• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 4 - The Nitty Gritty

The next day Arc, along with Shining Armor and Cadance, walk down the corridor of Light’s Hope. Arc turns to Cadance.

“I hope you and Twilight slept well.”

Cadance nods. “I did, yes. However I wasn’t able to tell Twilight our little secret.”

Shining Armor sighs. “She deserves to know. Twily and I have always been very close. That and she did come to me when she met somepony she liked.”

Cadance smiles. “Twilight’s first crush, huh?”

Shining Armor shrugs. “Well… probably. She kinda tried to be discrete about it.”

Arc chuckles. “Asking for an unnamed friend?”

“How did you know?”

“Humans sometimes do the same when they need embarrassing advice.”

Cadance turns to Shining Armor. “What did you tell her?”

“That she just needed to get him alone and talk. Be honest with him about her feelings.”

“Sound advice. Did it work out for her?”

“Not really. She told me at the time that he already had a special somepony.”

Cadance raises an eyebrow. “That doesn’t sound like her.”

Shining Armor sighs. “I know. But that was complicated by the fact I caught her in bed with them earlier that day.”

Cadance stops walking. “I’m sorry, what?!”

“She spent the night with him at the castle.”

Arc blushes. “Oh… right.”

“You were aware of this too Arc?!”


Cadance’s face is suddenly one of anger. “Twilight is far too young to be advancing to THAT stage of a relationship! Who did this to her?!”

Arc smiles sheepishly as he raises his hand. “Um… sorry? Please don’t kill me.”

Shining Armor puts a hoof on her shoulder. “It was so he and Twilight could communicate with you and Princess Luna in the Lunar Realm.”

“Oh… I see. Forgive me for making you feel uncomfortable, Arc. Truth be told I didn’t think much on how you two got there together.”

“It’s okay. But remember how you were saying just the other day that Luna treats you like a filly.”

“What about it?”

“You’re a fully grown mare and should have the right to do what you want with your time, right?”

“Yes. What are you getting at, Arc?”

“Twilight is an adult living on her own. Taking care of her own finances, keeping house, and doing real research on a number of topics. She’s all grown up now both mentally and physically.”

Cadance puts a hoof to her chin. “Well, I suppose that’s true.”

“So if she wants to be in a relationship with someone, shouldn’t she have the right to do so without others saying she’s too young?”

Shining Armor hangs his head. “I… suppose so. Sorry about what I did that morning, Arc.”

“No, Shining Armor. That was warranted. You thought I had taken your sister into a group sex session, or something. There was no way you could have known it was a purely scientific experiment to reach the Lunar Realm together.”

Cadance nods. “Yes, Arc. We’re sure your intentions were honorable and you’re fundamentally right. Twilight should be able to have a stallionfriend without Shining Armor and I interfering. And more if that individual and she truly love one another. But it’s just so hard for us to think of her in such a… position.”

Shining Armor nods. “Cadance is right. But her and I will do our best to support you two in any future…”

“Whoa, whoa, whoa! Twilight and I are just friends!”

Shining Armor smiles. “I know. But I’ve seen how she looks at you. It’s actually kinda cute to see her all starry-eyed.”

Cadance puts a hoof to her chin thoughtfully. “I know that Arc would certainly make Twilight very happy, and he’s certainly capable of protecting and caring for her…”

“But I’m not interested in her! At least not in THAT way!”

Shining Armor chuckles. “I know.”

“You do?”

“Twily told me about you and Cherry back then. She wasn’t willing to come between you two though.”

Cadance smiles. “That sounds like the mare I know.”

Arc looks away. “Yeah, she… kinda told me something like that a while ago.”

Cadance raises an eyebrow. “So she confessed her love for you?”

“She confessed… something, yes. But I think I should keep it to myself. Why don’t we get to work now? Lots to do.”

Shining Armor nods. “Very well. Twilight’s friends have several of the rooms ready. We can start going over security there.”

The trio walks to the first room. Two guards stand aside and allow them to pass. Cadance looks to Shining Armor.

“What are there guarding? Nopony is in here.”

“The room’s contents.”

“So they’re making sure nopony steals anything?”

Arc shakes his head. “Not quite. It’s to be sure no one puts anything else in.”

Shining Armor nods. “Such as a trap of some kind, poison, listening devices, or anything that might be outside Twily’s original floor plan.”

