• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 9 - Two Experiments

Arc and Dinky finish their game of catch. Derpy waves them over as she flies out the Main Hatch with a tray in her hooves.

“Why don’t you two take a break and have a snack?”

Arc grins as he walks over. “Sounds good to me.”

Dinky nods as she follows at her father’s heels. “Yeah! I’m hungry!”

Derpy giggles as she sets the tray down on the grass. “Even after such a large breakfast, sweetie?”

“I’m a growing filly!”

Arc tousles Dinky’s mane. “I think she’s got you, Derpy.”

“That she does!”

They sit down on the grass. Derpy pours cups of tea and passes them to Arc and Dinky before taking one herself.

“So how’s school going, Dinky?”

“Really well, dad!”

Derpy nods. “That it is. Miss Cheerilee said as much at conferences.”

Arc sighs. “I, uh… sorry.”


He takes Dinky’s small hoof.

“I just wanted to apologize for… missing your parent/teacher conferences.”

“Dad, I understand you’re really busy on Earth. It’s okay. Really!”

Arc shakes his head. “No, it’s not, sweetheart. You deserve better than that.”

“But mom was there.”

“And I’m glad she was. But I should have been there too.”

He sighs.

“Look, I… I just want you two to know that after I bring Princess Celestia back to Equestria, I’m going to retire.”

Derpy gasps. “What?!”

“Why, dad?!”

Arc smiles at Dinky. “Because you deserve a full-time father, sweetheart. Not one that’s always trapesing around the world. Or worlds, as the case may be.”

“But don’t you like being the Hero of Light, Arc?”

Arc nods. “I do, yes. But I love our daughter more.”

“Th-thanks, dad. I love you too. But I don’t want you to give up helping others for my sake.”

“I won’t, sweetheart.”

Derpy appears confused. “Arc?”

“I’ll still help others locally. That way I can be there when you get home every day, cook supper together with your mother, and tuck you in at night.”

“That would be awesome, dad! But… um…”

Arc looks confused. “Something wrong?”

“It’s just… I don’t know if you’d be happy with a life like that. It sounds kinda… boring to me.”

“That’s where you’re wrong, sweetheart. The greatest adventure of my life will be watching your grow up.”

Dinky hops into his lap and puts her small hooves around him.

“Thanks, dad. But do one thing for me?”

“What is it?”

Dinky smiles as she looks up into Arc’s face. “Just do what makes you happy, okay?”

Arc puts his arms around her. “I will, sweetheart. Promise.”

Derpy nods. “I know you’ll do the right thing for our daughter, Arc. Thank you for being there for her and I.”

She joins the pair in a hug. After a time Arc looks up the plateau.

“I wonder if Twilight and Auriel would like a snack.”

“Want me to ask them?”

“Sure, Derpy.”

“Okay. Be right back.”

Spreading her wings Derpy takes off and flies to the top of the plateau. She finds the pair hard at work.

“Twilight? Arc wanted to know if you’d like a bit of a morning snack.”

“No, thank you. We’re alright.”

Auriel nods. “Agreed. Thank you for the offer though.”

“Everything going all right up here?”

Twilight nods. “Yes. We’re right on schedule to have this put together by lunchtime.”

Derpy turns around. “I’ll let you get back to it then. But don’t work too hard.”

She flaps her wings and descends. Auriel turns to Twilight.

“You think Arc sent her up here to check up on us?”

Twilight shakes her head. “I doubt it. After all, he could have just as easily Blinked himself up to do that.”

“Do you suppose that’s what he’ll do to get the essence up here?”

Twilight frowns. “That might not be a good idea. After all, it seems to resist magical energies.”

“I wonder why.”

“No idea. But that’s certainly something we should test later.”


Meanwhile, Derpy returns to Arc and Dinky.

“They’re not interested in eating right now.”

Arc frowns. “Oh? That’s not like Twilight.”

“I think they’re just really focused at the moment.”

“What should we do now, dad?”

Cherry calls out to them. “How about cloud watching?”

Arc grins. “That’s a great idea, Cherry.”

Derpy appears confused. “What’s cloud watching, Arc?”

“I’ll show you. Just follow my lead.”

He flops down on his back in the grass. Derpy and Dinky do the same.

“What now, dad?”

Arc points up at a large cloud.

“What does that look like to you, sweetheart?”

“Um… a cloud?”

Derpy puts a hoof to her chin. “I think it’s more like a bowl of salad.”

Arc grins. “Well, I see a hot fudge sundae.”

