• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 2 - Breakfast Conversations

Arc awakens as the first rays of light shine through the windows. Looking down he spots Hammer’s face pressed against his side. Sighing he nudges her gently. Slowly opening her eyes she looks up at him with a sleepy smile.

“Thank you for last night.”


“It was amazing.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “But we just went to sleep.”

Hammer giggles. “Yeah. But I’ve been dreaming about sleeping together for quite some time.”

Grinning wickedly, Hammer continues.

“Maybe next time we can do more.”

“I don’t think so, Hammer.”

Hammer sighs. “Worth a shot.”

Arc sits up and swings his legs over the side of the bed. Sitting there for a few moments to collect his thoughts, he feels Hammer’s arms wrap around his neck as she presses her body against his back.

“Can I be serious with you about something?”

Arc nods.. “Always.”

“I know you said that you have some special friends waiting for you in that other land, and all. But I… I’d still like to take our relationship to the next level.”


“Now hear me out. They’re horses, or ponies if you prefer, which means they can’t give you kids. I on the other hand am ALL woman! If it turns out that your demon friend isn’t able to, I’d LOVE to have your babies, Arc.”

“I… appreciate that, Hammer. But I don’t think I’m anywhere near being ready to have my own kids.”

“But you already have one!”

Arc sighs. “And I don’t have time for her as it stands. What I really need to do is figure out how to fix Equestria so I can head back there and retire.”

“What then?”

“Start taking care of Dinky, for starters. Then I’d like to become a bit more social.”

“Think I could get in on some of that action?!”

Arc chuckles. “You really do have a one track mind, don’t you?”

Hammer grins as she brushes her fingers across his cheek. “Only when I see something I want.”

“Well, right now I want breakfast. Care to join me?”

“Sure. I could go for a bowl of cereal.”

“We usually cook breakfast around here.”


“Yeah. What do you eat at the base?”

“Well… according to the signs over the buffet… eggs, toast, bacon, hash browns, and cereal. But it tasted like they should have said grease, sawdust, rubber, and sweat socks… in that order. That’s why I just ate the cereal.”

“And your sisters never cooked at home before?”

Hammer shakes her head. “Just cereal there too.”

“Let’s head downstairs and we’ll show you how it’s done.”


“Derpy and Dinky, or Dawn and Daisy as you know them, usually get up early like I do to make breakfast.”

“What about… what was her name again?”

“Scootaloo. Or Scarlet as we call her here on Earth. She doesn’t usually get up until I call for her. So how about we get moving?”

Hammer looks away nervously. “I’d just be in the way. After all, I don’t actually know how to cook.”

“We can teach you.”

“That would be nice.”

“Come on then.”

As he rises, Hammer latches onto his arm. Sighing, Arc heads for the door. As they descend the stairs Sereb rises and falls into step behind them as he looks to Arc.

“Sleep well?”

“Just fine, yes.”

He looks up at Hammer and growls lightly.

“Did she give you any trouble?”

Hammer frowns. “What’s that supposed to mean?!”

“If you recall, we have engaged you and your sisters on numerous occasions. You’ll have to forgive me if I don’t immediately accept you into our inner circle.”

“She’s with me, big guy.”

“That is the only reason I’m not blasting her.”

Hammer rolls her eyes. “Very funny.”

Sereb bares his teeth. “Who is laughing?”

Arc sighs as they enter the living room. “While Sereb could certainly do it, he won’t if I tell him not to.”

“That is correct.”

Eidolon’s Ward calls out from the couch. “Good morning, everypony!”

“Hi, Cherry. Did you have a nice, uh… evening?”

“Oh, yes. I watched several movies as well as some news stations. But might I ask what you three were discussing on the way down here?”

Sereb turns to the armor. “My ability to defend Arc if need be mostly.”

Hammer turns to him. “What about you, Arc?”


“You could do the same though, right?”

“I guess.”

Sereb nods soberly. “Easily. Your magic is significantly more powerful than my own.”

Arc shrugs as he opens the cupboard. “Practice makes perfect.”

“Indeed. However you are especially gifted, my friend.”

Hammer giggles. “In more ways than one.”

Eidolon’s Ward heads for the refrigerator. “That we agree on.”

“Thanks… I think. But let’s get some food going. With luck we’ll wake up the others with the smell.”

Arc hands Hammer a box of pancake mix.

“All you have to do is add the right amount of water to this and stir. Then I’ll show you how to cook them.”

“Sounds simple enough.”

Sereb pulls a bowl from the cupboard with his magic and passes it to Hammer. He watches her carefully as she reads the directions on the box and begins mixing. As she turns to pass the bowl to Arc the young woman trips. The bowl flies out of her hands and sails through the air. Reaching out a hand Arc catches it with his magic in mid-air. Hammer gasps.

“You can DO that?!”

“Um… yes.”

Sereb raises an eyebrow. “Do you not remember your battles with the Hero of Light? He used magic numerous times in your presence.”

Eidolon’s Ward nods. “Right. Arc did things like that all the time.”