“I see. So who’s room will this be?”

“King Felix and Queen Fiona of Abyssinia.”

Cadance looks around the room. Shining Armor turns to her.

“See something amiss?”

“There’s no pillows on the bed.”

Arc nods. “According to Twilight’s research they don’t use pillows. At least not like the one’s we’re used to.”

“Then what…?”

Shining Armor gestures to the bed. “Supposedly they curl up together in the middle.”

Arc points to a pile of large pillows in the corner of the room. “And the bed is just for show. They might not even use it. Twilight ordered numerous pillows of different types. The king and queen should be able to find something they can nap on there.”

Cadance points to a vented box in another corner. “What’s that? An air purifier?”

Shining Armor shakes his head. “No. An industrial sized space heater.”

Arc nods. “Abyssinia is a much warmer land than Equestria. If they were to show up now, they’d probably be very uncomfortable. With a couple of these they can get the room up to almost a hundred degrees.”

Shining Armor shudders. “Twilight tried them out yesterday without telling me. I walked in here and almost fell over!”

Cadance sighs. “Well, if it keeps them happy, all the better.”

Arc nods. “Right.”

“Will there be guards outside the windows as well?”

“Yes. But they’ll be to the side so the guests won’t be able to see them.”

Arc points up to the eaves. “I’ve ordered security cameras to be installed outside every window. Even if an intruder were to neutralize the guards, they’d still be spotted.”

“But if they moved very fast…!”

Shining Armor blasts a window with his horn. “Magic-proof glass. It’s made of a specially reinforced crystal that’s nearly unbreakable.”


Arc shrugs. “Nothing’s completely impervious. But I’m told to make this glass requires exposing it to some very special proprietary substances for several months straight. It would be easier for them to break through the walls.”

Cadance walks over to the door. “What if an intruder got inside the base? Could they get in here?”

Shining Armor shakes his head. “We have very strong magically enhanced locks on the doors that our guests will be able to fasten if they so choose. Arc and I will have the only spare keys.”

“More secure that way ?”

Arc nods. “That and they’re really expensive. We have security cameras in all the halls now as well.”

“Really? I didn’t see any.”

Shining Armor chuckles. “Arc insisted that they be camouflaged.”

“Right. And as soon as this is over, I’m getting rid of them.”

“But what about your own security, Arc?”

Arc shakes his head. “If someone wants to come after me, I say bring it on! That and anyone powerful enough to do so won’t be stopped by cameras.”

Shining Armor clears his throat. “Let me show you how a security sweep is done. We start at one corner of the room and go over it in a grid-like pattern.”

Cadance nods. “To make sure you don’t miss anything?”

Arc takes his place. “Right. A second inspector would start at the opposite side of the room and do the same. When we meet in the middle we switch sides and do the whole thing over again.”

“About how long does that take?”

Shining Armor looks around. “About three hours for a room this size.”

Arc nods. “The same is done for the other rooms as well. Including the bathrooms, broom closets, and even the corridors.”

“And your quarters, Arc?”

“Them too. We just can’t take chances on this.”

“Me and Lieutenant Flash Sentry will complete the full security sweep on these rooms later. Why don’t Arc and I show you how supplies are brought in?”

Cadance giggles. “Is it done different than walking through the front door?”

Arc shrugs. “Very much so. You’ll see.”

Leaving the room they proceed to the Main Hall. A security checkpoint has been set up with dozens of guards present. Sandstorm Mirage sits at Raven’s desk going over requisitions as the guards let in a single stallion. Cadance turns to Shining Armor.

“What’s with all the security here?”

“Everything has to be properly inspected before it comes inside the building. Watch.”

The stallion walks over to the desk and gives Sandstorm Mirage a stack of papers. The sergeant goes over them one at a time before putting them on a clipboard and standing up. Gesturing to the doors as he calls out to the soldiers.

“Standard procedure. Verify and carry.”

He and the guards leave with the stallion. Arc leads Cadance over to a window to watch.

“Now each guard will take a box and open it to visually inspect the contents.”

Shining Armor points a hoof at the procession. “Everything must be factory sealed. Anything that isn’t, or can’t be, has to be held in isolation and a sample sent to the lab in Canterlot Castle.”

“What would they be testing for?”