Dinky squints. “Where?”

Arc laughs. “It’s a game, Dinky. There are no right or wrong answers. All you have to do is look up at the clouds and use your imagination.”

Dinky puts a hoof to her chin for a moment.

“Well, I guess to me it does kinda look like dad’s hair when he wakes up.”

Derpy giggles. “Now that you mention it, I see that too.”

Arc chuckles. “Sounds like you two are getting into it.”

“This is kinda fun, dad!”

Derpy nods. “I’ll say.”

Cherry giggles. “It’s certainly a nice little diversion.”

“Yeah. That and a good way to spend time together. But what do YOU think that cloud looks like, Cherry?”



“The top of a cherry tree.”

They all enjoy a good laugh as they continue their game. As the sun rises higher in the sky Auriel flies down from the plateau and over to Arc.

“Twilight wanted me to tell you the machine is assembled and awaiting the essence.”

Arc stands up. “Alright. Tell her I’ll bring it up there momentarily.”

“Sure. See you in a bit.”

Auriel spreads her wings and takes flight as Arc turns back to Derpy and Dinky.

“Why don’t you two head to the Cafeteria? I’ll meet you there in a few minutes.”

“Okay. Come along, Dinky.”

“Don’t be late, dad.”

Arc chuckles as the pair head for the gangplank. “Come on, Dinky. When have I ever been late for a meal?”

Derpy and Dinky laugh as they enter the ship. Meanwhile Auriel lands next to Twilight.

“Arc says he’s going to bring the essence up soon.”

Twilight nods as she looks over her control panel. “Does he need any help?”

“He didn’t ask for any, so I just guessed he had it figured out.”

Twilight looks up, confused. “Wait! He didn’t tell you what he has planned?!”

Auriel shakes her head. “No. But I’m sure he’s come up with the solution, and will be implementing his well thought out plan shortly.”

Suddenly Arc Blinks up onto the plateau. Twilight looks over to him.

“Arc? Where’s the…?”

Looking up, Arc stretches out his arms and catches the keg before walking over to the pair.

“He you go.”

Auriel gasps. “How did…? Arc, did you have Ember THROW that up to you?!”

Twilight frowns. “All things considered, that was pretty dangerous.”

Arc shakes his head. “In reality, I threw it to myself.”

Twilight’s eyes grow wide. “What?! How?!”

Cherry giggles. “It’s true.”

Arc sets the keg down. “Easy. I just threw it as hard as I could and then Blinked up here to catch it. Great plan, eh?”

Twilight turns to Auriel.

“You were saying?”

Auriel sighs. “Well, he did get it up here. Maybe not the best way, but it is here.”

Arc grins. “Yup. So do you want me to help put it in the machine?”

Twilight waves her hooves in front of her face as she shakes her head. “No, no! Auriel and I will do that!”

Auriel stoops down and picks up the keg. “Thank you for your assistance, Arc.”

“No problem. So… what happens now?”

Twilight points to a panel as Auriel approaches it.

“We pour in the essence and the machine begins the process of altering it.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “Altering?”

Auriel looks over as she pours. “Super compressing it in a very specific way.”

Twilight nods. “Right. Like we said before, everything needs to be perfect.”

“Well, you two ready for lunch? Nothing to do while you wait, right?”

Auriel turns back to the control panel. “Someone should watch the gauges. It’s unlikely anything could go wrong at this point, but we shouldn’t take this lightly.”

Twilight nods. “Agreed. Why don’t you head inside, Auriel? I can take the first watch.”

“I could. But I’d rather keep an eye on this too.”

Cherry calls out to them. “Would you like Arc and I to bring you two something?”

Twilight nods. “Oh, would you? That would be great!”

“Sure. I’ll be right back.”

Arc Blinks back onto The Equinox’s deck before heading inside the ship. Auriel turns to Twilight.

“This should be a pretty uneventful process.”

“In theory, yes. But I don’t want to miss even a second!”

Auriel giggles. “I know what you mean. We’ve worked so hard to get to this point, after all.”

Arc returns a few minutes later and walks over to the pair. They appear confused as Twilight speaks.

“Um… I thought you were going to bring lunch.”

“Oh, I was. But then the others came up with a better idea.”

“What do you mean?”

“You’ll see, Auriel.”

Calling forth his gauntlet, Arc opens a portal. A few moments later Derpy and Dinky step out with a dinner cart. Ember and Frank follow with a stack of plates and a jug of water. Twilight gasps.