Hammer sighs. “Yeah. But I’m still having trouble coming to terms with you being him, Arc.”

Arc chuckles as he sets the bowl on the stove. “Oh? Why’s that?”

“Because you just seem so… nice and down to earth.”

Arc smiles as he pulls a frying pan out of a nearby cupboard. “I’ll take that as a compliment.”

“It just seems like the more powerful a magic user becomes the less they care about others.”

Sereb frowns. “Such as…?”

“General Mustang, Diva, Mio, Stingray… in descending order.”

Eidolon’s Ward shakes her head. “That’s only four people.”

Hammer shrugs. “It’s all the magic users I’ve met.”

Sereb growls. “Perhaps Hammer is not completely wrong.”

Arc turns to the wolf. “What do you mean, Sereb?”

“I believe you once told me an old saying that went something to the effect of ‘power corrupts, while absolute power corrupts absolutely’.”

Hammer raises an eyebrow. “What does that mean?”

“That those whom become too powerful often times lose sight of the opinions and thoughts of those around them. Thinking that they know what’s best for others.”

“And you, Arc?”

“I suppose I’ve changed a bit since growing in power.”

Sereb nods. “Only for the better from what I’ve seen.”

Eidolon’s Ward giggles. “Right.”

“It’s a path I’m trying really hard not to go down. But in any case, first we have to turn the heat on medium, like so.”

Lighting the burner, Arc sets it to a small flame. Reaching out to the refrigerator he pulls out a large container of margarine. Holding a spatula, Arc scoops out a bit and drops it onto the pan’s hot surface. It begins to sputter and melt quickly as Hammer jumps back, surprised.


Sereb sighs. “Easy there.”

“The margarine will help prevent the pancake from sticking to the bottom of the pan as well as add a bit of flavor to it.”

Grabbing a ladle from another drawer with his magic, Arc scoops out a bit of the batter and pours it into the pan.

“Make them about this size. Any bigger and it gets hard to flip.”


Sereb nods. “Both sides require cooking.”

Eidolon’s Ward points to the pancake. “See those bubbles on top?”

“What about them?”

Arc picks up a spatula. “When they start to pop is when you need to flip them.”

A short time later Arc shoves the spatula under the pancake and picks it up. Turning it over he allows it to fall back into the pan. Hammer frowns.

“Is it supposed to be that color?”

Arc nods. “Yes. Golden brown is preferred.”

Pulling out another pan from the cupboard he hands it to Hammer.

“Care to give it a try?”

“I… I dunno. It looks pretty tough.”

“You won’t be able to master it without trying. While you’ll probably make a few black ones, we have plenty of mix. Give it a go.”

Nodding, Hammer does her best to follow Arc’s example. Taking her hand, he helps her pour the mix into the pan.

“Just like that.”

“Now we wait?”


A short time later Hammer flips the pancake.

“How’s that?”

Eidolon’s Ward giggles. “A bit overcooked, but still okay. Very good for a first try.”

Arc nods. “Right. Do it a few more times and you’ll have it down pat.”

Through trial and error Hammer is able to help cook a large stack of pancakes. Putting them in the oven to stay warm they hear the sound of footsteps coming down the stairs. Dinky and Scootaloo run into the kitchen together as Derpy brings up the rear.

“I’m sorry I overslept, Arc. We’ll get to work now.”

“That’s okay, Derpy. We’ve got a good start on things already.”

Hammer grins. “Yeah! That was fun!”

“Can we cook some eggs now, dad?!”


He turns to Hammer.

“I’ll let Dinky teach you how to make eggs. Truth be told, she’s better at it than I am.”


Dinky grins as she pulls out a fresh pan. “YAY!”

As they cook Arc’s earring chirps. Hammer looks around, confused.

“What the heck was that?!”

“My earring.”

“Uh… is that bad?”

“Hopefully not. It just means someone’s trying to get ahold of me. Go ahead and get started without me. Not sure how long this is going to take.”

Eidolon’s Ward nods as she takes his place at the stove. “Take your time. I’ll make sure everypony is well fed.”

“Thanks, Cherry.”

Heading upstairs to his parent’s room Arc sits down on the bed. Touching his earring, he calls out.

“Arc here.”

“Hello, Arc. “

“Rarity! How are things over there?!”

“A bit… odd, actually.”

“Define ‘odd’.”

“Well, I guess that wasn’t the best word to describe it. But everypony’s a bit on edge over here. Every major town’s been searched from top to bottom for you.”

Arc chuckles. “Can I assume they didn’t find me?”

“Not so much as a clue. But I’ve been talking about this with some of my customers during fittings.”

“Canterlot nobles gossiping?”

“Something a bit more substantial. They say that Princess Celestia has been talking with the Town Council about restricting access to Canterlot.”

“She’s getting paranoid.”

“Yes, indeed. They’re looking at stopping all access via train and requiring a Royal Summons to enter the city.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “How were they planning to stop pegasi from just flying over the walls?”

“According to the newspapers a magical dome was cast a few hours ago without announcement or warning.”