“Poison mostly.”

Shining Armor nods. “Yes. Or explosives. Anything dangerous really.”

“Right now the holding room is the base’s Training Center. No one has time to use it right now anyways.”

“It looks like they’ve finished inspecting. Does everything come inside now?”

Shining Armor shakes his head. “Not quite.”

Sandstorm Mirage reads down the invoice. As he calls out, a guard returns his query and walks inside with their box.

Arc turns to Cadance. “If it’s not or the list it doesn’t come in.”

“Right. We have to know EVERYTHING that comes in here.”

“What about the items sent to isolation? I mean, when the lab report comes back negative, that is.”

Shining Armor looks to Cadance as they walk back to the center of the room. “Then the officer in charge has to go over them again and sign off before they can be removed from isolation.”

“And everything comes through the same way?”

Arc nods. “Yes. Food stuffs, cleaning supplies, and even furniture go through the same testing.”

“And you do this all the time, Arc?!”

“No, just for the summit. Normally deliveries are made, signed for by Raven, and left in a corner while she calls for the proper individual to pick them up.”

“But just like at the castle, we can’t take the risk.”

“Speaking of your secretary, where is she, Arc?”

“Doing paperwork in my office aboard The Equinox. It’s… less busy there.”

“Yes. And all the paperwork for your ship and base can’t be mixed with ours down here.”

Cadance nods soberly. “I understand, Arc.”

Shining Armor appears confused. “Uh… did I miss something?”

“It’s a rather personal matter. Can’t really talk about it.”

“Uh… okay.”

Cadance sighs. “We can speak about the status of this matter more in depth later, Arc.”

Arc nods as they head toward his office. Flash Sentry sits at the desk surrounded by paperwork and Royal Guards. He stands as he spots the princess.

“Your highness. This is an honor. What can I do for you today?”

Shining Armor walks over. “The princess wants to learn how security is conducted for an event such as this.”

Arc nods. “We’ve already showed her the room security precautions as well as how materials are signed in.”

Flash Sentry gestures to the table. “Well, here’s where the papers from there end up. They all come here for my approval before being sorted and boxed up.”

Cadance looks at the mounds of office boxes in the corner of the room. “Oh my! How many months does it take to fill that many boxes?”

“That’s about a week’s worth there.”

Arc glances at them. “Yes. They’ll be shipped to Canterlot when you return there after the summit.”

“But, but this is more than even Luna and I see!”

Shining Armor nods. “The paperwork that crosses your desk at the castle is but the tip of the iceberg, your highness.”

Arc shudders. “That’s what I was told when I was Lord Regent too. Apparently the clerical aides do a lot more than I ever thought possible.”

“But why?! What reason could there be to keep such lengthy records on literally everything?!”

“In case something ever happens. This way we can track literally everything down to the smallest seed in your meal to the suppliers of every component in the furniture.”

Cadance rolls her eyes. “Even how many towels are in Arc’s bathroom?”

Flash Sentry turns to Cadance. “Fifteen.”

“I’m sorry. What?”

“The number of towels in the Hero of Light’s bathroom, your highness.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “Wait. Why do you know that?”

“Because I was told to inventory everything, and I mean EVERYTHING, sir!”

Shining Armor turns to Arc. “It’s standard procedure for something like this. Remember all the paperwork on what comes in? Before we can even start letting things in, first we have to know what’s already inside.”

Flash Sentry sighs. “Those forms are even longer, as the office has to trace everything back in Canterlot.”

Cadance raises an eyebrow. “Such as…?”

Arc picks up a paper and looks it over. “The easiest being food. Let’s take a bag of chips for example. First we have to figure out when it arrived. Then the facility it was made in needs to be reinspected to make sure it’s safe. The same also has to be done for the suppliers of each ingredient that goes into the chips.”

Shining Armor turns to Cadance. “And the same goes for the packaging and all the materials that go into it. The paper, ink, adhesive, and even the manufacturer of the materials.”

“Now I see why we have so many aides at the castle.”

Shining Armor nods. “And such a large archives.”

“That too. On the up side, any question you might have regarding anything in here can be answered by a trip to the Archives.”

Cadance thinks for a moment. “Shining Armor, can you tell me what kind of event would lead to a retrieval of documents?”

“You mean why we might need this information?”