“What’s all this?”

Derpy smiles at her. “We didn’t want you two to have to eat out here by yourselves.”

Dinky grins. “So we thought we’d all join you!”

Frank looks at the sky. “May as well. It’s too nice a day to stay inside.”

Ember chuckles. “Yeah. That and Frank needed a break from studying.”

Arc turns to Frank as he helps Dinky set out the picnic blanket. “Hard at it, eh?”

Frank nods. “You could say that.”

Twilight and Auriel lend their aid. Soon the food is set out and served. Auriel sits on the now empty keg and watches the instruments as Twilight eats.

“I’ll hurry so you can have lunch, Auriel.”

“Thank you, but please don’t eat too quickly. It’s bad for your digestive tract.”

Dinky turns to Ember.

“So you’re helping my dad’s friend learn magic, Miss Ember?”

“Yeah. And he needs all the help he can get.”

Frank sighs. “While not completely inaccurate, I am grateful for her assistance nonetheless.”

Arc looks to Twilight. “Thanks for suggesting that book. Truth be told, I had forgotten I even had it.”

“You’re welcome.”

Frank clears his throat. “Let me show you what I’ve learned.”

He stretches out a hand and casts a Telekinesis Spell. Lifting the water jug he carefully refills Twilight’s glass before setting it back in its place.

“There you are.”

Auriel smiles. “Impressive!”

Ember rolls her eyes. “Not really. Even a foal could do that.”

She turns to Dinky.

“No offense.”

Dinky giggles. “None taken.”

Derpy turns to Frank. “Is that spell hard?”

“While it is easy to cast, it’s quite hard to be precise.”

Dinky grins. “He’s right. While it looks easy, manipulating an object you’re already levitating does take a bit of concentration.”

Twilight nods. “It’s like multi-tasking. Tricky to get everything right.”

Frank turns to Arc. “Ember tells me you’re quite the caster in your own right, my friend.”

“I suppose so.”

Auriel grins. “Your powers are quite impressive, Arc.”

Twilight nods affectionately. “Yes. I’ve never heard of somepony learning such skills so fast!”

Derpy giggles. “Dinky might be a close second.”

“I take after my dad.”

“Thanks for the vote of confidence everyone. But it’s nothing anyone couldn’t accomplish given enough study.”

Twilight shakes her head. “I have to disagree. Remember, I’ve been studying magic my whole life!”

Ember nods. “That and you even took lessons from Celestia herself.”

Twilight sighs. “Yes, well…”

Frank attempts to push the conversation forward. “Tell us, Arc. How did you get so adept at this metaphysical power?”

“Like I said before. Practice, practice, practice.”

Frank frowns. “There has to be more to it than that.”

Ember looks at Frank suspiciously. “Why are you so interested in magical speed learning all of a sudden?!”

“Frank’s always been a quick study. Wanting to understand the ‘hows’ and ‘whys’ of knowledge. But I get the feeling there’s more to it this time around.”

“All I want to do is use what I learn here to further the Shard’s goals.”

Auriel looks confused. “Goals?”

“Making Earth a better place.”

Dinky turns to him. “Like my dad?”

Ember frowns. “Not quite!”

“While it’s true my methods are a bit more… extreme than Arc approves of, I assure you that I am fully willing to do what is necessary to…”

Ember brandishes her claws. “To what?! Conquer the world?!”

Frank shakes his head. “Nothing quite so grandiose in the beginning.”

Auriel tilts her head to one side. “Can you elaborate?”

“Certainly. First I’ll take control of Angel Grove and implement my policies of fairness and equality for all. Then, after I’ve proven my ideals work to the surrounding towns, they’ll likely join us. This will start a domino effect, eventually covering the state. From there it’s only a matter of time before the rest of the country cries out to their leaders to concede. If all goes well, I’m hoping to privatize world peace.”

Derpy appears confused. “Privatize… what?”

“The governments of my world have failed the citizens. All desire to live in peace in their lands. However, those in power care nothing for the plight of the common citizen.”

Ember shakes her head. “That’s not going to work.”

“Oh? And why not, Ember?”

“Because I’m going to stop you HERE AND NOW!”

She lunges toward Frank but finds herself knocked aside as something hits her. Attempting to get to her feet Ember finds herself being held down by Arc himself.

“Let me up! We have to stop him from conquering your world!”

“Calm down, Ember.”

“Calm down? CALM DOWN?! Your entire race could be enslaved AND YOU WANT ME TO CALM DOWN?!”

