will be overjoyed to hear of your success! Farewell...”

The Dark One opens a portal and vanishes as Trixie looks to her friend.

“Don't worry my friend, I haven't forgotten my promise.”

Dark Magics flow from Trixie's horn into the stallion's chains. They shatter as he sadly looks at what she has become!

“Sorry I can't do anything about your Magic Nullifier. Now look, I have business to attend to in Canterlot. Follow the road back the way we came and you should find a town or something. I don't care what you do! Just don't follow me.”

Trixie turns to walk away. She holds her head and seems to be in pain! Turning around to look at the stallion, her eyes momentarily return to normal! Using all her energy, she looks at him pleadingly!

“Ponyville... Hero of Light... warn him!”

Trixie's eyes again glow red and she turns away. She uses her new-found powers to levitate herself up to the cloud for a good night's sleep.

The stallion looks around a moment before running back the way they came. Sometime later he comes to a fork in the road. Two nearby signs point the way. One path leads to Canterlot, while the other says Ponyville. The stallion looks left and right several times before nodding to himself and running down the road toward Ponyville.

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