“Let’s say you went to Doctor Hooves with an upset stomach after supper. He would send a report to the Archives requesting information on what exactly you ate, how much of it, the ingredients, the sources of the ingredients, how it was prepared, and whom prepared it.”

Arc sighs. “That sounds like a lot of paperwork.”

“It is.”

“Can you elaborate on how much exactly?”

“At least one cart would be required to carry all of it.”

Flash Sentry nods. “And that would be a simple request.”

Arc shudders. “I wonder how much paperwork and backtracking were involved in you and Princess Luna’s poisoning.”

Shining Armor looks to him soberly. “Enough to fill my office from the floor to the roof twice over. I know. I was there.”

Cadance walks over to the window and looks out at all the carts of goods lines up awaiting approval for entry.

“Truthfully, I had no idea how much work it took to keep us safe! Has it always been this way?!”

Shining Armor chuckles. “I had the same question when I took my post. Surprisingly enough Sunburst had the answer.”

“He did?”

“Yes. Apparently that information is considered something of a regular request. It’s known as ‘File #1’.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “Because of all the requests for it?”

Shining Armor shakes his head. “No. Because it’s literally the first file that was sent to the archives.”

Cadance looks interested. “When was it written?”


A Royal Guard enters the office and hurries over to Shining Armor.

“Sir! Miss Twilight requests your presence immediately in the yak’s room.”

Cadance looks concerned. “Is something wrong?”

“She needs approval to order and install special units to cool the room.”

Arc frowns. “What kind of units?”

“Freezer units, sir. She’s already filled out the forms, but they require either you or the Hero of Light’s signature.”

Shining Armor nods. “Lead the way.”

He turns to Cadance.

“I’ll be back just as soon as I can, princess.”

Cadance shakes her head. “No. I’m coming with you.”

Arc chuckles. “It’s going to be pretty boring. Why don’t we take a look at…”

“I understand that, Arc. However I want to know the complete truth in what it takes to make this work start to finish.”

Shining Armor nods. “Very well. Right this way princess.”

The pair leave the room. Flash Sentry turns back to Arc.

“Sir? What is going on?”

“The princess wanted to know how things are done. But I think she’s getting more than she bargained for.”

“Maybe that’s for the best. The higher-ups often don’t think about all the headaches their orders cause us.”

Arc frowns at him.

“My apologies, sir.”

“It’s fine. But I do want you to know this. As someone who’s also done their job, I’d rather wade through paperwork on a daily basis than sit on the throne.”

“Sir, if I may be so bold, can you elaborate as to why?”

“Paperwork might be boring and mind-numbing. But those who do it can at least leave their work at the office. The princesses are literally on call twenty-four hours a day to make potentially life changing decisions that can resonate throughout the entire realm.”

Flash Sentry looks at the piles on the desk. “I suppose the life of a paper pusher is rather dull, but safe. And if they misplace something it doesn’t really have much effect on the system as a whole.”

“Maybe. Then again maybe not.”

“Really? What’s one paper, or even a stack in the grander scheme of things?”

“It matters what paper I suppose. Imagine the princesses became ill every time they entered their office. And let’s say an aide had lost some of the papers on what went into the room. We might not be able to figure out there was a certain chemical used in the fabrication of their office furniture that was the culprit.”

“That makes sense, sir. Better too much information than not enough, I suppose.”

“Something like that.”

Arc motions for all the Royal Guards to leave the office. As they do so he leans in close to his lieutenant.

“How is Raven doing?”

“She’s understandably frightened. As you told me, it’s likely Lord Goldstone will be in attendance.”

“Right. Now remember, you and her can’t be seen in the base during the summit.”

“I can get my coat dyed again if you need me, sir.”

Arc shakes his head. “No. I want you to stay with Raven aboard The Equinox. She’ll need emotional support more than ever.”

“What can I do to help her through this?”

“Keep her happy and busy. Raven asked me to see to it she doesn’t have a lot of free time to think about the slime bag you-know-who in here.”

“I’ll do my best not to disappoint either of you.”

“Thank you. If she has a relapse or starts acting weird you are to send some Royal Guards to fetch Emerald Dream at once. She’s been made aware of this potential outcome.”

“Did she give you any ideas on what else we could do for Raven?”