“That’s when I felt that I had to contact you, Arc.”

“This is more than I thought would happen. Any world from Twilight?”

“Just that Princess Celestia has her touring the nation in the Lunar Destiny.”

“She’s trying to keep the peace?”

“Everypony’s still giddy here over the news of a new princess. Pretty much everywhere she goes raises morale.”

“Is she going to cities after Decimus?”

“Why, yes. How did you know?”

Arc clenches a fist. “She’s clever.”


“Celestia’s using Twilight to help make the citizens forget the intrusion by Decimus and his Royal Guards!”

“You may be on to something there. Captain Decimus pretty much takes apart any town he visits.”

“Then Twilight shows up to take their minds off the oppression.”

“Everypony hurries to clean up the mess. Then they come out to see her the second she lands. Princess Celestia chose Twilight wisely.”

“And how does Twilight feel about this?”

“She says she’s happy to do her part during this so-called goodwill tour. Even if it’s just to smile and wave.”

“Smile and wave…”

“Did you say something, Arc?”

“Twilight’s just being used as a puppet by Decimus and Celestia.”

Rarity lowers her voice. “You don’t think they’d hurt her, do you?”

Arc shakes his head. “No. She’s too valuable to lose. That and she’s immortal now, right?”

“She is, yes. I suggested she test that with a small cut on her cheek. Just like Princess Cadance it healed in but a few moments. Even should Decimus turn on her, he would be able to do very little damage. Can I assume you still have the weapon Princess Luna gave you?”

Arc nods as he pulls the Dagger of Eternal Slumber from his ring. “Right here in my hand, yes.”

“Good! We need to keep that far from his traitorous hooves!”

“It stays in my ring at all times. But do you think I need to come back and deal with Decimus?”

Rarity sighs and shakes her head. “While I wish you would, there would be little you could do as it stands. The populace still holds both Princess Celestia and Decimus in high regard.”

“But only thanks to Twilight.”

“Her tour does help, yes.”

“What’s her take on this matter?”

“Twilight still believes she can convince the princess that you always acted in the best interest of the country. However her efforts are still being stymied by Decimus, whom also has Princess Celestia’s ear.”

“Any progress at all?”

Rarity sighs. “None, I’m afraid. Whenever Twilight tries to bring up tales of your heroics, Decimus counters with different ways your actions were most likely self-serving.”

“Kinda figured that.”

“I’m sorry I don’t have better news, Arc.”

“That’s okay. I do appreciate the update nonetheless. And it gives you and I a chance to talk again.”

“Yes, indeed. I admit, it’s not the same as doing so face to face, of course. But is a nice diversion nonetheless.”

The pair laugh together happily before Rarity continues.

“The biggest concern of mine right now is that I don’t know when you’ll be able to come back.”

“As it stands, maybe never.”

Rarity gasps. “Don’t say things like that!”

“We might need to come to terms with that very real possibility.”

“No, Arc! You WILL be able to come back someday! After all you’ve done, it would be a crime to keep you away!”

“If it keeps the land from tearing itself apart, then I’ll stay here on Earth.”

“What about us?!”

Arc sighs. “I don’t like us being apart any more than you do. But our personal feelings need to take a back seat to the safety and stability of Equestria.”

“I…! I know. However I’m not sure just how long I’ll be able to justify that statement in my mind. Sweetie Belle’s been asking about you too, you know.”

“How’s she doing?”

“Missing you along with Derpy and Dinky. She says school isn’t the same without them around.”

“They could return if necessary.”

“I suppose. But you need emotional support as well.”

“It is nice having them here. We get to spend every day together.”

“And every meal too.”

“That’s true.”

“While I know it’s not very lady-like, I have to admit I’m a little bit jealous of them.”

“I know you want to be here too.”

Rarity groans. “More so than words can say.”

“But Princess Cadance was right to caution against it. While I care about you and Sweetie Belle, the country needs its Element Bearers.”

“I… question that. But will respect her wishes, as well as yours.”

“No, Rarity.”


“If that were the case… you know what I’d ask.”

“For me to come?”


“I feel the same. Believe me when I say that I’d like nothing more than to jump on a train to the Crystal Empire and follow you to Earth with Sweetie Belle. While I know I can’t, the idea gives me a bit of comfort these days.”

“If need be I could sneak back some night in one of my magic cloaks.”

“While it would be wonderful, please don’t. After all, if you were caught I’d never be able to forgive myself.”

Arc sighs. “I still think it would be worth the risk.”

Rarity giggles. “That’s very sweet, Arc. But I can wait for you to return with a cleared name and restored reputation. Now then, I should probably let you get back to making breakfast. I know how everypony over there is an early riser.”

“Yeah. Take care of Sweetie Belle.”

“I will. Goodbye, Arc.”

“See ya.”

He touches his earring, severing the connection. Sighing, Arc lays back on the bed and groans as he puts and arm over his face.

“I didn’t mention Hammer to her! While I doubt Rarity or the others would be jealous, still… they have a right to know.”

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