Arc nods. “Yes. Trust me on this as you have in the past.”

Ember clenches a fist as she silently nods. Frank smirks as Arc lets her up. The pair return to their spots.

“So, are you interested in helping me reach this goal, Arc?”

“No, Frank.”

“Really? Might I ask why not?”

“Because you’ve failed to take into account one very important detail.”

“Oh? And what’s that?”

“The Hero of Light.”

Dinky grins. “Yeah! You don’t think he’d let you do that?!”

“I do actually.”

Derpy turns to Frank. “How do you figure that?”

“Easy. Arc saw Ember about to harm me, and he didn’t allow it. He could never raise a hand against a friend.”

Frank turns to Arc and smiles.

“That’s why you left the Shards instead of challenging my leadership, wasn’t it?”

Arc nods. “Yeah.”

Frank puts his hands together. “Then it’s settled.”

“Not quite.”

Frank rolls his eyes. “Let me guess. You’d try to talk me out of it?”


“That didn’t work last time.”

“True. But I’m not the same guy you knew back then.”

Frank chuckles. “Some things never change, my friend.”

Arc smirks. “That may be. But I’ve learned a lot since coming to Equestria about friendship, magic, and what is needed to defend it.”

“Simple words do not will battles.”

“No. But they are part of the equation.”

“And the other part?

Arc reaches for his ring and pulls out the Spear of Righteousness. Pointing it across the blanket at Frank he frowns.

“The willingness to take up arms for what one believes in.”

Frank puts his hand on the spearhead. “I have a gang whom follows me unquestioningly.”

Arc narrows his eyes. “I have a warship.”

He turns and gestures to The Equinox before continuing.

“Oh… and a COUNTRY behind me!”

Ember grins. “Make that TWO countries! Three if you include Sereb’s tribe!”

Arc nods. “You really want to go this route, Frank?”

“I don’t believe you have it in you to oppose me, Arc.”

Arc shrugs as he puts his spear away. “Then try it and see what happens.”

Ember grits her teeth. “Arc’s tougher than you know! He did what needed to be done as Lord Regent, after all!”

Dinky nods approvingly. “Yeah! No matter what happened, my dad never gave up! Not even on a newborn filly!”

Derpy smiles. “That’s right. Not even a friendless, pregnant nopony like me.”

Twilight sighs. “Or a mare whom really messed things up… numerous times.”

Auriel looks down at her claws. “And a scientist whom had given the other demons the means to invade this land.”

Ember turns to Arc. “Right. He stuck by me in Tartarus even before he knew my name.”

“I’ve seen a lot since coming here, Frank, and I now know I can’t let my emotions cloud my judgment. While it may be hard to do so, I’ll do what’s best for everyone regardless of my own feelings.”

Frank chuckles. “You’ve come a long way since we stood side by side with the Shards, my friend. I’m very proud of you.”

“And you’ve come a long way since aging out of the orphanage. But we went in two different directions for a reason.”

Frank nods. “I suppose we’ll have to agree to disagree on that matter.”

Ember scoffs. “You can.”

Arc turns back to his meal. “In any case, let’s just enjoy the day and this meal. Then you and I can practice together.”

Twilight appears nervous. “Um… aren’t you worried your friend might do something bad with his magical abilities, Arc?”


Frank raises an eyebrow. “Really? Might I ask why?”

“Because I’m hoping I can show you what I learned in this land about peace and how to obtain it, Frank.”

“I’m looking forward to that, my friend.”

Arc nods. “So am I.”

“You’re not serious, are you?!”

“Yes, Twilight. Think of it like a science experiment in diplomacy. I have my hypothesis laid out and will now observe as we continue.”

Auriel frowns. “This doesn’t sound like a very good idea.”

Ember clenches a fist. “Agreed.”

Derpy turns to the others. “I have faith in Arc’s decision.”

“My dad knows what he’s doing.”

Arc turns to Twilight.

“It looks like we’re evenly split on this matter. What do you think?”

Twilight puts a hoof to her chin and thinks for a few moments before responding.

“I think… that it’s very unwise. But I’ve learned to trust you. Arc. Even when the logical part of my brain says not to. After all, that’s a major part of friendship.”

Frank turns to Twilight. “Oh?”

“A lesson that took me quite some time to learn. Trust my friends, listen to them, and respect their opinions.”

“What about…?”

Twilight stands and moves to take over for Auriel.

“If there’s one thing I’ve learned, it’s that there are no ‘what ifs’ in friendship.”

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