“Truthfully, she thought Raven should be transferred or given a leave of absence during this event.”


Arc sighs. “Raven herself declined. She’s very dedicated to her position you know.”

“Can’t you order her to take a vacation, sir?”

“I suppose I could. But that might be counter intuitive. Give someone too much free time and they’ll start thinking about things that they shouldn’t.”

“Like letter openers?”


“Could I accompany her elsewhere?”

“She declined that idea as well, saying that her expertise might be useful to me even aboard my ship.”

Arc gestures to the boxes of files in the corner.

“I plan to load these aboard The Equinox after preparations are complete. She can organize and catalogue them for Canterlot.”

“That would certainly make filing them in the Archives easier.”

Arc nods. “And give her something to do.”

Flash Sentry sighs. “I hate this!”


“My apologies, sir. I mean, I hate that she has to stay cooped up in there while Goldstone is free to go where he pleases.”

“So do I. But his time is coming.”

“Thank you sir. In fact, I remind Raven of that nearly every day.”

“Does it help?”

“A bit, yes. But Emerald Dream says she really needs to know her assailant is locked up before she can go much further in her recovery.”

“Hopefully that’s soon. But if griffon legal paperwork is anything like Equestria’s, that might take some time.”

Flash Sentry nods. “Yes sir.”

The lieutenant suddenly looks nervously.

“S-sir? This might not be the best time, but might I talk to you about a personal matter?”

“Certainly. What’s on your mind?”

“I… wanted to show you something.”

Flash Sentry walks over to the desk and opens the top drawer. Pulling out a small box he gives it to Arc.

“What’s this?”

“Take a look inside, sir.”

Arc opens the box to see a beautiful pendant inside. A small sapphire sits gleaming in its center.

“I decided to take your advice and buy her something to accent her frock.”

Arc nods approvingly. “Yes, it will. I’m certain that it will look absolutely stunning on her.”

“Yes. Um… truthfully there is something else though.”

“What is it?”

“I… I haven’t said anything to Raven about this, but… um… when Goldstone is convicted and Princess Celestia returns, I… ah…”

Flash Sentry shifts uneasily on his hooves.

“…I’d like to request a discharge.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “This is pretty sudden. What’s up?”

“Well, the way I see it, things will be pretty well in order at that time. And I’d like to… ask Raven for her hoof in marriage.”

Arc smiles and nods. “Of course. You’d like to settle down with her, wouldn’t you?”

“Yes sir. But I don’t want her worrying about me. I thought I might be able to get a job at the orphanage as a janitor or handystallion.”

“Well, they do always seem to need help over there. It sounds like you’ve really put some thought into this.”

“I have. But I won’t leave if you still need me, of course.”

Arc shakes his head. “No, no. Truth be told, I too was planning on retiring and settling down around that time.”

“Really, sir?!”

“Yes. Like you said, things should be peaceful by then. That and Equestria won’t really need a full time Hero of Light anymore with Princess Celestia around.”

“Most likely not, sir. But what will you do?”

“Probably odd jobs around town like I used to. Maybe even work at the orphanage part-time.”

Flash Sentry grins. “We could continue to work together.”

“I’d like that. You’ve always been loyal and dependable.”

“Thank you, sir. If I may be so bold, are you planning on getting married as well?”

Arc shakes his head. “No. I just want to be able to care for Dinky on a more regular basis. See her off to school, welcome her and Derpy when they get home, put her to bed every night, and be able to watch her grow up.”

“That’s a far cry from what you do now, sir. Are you sure you won’t get bored?”

Arc chuckles. “The role of parenting is far from boring. In fact, I see it as the greatest adventure of my life. And the most rewarding. Maybe one day you and Raven will have a family of your own.”

Flash Sentry blushes slightly. “I’m sure she and I would both like that.”

Arc nods. “Agreed. Well I think I’ll see if I can catch up with Shining Armor and Princess Cadance. You okay over here?”

Flash Sentry nods. “Yes sir. I’ll keep working on this paperwork.”

Arc heads for the door. “Alright. Keep up the good work.”

Flash Sentry smiles and returns to the desk as Arc leaves. A few moments later the Royal Guards reenter the room and continue with their assigned tasks. He smiles and mutters to himself.

“Thank you for understanding, sir. I wish you the best in your future endeavors. Be they great or small.”

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